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09-09 投稿



idyllic 发音

英:[?'d?l?k]  美:[a?'d?l?k]

英:  美:

idyllic 中文意思翻译




idyllic 词性/词形变化,idyllic变形

副词: idyllically |

idyllic 短语词组

1、idyllic cruise ─── 欢畅的巡游田园诗般的巡游

2、idyllic cat ─── 田园诗般的猫

3、idyllic literature ─── 田园诗文学

4、achingly idyllic ─── 田园诗般的

idyllic 相似词语短语

1、medallic ─── adj.奖章似的

2、idyllically ─── 田园诗般的

3、idyllists ─── n.田园诗人;牧歌作者

4、idyll ─── n.田园诗;牧歌;田园生活

5、sibyllic ─── 锡伯语

6、dicyclic ─── adj.二环的,双环的

7、idylls ─── n.田园诗集;田园生活(idyll的复数形式)

8、idyllist ─── n.田园诗人;牧歌作者

9、bicyclic ─── adj.[化学]二环的;两圈的

idyllic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Just below our windows, Tuan Jie Hu Park reveals idyllic dreamers on benches. ─── 在我们窗子下面的是团结湖公园,向我们展示了一种梦想家理想中的田园景观。

2、Enjoy ice fishing, dog-sledding, cross-country skiing and snowshoeing in pristine and idyllic locations. ─── 享受冰钓,狗狗拉雪橇,越野滑雪和质朴的田园诗般的地点和雪地。

3、She pictured an idyllic scene in which she chatted and laughed and played with rich girls her own age in a beautiful garden. ─── 同时在她的眼前又模糊地现出了一幅乐园的图画,许多跟她同年纪的有钱人家的少女在那里嬉戏,笑谈,享乐。

4、And the smile that she added made of this dialogue an idyl worthy of a grove situated in heaven. ─── 她脸上还漾起一阵笑容,使这些对话可以和天国林园中牧童牧女的语言媲美。

5、The very name has an idyllic ring to it. And the notion it embodies is the stuff of wild fantasy for any child undergoing a conventional education. Summerhill! ─── 在这所学校里,没有人必须上课!孩子们自己制定规则!成年人不能对他们呼来喝去!这个地方让所有听说过的孩子着迷不已,让成千上万有思想的教育家兴趣盎然。

6、Rosie's idyllic world came to an abrupt end when her parents' marriage broke up. ─── 当她的父母婚姻破裂后,罗茜的田园诗一般的世界骤然结束了。

7、With a 40,000-square-meter lawn,the hotel presents an idyllic picture, peaceful and pleasant.It is an ideal place for holiday-makers who want to return to Nature. ─── 休养所内景色宜人,草坪绿化面积达40000平方米,同时还开辟至周庄、同里、小莲庄、大观园等游览线,让每一位度假都远离都市的喧闹,置身于大自然与江南园林的环境之中。

8、And anyone favouring the tranquil idyl over the agitated life in the thriving center, will find peace and quiet at heart of nature in the wide Davos outdoors. ─── 任何喜爱田园般的恬静生活而不喜欢繁华市中心浮躁喧嚣的人,都会在达沃斯广阔的野外大自然的中心找寻到平静与安宁。

9、It is understandable that Oldman wants the best for his children, since his own childhood was less than idyllic. ─── 但是哈利波特将是他超越自己的契机,他表示影迷们不会对第三部感到失望的。

10、The work shows the rurality living style of two aged artists by details. The iconographic depiction shows an idyllic and peaceful mood. ─── 作品表现了两位老艺术家田园般的生活状态,画面上的细节烘托了田园气息。通过肖像式的描绘,流淌着一种宁静致远,怡然自得的平和心情。

11、The university said an initial plan to build a driving range was still subject to approval but it denied recent reports that it would build a golf course on the idyllic campus, according to the paper. ─── 具该报报道,北大说,拟建练习台的最初计划有待审批,但它否认最近有关该校将在这个风景优美的校园建设高尔夫场地的报道。

12、The green pastures and idyllic barnyard scenes of years past are now distant memories. ─── 几年前那绿油油的牧场、俭朴舒适的牲口圈都已成了遥远的记忆。

13、Don't you think that sounds idyllic? ─── 你不觉得那听起来很富有诗情画意吗?

14、Idyllic scenes like this one of a snow-covered medieval castle are standard fare in the Bavarian city of Mittenwald. ─── 德国图片画廊。田园诗的景色像这一片白雪覆盖中世纪的城堡是标准的经营在巴伐利亚的城市的瓦尔德。

15、Facing the azure ocean in the south and linking to idyllic mountain and fields in the north leaguer occupying. ─── 南临蔚蓝的大海,北靠碧绿的山景田园。

16、The cottage sounds idyllic. ─── 小屋看来恬静宜人。

17、And the idyllic Riohacha that I had carried in my heart since childhood, with its saltpeter streets going down to a sea of mud, was nothing more than fantasies borrowed from my grandparents. ─── 从幼年起,就在我心中扎下根的那个田园诗般的Riohacha,不过只是从我祖父母那里得来的美梦,梦里它硝石铺成的街道一直延伸到一片泥泽的海洋。

18、I grew up in an idyllic town in Canada with great community support and a sense of commitment to one another. ─── 我在加拿大一个宁静安逸的小镇中长大。在那儿社区支持着每家每户,大伙之间坦诚相待。

19、Tucked away in our subconsciousness world of warcraft Power Leveling is an idyllic&nbs...... ─── 他呆呆的站在那里,他或许的确是爱你的。

20、Campbell placed the characters of his poem Gertrude of Wyoming (1809) in an idyllic valley of Pennsylvania. ─── 坎贝尔把他的《怀俄明的格特鲁德》(1809)一诗中的人物安置在诗情画意的宾州山谷中。

21、Quote:Regardless of the outcome, I can't help but wonder if this young man, whose lifeonce seemed so idyllic, can ever be the same player or person. ─── 不管结果么样,我都忍不住想知道这位曾经过着美妙生活的年轻人是否还是以前那个球员,那个人。

22、a house set in idyllic surroundings ─── 在田园风光的环境中的房子

23、Tucked away in our subconsciousness world of warcraft Power Leveling is an idyllic&n...... ─── 只是这样的爱对一个女人来说,又有什么用处?

24、Some believe that Lemurians were much more like early humans, living in a sort of idyllic paradise, largely agrarian with lush forests and an abundance of flowers and fruit trees. ─── 一些就相信利莫里亚更加像早期的人类,生活在一种田园诗般的天堂里,主要地与繁荣的森林,盛开的花朵和结果的树在一起。

25、Austria's alpine landscape has been the perfect backdrop for her destruction of the idyllic. ─── 奥地利阿尔卑斯山的风景已经成了她破碎的牧歌的完美背景。

26、A woman's survivor's guilt from a Columbine-like event twenty years ago causes her present-day idyllic life to fall apart. ─── 一个女人在20年前的大灾难中侥幸生还.然而幸还带给她的内疚感却使她现在安逸的生活开始发生变化...

27、Comparative Study between Martin Heidegger's "Idyllic Language" and Jacques Derrida's "Writing Linguistics" ─── 存在家园的失落与文字的策略--海德格尔"诗化语言"与德里达"文字学"之比较研究

28、An instrumental or vocal composition with a tender melody in a moderately slow rhythm, suggestive of traditional shepherds' music and idyllic rural life. ─── 像田园牧歌式的让人满意的乡下生活;舒适的具有田园风味的景色;迷人的田园诗般场景;田园诗般的宁静。

29、Idyllic, quiet - those are the attributes that come to mind when we visit the small town of Hermannsburg in the Heide region. ─── 嘻哈生活是一个多语言多文化国际社区网络。有着数百个国家的会员朋友。

30、Campbell placed the characters of his poem Gertrude of Wyoming (1809) in an idyllic valley of Pennsylvania ─── 坎贝尔把他的《怀俄明的格特鲁德》(1809)一诗中的人物安置在诗情画意的宾州山谷中。

31、An idyllic vacation in a seashore cottage. ─── 在海边的小屋度过的田园诗般的假日

32、For five days they continued in this idyllic state, and on the sixth night Tess half jestingly claimed sanctuary among the conspicuous ruins of the ancient pagan temple to the sun at Stonehenge. ─── 一连五天,他们处在这种牧歌一般的生活状态中。第六天晚上,在史前巨石群中的古代异教徒的太阳神神庙的著名废墟中,苔丝半开玩笑地说要在那里求庇护。

33、An open doorway, tangled in vines, frames an idyllic scene of gently waving grasses in Puerto Rico. ─── 一个开放的门口,藤蔓攀爬植物在缠绕,一幅田园诗般的情景稻科植物类轻轻地挥舞着波多黎各。

34、Located at the northern part of the garden, "One More Village" is noted for its idyllic scenes and bonsai collection. ─── “又一村”在园之北部,借陆游诗“山重水尽疑无路,柳暗花明又一村”而取名。

35、"Breezing along a beach in Gabon, a forest elephant browses in an idyllic preserve where buffalo, gorillas, hippopotamuses, and leopards all leave tracks in the sand. ─── 一只丛林大象沿着加蓬的海滩轻快急走,在充满田园景色的保护区里吃草。水牛、大猩猩、河马和美洲豹都在这里的沙滩上留下了足迹。

36、But the beginnings of the future scourge of mankind were bucolic, even idyllic. ─── 但是人类未来苦难伊始居然犹如田园诗一般美好。

37、Many Brits find it hard to understand why New Zealanders choose to leave their seemingly idyllic homeland and move to the UK. ─── 许多英国人难以理解,为什么纽西兰人选择离开看似理想的家乡,移居英国。

38、Nanni Moretti, who also directed and co-wrote the film, stars as a Giovanni, psychiatrist living an idyllic life in an Italian seaside town with his wife and his two intelligent children. ─── 婷婷玉立、热爱运动的长女艾莲,进入青春反叛期的次子安德尼(朱撒柏山费斯)。

39、Discover the idyllic, winding lanes of the Old Town on a tour suited to you. ─── 在适合您的游览活动中探索老城具有田园气息的蜿蜒小巷。

40、Unlike the poet Tao Yuanming, who yeaned for the idyllic country, but chose to live in the city, Yang stays away from city and civilization, very far away indeed. ─── 他不是 陶渊明,远远不是,但他离城市很远,离文明很远。

41、an idyllic spot for a picnic. ─── 一个理想的野餐场所。

42、Despite court battle over accusations an idyllic beach was ruined during shooting for the movie, authorities hope scenes of turquoise seas and heavenly beaches will spark a tourism boom. ─── 尽管电影在拍摄期间,遭指控破坏纯朴海滩而闹上法庭,泰国当局却希望片中碧海、和天堂般的沙滩镜头,能加惠观光业。

43、This idyllic pastoral scene is only part of the picture.This farm is part of my patrimony.He tore up the manuscript in a fit of petulance. ─── 他一怒之下把手稿撕碎了。

44、This courtyard with many structures, which is built after a design that is perfectly-thought-out, is modest in size but tastefully elegant, in a setting that is secluded and idyllic, evocative of one's deep poetical and artistic sentiments. ─── 庭园布局严谨,小巧玲珑,环境幽静,充满着诗情画意。

45、Forget the romanticized image of your cheery teen coming home from an idyllic semester away at school, ready to offer lots of holiday help. ─── 忘掉那些浪漫的画面和日子吧,田园式的校园、放学回家的孩童。做好准备,孩子们在假期也需要你的帮助。

46、Huaqing Pool, with its idyllic scenery and water rich in organic compounds and minerals pouring out from its four hot springs, is an ideal place for bathing and convalescence. ─── 华清池风光如画,现有四个泉眼,水中含矿物质和有机物质,最适宜沐浴疗养。

47、His works on countryside mainly describe the beauty of filches and compose idyllic life; ─── 乡村题材的作品主要描绘小人物的美,谱写田园牧歌;

48、While the garden is pastoral, especially in August, it is not always idyllic. ─── 当菜园呈现田园景象,特别是八月的时候,也不总是那麽的平静祥和。

49、But back in those idyllic times, being an Arsenal fan was really all about faith, and I had kept it since I was a 7-year old boy way back in the 60s. ─── 但是回想起那些田园般的时光,做一个阿森纳球迷真正关乎信念,早在60年代7岁的时候我就满怀这种信念。

50、Three young couples venture out on an idyllic weekend boat trip off the coast of New England. ─── 三对年轻夫妇冒险乘船出海到新英格兰海岸去度田园般周末。

51、If it keeps going at this clip, it will beat both the supposedly idyllic 1950s and the 1960s. ─── 假如继续如此高速增长,它将会超过据说完美无缺的20世纪50和60年代。

52、"For your money you get an island in an idyllic setting," Peter Ellis of Croatia Property services told media. ─── “你只要花一笔钱,就能得到一座小岛,小岛周边的环境如同田园诗般美丽。”克罗地亚房地产服务机构的彼得·埃利斯对媒体说。

53、Money and Tory politics cascade through his family: perhaps the idyllic setting of his childhood helps to explain his avowed environmentalism. ─── 他的家族殷实富足,支持托利党政策:或许他童年时家中田园般的环境就可以解释他公开承认的环保主义。

54、Then, slowly, relatively low price of the two or three line of the city, it is "the land of idyllic beauty" ? ─── 那么,节奏缓慢、房价相对低廉的二、三线城市,真的就是“世外桃源”吗?

55、Ningbo Idyllic Hydraulic Pressure Manufacture Co., Ltd. ─── 宁波依得力液压制造有限公司。

56、A young urban family spends summers on an idyllic island.When an abandoned, mangy mutt wanders onto the property, the dad alerts Animal Control - but the children beg to keep the dog. ─── 原创:城市家庭在一个风光旖旎的小岛上度过夏日,一只污秽不堪、被人遗弃的小狗闯进了他们的生活。

57、his idyllic life in Tahiti; the pastoral legends of America's Golden Age ─── 他在塔希提岛牧歌式的生活;美国黄金时代的牧歌式的传奇

58、While the winter months in Switzerland's main cities can be foggy, cold, and rainy, the mountains often boast the idyllic snow-covered image seen on many postcards. ─── 尽管瑞士的冬天许多城市是浓雾弥漫,寒冷,和多雨的,山脉地区经常是明信片上的田园诗般的白雪皑皑的景象。

59、On Idyllic Implication of Official Script in the Respect of Survival ─── 从生存的角度看隶书的家园意蕴

60、This idyllic pastoral scene is only part of the picure. ─── 但这种田园诗般的乡村风光只汪是一个侧面而已。

61、The charming Basin of Idyllic Beauty ─── 世外桃源坝美

62、and he comes to me at a gay little trot that is like laughter of a vague idyllic tinkling sound. ─── 它就迈着欢快的小碎步向我快步跑来,听那嗒嗒声,真如同一阵轻盈、欢畅又清脆的笑声。

63、On this breezy idyllic retreat, 36 beachfront bungalows nestle amidst lush vegetation. ─── 在这个清风微拂恬淡怡人的去处,36座海滨别墅坐落在枝叶繁茂的草木间。

64、A psychological thriller that concerns an idyllic town whose population of 436 has remained unchanged for 100 years. ─── 一部心理学的惊悚片,一个田园式的城镇人口436已经保持不变达100年之久。

65、Bipenggou, the Land of Idyllic Beauty ─── 世外桃源毕棚沟

66、Amongst the surrounding farms and woodlands of the idyllic village of Mellstock, Dorset, a love story grows between local boy Dick Dewy and new arrival, beautiful schoolteacher Fancy Day. ─── 在田园及树林环绕的小村里,新来的美丽女教师芬西戴与当地的年轻人迪克杜威堕入爱河。

67、The progress of his idyl suffered a check when the great senatorial fight came on in the Legislature. ─── 当议会里斗争发生的时候,他这浪漫牧歌的进行只好暂时停顿下来。

68、Worldclass museums, outdoor sculptures, theaters, concert halls, idyllic medieval old town and interesting new buildings by leading architects, art has always been part of Basel life. ─── 城市里到处都是世界级的博物馆,户外雕塑,歌剧院,音乐厅,顶级建筑师设计的田园诗的中古旧城镇和有趣新建筑物,艺术总是巴塞尔生活的一部分。

69、As the signs of growing fascism are hinted at in the idyllic pre-war scenes of a pleasant Italian life, Benigni as a Jewish bookseller keeps making light of the troubling signs to his son. ─── 当法西斯主义的苗头渐渐出现在战前意大利舒适的田园般的生活中时,贝尼尼扮演的犹太书商一直在儿子面前保持轻松。

70、Tucked away in our subconsciousness world of warcraft Power Leveling is an idyllic ...... ─── 可是,他还说着爱的时候,却说你烦。

71、1.Tucked away in our subconsciousness is an idyllic vision.We are travelves on a long trip that spans the continent.We are traveling by train. ─── 在我们的潜意识之中隐藏着一幅田园诗般的风景,仿佛置身于一次横跨大陆的迢迢旅途之中。

72、It tells of the orphan Heidi and her idyllic existence with her gruff grandfather in the mountains. ─── 关于我的性格爱好:有点热血,时常冲动。有直发情结,头发不直不出门。

73、Whether by design or accident, this headquarters was in a rather idyllic spot on the edge of a bubbling brook beneath the overhanging brow of a sheer rock cliff. ─── 不知是精心挑选的还是无意的巧合,驻地的景色宜人,上有峭壁,旁有潺潺流水。

74、One of them, Joe Purvis, had a childhood that made mine look idyllic. ─── 其中一个叫乔.帕维斯。

75、8. Unique customs, simple and honest folkway, idyllic scenery have made it a typical watery township in the south of China. ─── 其悠远的传统、淳朴的民风、古老的建筑和清澄的河水,充满着诗情画意,形成一派古朴、恬静的水乡风貌,是江南典型的“小桥、流水、人家”。

76、his idyllic life in Tahiti; the pastoral legends of America's Golden Age. ─── 他在塔希提岛牧歌式的生活;美国黄金时代的牧歌式的传奇。

77、Central wall well hotel is an idyllic spot for business,meeting and travelling. ─── 城心井茗苑酒店是你商务,会议,旅游的理想之所。

78、a rural/an ideal/a beautiful/an idyllic setting ─── 乡村/理想/优美/田园环境

79、From the idyllic beaches of Abel Tasman National Park, to the snow capped mountains of the Southern Alps, New Zealand's South Island offers a wealth of beautiful and diverse scenery. ─── 从亚伯塔斯曼海国家公园的田园海滩,到南阿尔卑斯山冰雪覆盖的山脉,新西兰南岛展现了众多美丽而多彩的景色。

80、Huang Cun in Daxing County, 10 kilometres south, 35 kilometers away from the urban area, the city is a large area of forest, an area of 180 hectares, to idyllic scenery-known. ─── 位于大兴县黄村南10公里处,距市区35公里,是目前本市面积较大的一片森林,占地180公顷,以田园式风光著称。

81、idyllic poems were his poetical settlement of contentment and were combined with nature. ─── 使其生命诗意的安居,并与自然融为一体。

82、He is leading an idyllic life. ─── 他过着田园诗般的生活。

83、To an outsider this looks like an idyllic life ─── 在局外人看来这好像是一种田园式的生活。

84、With its tropical forests, volcanic landscapes, picturesque beaches and idyllic waterfalls, Kauai represents as an all-purpose8 cinematic backdrop. ─── 可爱岛有热带森林、火山景色、如画的美丽海滩及田园诗般悠閒的瀑布,是足以代表各类电影场景的多用途地点。

85、Accompanied by the erhu and guzheng , a thin dancer took us into a state with idyllic features. ─── 在古筝和二胡的合奏声中,一名纤细的舞者引领着我们进入了诗情画意的境界;

86、The quiet and charming nature embraces Evian Town, green trees by the lake and the idyllic heaven of life. ─── 宁静优美的大自然,无声无息的包容了依云水岸,湖畔的绿树林荫,掩映着这田园诗般的生活天堂。

87、On the sixth day a band of visitors suddenly blundered into nana's idyl ─── 到了第六天,有一队来玩的客人出其不意地闯进了娜娜的田园来。

88、It appears to be an idyllic domestic setup. ─── 它看起来是一种田园式的家庭组织方式。


悠闲的 [词典] leisurely; carefree; easygoing; idyllic; [例句]他已经移居西班牙,似乎是想过一种更为悠闲的生活。

He has moved to Spain, seemingly to enjoy a slower style of life



shī qíng huà yì













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