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09-03 投稿



cinnabar 发音

英:['s?n?bɑ?]  美:['s?n?,bɑr]

英:  美:

cinnabar 中文意思翻译



cinnabar 网络释义

n. 朱;[矿物][中医] 辰砂;赤色硫化水银adj. 朱红色的

cinnabar 词性/词形变化,cinnabar变形

形容词: cingulate |名词复数: cingula |

cinnabar 短语词组

1、cinnabar mole ─── 朱砂摩尔

2、cinnabar moth ─── [网络] 朱砂蛾

3、cinnabar stick ─── 朱墨

4、austrian cinnabar ─── [机] 碱式碳酸铅

5、cinnabar nevus ─── 朱砂痣

6、antimony cinnabar ─── [化] 锑朱砂; 硫氧化锑

7、hepatic cinnabar ─── [化] 肝辰砂

8、cinnabar chanterelle ─── [网络] cin ar ch le

9、glabellum cinnabar ─── 朱砂

10、inflammable cinnabar ─── 易燃朱砂

cinnabar 相似词语短语

1、cinnabarine ─── n.朱红菌素

2、cannabin ─── n.大麻脂;毒麻脂

3、Annaba ─── n.阿纳巴(阿尔及利亚港市)

4、cannabis ─── n.印度大麻(等于hemp);大麻烟原料;大麻雌花顶部

5、Linnaean ─── adj.(与)林奈式分类法(有关的)的

6、metacinnabar ─── 元金纳巴尔

7、cinnabaric ─── 中国人

8、cannabic ─── adj.大麻的

9、cinnabars ─── n.朱;[矿物][中医]辰砂;赤色硫化水银;adj.朱红色的

cinnabar 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords cinnabar;false cinnabar;diagnostic test; ─── 朱砂;伪朱砂粉;鉴别检验;

2、Married the white rose, a rice of the clothes of would be of white glues the son, red but is a vermilion cinnabar birthmark of the center of the chest. ─── 娶了白玫瑰,白的便是衣服上的一粒饭粘子,红的却是心口上的一颗朱砂痣。

3、Morbid Nocturnal Crying of Baby Could Be Cure by Smearing Cinnabar on Umbilicus ─── 朱砂涂脐治疗小儿夜啼

4、Objective:To study the curative effect and mechanism of Modified Huoluoxiaoling cinnabar for treatment of luber intervertebral disc herniation(LIDH). ─── 目的:探求活络效灵丹加味治疗腰椎间盘突出症的药效学作用及部分作用机理。

5、On the still-damp wall, the artist first laid out his composition with a red cinnabar line and then defined the subjects with an undercoat of grey or terre verte. ─── 在墙壁还没干的时候,艺术家们首先用朱砂画上图画的轮廓,然后用灰色或白色的草灰来确定要画的主题。

6、Distinguish cinnabar from its imitations ─── 朱砂及其伪品的鉴别

7、And Chaozhou cinnabar and gold wood carvings are no exception. ─── 潮州的金漆木雕也不例外。

8、Ore cinnabar, a form of mercury, had been used in the 1300's for the treatment of various skin diseases including leprosy. ─── 矿石朱砂,水银的一种形式,包括败坏为各种各样的皮肤病的处理在1300被使用了。

9、Local rich orange and cinnabar Li Ming. ─── 当地盛产明橙和朱砂李。

10、Method:use trickle method following the pharmacopoeia,test the vermillion cinnabar content of the Sanqi powder to control the quality level.Change the mix homogeneity technology by Zhengjiao method. ─── 方法:运用药典规定的滴定法,对复方三七散中的朱砂进行含量测定,以解决三七散质量标准的控制,采取正交法从混合均匀度对原工艺进行了改革。

11、Applying lip colour : Apply lipstick (a red dye made from cinnabar) and colour the lips cheery red or bright red. ─── 点朱唇:用唇脂(以朱砂制成的红色颜料)把嘴唇涂成樱桃般娇小红艳。

12、Distracted him there, do not think that sticks out of red roses at this time, he has become the heart Cinnabar mole general and let him feel bad. ─── 他愣在那里,想起没有拿出来的那枝红玫瑰,此时已变成了他心底的朱砂痣一般,让他心疼。

13、Then we visited the extraction site, when people heated the cinnabar ore, vaporize mercury and collect them after cooling. ─── 跟著我们还参观了以前人们提炼水银的原始工作坊,方法是将辰砂矿石加热,令水银从矿石中挥发出来,再冷却,收集在另一个容器内。

14、hepatic cinnabar ─── 肝辰砂

15、It got its name from its bright red mottles like chicken blood with its content of cinnabar. ─── 是备受人们喜爱的印章材料。

16、Cinnabar is a commonly mineral drug in the Inner Mongolia and has wide clinic application. ─── 朱砂为内蒙古地区常见的矿物质药,在临床应用范围较广。

17、Will it end or begin in your cinnabar juice? ─── 要在你的朱红色的果汁里结束还是开始?

18、Ore cinnabar, a form of mercury, had been used in the 1300's for the treatment of various skin diseases including leprosy . ─── 矿石朱砂,水银的一种形式,包括败坏为各种各样的皮肤病的处理在1300被使用了。

19、Of these, the one most singularly gorgeous is no doubt Zhu'Sha'Quan or the Cinnabar Spring which, it is said, will turn reddish in colour every few years and will not become clear again until six or seven days later. ─── 最为奇特的,首推“朱砂泉”。 据说,它每隔若干年,水色变赤,六七日始清。

20、Effects of Cinnabar and Realgar in Angong Niuhuang Powder on Heat Shock Protein, Nitric Oxide Synthase and Inflammatory Cytokines in Contusion Cerebral Edema ─── 安宫牛黄散中朱砂、雄黄对外伤性脑水肿大鼠热休克蛋白、一氧化氮合酶和炎症细胞因子的影响

21、The discovery of cinnabar in Hg-anomaly soil of cities and outskirts in plain areas and its characteristics ─── 平原区城市及周边Hg异常土壤中辰砂的发现及其特征

22、Genuine hand crafted bead made from cinnabar. ─── 仿辰砂蓝色植物珠子。

23、The scholar took a patient with mania to his house the second day and made him take the water with cinnabar in it. ─── 第二天,他把一个得癫狂病的人找到自己家,用一点朱砂放在水里给他喝。

24、First you heat the cinnabar tea pot water, and then put in the tea to fill approximately 50% to 70% of its capacity. ─── 先用开水烫热紫砂壶,然后放茶叶至壶的50%-70%。

25、Petani resin Crafts consist of two series with seven colours. Antique series includes gold, brass,aerugo,copper,bronze. Fashion Series includes chinared and cinnabar. ─── 由七种颜色构成,主要分为仿古系列与时尚系列两种。仿古系列包括黄金色、黄铜色、铜绿色、红铜色、青铜色等五款,时尚系列包括中国红和朱砂色两款。

26、Main Idea: Stone can be broken , but its hard nature cannot be changed ; Cinnabar can be eroded , but its red color cannot be changed . ─── 格言大意:石头可以被打碎,但决不能改变它固有的坚硬;朱砂可以被研磨,但局不能被改变它自身的红色。

27、On Studies of Free Hydrargyrum in Cinnabar Preparations ─── 关于含朱砂制剂中游离汞的研究

28、At last, he noticed that the figures had been drawn with the cinnabar.“Can it be that the cinnabar treats the disease? ─── 最后,他盯住画符用的朱砂了:“莫非这能治病?”

29、Keywords Changhua Chicken-Blood Stone;alunite;cinnabar;mineralogy; ─── 昌化鸡血石;明矾石;辰砂;矿物学;

30、Keywords Balin Chicken Blood Stone;kaolinite;dickite;cinnabar;Inner Mongolia; ─── 巴林鸡血石;高岭石;地开石;辰砂;内蒙古;

31、Definition: Cinnabar is a mineral of sulfides of cinnabar group, containing mainly mercuric sulfide (HgS). ─── 本品为硫化物类矿物辰砂族辰砂,主含硫化汞(HgS) 。

32、Cliff Tiger Hill and cinnabar stone for the temple city-level key cultural relics protection. ─── 虎丘摩崖石刻和丹砂寺为市级重点保护文物。

33、5.The poisoning caused by unreasonable use of cinnabar should be considered to be drug alert, but not advert effect. ─── 由于不合理用药导致的中毒,严格来说当属药物警戒,不应归属药物不良反应。

34、Topography: Maotai is located in the Chishui River Valley maitai river of the Yangtze River, and cinnabar red soil is rich in minerals and trace elements; ─── 地形地貌:茅台地处长江水系赤水河谷茅台河段,朱砂红色土壤中含有丰富的矿物质和微量元素;

35、Bracelet hand crafted from fake cinnabar. ─── 假的辰砂手镯。

36、Usually as intergrowths with quartz, pyrite, galena, sphalerite, cinnabar, chalcopyrite tec, various shapes . ─── 常与石英、黄铁矿、方铅矿、闪锌矿、辰砂、黄铜矿等共生。

37、Effects of Cinnabar and Realgar in Angong Niuhuang Powder on Lactate Dehydrogenase and Its Isoenzymes in Rats with Infectious Cerebral Edema ─── 安宫牛黄散中的朱砂雄黄对感染性脑水肿大鼠乳酸脱氢酶及其同工酶的影响

38、In Chinese medicine it has been referred to as girdling fire cinnabar, snake strand sore, fire girdle sore or spider sore. ─── 在中医学称为“缠腰火丹”、“蛇串疮”、或“火带疮”“蜘蛛疮”等。

39、Married white roses, white is the clothes with a grain of rice stick son, red is a single vermilion cinnabar birthmark on her chest. ─── 娶了白玫瑰,白的便是衣服上沾的一粒饭粘子,红的却是心口上一颗朱砂痣。

40、Application of cinnabar pigment and dope in painting tramway cable car box ─── 云母钛珠光颜料与涂料在索道缆车车厢涂装中的应用

41、Married the white rose, white then is on clothes grain of rice glue, is red actually is a cinnabar mole on Chest. ─── 娶了白玫瑰,白的便是衣服上沾的一粒饭黏子,红的却是心口上一颗朱砂痣。

42、Our first shopping site is to visit a dealer near the mine area, he have a lot of beautiful cinnabar crystals.The price is quite expensive, but we brought some for souvenir. ─── 我们的第一个购物点,是到矿山附近探访一名卖家,他有很多美丽的辰砂晶体标本,价钱颇贵,但我们还是买了一些作纪念品。

43、Objective: to find the quickly and precise method to check spurious breed of cinnabar. ─── 目的:找出快速、准确的检验朱砂粉伪品的方法。

44、Will it end or begin in your cinnabar juice?" ─── 要在你的朱红色的果汁里结束还是开始?”

45、Objective: To study the floating and sustained release performance of Xiaojin Cinnabar Floated Sustained Release Capsules. ─── 目的:研究小金丹漂浮缓释胶囊的漂浮、缓释性能。

46、native cinnabar ─── 天然朱砂

47、This artifact was a piece of ikat in tabby weave dated to the Warring States Period, with a pattern of alternate sections in red, brown and white, the red section was made by dyeing in cinnabar. ─── 此锦为战国时期典型的平纹经锦织物,以红、棕、白三色分区交替显花,其中红色由朱砂涂染而成。

48、Study on Xiaojin Cinnabar Floated Sustained Release Preparation ─── 小金丹漂浮缓释制剂的研究

49、cinnabar sedative pill ─── 朱砂安神丸

50、five poisons" were thought to be cinnabar, realgar, chalcanthite, alum, and magnetite. ─── 五毒药”被认为是朱砂,雄黄,蓝矾,明矾和磁铁矿。

51、Determination of zinc, cadmium, cobalt and nickel in Chinese traditional medicines containing cinnabar by TLCS ─── 含朱砂中成药中锌、镉、钴、镍的薄层扫描色谱测定

52、green cinnabar ─── 朱砂绿

53、In the late primitive society it formed its unique Yandan culture owing to its location-Great Wu Mountain, which was teemed with salt cinnabar. ─── 原始社会后期,因其所在之地大巫山盛产鱼盐丹砂,形成独特的盐丹文化。

54、Cinnabar is the main mineral material for polishing mercury. ─── 丹砂是炼汞最主要的矿物原料。

55、Yixing zisha can be divided into purple clay (zisha), orange-red clay, cinnabar (e.g. zhuni) and yellow buff-colored clay (banshanluni, e.g. duanni). ─── 宜兴紫砂泥分为紫泥、红泥(朱泥)及本山绿泥(段泥),统称紫砂泥。

56、Are they the cinnabar gold and wood carvings you mentioned? ─── 这就是你之前提过的朱金漆木雕?

57、Austrian cinnabar ─── 碱式铬酸铅

58、Chromium oxide, green cinnabar; ─── 产品英文名 Chromium oxide;

59、This article made a brief analysis of clinical adverse effects of cinnabar. ─── 摘要对临床上报道的朱砂不良反应进行简要分析。

60、Bloody Jiangshan picture, how enemy you brow a little cinnabar. ─── 血染江山的画,怎敌你眉间一点朱砂。

61、Keywords Fixed-potential;Potentiometrc titration;Compleximetry;Distribution coefficient;Cinnabar determination; ─── 固定电位;电位滴定;络合滴定;分布系数;朱砂测定;

62、dumpling and powder. The results of analysis of microscope and XRD had showed that those are hematite,sulfur,cinnabar and gypsum. ─── 经过偏光显微镜等仪器分析确定它们为赭石 (FEO2 3 )、硫磺 (S)、朱砂、石膏(HgS ,CaSO4 ·2H2 )。

63、cinnabar crystal ─── 辰砂晶体

64、Miners hewed chunks of rock veined with cinnabar, the main commercial source of mercury. ─── 矿工们将含有朱砂的岩石切成一块一块的,朱砂是水银的主要商业来源。

65、We found calcite, dolomite and a few cinnabar samples there. ─── 我们在洞内找到一些方解石、白云石及少量辰砂晶体。

66、The vividness of cinnabar red at the sunset that dissolves the colors of the brocade into the mountains. ─── 日落时分,群山渲染了晚霞锦缎般亮丽的朱红;

67、Keywords cinnabar;mercury sulphide;dissolution;mercury polysulfide; ─── 朱砂;硫化汞;溶出;多硫化汞;

68、Keywords Zhen zhu (cinnabar);Zhen zhu (pearl);Title;Confusion;Textual research; ─── 关键词真朱;真珠;名称;错乱;考证;

69、Cinnabar Moth ─── 红裳灯蛾(灯蛾科)

70、Determination of mercuric sulfide in cinnabar by potential-fixed compleximetry ─── 固定电位络合滴定法测定朱砂中硫化汞含量

71、On the Beginning of Cinnabar Synthesizing in Ancient China ─── 中国始炼硫化汞时间新证

72、false cinnabar ─── 伪朱砂粉

73、Perhaps once the heart arrhythmia cinnabar mole security lock on the slow songs into the memory of other field house, the yard deep. ─── 也许曾经的床前明月光,心口朱砂痣保不齐就慢慢锁进了记忆的曲院别栏,庭院深深。

74、Babao Wudan Cinnabar Stick ─── 八宝五胆药墨

75、married to a white rose, white grain of rice is sticky clothes children, red is a cinnabar mole on her chest. ─── 如果白玫瑰是他饭粘子的话,那么红玫瑰就是他那天生在她胸腔上的一块朱红色的胎记。

76、Because the cinnabar mines are very close to the Tongren city, so Mr.Gao allow us to take a good sleep. ─── 由于辰砂矿距离铜仁市很近,领队高先生特别让我们多些休息,我们于九时左右才轻松出发。

77、red cinnabar ─── 硫化汞

78、Cinnabar Limpet ─── n. 朱红笠螺(笠螺超科,笠螺科)

79、corolla tubular to narrowly campanulate, variable in color: yellow to cinnabar red (sometimes 2-colored), deep plum crimson, or rarely plum purple. ─── 花冠管状到狭钟状,颜色易变:对朱红的红色的(有时2有色)黄,深的李子深红色,或很少李子紫色。

80、Result: the micro-identity could quickly and precise detect the false cinnabar. ─── 结果:显微鉴别可快速、准确检出朱砂伪品。

81、In Chinese medicine it has been referred to as girdling fire cinnabar, snake strand sore, fire girdle sore or spider sore. ─── 在中医学称为“缠腰火丹”、“蛇串疮”、或“火带疮”“蜘蛛疮”等。

82、cinnabar red spot ─── 朱红色斑

83、Ah , she has found cinnabar fragrance Mei! ─── 啊,她身上有朱砂梅的清香!

84、Here we collected some much better quality cinnabar specimens, Edward even found a quartz included with cinnabar! ─── 在这里我们采集到一些比较好的辰砂晶体。Edward还找到一件内含辰砂的水晶呢!

85、vermilion cinnabar ─── 朱砂

86、cinnabar stick ─── n. 朱墨

87、"If the old, more custom, and by custom, Yaoti during the Dragon Boat Festival on the point of children in cinnabar, linked to Xiangbao, intended to provide the epidemic sickness, driving away evil. ─── “如果在旧时,风俗更多,按人和风俗,端午期间要替孩子在额上点朱砂、挂香包,意为驱邪辟疫。

88、The traditional dyestuffs are mainly plant dyestuff such as indigo plant, knotweed etc, and mineral dyestuff is cinnabar. ─── 传统染料主要是植物染料蓼蓝靛等多种,矿物染料有朱砂。

89、cinnabar seal-ink ─── 朱砂印泥

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