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08-21 投稿


revery 发音


英:  美:

revery 中文意思翻译



revery 短语词组

1、revery tv ─── 梦幻电视

2、revery game ─── 梦幻游戏

3、revery greenwood ─── 梦幻绿林

4、revery ui ─── 反向用户界面

5、revery definition ─── 梦幻般的定义

6、revery define ─── 梦想定义

7、revery group ─── 瑞威集团

8、revery hk Revey ─── 香港

revery 词性/词形变化,revery变形

动词第三人称单数: reverts |形容词: revertible |名词: reverter |动词现在分词: reverting |动词过去分词: reverted |动词过去式: reverted |

revery 相似词语短语

1、every ─── adj.每一的,每个的;每隔……的;(用于强调)所有可能的,完全可能的;n.(Every)(美、荷、瑞典)埃夫里(人名)

2、revers ─── n.衣服的翻边;n.(Revers)人名;(德)雷弗尔斯;(法)勒韦尔

3、recovery ─── n.恢复,复原;痊愈;重获

4、revelry ─── n.狂欢;欢宴

5、reverb ─── n.混响(效果);混响装置;v.使……余响;使……混响

6、revert ─── vi.回复;重提;返祖遗传;归还;vt.使恢复原状;n.恢复原状者;vt.(Revert)雷韦特(人名)

7、revere ─── vt.敬畏;尊敬;崇敬

8、rivery ─── adj.多河川的;多溪流的

9、severy ─── n.穹顶的分隔间(哥特式建筑);n.(Severy)人名;(英)西弗里

revery 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、1. The noise awoke her from her revery. ─── 这声音把我她从沉思中惊醒。

2、By one of those singular effects, which are peculiar to this sort of ecstasies, in proportion as his revery continued, as the Bishop grew great and resplendent in his eyes, so did Jean Valjean grow less and vanish. ─── 由于那种痴望所特具的奇异效力,他的幻想延续越久,主教的形象也越高大,越在他眼前显得光辉灿烂,冉阿让却越来越小,也越来越模糊。

3、but passing his hand across his forehead as if to dispel his revery , he rang the bell twice and bertuccio entered. ─── 然后,象是要驱散他这种恍惚状态似的,手抹一抹他的额头,拉了两下铃,贝尔图乔进来了。

4、also, without knowing why, and with the mechanical persistence of revery, ─── 同时他不知道为什么,会带着梦想中那种机械的顽固性,

5、For in revery you cannot rise above your achievements nor fall lower than your failures. ─── 因为在幻想的世界里,你们不会高过自己的成就也不会落于自己的失败之下。

6、The revery alone will do,If bees are few. ─── 没准下次带上我那口子去你哪混饭吃。

7、In the midst of his revery he heard some one saying to him, "Will Monsieur do me the honor to follow me? ─── 他在梦魂萦绕中听到一个人向他说:“先生肯赏光让我带路吗?”

8、At such times, a thunderbolt might have fallen thirty paces from them, and they would not have noticed it, so deeply was the revery of the one absorbed and sunk in the revery of the other. ─── 在这种时刻,这一个的梦幻是那么深渺,那么深入到另一个的梦幻,即使天雷落在他们身边三十步以内,也不会惊动他们的。

9、Woe to the brain-worker who allows himself to fall entirely from thought into revery! ─── 于精神工作的人而让自己完全从思想掉入梦想,必遭不幸!

10、so unprecedented that in the midst of his revery he rose from his chair, moved by some inexplicable impulse of anxiety, and bolted his door ─── 离奇到使他在心思紊乱之中起了一种几乎不可言喻的急躁情绪,他从椅子上跳起来,去把房门闩上。

11、He examined this revelation, athwart the exaggerations of revery, with an apparent and terrifying calmness, for it is a fearful thing when a man's calmness reaches the coldness of the statue. ─── 他在浮想的夸大力量的支配下,研究着这次的暴露,他外表静得可怕,因为当人静到象塑像那样冷时,那是可怕的。

12、He felt in it a premeditation from on high, the will of some one who was not man, and he became absorbed in revery. ─── 他感到这里有着上苍的安排,一种凌驾人力之上的天意,他接着又浸沉在遐想中了。

13、nevertheless, there was something in that sky, in that hill, in that plain, in that tree, which was so profoundly desolate, that after a moment of immobility and revery he turned back abruptly. ─── 可是当时,在那样的天空中,那样的矮丘上,那样的原野里,那样的树杪头,却有一种惊心动魄的凄凉意味,因此他在凝神伫立一阵以后,也就猛然折回头走了。

14、In this state of revery, an eye which could have cast a glance into Marius'interior would have been dazzled with the purity of that soul. ─── 在这种梦境中,如果有人细察马吕斯的内心,他的眼睛将被这人心灵的纯洁所炫惑。

15、His revery continued to grow clearer. He came more and more to an understanding of his position. ─── 他的梦想继续明朗起来。他对自己的地位越看越清楚了。

16、All the tumultuous interrogation points of revery recurred to him in throngs, but without troubling him. ─── 他梦幻中的一大堆喧嚣纷扰的问号一齐回到他的脑子里,但并没有使他烦乱。

17、His dizzy revery lasted all night long. ─── 他经过了一整夜的头晕目眩的苦思。

18、Joe:I know but I've got a funny feeling I must pay at tention to it >If necessary ,you'll monitor all the kids' calls and letters Revery single one. ─── 乔:我知道,但是这件事我觉的不太对进.而且每当我有不太对进的感觉是,一定会加倍留意.若有必要,你最好检查每个孩子的每一个电话与每一个信件.

19、And revery. ─── 不过我觉得这个传言是错的,因为猫是用舔的来吃的。

20、Thought, revery, prayer,--these are great and mysterious radiations. ─── 思想、梦想、祈祷是神秘之光的大辐射。

21、In the very midst of his revery, his old servant Basque entered, and inquired:-- "Can Monsieur receive M.Marius? ─── 他正深深陷在这种梦想中时,他的老仆人巴斯克走进来问道:“先生,能接见马吕斯先生吗?”

22、Nevertheless, lack of breath forced him to halt after a certain distance, and Jean Valjean heard him sobbing, in the midst of his own revery ─── 但是他跑了一程过后,喘不过气了,只得停下来,冉阿让在紊乱的心情中听到了他的哭声。

23、Nevertheless, athwart this revery into which he had fallen he had heard for some time a peculiar noise. ─── 这时,在梦幻中,他不止一次听见一种奇怪的声音。

24、Thought is the toil of the intelligence, revery its voluptuousness. ─── 思想是智慧的活动,梦想是妄念的活动。

25、To make a prairie ...It takes a clover and one bee, ... One clover and a bee, ... And revery. ... Revery alone will do, ... If bees are few. ─── 主题嘿嘿,是阿是啊,宿敌你们北灵玩得好嘛,据说光顾着吃啦,都不理俺手台的呼叫,哼

26、It is rare that a profound revery does not spring from that glance, where it falls. ─── 在这种目光瞥到的地方,很少能不惹起连绵的梦想。

27、His dizzy revery lasted all night long. ─── 他经过了一整夜的头晕目眩的苦思。

28、" And M.Mabeuf fell into a delicious revery. ─── 马白夫先生随即又沉浸在美妙的梦幻中了。

29、Revery does not prevent a cab from passing by, nor the dreamer from taking note of that cab. ─── 梦想并不妨碍一辆马车经过,梦想者也正瞧见了那辆马车。

30、you want to go to oxford without hard study. it is irrealistic revery. ─── 你不好好学习,还想去牛津上大学。这可真是个不切实际的幻想哟!

31、Marius almost reproached himself for the preoccupations of revery and passion which had prevented his bestowing a glance on his neighbors up to that day. ─── 马吕斯几乎谴责自己,不该那样终日神魂颠倒,不能自拔于儿女痴情,而对自己的邻居,直到如今,却还不曾瞅过一眼。

32、All passions except those of the heart are dissipated by revery. ─── 任何热情,除非出自内心,全会在幻想中消失。

33、The stranger paused a moment in revery before this tender and calming spectacle. ─── 这个异乡人在那种温柔宁静的景物前出了一会神。

34、Certain faculties in man are directed towards the Unknown;thought, revery, prayer. ─── 人的某些官能是指向未知世界的,那是思想、梦想和祈祷。

35、Javert did not appear to hear him.He kept his eyes riveted on Jean Valjean.His chin being contracted, thrust his lips upwards towards his nose, a sign of savage revery. ─── 沙威好象没有听见似的,他眼睛盯住冉阿让,耸起的下巴把嘴唇推向鼻子,这是一种凶狠的沉思着的表现。

36、and stared at the brazier with an air of savage revery. ─── 横眉瞪眼地望着小火炉发呆。

37、All at once he was violently aroused from his revery. ─── 一下子他又突然从梦幻中警觉过来。

38、This revery sometimes caused him to utter odd sayings. ─── 那种遐想有时会使他说出一些怪话。

39、to awake him from his revery ─── 使他从沉思中觉醒过来

40、He thrust his head out of his revery and said: "Is there fighting on hand? " ─── 他振作精神,伸着脑袋细听,说道:“是不是打起来了?”

41、But passing his hand across his forehead as if to dispel his revery, he rang the bell twice and Bertuccio entered ─── 然后,象是要驱散他这种恍惚状态似的,手抹一抹他的额头,拉了两下铃,贝尔图乔进来了。

42、His revery gradually became terrible. ─── 他的沉思越来越可怕了。

43、and Franz abandoned himself to that mute revery, into which we always sink when smoking excellent tobacco, which seems to remove with its fume all the troubles of the mind, and to give the smoker in exchange all the visions of the soul. ─── 弗兰则默默地陷入了一种恍惚迷离的状态之中,这是吸上等烟草时常有的现象,烟草似乎把脑子里的一切烦恼都带走了,使吸烟者的脑子里出现了形形色色的幻景玄想。

44、This sort of ecstasies, in proportion as his revery continued, ─── 由于那种痴望所特具的奇异效力,他的幻想延续越久

45、He was almost happy in his revery. ─── 他在这样的梦幻中几乎感到快乐。

46、He kept his eyes riveted on Jean Valjean. His chin being contracted, thrust his lips upwards towards his nose, a sign of savage revery. ─── 沙威好象没有听见似的,他眼睛盯住冉阿让,耸起的下巴把嘴唇推向鼻子,这是一种凶狠的沉思着的表现。

47、His revery had not swerved from its course ─── 他的萦想一点没有转变方向。

48、One clover and a bee, ...And revery....Revery alone will do, ...If bees are few. ─── 当你们鬼屋后上升时,我在营地睡着吊床喝着冰啤酒打着饱嗝,邪恶啊!

49、The things you have fashioned in necessity or for delight.For in revery you cannot rise above your achievements nor fall lower than your failures. ─── 因为在梦幻中,你不能超升到比你的成就还高,也不至于坠落到比你的失败还低。

50、" This remark summed up the situation and aroused Jean Valjean from his revery. ─── 一句话概括了当时的处境,把冉阿让从梦境状态中唤醒了。

51、His brain was going through one of those violent and yet perfectly calm moments in which revery is so profound that it absorbs reality ─── 人在幻想中,有时会显得沉静到可怕,继而又强烈地激动起来,惑于幻想的人,往往无视于实际,冉阿让当时的情况,正是那样。

52、Sometimes he crossed his arms and leaned on his hoe, and slowly descended the endless spirals of revery. ─── 有时,他双手倚在锄柄上,随着思想的无底的回旋,往深处慢慢寻思。

53、For revery love there is a heart to receive it. ─── 每一份爱,总会有一颗心会感受到。

54、His revery continued to grow clearer ─── 他的梦想继续明朗起来。

55、She fell into so deep a revery that her eyes gradually closed. ─── 她已深深地沉入了一种思索之中,她的两眼渐渐地闭了起来。

56、taste this, and the boundaries of possibility disappear; the fields of infinite space open to you, you advance free in heart, free in mind, into the boundless realms of unfettered revery. ─── 尝尝这个吧,一切的界限都会消失的,无限的太空就会展现在你的眼前,你可以自由自在地走入无边无际,无拘无束,尽情欢乐的天地。

57、To replace thought with revery is to confound a poison with a food. ─── 以梦想代思想,便是把毒物和食物混为一谈。

58、Revery does not prevent a cab from passing by, nor the dreamer from taking note of that cab. ─── 梦想并不妨碍一辆马车经过,梦想者也正瞧见了那辆马车。





北岛的诗,与其他朦胧诗人的艺术风格相比,更具有思辨性,他的诗直击人的灵魂深处,揭示世界本相。北岛留下了不少脍炙人口的作品。其中我能倒背如流的是他的代表作之一《回答》:卑鄙是卑鄙者的通行证,高尚是高尚者的墓志铭,看吧,在那镀金的天空中, 飘满了死者弯曲的倒影。 冰川纪过去了, 为什么到处都是冰凌? 好望角发现了, 为什么死海里千帆相竞? ……这首诗开篇两句,读来震撼心灵,深刻揭示了人类灵魂深处的劣根性,揭示了社会不公平的现状。


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