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feminization 发音

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feminization 中文意思翻译



feminization 网络释义

n. 女性化;阴性化;雌性化

feminization 短语词组

1、feminization voice therapy ─── 女性化嗓音治疗

2、feminization for work ─── 工作女性化

3、feminization quiz ─── 女性化测验

4、feminization of poverty ─── 贫困女性化

5、feminization surgeries ─── 女性化手术

6、bovine ovary feminization ─── 牛卵巢女性化

7、feminization app ─── 女性化应用程序

8、feminization frequencies ─── 女性化频率

feminization 相似词语短语

1、deaminization ─── n.去氨基(等于deamination)

2、feminisation ─── 女性化;雌性化

3、demonization ─── n.妖魔化

4、Germanization ─── n.德国化;德语翻译

5、aluminization ─── 渗铝

6、defeminization ─── n.失雌性态;女性性征消失

7、defeminizations ─── 去女性化

8、defeminisation ─── 去女性化

9、hominization ─── n.人化,人化过程

feminization 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、adrenal feminization ─── 肾上腺性女性化

2、Info:We use the high quality fabrics and adornments to create classic, glamorous styles to suit the femin ...... ─── 主要材质:棉次要材质:棉尺码:全码适用季节:夏

3、testicular feminization locus ─── 睾丸女性化位点

4、Catholic Feminization and Female Education in 19th Century France ─── 19世纪法国天主教的女性化和女子教育

5、Keywords hermaphroditism;testicular feminization;diagnosis; ─── 两性畸形;睾丸女性化;诊断;

6、This article questiones about the viewpoint that the feminization, the edge and the technology tendency of archival profession development tendency for the first time. ─── 本文对档案职业的发展趋势,尤其是对档案职业女性化、边缘化、技术化趋势的观点,首次提出了质疑。

7、A man五大三粗it will have a sweet nickname feminization of moving to play an angel of love. ─── 一个五大三粗的男子汉可以起一个甜蜜动人的女性化昵称,扮演爱情天使。

8、Keywords Wolbachia reproductive incompatibility parthenogenesis feminization male killing biological control; ─── 沃尔巴克氏体;生殖不亲和;孤雌生殖;雌性化;杀雄;生物防治;

9、The score is higher, the cerebrum is full of much more feminization with rich creativity. ─── 分数越高,大脑就越女性化,富有创意,

10、The feminization of the round, it is a good material to the swap. ─── 王范抬眼望去,身上足有十多处被刀砍过后留下的伤疤。

11、Just rounding the corners might have produced as much feminization with less loss of tooth structure. ─── 圆滑线角可能既可以产生更多“女性化”感觉又可以少磨牙。

12、Research on the feminization trend in agricultural production and science and technological extension ─── 农业生产的女性化趋势与农业科技推广研究

13、These are the feminization of calligraphy, and style calligraphy. ─── 这些都是女性化的书法,是和式书法。

14、The simple creativity demonstrated everybody the wind, the feminization has not flowed in trivially , but lies in the graceful concern. ─── 简单创意显示出大家之风,女性化没有流于琐碎,而在于优雅的关怀。

15、Steroid use causes male feminization and female masculinization. ─── 使用类固醇会导致男性女性化和女性男性化。

16、Research On the tendency of feminization of boys of medium and high grades in primary school ─── 小学中高年级男孩女性化倾向的研究

17、Keywords chicken;environment hormone;DES(Diethylstilbestrol);feminization; ─── 鸡;环境激素;己烯雌酚;雌化;

18、The simple creativity demonstrated everybody the wind, the feminization has not flowed in trivially, but lies in the graceful concern. ─── 简单创意显示出大家之风,女性化没有流于琐碎,而在于优雅的关怀。

19、testicular feminization mutant(TFM) ─── 睾丸女性化突变型

20、agricultural feminization ─── 农业女性化

21、testicular feminization(syndrome) ─── 睾丸女性化(综合征)

22、Feminization of poverty appears as a relatively new social problem in America. ─── 贫困妇女化是美国新近出现的一个社会问题。

23、With extreme one-sided "future" and the feminization of the "romanticism" of the collision, causing a spark to lead the trend. ─── 带有片面极端的“未来主义”与女性化的“浪漫主义”相碰撞,擦出一股引领潮流火花。

24、Just rounding the corners might hae produced as much feminization with less loss of tooth structure. ─── 圆滑线角可能既可以产生更多“女性化”感觉又可以少磨牙。

25、incomplete testicular feminization syndrome ─── 不完全性睾丸女性化综合征

26、Word from her subjects to create a graceful style Roumei the feminization of the main characteristics, displaying a very special in that era of the knowledge of women's spiritual world. ─── 她的词从题材到风格形成了以婉约柔媚为主的女性化特点,展现了一个在那个时代十分特殊的知识女性的心灵世界。

27、Feminization blog and do not want to enjoy fancy can try this topic. ─── 想做女性化博客而又不喜欢花哨的可以试试这款主题。

28、And red can be warm atmosphere into the room, without fear or feminization room will be too rash. ─── 而红色还可以将热烈的气氛带入室内,而不必担心房间会因此过于女性化或浮躁。

29、The fourth part, it pondered some questions about phenomenon of agriculture feminization of JilinProvince. ─── 第四部分针对吉林省农业女性化的现象,得出几点思考。

30、testicular feminization mutant ─── TFM

31、As for the feminization of poverty, there has been some evidence to support this trend. ─── 对于贫穷女性化的议题,本文发现五个指标中有三个指标观察出一些贫穷女性化的现象。

32、Testicular feminization syndrome,the most common type of male pseudohermaphroditism,is an X-linked recessive disorder. ─── 睾丸女性化综合征是一种X连锁的隐性遗传病,为男性假两性畸形中最常见的类型。

33、Want proof of the feminization of product design? ─── 想要看到女性化的产品设计吗?

34、complete testicular feminization ─── 完全型睾丸女性化

35、Anxieties over civilization, especially urbanization, industrialization and feminization, nurtured a wilderness complex, which found its loud expression in London's early fiction. ─── 一种文明焦虑-城市化带来的空间焦虑、工业化带来的精神焦虑和女性化带来的文化焦虑-开始困扰美国人的心理,引向一种荒原情结。

36、Therefore, Jilin province had tendency ofagricultural feminization with varying degree each place. ─── 因此,我省各地都不同程度地出现了农业女性化的趋势。

37、One of the reasons for this growing "feminization of AIDS" is the relative powerlessness of women in much of the developing world. ─── 这种不断增强的“AIDS女性化”的其中一个原因是在许多发展中国家妇女相对地缺乏权力。

38、tesicular feminization ─── 睾丸女性化

39、testicular feminization syndrome ─── 男性假两性畸形-女性化综合征睾丸雌性化综合征睾丸女性化综合征

40、incomplete testicular feminization ─── 不完全睾丸女性化

41、To the archival profession development feminization,the edge, the technology tendency viewpoint proposed the question, and proposed the more objective development tendency. ─── 对档案职业发展的女性化、边缘化、技术化趋势观点提出了质疑,并提出了较客观的发展趋势。

42、testicular feminization ─── 睾丸女性化症

43、The poverty problem in China is characterized by feminization, and the trend is getting more and more serious.The underestimation of the phenomena will lead to serious economic and social problems. ─── 我国城市贫困问题呈现出女性化的趋势,而且这种趋势越来越严重,如果不加以重视必将引发严重的管理问题。

44、Feminization trend of Agriculture production in Countries of West China ─── 西部农村呈现出农业生产女性化趋势

45、Just rounding the corners might have produced as much feminization with less loss of tooth structure.Getting a higher smile line would do more to feminize her smile. ─── 如果做一个系带修整术可能会使患者的笑线更高些。

46、ascertainment testicular feminization ─── 睾丸女性化调查

47、AIM To summarize the diagnostic points and therapeutic experience of 6 cases of testicular feminization syndrome. ─── 目的总结6例睾丸女性化综合征的诊断及治疗体会。

48、feminization of the total rooms to pursue warm romantic, this is a nation full of color space. ─── 女性化的房间总要追求温馨浪漫,这是一个充满民族色彩的空间。

49、In the middle atmosphere romantic and natural, added the feminization elements. ─── 在浪漫与自然的中间氛围中,添加了女性化的要素。

50、United Nations Expert Group Meeting on the Feminization of International Migration; ─── 国际移徙中女性人数日增问题联合国专家组会议;

51、Analysis on the Vocational Feminization in Our Country's Libraries ─── 浅析我国图书馆职业女性化问题

52、ObjectiveTo analyze the clinical characteristics and investigate the diagnosis and treatment principles of testicular feminization syndrome(TFS). ─── 目的分析睾丸女性化综合征的临床特点,探讨其诊断及处理原则。

53、Expert Group Meeting on the Feminization of Internal Migration; ─── 国内移徙中女性人数日增问题专家组会议;

54、The feminization of the AIDS pandemic is a reminder that women need the power to protect their health. ─── 艾滋病流行的女性化提醒人们,女性需要保护自身健康的力量。

55、One of the reasons for this growing “feminization of AIDS” is the relative powerlessness of women in much of the developing world. ─── 这种不断增强的“AIDS女性化”的其中一个原因是在许多发展中国家妇女相对地缺乏权力。

56、The trend of feminization in the novels of Shen Cong- wen and Sun Li ─── 论沈从文、孙犁小说创作的女性化倾向

57、They might be behind us in everything else but in male feminization Taiwan and the rest of Asia are clearly decades in front. ─── 他们或许在很多地方都落后于我们,但在台湾和其他亚洲国家,男性女性化是完全的进步我们好几十年。

58、Actually China's male writes the thing, are most is the feminization. ─── 其实中国的男性写的东西,多数是女性化的。

59、the feminization of migration ─── 国际移民女性化

60、Notably, Snyder's team did not detect any of the estrogenic compounds that have been implicated in the feminization of fish in either the source water or the treated drinking water. ─── 值得注意的是,斯奈德的团队并没有发现任何的雌激素化合物已被牵连的女性化的鱼类,无论是在源水或经处理的饮用水。

61、Willow: male subjects than the feminization; ─── 柳树:男性受测者较女性化;

62、testicular feminization mutation ─── 睾丸女性化变异

63、complete testicular feminization syndrome ─── 完全性睾丸女性化综合征

64、In addition to harming female animals, endocrine disruptors can cause the "feminization" of males.In Arizona, these chemicals hae shrunken the gonads of largemouth bass and common carp. ─── 除了伤害雌性动物,内分泌干扰物还能导致雄性的“女性化”。

65、Keywords testicular feminization syndrome;androgen receptor;gene mutation;testectomy; ─── 睾丸女性化综合征;雄激素受体;基因突变;睾丸切除术;

66、In the course of project implementation, women were particularly concerned about, as well as the feminization of agriculture in today’s reality. ─── 在项目实施过程中,特别关注女性和当今农业女性化实际。


68、Clothing with very tight, highlighting the feminization of the body design of S-shaped curve. ─── 穿衣与非常紧紧,突出呈S形的曲线身体设计的雌性化。

69、" Everyone knows this way, "concludes" "Heaven" was inevitable feminization, and "people" have become the male representative, "he" of "ordered" and the "means" are thus has an extraordinary strength. ─── 殊不知如此一来,“人定胜天”的“天”就不可避免地被女性化了,而“人”则成了男权代表,“他”的“喝令”和“开道”也由此而具有了非凡力量。

70、The general trend is that the lower temperature favoured feminization,while higher temperature favoured masculization. ─── 总的趋势是高温有利于雄性化,而低温则有利于雌性化。

71、The general trend is that the lower temperature favoured feminization, while higher temperature favoured masculization. ─── 总的趋势是高温有利于雄性化,而低温则有利于雌性化。

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