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09-03 投稿


consomme 发音

英:[?kɑ?ns??me?]  美:[?k?ns?me?]

英:  美:

consomme 中文意思翻译



consomme 短语词组

1、consomme fermier ─── 消费农民

2、consomme cups ─── 清汤杯

3、consomme vs broth ─── 清汤与肉汤

4、consomme chicken soup ─── 清汤鸡汤

5、consomme recipe ─── 清汤食谱

consomme 相似词语短语

1、consorted ─── n.(统治者的)配偶;一组(古乐器或乐师);随航船只;伙伴;v.厮混,(别人反对的)结交;陪伴;符合;n.(Consort)(美、英、法)孔索尔特(人名)

2、consummate ─── adj.至上的;完美的;圆满的;vt.完成;作成;使达到极点

3、consommés ─── 消费

4、consolate ─── 安慰

5、consume ─── vt.消耗,消费;使…着迷;挥霍;vi.耗尽,毁灭;耗尽生命

6、consommé ─── 白汤

7、consolute ─── adj.共溶性的,会溶质的

8、consocies ─── n.单优种演替群落

9、console ─── n.[计]控制台;[电]操纵台;支撑架;vt.安慰;慰藉;n.(Console)(意、罗)孔索莱(人名)

consomme 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Red Pond Supreme Shark Fin Consomme ─── 红塘招牌翅汤底

2、Consomme:bring chicken broth and water to the boil. ─── 清汤:煮滚清鸡汤及水。

3、I'll have dinner "A". I'll have the consomme soup and the steak, well done. ─── 我点A餐。我要清炖肉汤和牛排,全熟的。

4、Australian Lobster(Sashimi/ in Chicken Consommé / Fried with Spicy Salt) ─── 澳洲龙虾(刺身, 上汤焗, 椒盐)

5、Consommé of Grass Carp with Vinegar and Pepper, Live Style ─── 醋椒活草鱼

6、Beef Consommé ─── 牛肉清汤

7、Double-boiled superior shark's fin consomme with chicken and jinhua ham(advance order) ─── 高汤火膧鸡炖排翅(需预订)

8、Consommé of Dried Scallops and Mushrooms ─── 清汤干贝鲜蘑

9、I'd like the number four with turkey, please. She'll have the chef's special with consomme, tossed salad, and grilled salmon. ─── 我要4号餐和火鸡,她要主厨特餐和清炖肉汤,沙拉和烤鲑鱼。

10、Consommé of Mandarin Fish with Vinegar and Pepper, Live Style ─── 醋椒活桂鱼

11、Szechwan cuisine of heavy celebrate hair belly chafing dish, mandarin duck chafing dish, consomme chafin g dish. ─── 川菜烹调技艺历史悠久,源远流长,这些都丰富和发展了川菜的传统技艺。

12、Chinese Broccoli in Chicken Consommé ─── 上汤芥菜胆

13、W:Well,consomme and jumbo burger for the lady,and minute steak,rolls for you.All right.How would you like your steak,sir? ─── 哦,清汤和大肉饼给女士,小排和圆形面包给你,好的,先生,你的牛排要怎样吃呢?

14、Consomme of ham with noodles ─── 火腿面条汤

15、Next came the Seafood Consomme, the Lobster Consomme is light and tasty but the pork dumpling in it seems to be a not so perfect match, maybe any sort of seafood dumpling would go better with it! ─── 得来很易的餐酒,头盘未上,已差不多喝光.在平日午餐饮餐酒,并不是什麽稀奇事,毕竟我们不是饮快酒之人,不会有太大影响.

16、In Changyeh's meats food, grasps the mutton and the consomme mutton besides the hand, the sacrificial mutton element has the great reputation, the sacrificial mutton uses area Yanshan's mutton. ─── 在张掖的肉类食品中,除手抓羊肉和清汤羊肉外,腊羊肉素负盛名,腊羊肉采用沿山一带的羊肉。

17、Vas-y consomme! Consomme. Consume, consume! ─── 去享受吧!享受!摧毁吧,摧毁!

18、Consomme a la Reint or cream of mushrooms. ─── 鸡粒青豆汤或奶油蘑菇汤。

19、Consomme with meat pie TO ─── 清汤肉饼

20、Consomme of white fungus with quail eggs ─── 清汤银耳鹌鹑蛋

21、C:Yes,we are ready.She takes consomme,I take New England clam chowder,and jumbo burger for her,minute steak and rolls for me.What comes with my steak? ─── 是的,我们准备点了,她要清汤,我要新英格兰哈肉羹,她要大的肉饼,我要小排和圆形小面包,我的牛排什么时间来呢?

22、vodka and beef bouillon or consomme. ─── 由伏特加酒和牛肉汤或肉煮的清汤制成的酒。

23、Do you prefer a consomme or a cream soap? ─── 您喜欢清汤还是奶油汤?

24、Consomme, tossed salad, fried chicken, apple pie, coffee or Coke. ─── 肉汤、拌色拉、炸鸡、苹果馅饼、咖啡或可乐。

25、a tomato-flavored consomme; ─── 用番茄调味的清炖肉汤;

26、I'd like the number four with turkey, please. She'll have the chef's special with consomme, tossed salad, and grilled salmon. ─── 我要4号餐和火鸡,她要主厨特餐和清炖肉汤,沙拉和烤鲑鱼。

27、Soup: Consomme Forestiere. Chicken Soup in Puer tea ─── 汤类:牛尾清汤、普洱茶炖鸡

28、lemonade, ice-cream, iced almond-jelly, fruit consomm, cream layer-cakes, and all sorts of foreign-style delicacies ─── 汽水,冰淇淋,冰冻杏酪,八宝羹,奶油千层糕,以及各种西式糕点,摆满了一桌子。

29、I ordered consomme, not potage for the soup. ─── 我点是清汤,而不是法国浓汤。

30、One consomme, and one cream of chicken, please. ─── 要一份清汤和一份奶油鸡汤。

31、I'll have dinner "A" . I'll have the consomme soup and the steak, well done. ─── 我点A餐。我要清炖肉汤和牛排,全熟的。

32、Use the sauce, refined sugar, vinegar, monosodium glutamate, consomme, the water bean powder adjust powder of 芡 .( not proper too thick ─── 用酱油,白糖,醋,味精,清汤,水豆粉调成芡粉(不宜太浓)。

33、consomme,tossed salad,fried chicken,apple pie,coffee or Coke ─── 肉汤、拌色拉、炸鸡、苹果馅饼、咖啡或可乐

34、Chicken consomme a la julienne ─── 蔬菜丝鸡清汤

35、Consommé of Beef Balls ─── 清汤牛丸腩

36、In chongqing hotpot restaurant as a typical representative, mainly divided into two kinds, consomme soup, red with spicy delicious red soup, clear and bright color clear flavour with features. ─── 以重庆火锅为典型餐饮代表,主要分为红汤和清汤两种,红汤以麻辣鲜香为主,而清汤以色清味鲜为特色。

37、I recommend consomme and cream of chicken. ─── 今天的清汤和奶油鸡汤很好。

38、Slow cooked Key West Pink shrimp and Sicilian pistachios sit in a bath of white truffle consomme and pistachio oil. Young onions accent the dish. ─── 低温慢煮基韦斯特粉红对虾和西西里乳香子,置于白松露清汤中,少少几滴开心果油点缀其间。小葱装饰于盘边,起画龙点睛之用。

39、jellied consomme ─── 嗜喱浓汤

40、chicken consomme ─── 清炖鸡汤

41、beef consomme ─── 牛肉汤

42、Consommé of Mushrooms and Vegetables ─── 山菌时蔬钵

43、mushroom consomme ─── 香菇清汤

44、Select: Beef Consomme with Kobe Beef, Potato Soup with Black Truffles ─── 可选:和牛清汤、黑菌土豆汤

45、high-quality consomme ─── 高级清汤

46、Consomme: bring chicken broth and water to the boil. ─── 清汤:煮滚清鸡汤及水。

47、We have both consomme and cream soups. ─── 我们这里有清汤和浓汤。

48、What about the soup? We have both consomme and cream soups. ─── 您要什么汤呢?我们这里有清汤和浓汤。

49、In Changyeh's meats food, grasps the mutton and the consomme mutton besides the hand, the sacrificial mutton element has the great reputation. ─── 在张掖的肉类食品中,除手抓羊肉和清汤羊肉外,腊羊肉素负盛名。

50、1.I ordered consomme,not potage for the soup. ─── 我点是清汤,而不是法国浓汤。

51、consomme | broth ─── 清汤| 清炖肉汤

52、a tomato-flavored consomme; often served chilled. ─── 用番茄调味的清炖肉汤;通常冷冻后食用。

53、consomm or broth garnished with long,thin strips of vegetables ─── 肉汁菜丝汤配有切成细长条的蔬菜的清炖肉汤或原汤

54、Sorry to have kept you waiting. Consomme, and New England clam chowder. Some crackers, please. ─── 抱歉让你久等了,清汤、新英格兰肉羹和一些饼干。

55、Man: May I order please? OK, I need one Mushroom Port Consomme. How is the lamb chop? ─── 我们可以开始了。我需要一份甜酒蘑菇清汤、烧烤羊排的味道怎么样?

56、Consomm or broth garnished with long, thin strips of vegetables. ─── 菜丝清汤,肉汁菜丝汤配有切成细长条的蔬菜的清炖肉汤或原汤

57、Lobster Poached in Chicken Consommé ─── 上汤焗龙虾

58、Well,then,I'll have the cold consomme entasse and cold cuts,please. ─── 哦,那么我就要冷清汤和冷盘好了。

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