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09-09 投稿



ghetto 发音

英:[?ɡeto?]  美:[?ɡet??]

英:  美:

ghetto 中文意思翻译




ghetto 网络释义

n. 犹太人区;贫民区vt. 使集中居住

ghetto 词性/词形变化,ghetto变形


ghetto 短语词组

1、ghetto blaster n. ─── 大功率手提式 ─── 大型收音录音机

2、ghetto boy ─── 贫民窟男孩

3、ghetto blasters ─── 大功率手提式 ─── 大型收音录音机( ghetto blaster的名词复数 )

4、ghetto-blasters (ghetto-blaster ─── 的复数) 手提式录音机

5、ghetto crime ─── 贫民区犯罪

6、fancy ghetto ─── 奇特的犹太人区

7、ghetto remix ─── 犹太人区混音

8、Ghetto Justice II ─── 贫民窟司法二

9、ethnic ghetto ─── 少数民族聚居区

10、ghetto upgrade

11、ghetto house ─── 贫民区住宅

12、i am so ghetto ─── 我太贫民区了

13、krakow ghetto ─── 贫民区裂缝

14、Ghetto Justice ─── 贫民窟司法

15、ghetto stories ─── 犹太人区故事

16、digi ghetto ─── 迪吉犹太人区

17、ghetto-blaster ─── 手提式录音机

18、Shanghai Ghetto ─── 上海隔都

ghetto 相似词语短语

1、borghetto ─── n.(Borghetto)人名;(意)博尔盖托

2、ghettoise ─── 贫民区

3、ghettoize ─── vt.使……成为少数民族居住区;n.少数民族居住区

4、ghettoes ─── n.犹太人区;贫民区;vt.使集中居住

5、-fetto ─── 脂肪

6、Bhutto ─── 布托(人名)

7、-ghettos ─── n.犹太社区(ghetto复数)

8、gherao ─── vt.挟持;n.挟持雇主

9、ghettos ─── n.犹太社区(ghetto复数)

ghetto 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、the Warsaw ghetto ─── 华沙的犹太人居住区

2、Picture my plans--Infinity The Ghetto Child ─── 中国娃娃

3、I.G Ghetto (feat. 2pac & B.I. ─── 少数民族居住区英尺2pac & B.

4、A boy working in the Warsaw ghetto cemetery drags a corpse to the edge of the mass grave where it will be buried. September 1941. Credit: USHMM, Guenther Schwarberg. ─── 乱葬岗系冇人理搚乱埋葬啲尸体嘅一笪地方。有时会指系埋葬多过一个人嘅坟墓或坑。

5、The one skill they had in common was the ability to escape the ghetto. ─── 他们共同拥有的本领是脱离黑人区的能力。

6、ghetto study dies ─── 少数民族居住区研究

7、I don't think of myself as a poor deprived ghetto girl who made good. ─── 我不认为自己是一个成功的、来自穷苦的贫民窟的女孩。

8、Historically, it was an African American ghetto that had a reputation as a crime-ridden no-go zone among white Angelenos. ─── 从历史上看,这曾是一个非洲裔黑人区,在洛杉矶人中间的的声名一直是一个犯罪猖獗无法前去的区域。

9、Three-fourths of the apartments in the ghetto had no heat. ─── 贫民区有四分之三的公寓没有暖气。

10、A large number of these people who can use two languages alternatively came from the ethnic ghetto, and its inhabitants are either immigrants or children of immigrants. ─── 在少数民族居住地也同样存在大量的双语使用者,他们要么是移民者,要么就是移民者的后代。

11、Our priority is to broaden our support out of the ex-communist ghetto: it doesn’t help you if Atlanticism is seen as the weakest EU members’ refuge. ─── 我们首先要做的就是向以前的共产主义贫民窟(译者注:可能指的是东欧国家尤其是苏联解体后除俄罗斯外的国家)寻求支持。

12、I found these had an uncomfortable, "golden ghetto" feel to them, with an obvious, if unspoken, barrier between the locals and the hedonistic "travellers". ─── 我感觉这些有种犹太人隔离区的感觉,很明显,就算不说,在本地人和所谓快乐的旅行者之间有道墙。

13、At sundown the massive double wooden gates of the ghetto were closed and locked with a large iron key ─── 在太阳落山时,贫民区的笨重的两扇大木门便被关上,锁上一把大铁锁。

14、The erasing of the Warsaw ghetto was a massacre, not a battle. ─── 发生在华沙的是大屠杀,不是战斗!

15、a single individual's success and the bootstrap effort of the mass of ghetto youth is and remains too tenuous微小 to comport with reality . ─── 个人的成就与广大黑人区青年依靠自己的努力取得成功之间的可比性极其微小,很不现实。

16、Warsaw Ghetto Uprising ─── 华沙犹太区起义

17、(ghetto) blaster ─── n. 手提式立体声收音机

18、” A high school in a wealthy neighborhood will certainly emphasize the academic programs to prepare its pupils for college, while one in a black ghetto(a poor area) will have more vocational training. ─── 一个在较富裕社区的高中必然将比较重视学生的文化课业,以为了学生们准备将来的大学学习打基础,然而一个贫穷社区的高中将有更多的职业技能的培训。

19、If there is no future for the black ghetto , the future of all Negroes is diminished . ─── 如果黑人区没有前途,所有黑人的前途也会渺茫。

20、Udam knows more about ghetto politics and angels than Natalie can absorb. ─── 乌达姆对于犹太区里的政治活动和钩心斗角所了解的,远远超出了娜塔丽所能理会的。

21、Abroad to us, meant escaping the trappings and tedium of everyday ghetto life. ─── 以我们的角度来看,这种生活意味着逃脱贫民窟生活的单调与诱捕。

22、The land of the free, on the other hand, was the crime-filled ghetto, the impoverished inner city, at least in my new hometown of Oakland, California. ─── 在自由的土地,另一方面,是犯罪充满聚居区,贫困的城市中心,至少在我的加利福尼亚州奥克兰市的新故乡。

23、One of the most atmospheric corners of Prague is the old Jewish ghetto. ─── 布拉格最具神韵的街角之一是老犹太人区。

24、The visitors came and went and spread glowing reports about the paradise Ghetto. ─── 客人的来来去去,传播着关于犹太乐园的一些热情洋溢的报道。

25、I put a notepad beside my desk and record what time I am starting my session, how much Ghetto has sent me, and what events I am supposed to enter for him. ─── 我把记事本,我旁边的桌子纪录是什么时候我开始我的会议中,有多少犹太人发出了我,有什么活动,我理应进入他。

26、In one sense, I was the archetype of the ghetto child who through hard work and initiative was pulling himself ward a better life. ─── 在某种意义上,我是通过勤奋与主动精神使自己的生活得以改善的黑人区后代的典范。

27、A rogue cop and the prince of the ghetto must brave its dangers to retrieve a neutron bomb, and rescue a damsel in distress. ─── 一位粗野的警察和该区的“大人物”必须历尽险阻取回一颗中子弹并拯救一位处于困境之中的女子。

28、While Berger was living in a ghetto in his hometown, Debrecen, the Nazis gave him a job: Remove corpses and body parts from the streets by the railroad station. ─── 当时伯杰住在他家乡德布勒森的犹太人区,纳粹曾交给他这样一个任务:把街头的火车站的尸体和尸块弄走。

29、When word reached the ghetto that the destination was actually the gas chambers at Treblinka, the newly formed Jewish Fighting Organization ZOB prepared for resistance. ─── 但犹太区居民后来听到消息,说那三十万同胞其实是送去特雷布林卡毒气室。新成立的犹太战团ZOB于是准备反抗。

30、Hey, turn down that ghetto blaster in here! ─── 嗨!把这儿的收音机声音开小点!

31、What affects it, affects me, for I am a child of the ghetto. ─── 任何影响黑人区的事物都影响着我,因为我是黑人区的孩子。

32、She raised a ghetto king in a war ─── 她在战争中抚养了犹太之王

33、My ghetto roots became crucially important in this examination. ─── 在这一思考过程中,我在黑人区的根变得至关重要。

34、The product of a ghetto breed capitalistic mental ─── 他是抱有资本家心态的贫民区产物

35、If you want to move off-campus, you get to pick from the dangerous, sketchy ghetto that is College Park. ─── 一旦你离开学校,你很可能碰到危险,那边附近都是的粗燥的贫民区。

36、He refused to express open hatred for the Nazis, and for years would not talk about the ghetto uprising. ─── 他拒绝公开表达对纳粹的仇恨,且长达数年不愿谈及犹太区起义。

37、She told the Times that she was one of the people who tried to get into the ghetto while so many others fought to get out . ─── 她告诉“时报”,很多人极力想搬出拉丁区,而她是唯一要搬入的人。

38、Just cause your in ghetto doesn't mean you can't grow ─── 你们生活在贫民区并不意味着你们无法成长

39、You're fucking crazy, holmes! You gotta get out of this ghetto mentality! ─── 你真他妈疯了,伙计!你最好放弃这个疯狂的念头!

40、Still, he effectively portrays krumping as a movement that goes beyond escaping ghetto pitfalls and outdancing opposing crews. ─── 但是,他有效刻画krumping作为去在逃脱的少数民族居住区陷阱和outdancing的反对的乘员组之外的运动。

41、This worthless currency is the sourest joke of the ghetto, of course. ─── 当然,这种毫无价值的货币是贫民区里最拙劣的笑料。

42、Or, some people just don't check best buy cause its "ghetto" in the car audio dept i guess. But they have a couple boxes that may work. ─── 哦,一些人不检查最佳的购买起因它的"少数民族居住区"在我猜测。的汽车音像部门但他们有也许运转的夫妇箱子。

43、Wilson appreciates Moynihan for shedding light on ghetto poverty. ─── 威尔逊赞赏莫伊尼汉揭示了贫民区贫困的现象。

44、When the Japanese occupied Shanghai, they forced the Jews into a ghetto, but resisted German demands to deport them to concentration camps. ─── 在日本人侵占上海的时候,他们强迫犹太人迁入一个隔离区,并拒绝了德国提出的将他们送往集中营的要求。

45、We cannot be satisfied as long as the Half-Blood People's basic mobility is from a small ghetto to the open but deserted area of Far East. ─── 只要半兽人的基本活动范围只限于从狭小的奴隶居住区到较大的远东荒蛮地带,我们就决不会满意。

46、a realistic novel about ghetto life.See Synonyms at graphic ─── 一部描写贫民窟的现实主义小说参见

47、The ghetto was at least no longer content with its status as bastard child of urban America . ─── 黑人区至少已经不再满足于自己作为美国城市私生子的身份。

48、"If my friends from the ghetto could only see me now!" ─── "要是我贫民区的朋友们现在能看到我就好了!"

49、Dr. Landau said that his mother had cared for the butcher when he was a boy in the Lodz ghetto in Poland during World War II. ─── 兰多医生说,二战时期在波兰的罗兹犹太人区,母亲曾经照顾过那个屠夫(当时他还是个小孩)。

50、Henryk Szpilman: Yes, yes, your work. Playing the piano for the parasites in the ghetto. ─── 亨利克?斯皮尔曼:是的,是的,你的工作。在犹太区为寄生虫们弹钢琴。

51、The ghetto had been established in October 1940 to cut off the city's Jews, with a high wall and wire, from the general population. ─── 充斥着高墙和电网的犹太人区建立于1940年10月,用以隔离居民中的犹太人。

52、We cannot be satisfied as long as the Negro's basic mobility is from a smaller ghetto to a larger one. ─── 只要黑人的基本活动范围只是从少数民族聚居的小贫民区转移到大贫民区,我们就绝不会满足。

53、Promise Ghetto Love One For Me ─── 延长比赛女人的爱是毒药爱上一条鱼

54、” He escaped from the Warsaw ghetto through a hole in the wall; ─── 他通过墙壁上的一个洞从华沙的犹太人区逃走;

55、It was also in that Century, that the physical ghetto was replaced by a mental one: the fear of "Antisemitism". ─── 也有人认为,在世纪,即物理犹太人被取而代之的是一个心理之一:害怕"反犹太"。

56、“Nessun Dorma expresses what would happen if New York City went broke as a result of the Wall Street greed.The opera would lose Radio City Music Hall and it shall be preformed in the Ghetto. ─── “今夜无人入眠表现了如果由于华尔街的贪婪而导致了纽约市破产而可能带来的后果:歌剧将会失去无线电音乐城而将会在贫民区上演。”

57、In other words, just how much is a Ghetto Burger worth? ─── 换句话说,贫民区的汉堡店到底能值多少钱?

58、As a messenger at the ghetto hospital, Mr Edelman was one of the few allowed out. ─── 作为犹太医院的信差,爱德曼是少数准许外出者之一。

59、The Jews of the Warsaw ghetto could not prevent their own murder. ─── 华沙隔离区内的犹太人无法阻止对他们的屠杀。

60、A realistic novelabout ghetto life. ─── 一部描写贫民窟的现实主义小说。

61、He chooses the friendship of ghetto dwellers, factory girls, and hookers. ─── 他经常和那些住在贫民窟的黑人来往,追求工厂里的女工和街头的妓女。

62、A version of my ghetto where life felt for real ─── 一幅我生活真实状况的情景

63、The south coast of Spain has become something of a tourist ghetto. ─── 西班牙南海岸可以说已经成为旅游者的聚居区。

64、A realistic novel about ghetto life. ─── 一部描写贫民窟的现实主义小说

65、GHETTO for International Medical Graduates - for international medical graduates seeking a residency in the USA . ─── 为寻求在美国定居国际医学研究生提供服务。

66、As it is, there is a risk Vorkuta will become an economic ghetto for those who cannot afford to leave. ─── 对那些无力离开的人们来说,沃尔库塔有可能变成一个经济上的贫民区。

67、We cannot be satisfied as long as the Negro's basic mobility is from a smaller ghetto to a larger one ─── 只要黑人的基本流动性只是从小贫民区搬到大贫民区,我们就绝不会满足。

68、I saw that achievement as a possible pattern for the entire ghetto. ─── 我把获得的成就看作整个黑人区可以仿效的榜样。

69、Shorties I just need that ghetto love ─── 我只需要高尚纯真的爱

70、They were married by one of the last remaining rabbis ninety days before the liquidation of the ghetto. ─── 他们在犹太区被清除的90天前,找到唯一的一个牧师为他们主持婚礼。

71、Is weird some new ghetto euphemism for sexy, like bad is good and phat is good? ─── |神秘是不是对性的一种新的委婉的说法 就像坏的就是好的 俗的就是好的?

72、But for the 5,000 inhabitants of this police ghetto, with its grocery store, hospital and temples just for law-enforcement officials, the attacks delivered a more complex message. ─── 但在这个居住着5,000名居民,分布着杂货店、医院和专门面向执法官员的寺庙的警察聚居区,袭击给他们带来的感受则更为复杂。

73、Have you ever lived down in the ghetto? ─── 你是否曾在贫民窟居住?

74、When she returned to our house in"The Ghetto"of the University of Dayton, she told us of the floods and how her powder blue Beretta had been destroyed. ─── 当她回到我们在代顿大学的"贫民窟"时,她给我们讲了关于洪水的事,以及她在洪水中毁坏的粉蓝色贝里塔车。

75、Although some parts of town are pinker than others, Palm Springs contains no gay ghetto. ─── 尽管镇中各区同性恋色彩程度不一,但是棕榈泉没有明显的“同性恋区”。

76、By the imprint of a finger-nail on a piece of parchment, it recognizes the difference which separates the Jewry of the Judengasse from the Jewry of the Ghetto. ─── 凭借羊皮纸上的一个指甲印,它可以认出犹大本土的犹太族和移居的犹太族之间的区别。

77、I was discovering that I could not escape the ghetto after all. ─── 我发现自己归根到底无法摆脱黑人区。

78、The tribulations of a ghetto kid, still I rise ─── 平民小孩的苦难,我仍然反抗

79、SS General Jurgen Stroop watches his troops raze Warsaw's ghetto. ─── 党卫队将军杰尔根.斯特如普注视着被他的部下一位平地的华沙犹太人区。

80、a poor kid growing up in the ghetto ─── 在贫民区长大的穷孩子

81、to set apart in or as if in a ghetto; isolate ─── 分开、分出或好像在少数人集中区;隔离

82、Just cause your in tha ghetto doesn't mean ya can't grow ─── 你在贫民区里混着,但照样可以长大

83、Warszaw ghetto ─── 华沙犹太人区

84、"Netanyahu is refusing a Palestinian state, he wants to substitute the Palestinian state with a ghetto, with no sovereignty, with no control of its land," said Mustafa Barghouti. ─── “内塔尼亚胡实际上拒绝巴勒斯坦国,他希望用没有主权,没有控制权的犹太人社区来取代巴勒斯坦国,”穆斯塔法说。

85、There's a ghetto up in Heaven and it's ours, Black Power ─── 在天堂上有一个我们的贫民窟,黑人们的权力

86、The white house to the ghetto you blend right in and I dig that ─── 从白宫到贫民区我们相处融洽无所不谈

87、Or, some people just don't check best buy cause its "ghetto" in the car audio dept i guess...but they have a couple boxes that may work. ─── 哦,一些人不检查最佳的购买起因它的"少数民族居住区"在我猜测...的汽车音像部门但他们有也许运转的夫妇箱子。

88、I also speak English and French, I dont live in a "ghetto" for immigrants, and I do have some very good Canadian friends. ─── 我可以讲英语及法语,也没有居住在“犹太人区”,而且我还有些非常要好的加拿大朋友。

89、is the sourest joke of the ghetto, of course. ─── 当然,这种毫无价值的货币是贫民区里最拙劣的笑料。

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