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09-09 投稿


cellarer 发音

英:[['sel?r?]]  美:[['sel?r?]]

英:  美:

cellarer 中文意思翻译



cellarer 短语词组

1、cellarer state ─── 酒窖州

2、cellarer wine bar ─── 酒窖 ─── 酒吧

3、cellarer wine bar barcelona ─── 巴塞罗那酒窖酒吧

cellarer 相似词语短语

1、cellarers ─── n.管窖人,葡萄酒库管理者;衣食住管理员

2、cellarmen ─── n.酒窖管理者

3、cellarets ─── n.酒橱

4、cellae ─── 小室

5、clearer ─── n.清洁剂,清洁器;票据交换银行;adj.更清楚的;更明显的;更思维敏锐的;更容易看的;更透明的;(天气)更晴朗的;(皮肤)更无斑的;(眼睛)更明亮的;更畅通无阻的;更清白的;更摆脱(不愉快事物)的;更远离的;更完整的;(扣除税项后)更净的

6、cellars ─── [建]地窖;酒窖

7、cellared ─── n.地窖;酒窖;地下室;vt.把…藏入地窖;n.(Cellar)人名;(捷)采拉尔

8、cellaret ─── n.酒橱

9、cellar ─── n.地窖;酒窖;地下室;vt.把…藏入地窖;n.(Cellar)人名;(捷)采拉尔

cellarer 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The cellar was cribbed with wood to prevent the walls from collapsing. ─── 地下室沿墙装设了木板,以防墙壁倒塌。

2、The cellar was flooded with water. ─── 地窖被水淹了。

3、There's room in the cellar to store old furniture and what have you. ─── 地下室有地方存放旧家具之类的东西。

4、The cellar is $ flooded with water. ─── 地窖满地是水。

5、He went to his cellar and routed out a bottle of port. ─── 他走到地窖找出了一瓶葡萄酒。

6、One day whileher guardian was out she did open the cellar door. ─── 一天,她养父母出门了,她就打开了地窖的门。

7、Change joss-stick to change slowly in the cellar of the years. ─── 在岁月的地窖里慢慢的变香变醇.

8、The wine which was in the cellar was ruined. ─── 地窖里的那些酒全都坏了。

9、A solitary candle lightened the darkness of the cellar . ─── 一支孤烛照亮着黑暗的地窖。

10、They have swept down the house from attic to cellar. ─── 他们已把那幢房从屋顶楼到地下室全部打扫过了。

11、They were ensconced in the cellar. ─── 他们躲在地下室里。

12、Dorothy pick up toto and ran to the cellar door. ─── 多罗西抱起托托,跑向地下室的门口。

13、It is dark as midnight it the cellar. ─── 地窖里漆黑如夜。

14、He shone the flashlight around the cellar. ─── 他用手电筒往地窖各处照了照。

15、A fee charged for storage in a cellar. ─── 储藏费在窑内储藏物品收取的费用

16、The butler is in charge of the wine cellar. ─── 仆役长负责管理酒窖。

17、The cheese molded in the damp cellar. ─── 乳酪在潮湿的地下室中长了霉。

18、He took a bottle of wine from the cellar. ─── 他从酒窖里拿出一瓶酒。

19、They went on an evening excursion to a local wine cellar and wine tasting. ─── 他们继续进行一次夜间短途旅行,前往当地酒窖去品尝美酒。

20、He tied the boxes together and carried them into the cellar. ─── 他把这些盒子捆在一起运到地下室。

21、He began its inspection without delay, scouring it from cellar to garret. ─── 他马上开始把整个住宅巡视一番,从地窖到阁楼处处都跑遍了。

22、The management of the cellar and the requirement of organoleptic and chem. ─── 以及怎样合理建窖,使用窖养护窖具体要求;

23、You will be a wood-louse in a cellar. ─── 你将成为地窖里的一只土鳖。

24、A dry March, wet April and cool May, fill barn and cellar and bring much hay. ─── 三月干旱,四月潮湿,五月凉快,装满谷仓和地窖,干草出产也不少。

25、Mind the step when you go down into the cellar. ─── 你走到地下室去时要当心台阶。

26、A wine cellar is a sanctuary, a museum, a larder or an ego trip. ─── 一个酒窖是一个圣地,一个博物馆,一个食品库,或者一段追求个人满足的旅程。

27、The wine which in the cellar was all ruined. ─── 地窖里的酒都坏了。

28、 双语使用场景

29、A fingerprint reader gives only him access to the wine cellar. ─── 一个指纹解读器只让他进入这个酒窖。

30、Our cellar caved during the earthquake. ─── 地震时,我们的地窖塌陷了。

31、They sling up boxes from the cellar. ─── 他们把箱子从地窖中吊挂上来。

32、A passage or an opening leading to a hold, compartment, or cellar. ─── 地窖口,天窗通向地牢、水密舱或阁楼的通道或开口

33、Paul and Alberto have a conversation in the wine cellar. ─── 在酒窖里,保罗和阿尔贝托进行了一场谈话。

34、To the renting object belong a cellar and a screed compartment. ─── 不过意思就这样啦。。

35、He has plenty of salted meat in a tub in his cellar. ─── 他在地窖的桶子里放了很多腌肉。

36、The noise fetched him from the cellar. ─── 喧闹声使他从地下室跑了出来。

37、The manage ment of the cellar and the requirement of organoleptic and chem. ─── 以及怎样合理建窖,使用窖养护窖具体要求;

38、Mind the steps when you go down into the cellar. ─── 你走到地下室去时要当心台阶.

39、They lowered the boxes into the cellar by a sling. ─── 他们用吊索将箱子放进地窖。

40、His wife Rosemary, a nursing sister by background, runs the cellar door. ─── 他的太太罗斯玛丽做过护理工作,就替他管理酒窖。

41、You risk insulting your French host by insinuating his cellar is inadequate. ─── 你冒的危险是:这可能对你的法国主人是一种羞辱,因为送酒暗示他的酒窖中无好酒待客。

42、What do you find in a haunted cellar? ─── 在闹鬼的酒窖里会发现什么?

43、A lighted candle lit up the cellar. ─── 一支点燃的蜡烛照亮了地下室。

44、He has put down a good cellar of wine. ─── 他储藏了一窑好酒。

45、There's room in the cellar to store unused furniture and what have you. ─── 地下室里有地方存放不用的家具之类的东西。

46、The cabbages he bought are all piled up in the cellar. ─── 他把刚买来的大白菜堆垛在地窖里。

47、In general Preference sauerkraut, pickles, vegetable cellar and just dish. ─── 境内普遍喜食泡菜、腌菜、窖菜和甫菜。

48、In the cellar is a head.If you have a red gem, he will tell you the code. ─── 在地窖头。如果您有一颗红色宝石,他将告诉您代码。

49、It was pitch-dark in the cellar. ─── 地下室漆黑一片。

50、In a well--fanned Forty-second Street cellar I met Gatsby for lunch. ─── 在四十二号街一家电扇大开的地下餐厅里,我跟盖茨比碰头一起吃午饭。

51、The cellar was seething with spiders. ─── 地窖里满是蜘蛛

52、There was a cellar there that the boys had excavated. ─── 在那里一些男孩子们已经把一个地窖清理过。

53、We take shelter in the hotel cellar when the civil war start. ─── 内战开始时,我们躲到了饭店的地下室里。

54、They had some wines down cellar. ─── 他们在地窖里储存了一些酒。

55、Cellar Le Pinot is pleased to invite you to attend the tasting party of the wines from BOTT family from Alsace. ─── 品诺酒窖荣幸地邀请您前来品尝阿尔萨斯的鲍特家族葡萄酒。

56、There existed at the Chatelet in Paris a large and long cellar. ─── 从前在巴黎的小沙特雷,有个长长的大地牢。

57、He went to his cellar and brought out a bottle of wine. ─── 他去地窖找出了一瓶红葡萄酒。

58、The cellar is flooded with water . ─── 地窖灌满了水。

59、He keeps a barrel of the local red wine his cellar and taps off a couple of bottles every day. ─── 他在酒窖藏了一桶本地红葡萄酒,每天汲出两三瓶饮用。

60、An unmotivated Davis playing on a cellar dweller? ─── 一个不能散发活力的戴维斯就去担任地下党的角色?

61、Only the venliator in the cellar window kept up a cealess rattle. ─── 只有地下室窗户上的鼓风机发出无休无止的呼呼声。

62、The cellar was soon cleared out. ─── 地下室很快清空了。

63、The hero's coal cellar is an apt symbol of the isolation of the individual in an impersonal city. ─── 主人公的地窖是一个在人们失去了自我的城市里个人孤独的贴切象征。

64、Wear work vests when working below the cellar deck. ─── 在圆井甲板面下面工作时须穿工作救生衣。

66、You certainly have a very extensive cellar. ─── 你们的藏酒的确非常丰富。

67、After the rain the whole cellar was afloat. ─── 下雨后,地下室全进水了。

68、They helped themselves to the wine in the cellar. ─── 他们随意乱饮窖里的酒。

69、One day my wife accompanied me into the cellar. ─── 一天,我妻子跟着我到地窖去办点事。

70、The cellar in his family stores many vegetables. ─── 他家地窖子里储藏了很多蔬菜。

71、The cellar is below road level. ─── 地窖在路面以下。

72、It's kind of creepy down in the cellar! ─── 地窖里真令人有点不寒而栗!

73、She roamed the building from garret to cellar. ─── 她一直从阁楼找到地窖。

74、A horizontal or sloping structure providing access to a cellar stairway. ─── 为进入地下室的楼梯而修建的水平的或倾斜的结构

75、The cellar floods whenever it rains heavily. ─── 一下大雨地窖里就灌满了水。

76、He hit his head against the wall in the dark cellar. ─── 他在黑暗的地窖中把头撞在墙上。

77、They shut the boy up in the cellar. ─── 他们把那男孩关在地窖里。

78、He went to his cellar and routed out a bottle of port . ─── 他走进地窖,找出了一瓶葡萄酒。

79、Their vegetable cellar caved suddenly yesterday. ─── 他们的菜窖昨天突然倒塌。

80、The cellar floods whenever it rains heavily . ─── 一下大雨地窖里就灌满了水.

81、Nobody appeared when she called in subdued tones cellar. ─── 他低声喊了几次都没有人出来。

82、The cellar was a very dark place. ─── 地窖是个很黑的地方。

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