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08-21 投稿


facular 发音


英:  美:

facular 中文意思翻译



facular 短语词组

1、facular syndrome ─── 黄斑综合征

facular 相似词语短语

1、facula ─── n.(太阳光球上的)光斑(复数faculae);摆白斑

2、calcular ─── 计算

3、faculae ─── [天]光斑

4、piacular ─── adj.有罪的;赎罪的;罪孽重大的

5、saccular ─── adj.囊状的;囊的

6、fabular ─── adj.寓言的

7、furcular ─── 叉突的

8、macular ─── adj.(眼球)黄斑的;斑点的,斑疹的

9、oracular ─── adj.神谕的;谜似的;玄妙深奥的

facular 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Caculating and Analysing of the Northern Highth-rise South Wall Solar Facular Among Two High-rise Housing ─── 两高层住宅中北高层南墙太阳光斑计算及分析

2、The temperature is achieved by controlling the laser power, the facular diameter and the acting time. ─── 表面的温度是通过控制激光功率、光斑直径、作用时间来实现。

3、By the simulation of a theoretical model, the facular intensity distribution curve versus etendue is achieved. ─── 根据理论分析模型,实际模拟了输出光斑的光能分布与光学扩展量的关系曲线。

4、facular granule ─── 光斑米粒

5、Facular micro-beams, the less light beam of light intensity distribution closer rectangles (ideally), the clarity of the latent image. ─── 微平束的平斑愈小,平束的平强漫衍愈挨近矩形(抱负环境),则潜象的清晰度愈矮。

6、Simulation About PSD Facular Position In Space Optical Communication ─── 空间光通信中PSD光斑的位置特性仿真研究

7、Using rendered wall as the reflecting target, the facular energy distributions of laser from laser rangers was collected, disposed and analyzed. ─── 摘要利用涂料墙面作为反射目标,采集、处理和分析脉冲激光测距机发射激光的光斑能量分布。

8、Self-adaptive light intensity regulatingtechnique and high precision arithmetic of the center position of the facular image is used.3. ─── 采用了光强自适应调整和成像光点位置高精度算法等光电信息获取与处理技术。

9、There"re several methods of working out the center position of the facular image, such as center of gravity method, fourier transform method, function fitting method, etc. ─── 4.确定光点中心位置的常用算法有重心法、傅立叶变换法、函数拟合法等。

10、A method of producing three-dimensional facular lattice through a diffractive axicon was proposed. ─── 提出一种利用衍射轴棱锥产生三维光格的方法。

11、The measurement system is based on facular-orientation theory of position sensitive detector (PSD). ─── 测量系统基于PSD传感器的光斑定位原理。

12、facular height ─── 光斑高度

13、facular model ─── 光斑模式

14、facular detecting circuit ─── 光斑检测电路

15、The Light Path Analysis and the Numerical Calculation of the Photospheric Facular of the Compressed Semi-conductor Laser ─── 压缩半导体激光器光斑的光路分析及数值计算

16、facular size ─── 光斑尺寸

17、Microscopically,the neoplasm was composed of smooth muscle cells which arranged in facular pattern.Conclusion LPD is a benign proliferation of smooth... ─── 结论LPD是发生于腹腔内的良性平滑肌增生性病变,可结合发生部位、生长方式、组织形态等确诊,注意与分化好的平滑肌肉瘤相鉴别。

18、half facular point optical imagery principle ─── 半光斑成像

19、facular area ─── 光斑区

20、Collecting of infrared facular image ─── 红外成像光斑图像采集

21、Collecting of infrared facular image ─── 红外成像光斑图像采集

22、Because it can perfect co-work with reflector cup and offer the well mixed facular and angle. ─── 因其比较完美的与反光杯配合,达到均匀的光斑和角度。

23、facular point ─── 光斑亮点

24、Therefore there is no deformation, and facular can effectively prevent film drive instability caused by the slower recording accuracy, which is that it has very high repeat accuracy. ─── 因此光斑操纵变形,又可灵验制止因胶片传动不安定所变成的纪录精度贬低的题目,这是它具有出格矮反复精度的来因。

25、facular width ─── 光斑宽度

26、Present a method of obtaining the distance and intensity imformation of the facular image. ─── 2.提出了一种光点距离像和强度像的同时获取方法。

27、The Light Path Analysis and the Numerical Calculation of the Photospheric Facular of the Compressed Semi-conductor Laser ─── 压缩半导体激光器光斑的光路分析及数值计算

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