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09-09 投稿



foetal 发音

[ 'fitl]

英:  美:

foetal 中文意思翻译



foetal 网络释义

adj. 胎儿的;似胎儿的

foetal 短语词组

1、foetal defects ─── 胎儿缺陷

2、foetal dead ─── 胎儿死亡

3、foetal mesoderm ─── [医] 胎中胚层

4、foetal circulation ─── 胎循环

5、foetal stalk ─── 胎柄

6、foetal blood ─── 胎儿血

7、foetal placenta ─── 胎儿 ─── 胎盘

8、foetal distress ─── [医]胎儿窘迫

9、foetal position at 30 weeks 30 ─── 周胎儿体位

10、foetal loss ─── 胎儿城堡,

11、foetal movement ─── [医]胎动

12、foetal position n. ─── 胎儿睡姿

13、foetal hair ─── 胎发, ─── 胎毛

14、foetal monitor ─── [网络] 胎儿监护仪

15、foetal organ ─── 胎体器官

16、foetal hormone theory ─── [医] 胎激素学说

17、electronic foetal monitor ─── [网络] 电子胎监护仪

18、foetal cotyledon ─── [医] 胎绒毛叶

19、foetal abortion ─── [医] 胎流的

foetal 相似词语短语

1、acetal ─── n.乙缩醛

2、-petal ─── n.花瓣

3、frontal ─── adj.额的;正面的,前面的;n.额骨,额部;房屋的正面;n.(Frontal)人名;(西)弗朗塔尔

4、fetal ─── adj.胎的,胎儿的

5、fontal ─── adj.泉的;洗礼的;本源的;原始的;n.(Fontal)人名;(西)丰塔尔

6、dotal ─── adj.嫁妆的

7、coital ─── adj.性交的

8、costal ─── adj.肋的;肋骨的;前腺脉的;n.(Costal)人名;(法、西、葡)科斯塔尔

9、aortal ─── adj.主动脉的;织脉的

foetal 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、She lay curled up in a foetal position. ─── 她像胎儿一样蜷曲地躺着。

2、The abdominal pain is accompanied by the vagina bleeder, often for foetal impairment sign. ─── 异位妊娠发病急,病情重,处理不当可危及生命。

3、In order to reduce the threat of foetal weapon, by use of foetal weapon's failing, we can adopt many methods such as synthetic defense, multi-layer volley, destroy and smash weapon, and so on. ─── 为了减少敌方武器的威胁,根据敌方武器的构造和工作原理,利用其弱点,可采取综合防护战、层截击战、毁破袭战等多种防范方法。

4、foetal period ─── 胎儿期

5、Some foetal malformations cannot be diagnosed until late in pregnancy. ─── 有些胎儿的畸形部位得等到妊娠后期才能诊断出来。

6、foetal mesoderm ─── 胎体中胚层

7、Some foetal malformations cannot be diagnosed until late in pregnancy. ─── 有些胎儿的畸形部位得等到妊娠后期才能诊断出来。

8、She is curled up in a foetal position, her hands tied behind her back, blood splattered on her bedroom wall. ─── 她像胎儿一样,蜷缩着,她的手被捆在后背,血溅泼到她房间的墙上。

9、It can compute real time foetal readings and the resulting data can be transmitted by wireless technology to the nearest PC or hand held computer. ─── 实时得到的数据可以通过无线技术传输到最近的电脑或手提电脑。

10、Laboratory studies showed that the new cells derived from foetal tissue behaved and functioned just like their normal ones in developing ears. ─── 实验室内的研究表明这些源自胎儿组织生长出来的新细胞能够在发育中的耳朵里像其它正常细胞一样发挥功能与工作。

11、She curls up her legs and arms into a foetal position ─── 她像胎儿一样蜷曲起四肢

12、However, at the critical 12-week stage, I had a haemorrhage and was informed by an obstetrician that the foetal heart had stopped beating. ─── 但我在关键的第十二周发生了一次内出血,一位产科医生告诉我胎心停跳了。

13、Like a small foetal animal with wettened fur. ─── 好像孕育中的幼兽,长着湿漉漉的皮毛。

14、Thalidomide is a drug with bad reputation from the 1960's as it appeared to be teratogenic by causing foetal anomalies. ─── 沙利度胺是一种由1960年的坏名声药物的,因为它似乎是由导致胎儿畸形致畸。

15、benzene indoor environment pollution caused by foetal growth deformities and easy abortion. ─── 室内环境中的苯污染容易造成胎儿发育畸形和流产。

16、late foetal death ratio ─── 临产死胎比率

17、Moreover, formaldehyde and lead to respiratory and pulmonary produce humans, foetal deformities, women of the potential threat from infertility. ─── 不仅如此,甲醛还是导致呼吸道和肺产生癌变、胎儿畸形、妇女不孕症的潜在威胁物。

18、foetal blood sampling ─── 抽取胎儿血液样本

19、We want to buy Patient Monitors, Digital Video Colposcoopes, Foetal Monitors, Anaesthesia Machines, Ventilators Medical Equipment ─── 我们要采购病人显示器,数字视频,胎儿监视器,麻醉机,呼吸机的医疗设备

20、foetal scalp electrode and applicator ─── 胎儿头皮电极及曳置器

21、Discussion about the algorithms on estimating the foetal heart rate from the ultrasonic Doppler signal ─── 由超声多普勒频移信号估计胎心率算法探讨

22、late foetal death ─── 后期胎儿死亡

23、Doctors have long suspected an association between foetal abnormality and alcohol consumption during pregnancy. ─── 医生一直对畸形婴儿和怀孕期摄取酒精之间的联系产生怀疑。

24、"For example, we are looking at foetal testosterone levels during pregnancy, and many groups, including ours, are looking at genetics. ─── ‘比如,我们正在研究孕期的胎儿睾酮水平的问题。还有许多研究组,包括我们,都在研究遗传的因素。

25、Foetal DNA floats in mother's plasma. ─── 胎儿dna潜藏于母亲的血浆中。

26、Sows found not in-pig are due to either total embryo absorption before 35 days or complete foetal death and a pseudo-pregnancy. ─── 空怀母猪主要是由于35天前的胚胎吸收和胎儿的死亡以及伪怀孕所造成。

27、It is one of the intriguing challenges of foetal development how this combination of symmetry and asymmetry evolves as an embryo grows. ─── 这是胎儿形成过程中令人疑惑的挑战之一:在胚胎成长过程中,这种对称和不对称的组合是如何进化出来的?

28、Study abroad have proved that formaldehyde to human eyes and respiratory strong stimulus, but also lead to cancer, foetal deformities and women of the potential threat from infertility. ─── 国外已经有研究证明,甲醛对人眼和呼吸系统有强烈的刺激作用,而且是导致癌症、胎儿畸形和妇女不孕症的潜在威胁物。

29、She curled up her legs and arms into a foetal position,ie like that of a foetus in the womb. ─── 她像胎儿一样蜷曲起四肢,即像子宫里的胎儿一样。

30、She curled up her legs and arms into a foetal position, ie like that of a foetus in the womb. ─── 她像胎儿一样蜷曲起四肢.

31、foetal echo ─── 胎儿回声

32、Latest figures on autopsy uptake after stillbirth or late foetal loss show that in 19 per cent of cases post mortems were not even requested by medical staff. ─── 最新数据,关于对死产儿进行解剖的理解,有19%的产后解剖并不是由医护人员提出的。

33、She lay curled up in a foetal position. ─── 她像胎儿一样蜷曲地躺着。

34、foetal abnormalities/heartbeats ─── 胎儿异常/心搏

35、foetal electrocardiograph ─── 胎儿心电流描记器

36、foetal echo meter ─── 胎儿回声测量仪

37、foetal organ ─── 胎体器官

38、foetal abortion ─── [医] 胎流的

39、Doppler foetal heart detector/monitor ─── 多普勒胎儿心脏检测器(监测器)

40、Amniotic fluid acts as a lubricant at the birth of the baby . (NOT during foetal development. ─── 羊水只在婴儿出生时作为润滑剂之用,(不是:胎儿发育期间)。

41、She curl up her leg and arms into a foetal position. ─── 她像胎儿一样蜷曲起四肢。

42、Systematic anatomical and histological observation were made of development of the ovary, both in the foetal and post-natal stages, of the Hulambs. ─── 本试验对湖羊胎儿期与生后期卵巢的发育进行了系统观测。

43、Observation and Analysis of the Reproductive Capacity and the Breeding Regularity of Different Foetal Numbers in KM Mice ─── 清洁级KM小鼠不同胎次繁殖性能观察分折

44、Pinard's foetal stethoscope ─── 皮纳尔(氏)胎儿听诊器

45、Scientists have made a breakthrough in understanding why a foetal blood vessel can fail to close shortly after birth, causing serious health problems. ─── 科学家在理解为什么胎儿在出生后不久血管不能愈合这个问题上取得重大突破,该问题会导致严重的健康问题。...

46、He was probably put on a crude wooden gibbet and made to stand in a loose, foetal position. It was fiendishly designed. ─── 他可能是被放在原木的绞刑架上,然后竖起来,成为松弛的、胎儿一般的姿势。这是一种极为残忍的方式。

47、"I was basically in the foetal position, basically in hysterics ... and having severe anxiety and panic attacks," she said. ─── 她说:“我基本上处于胎儿的位置,有点歇斯底里,也伴有严重的焦虑和惊恐。”

48、Ie women will lead to long-term inhalation of benzene foetal growth deformities and abortion. ─── 妊娠期妇女长期吸入苯会导致胎儿发育畸形和流产。

49、Below normal circumstance, fetal inside week of the number before be born these " foetal hair " can fall off, there still are these on the body when only those slink babies are born " foetal hair " . ─── 正常情况下,胎儿出生前数周内这些“胎毛”就会脱落,只有那些早产婴儿出生时身上还留着这些“胎毛”。

50、Foetal shape strange, the first big mouth, like gorilla, like big brother. ─── 胎儿外形怪异,头大嘴大,像猩猩,也像大蝌蚪。

51、Keywords Fe_2O_3 (analytical reagent);BMSCs;Foetal Bovine Serum; ─── 3分析纯;骨髓间充质干细胞;胎牛血清;

52、late foetal mortality ─── 晚期胎儿死亡率

53、foetal heart detector ─── 胎儿心脏探测器

54、foetal death ─── 胎儿死亡

55、Skin follicle initiation and development of the Inner Mongolian cashmere goat from foetal to post-natal period were studied. ─── 本文研究了内蒙古白绒山羊从胎儿期到生后期皮肤毛囊的发生发育规律。

56、“The hippocampus is very metabolically active, particularly during foetal development, and requires a lot of iron,” DeBoer says. ─── “海马状突起新陈代谢很活跃,尤其是在胎儿期,这需要很多的铁元素。

57、foetal hormone theory ─── [医] 胎激素学说

58、pregnant for 10 weeks,When fetus is about 3 cm long, fetal embryos is in foetal developmental stage. ─── 怀孕10星期,此时胎儿大约3厘米长,胚胎进入到了胎儿发育阶段。

59、Their findings showed that in early foetal life, brain and face development are intimately connected. ─── 他们的研究结果表明,在早期胎儿生命过程中,大脑和面容发展密切相联。

60、Caesarean birth or much afterbirth foetal hair give 3.5 months. ─── 剖腹产或多胞胎发给3.5个月。

61、foetal death rate ─── 胎儿死产率

62、foetal interest ─── 胎儿利益

63、Sheep foetal lung cells can be passaged for forty times, and each subculture can be used to isolate virus, so it is a very practical method of isolating OPPV. ─── 绵羊胎肺细胞可传到40多代,且每一代次的细胞都可用于病毒的分离,因此这是一种非常实用的分离OPPV的方法。

64、"He was probably put on a crude wooden gibbet and made to stand in a loose, foetal position. ─── “他可能是被放在原木的绞刑架上,然后竖起来,成为松弛的、胎儿一般的姿势。

65、Moreover, formaldehyde or respiratory and pulmonary produce humans, foetal deformities potential threat objects. ─── 不仅如此,甲醛还是呼吸道和肺产生癌变、胎儿畸形的潜在威胁物。

66、The findings, published in the journal Current Biology, may explain instances of complex foetal and pre-birth learning, he said. ─── 他说,研究结果发表在“当代生物学”杂志上,也许可以解释复杂的胎儿和出生前学习的实例。

67、From this we can surmise that Lirongju is likely to be approached on the human body during pregnancy poisonous substances, which leads to foetal deformities. ─── 由此可以推测,李荣菊很可能是在怀孕期间接触了对人体有毒有害的物质,才导致胎儿畸形。

68、"He was probably put on a crude wooden gibbet and made to stand in a loose, foetal position. It was fiendishly designed." ─── “他可能是被放在原木的绞刑架上,然后竖起来,成为松弛的、胎儿一般的姿势。这是一种极为残忍的方式。”

69、Doppler foetal heart detector ─── 多普勒胎儿心脏检测器

70、Model of spina bifida occulta induced by valproic acid in foetal rats ─── 丙戊酸诱导胎鼠发生隐性脊椎裂畸形的模型建立

71、foetal organ e ─── 强体器官

72、Foetal kick charts, used to determine if a pregnancy is progressing well, are inaccurate and should be discontinued, according to Irish researchers. ─── 爱尔兰研究人员称,用于检测怀孕是否发展良好的胎动统计是不准确的,应该停止。

73、Analyzing 154 cases Corrected foetal Circulation with Pelvic Presentation ─── 154例臀位转胎情况分析

74、foetal position ─── 胎儿姿势

75、Champetier de Ribes' stethoscopes for foetal heart sounds ─── 尚普提埃·德里伯(氏)胎儿心音听诊器

76、It consists of foetal tissues and mother's tissues with the tissues interdigitated. ─── 它是由胎儿的组织和母体的组织构成,二者呈指状咬合状。

77、foetal surgery ─── 胎儿外科

78、F-12 media with 10% foetal bovine serum (FBS); ─── 5 .F一12培养液,10%胎牛血清,30%条件培养基。

79、When fetus is about 3 cm long, fetal embryos is in foetal developmental stage. ─── 此时胎儿大约3厘米长,胚胎进入到了胎儿发育阶段。

80、In humans, exposure to ethoxyquin maycause liver/kidney damage, skin cancers and leukaemia, hair-loss, sight loss, foetal abnormalities and chronic diarrhoea. ─── 天然防腐剂保存的食品的保质期比人工防腐剂保存的食品的要短。

81、Treatment of foetal hypothyroidism is important because it may affect the physical skills of the baby. ─── 治疗胎儿甲状腺机能减退很重要,因为该病可能影响小儿的身体行动能力。

82、foetal heart sounds ─── 胎儿心音

83、Ultrasonic Diagnosis on the Remains of Foetal Tissues in Uterus after Abortion ─── 流产后宫内胎物组织残留的超声诊断

84、In normal pregnancy, pregnant women found foetal deformities; ─── 孕妇在正常怀孕情况下发现胎儿畸形;

85、The Influence of Mifepristone to Embryo and Foetal Ultrastructure ─── 米非司酮对胚胎及胎儿超微结构的影响

86、The images from these performances alternately show the artist curlen in foetal position,as a many-armed Bodhisattva and as a single head floating in a black abyss. ─── 有时他两手摆动,在摄像机中捕捉到他的双臂运动的痕迹,好像千手观音;有时他只在头部涂抹荧光粉,一颗头颅好像在黑暗的无底深渊中漂浮。

87、foetal audiometry ─── 胎儿测听(法)

88、Foetal excrement ─── 胎便

89、Analysis about synaptonemal complexes in Chinese foetal oocytes ─── 中国人卵母细胞中联会复合体的电镜分析

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