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09-12 投稿


inveterate 发音

英:[?n'vet(?)r?t]  美:[?n'v?t?r?t]

英:  美:

inveterate 中文意思翻译



inveterate 词性/词形变化,inveterate变形

名词: inveteracy |副词: inveterately |

inveterate 短语词组

1、inveterate lie ─── 根深蒂固的谎言

2、inveterate defined ─── 根深蒂固的定义

3、an inveterate disease n. ─── 宿疾

4、inveterate antonym ─── 根深蒂固的反义词

5、inveterate criminal ─── [法]屡教不改犯

6、inveterate define ─── 根深蒂固的定义

7、inveterate definition ─── 根深蒂固的定义

8、inveterate syn ─── 根深蒂固的syn

9、inveterate offender ─── 惯犯

10、inveterate collector ─── 根深蒂固的收藏家

inveterate 相似词语短语

1、ingenerate ─── adj.天生的;非产生的;固有的

2、intemerate ─── 未被玷污的

3、invertebrate ─── adj.无脊椎的;无骨气的;n.无脊椎动物;无骨气的人

4、investigate ─── v.调查;研究

5、intemperate ─── adj.放纵的;酗酒的;酷烈的

6、inveteracy ─── n.积习;根深蒂固

7、invertebrates ─── n.[无脊椎]无脊椎动物(invertebrate的复数)

8、intenerate ─── vt.软化;使变软

9、inveterately ─── adv.积习地;根深蒂固地

inveterate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He carried his hands in his pockets, and there was something in the way he did it that showed the habit was inveterate. ─── 他的手一直插在裤袋里。从他的姿式看,这已成为他根深蒂固的习惯。

2、inveterate drinking ─── 积习性饮酒

3、And I am convinced, too, that I should become an inveterate window shopper, for it must be a delight to the eye to view the myriad articles of beauty on display. ─── 我也相信,我也会成为一个有瘾的橱窗浏览者,因为看那陈列的无数美好的商品一定是赏心悦目之事。

4、an inveterate cultivator of beautiful gardens ─── 一位漂亮花园的资深培育者

5、The inveterate Anglophile president had to wait until 1917 before he was able to bring America into the war. ─── 这位亲英的总统不得不等到1917年才将美国带入战争。

6、It seems that your inveterate prejudice utterly affected your judgement. ─── 看来你根深蒂固的偏见已经完全影响了你的判断力。

7、An inveterate cultivator of beautiful gardens; a cultivator of valuable corporate contacts ─── 一位漂亮花园的资深培育者;进行有价值的公司联络的人

8、an inveterate liar/traveller ─── 积习难改的说谎者;旅行成瘾的人

9、He is a politician known as an inveterate kisser of babies. ─── 他是一个吻婴儿成癖的政客。

10、Reproducing and Planting Technology of Inveterate thlox drummondrihook Flower ─── 宿根福禄考花卉的繁殖与栽培技术

11、She was an inveterate experimenter in these things. ─── 不分青红皂白都要先试为快。

12、An inveterate cultivator of beautiful gardens; a cultivator of valuable corporate contacts. ─── 一位漂亮花园的资深培育者; 进行有价值的公司联络的人

13、inveterate hostility ─── 根深蒂固的敌意

14、If we remain inveterate smokers, it is only because we have so often experienced the frustrations that resulted from failure. ─── 网只能晚上9点半以后上。每天的作业当天做,每天的知识当天消化。

15、Poe and Henry James after him have pointed out this inveterate weakness of dressing up characters to exemplify a theme that is often quite incompatible with "actuality". ─── 坡和后来的亨利·詹姆斯都指摘过这个根深蒂固的缺点:把人物装扮起来说明一个主题,而这个主题往往和现实格格不入。

16、I happen to be an admirer of the archiving impulse and an inveterate archivist at the household level. ─── 我一度突发收藏的兴致,成了一个不折不扣的家庭档案保管员。

17、Felicity will not come easily, inveterate love deserves inveterate wait. ─── 幸福不会轻易的到来,没有刻骨铭心的等待,又怎么会有刻骨铭心的爱呢?

18、3.Marcovaldo the irrepressible dreamer, Marcovaldo the inveterate schemer. ─── 天生的梦想家马可瓦多,智多星马可瓦多。

19、It was a triumphant moment for the president, the inveterate anti-Communist who had seen a geopolitical opportunity and seized it boldly. ─── 对总统来说这是一个胜利的时刻,作为一个根深蒂固的反共派,他看到并大胆抓住了这个地缘政治机遇。

20、The inveterate spending habits of rich American households are financed by the thrift of poor Chinese peasants. ─── 美国富裕家庭根深蒂固的消费习惯,是靠中国穷苦农民的节俭来资助的。

21、An inveterate changer of decor. ─── 坚决要改变布景的人

22、6.An inveterate cultivator of beautiful gardens; ─── 一位漂亮花园的资深培育者;

23、but Mr Fogg usually confined himself to the cabin, where he kept Aouda company, or according to his inveterate habit, took a hand at whist. ─── 他见到福克先生总是自由自在地呆在仰光号的大客厅里,他有时陪陪艾娥达夫人,有时照例玩“惠司脱”。

24、inveterate hatred, prejudice, drunkenness,etc ─── 根深蒂固的仇恨、 由来已久的偏见、 长醉不醒的状态.

25、inveterate criminal ─── 不知悔改的惯犯

26、But, imbued from her childhood with a brooding sense of wrong, and an inveterate hatred of a class, opportunity had developed her into a tigress. ─── 但是由于她从儿童时代起就深感含冤受屈,养成了根深蒂固的阶级仇恨,机会便把她发展成了一只母老虎。

27、an inveterate disease ─── 宿疾

28、An inveterate cultivator of beautiful gardens; a cultivator of valuable corporatecontacts. ─── 一位漂亮花园的资深培育者;进行有价值的公司联络的人。

29、It is hard for an inveterate smoker to give up tobacco. ─── 老烟鬼很难戒烟。

30、Indulging in on-line games, he got into the inveterate habit of sleeping late at night and getting up late in the morning. ─── 由于沉迷于网络游戏,他养成了晚睡晚起的顽习。

31、inveterate hatred; deep-seated hatred ─── 刻骨仇恨

32、peculiarity that conspicuously marked and marred them was the inveterate and intolerable sermon that wagged its crippled tail at the end of each and every one of them. ─── 每篇文章的结尾都有一段根深蒂固的说教词,好像断尾巴的狗一样,令人难受。

33、The governance mechanism of simplification of state constructed under the planned economy system has resulted in inveterate path dependence in China's regional harmonious development. ─── 摘要计划制度下形成的“国家简单化”思维和治理机制,在我国的区域协调发展事项中生成了顽固的路径依赖。

34、While friends huddled collegiately around a teapot and shared a few moments of communality, I, an inveterate teabag user, would slink quietly back to my desk with my selfish mug for one. ─── 当朋友们围在茶壶边上进行简短的交流时,我,一个顽固的使用茶包者,端着自私的大茶杯,静静的逃回办公桌。

35、an inveterate prejudice ─── 根深蒂固的偏见

36、inveterate hatred ─── 不共戴天之仇

37、Curtains, bed sheets, tablecloths, sofa sets, chairs sets, TV sets, are visible in printed or embroidered designs on the soccer "football" gave people a false entry is a inveterate fans. ─── 窗帘、床单、桌布、沙发套、椅子套、电视机套、均醒目地印有足球的图案或绣上了“足球”,让人一进门便知此君是个铁杆球迷。

38、And I am convinced, too, those I have to becoming an inveterate window shopper, for it ought to be a delight to the eye to view the myriad articles of beauty on display. ─── 我也相信,我也会成了唯一有瘾的橱窗浏览者,因该看那陈列的无数美好的商品确定是赏心悦目之事。

39、But although welcomed by environmental groups, such piecemeal moves may not have enough impact to turn back the tide of rubbish in an inveterate throwaway society. ─── 但尽管环保团体对此乐观其成,这样零星的运动可能没办法对整个根深的用过即丢社会产生大转变。

40、I think that the root is that departmental interests in the real estate registration realm are deeply inveterate, which has posed an impact on the national legislation. ─── 笔者认为,其根源在于不动产登记领域内的部门利益已经根深蒂固,并且已经在一定程度上影响到了国家的立法权。

41、Public and Private: Inveterate Problems in Interpreting Justice and Interest ─── 公与私:义利诠释中的沉疴痼疾

42、She was one of those people who are infatuated with patent medicines and all new-fangled methods of producing health or mending it. She was an inveterate experimenter in these things. ─── 他姨妈这个人和有些人一样,对于专卖药,或强身、健体等之类的保健药品,不分青红皂白都要先试为快。

43、Now such a theory of life excites in many minds, and among them in some of the most estimable in feeling and purpose, inveterate dislike ─── 现在,这样的生活理论引起了许多人的思考,包括引起了一些在感情和目的上最值得尊敬的人士的根深蒂固的反感。

44、The inveterate reward-related memory induced by addictive drugs is a major factor for the persistence of addiction. ─── 成瘾药物所产生的奖赏记忆的长久性可能是成瘾长期性的重要原因之一

45、If we remain inveterate smokers,it is only because we have so often experienced the frustration that results from failure. ─── 假如我们仍有根深蒂固的抽烟习惯,这仅仅是因为我们一次次经历了由戒烟失败所导致的挫折。

46、10. Inveterate smokers purchase tobacco furtively because they are fearful of their fractious wives. ─── 吸烟成性的人偷偷摸摸得购买烟草,因为他们害怕他们难说话的老婆。

47、And I am convinced, too, that I should become an inveterate window shopper, for it must be a delight to the eye to view the myriadarticles of beauty on display. ─── 我也相信,我也会成为一个有瘾的橱窗浏览者,因为看那陈列的无数美好的商品一定是赏心悦目之事。

48、half bridge inveter circuit ─── 半桥逆变电路

49、When you are happy , you feel contented . You should also feel concented when you are unhappy . Be always full of zest and happiness will become an inveterate habit . ─── 快乐时固然知足,不快乐时也要知足。时时热情洋溢,快乐就会成为戒不掉的习惯。

50、4.And I am convinced, too, that I should become an inveterate window shopper, for it must be a delight to the eye to view the myriad articles of beauty on display. ─── 我也相信,我也会成为一个有瘾的橱窗浏览者,因为看那陈列的无数美好的商品一定是心旷神怡之事。

51、See, the soon-to-be ex is an inveterate clutterer, and I am emphatically not. ─── 看见了吧,即将成为我前夫的这个人是个地道的混乱无章的人,而我明显不是。

52、inveterate preferences. ─── 根深蒂固的嗜好

53、gnash one's teeth and show deep-seated hatred Bare one's fangs and show one's inveterate hatred ─── 咬牙切齿

54、inveterate offender ─── 常习犯

55、an inveterate dislike of foreign customs ─── 对外国风俗根深蒂固的厌恶

56、2. and hence the inveterate impression, of which Europeans have only at a late period been disabused, concerning the great opulence of Oriental nations. ─── 因而在欧洲人的心目中,东方国家是极其繁荣昌盛的,这种根深蒂固的印象直到最近才被消除。

57、When you are happy, you feel contented.You should also feel contented when you are unhappy.Be always full of zest and happiness will become an inveterate habit. ─── 快乐时固然知足,不快乐时也要知足,时时热情洋溢,快乐就会成为戒不掉的习惯。

58、inveterate hatred for the enemy ─── 对敌人的刻骨仇恨

59、It's six o'clock in the evening, but an inveterate night owl, he's just starting his “day. ─── 现在是傍晚六点,但莫拉维克他是个夜猫子,他的一天才刚刚开始。

60、of this sort of this inveterate Calvinism, and part of the fact that, "What if the DAMS burst?" ─── 根深蒂固的加尔文主义,还有一些事实,诸如,“万一溃堤了怎么办”?

61、an inveterate habit ─── 积习

62、Inveterate love of outing ─── 泉石膏肓

63、She was an inveterate experimenter in these things. ─── 在这些东西上,她总是要都拿来试一试。

64、The Indian consumer is an inveterate bargain hunter, perpetually looking for the best bargain and the most value for his money. ─── 印第安消费者是一个根深蒂固的投机商,永恒地寻找最佳的交易和他的金钱的多数价值。

65、He carried his hands in his pockets, and there was something in the way he did it that showed the habit was inveterate ─── 他的手一直插在裤袋里。从他的姿式看,这已成为他根深蒂固的习惯。

66、Except in the case of a few highfliers and a somewhat larger number of inveterate slackers, college is a stressful experience. ─── 念大学,除了部分志向远大以及多少有些数目的资深混混儿之外,对大多数人来说都是压力重重。

67、inveterate spending habits of rich American households are financed by the thrift of poor Chinese peasants. ─── 国富裕家庭根深蒂固的消费习惯,是靠中国穷苦农民的节俭来资助的。

68、An inveterate interrupter of other people's conversations. ─── 一个习惯打断别人谈话的人

69、61. Nominalists accordingly adopt the opinion that substance is a spurious idea due to our inveterate human trick of turning names into things. ─── 我们人类有种根深蒂固的习惯,惯于把名称变为实物,因此,唯名主义者才主张说,实体是一个虚假的概念。

70、If we remain inveterate smokers, ─── 如果我们烟瘾大,戒不掉,

71、Besides that, not all Americans are inveterate huggers anyway ─── 此外,并不是每一位美国人都习惯拥抱他人。

72、but Mr Fogg usually confined himself to the cabin, where he kept Aouda company, or according to his inveterate habit, took a hand at whist ─── 他见到福克先生总是自由自在地呆在仰光号的大客厅里,他有时陪陪艾娥达夫

73、and a peculiarity that conspicuously marked and marred them was the inveterate and intolerable sermon that wagged its crippled tail at the end of each and every one of them. ─── 此外,这些文章有个显著特点,也是它们的败笔之处: 就是每篇文章的结尾都有一段根深蒂固的说教词,好像断尾巴的狗一样,令人难受。

74、If we remain inveterate smokers, it is only because we have so often experienced the frustration that results from failure. ─── 假如我们仍有根深蒂固的抽烟习惯,这仅仅是因为我们一次次经历了由戒烟失败所崐导致的挫折。

75、an inveterate smoker, drinker, gambler, liar, etc ─── 积习已久的烟鬼、 酒徒、 赌棍、 撒谎家等.

76、An inveterate liar. ─── 习惯性的撒谎者

77、Being firmly settled in habit; inveterate. ─── 根深蒂固的深深养成习惯的;坚定不移的

78、Poe and Henry James after him have pointed out this inveterate weakness of dressing up characters to exemplify a theme that is often quite incompatible with "actuality" . ─── 坡和后来的亨利·詹姆斯都指摘过这个根深蒂固的缺点:把人物装扮起来说明一个主题,而这个主题往往和现实格格不入。

79、Inveterate frustration If we remain inveterate smokers, it is only because we have so often experienced the frustration that results from failure. ─── 如果我们烟瘾大,戒不掉,那是因为屡戒屡败,失去了信心。

80、” An inveterate optimist about the American economy, Mr.Buffett also forecast an eventual recovery, asserting that the country has faced even more severe economic travails in the past. ─── 作为一位对于美国经济根深蒂固的乐观主义者,巴菲特还预测,经济最终将会恢复,声称美国在过往曾经面对过更加严峻的经济阵痛。

81、Inveterate China: Law and Symbolism. ─── 根深蒂固的中国:法律与象征。

82、an inveterate smoker ─── 烟瘾很大的人

83、They are inveterate snackers and often eat the wrong things while on the run. ─── 不过,他们可是路边摊的常客,还喜欢边走边吃。

84、Simon was an inveterate fisherman, well known for exaggerating the size of "the one that got away" . ─── 西蒙是个老练的渔夫。人们都熟知他爱吹嘘“跑掉的那条”鱼的尺寸。

85、inveterate habit ─── 痼习

86、Several compensation methods of deadtime influence for SPWM inveter [J].Power Supply Technology Application, 2000,10:18- 21. ─── SPWM逆变器死区影响的几种补偿方法[J].电源技术应用,2000,10:18-21.

87、inveterate idler ─── 懒惰成性的人

88、While he is sometimes viewed as the West's inveterate enemy, Yamani has often taken conciliatory stances. ─── 虽然沙国石油部长雅曼尼有时候认为是西方国家的顽敌,但是他常常采取斡旋妥协的立场。

89、He is an inveterate liar. ─── 他习惯撒谎。

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