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09-03 投稿



hirtellous 发音

英:[[h?:'tel?s]]  美:[[h?:'tel?s]]

英:  美:

hirtellous 中文意思翻译



hirtellous 相似词语短语

1、hirsutulous ─── 多毛的

2、varicellous ─── 平滑静脉曲张

3、Martellos ─── n.圆形炮塔;圆形石堡(等于Martellotower)(Martello的变形)

4、libellous ─── adj.诽谤的;损害名誉的(等于libelous)

5、marvellous ─── adj.不可思议的;惊人的

6、quarrellous ─── 吵架的

7、acarpellous ─── adj.无心皮的

8、cerebellous ─── 小脑的

9、Martello ─── n.圆形炮塔;圆形石堡(等于Martellotower)

hirtellous 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Twigs pubescent and glandular setose intermixed. Inflorescence axis, hypanthium, and calyx lobes hirtellous. ─── 短柔毛和具腺具刚毛小枝混合。花序轴,托杯和萼裂片具微糙硬毛。

2、Current year branchlets yellowish brown; leaf blade abaxially hirtellous near base especially along midvein but glabrescent, adaxially glabrous. ─── 叶片椭圆形,倒卵状椭圆形,长圆状椭圆形,或长圆形,无毛的或具微糙硬毛的近基部特别是沿中脉(4

3、Culm sheath ligule less than 1 mm; leaf sheath ligule less than 1 mm, hirtellous. ─── 竿箨叶舌不到1毫米;叶鞘叶舌不到1毫米,具微糙硬毛。

4、Leaf blade small, thinly leathery, abaxially hirtellous along midvein. ─── 叶片小,薄革质,背面的具微糙硬毛的沿中脉。

5、Stems densely rigidly hairy in lower part. Leaflets abaxially densely pubescent or tomentose-pubescent between veins, sparsely glandular punctate, adaxially hirsute or hirtellous on veins. ─── 浓密刚硬的茎有毛的在下部。正面,在脉,具点的疏生腺体之间的小叶背面密被短柔毛或被绒毛短柔毛具粗毛或在脉上。

6、Leaf sheaths glabrous, scabrid or rarely hirtellous; ─── 叶鞘无毛,粗糙的或很少具微糙硬毛;

7、Stems erect, base much branched, glabrous or sparsely hirtellous. ─── 茎直立,基于多分枝,无毛或疏生。

8、Stems robust, 60-70 cm tall, glabrous or sparsely hirtellous on nodes. Leaf blade oblong-lanceolate, glabrous, margin coarsely dentate-serrate. ─── 茎粗壮,60-70厘米高,无毛或疏生在节上。叶片长圆状披针形,无毛,边缘粗牙齿锯齿。

9、Calyx campanulate, ca. 3 mm, densely hirtellous, subequally 5-toothed to slightly 2-lipped; ─── 花萼钟状,约3毫米,浓密具微糙硬毛,对有点二唇形5齿状的近相等;

10、Herbs perennial.Stems 70-90 cm, retrorse hirtellous or glabrate, yellowish glandular. ─── 多年生草本茎70-90厘米,反折具微糙硬毛或,淡黄具腺。

11、Stems 30-80 cm tall, erect, subterete and subglabrous basally, densely white hirtellous and much branched apically. ─── 30-80厘米高的茎,直立,和基部近无毛,浓密白色具微糙硬毛和多分枝顶部。

12、Herbs reddish or reddish brown hirtellous, drying black. ─── 草本带红色的或红棕色具微糙硬毛,干的黑色。

13、Branches and pedicels slender, angles hirtellous. ─── 分枝并且花梗纤细,有棱。

14、Stems erect, base much branched, glabrous or sparsely hirtellous. ─── 茎直立,基于多分枝,无毛或疏生。

15、Stems branched, 50-150 cm tall, sparsely hirtellous, sparsely armed with stinging hairs. ─── 茎分枝,50-150厘米高,具微糙硬毛的疏生,稀少用蛰毛武装。

16、Stems ascending or erect, branched, hirtellous. ─── 茎上升或者直立,分枝,具微糙硬毛。

17、stems, petioles, and both surfaces of leaf blade sparsely hirtellous and armed with stinging hairs. ─── 茎,叶柄,和具微糙硬毛的叶片两面疏生和具蛰毛。

18、Rachis, hypanthium, and calyx lobes hirtellous, twigs pubescent and glandular setose. ─── 托杯,和具微糙硬毛的萼裂片,青春期和腺具刚毛的枝。

19、Leaf blade often small, thinly leathery, adaxially hirtellous along midvein. ─── 叶片通常小,薄革质,正面具微糙硬毛的沿中脉。

20、Branches dark purplish, young branchlets and petioles sparsely spreading hirtellous and mixed snow white tomentose. ─── 分枝深色的略带紫色,幼枝和叶柄疏生平展的具微糙硬毛和混合雪白被绒毛。

21、stems and petioles sparsely hirtellous, armed with stinging hairs. ─── 茎和叶柄疏生具微糙硬毛的,具蛰毛。

22、stems, petioles, and both surfaces of leaf blade sparsely hirtellous and armed with stinging hairs. ─── 茎,叶柄,和具微糙硬毛的叶片两面疏生和具蛰毛。

23、Branchlets zigzagged, branchlets and petiole spreading, brown or gray-brown hirtellous. ─── 小枝曲折地前进,小枝和叶柄开展,棕色或灰棕色具微糙硬毛。

24、Stems erect, branched, densely hirtellous. ─── 茎直立,分枝,浓密具微糙硬毛。

25、Glumes ovate-elliptic, hirtellous above middle; leaf sheaths about as long or longer than internodes. ─── 颖片卵状椭圆形,具微糙硬毛的在中部以上;关于节间等长或长于的叶鞘。

26、Herbs or small shrubs. Petiole 1-3 cm; leaf blade obovate-elliptic to oblanceolate, adaxially hirtellous and scabrid or stellate hirtellous, abaxially densely tawny stellate tomentose. ─── 草本或小的灌木。叶柄1-3厘米;叶片倒卵状椭圆形到倒披针形,正面具微糙硬毛和粗糙或具微糙硬毛,背面浓密褐黄色被星状绒毛。

27、stems, petioles, and both surfaces of leaf blade sparsely hirtellous, armed with stinging hairs, particularly on nodes. ─── 茎,叶柄,和具微糙硬毛的叶片两面疏生,具蛰毛,特别是在节上。

28、axis and branches slender, glabrous or branches sparsely hirtellous along angles. ─── 轴和分枝纤细,无毛或者分枝疏生沿着棱。

29、petiole slender, 1.5-7 cm, with sparse stinging and hirtellous hairs; ─── 纤细的叶柄,1.5-7厘米,具稀的蛰和具微糙硬毛的毛;

30、lobes lanceolate to narrowly lanceolate, 2.5-3 mm, densely hirtellous outside. ─── 裂片披针形到狭披针形,2.5-3毫米,在外面浓密具微糙硬毛。

31、Branchlets hirtellous and glandular granulose, sometimes glabrous; ─── 小枝具微糙硬毛和腺粒状,有时无毛;

32、Stems hirtellous along angles, densely hirsute on nodes. ─── 茎具微糙硬毛的沿着棱,在节上的密被长硬毛。

33、stipules narrowly triangular, ca. 1.5 mm, hirtellous on abaxial surface; ─── 托叶狭三角形,约1.5毫米,具微糙硬毛的在背面;

34、Stems hirsute, hirtellous, puberulent, or villosulous; stipules glabrous, ciliate, or hirsute. ─── 茎具粗毛,具微糙硬毛,被微柔毛,或微柔毛;托叶无毛,纤毛,或者多毛。(158

35、lobes ovate-triangular, densely white hirtellous, apex obtuse. ─── 裂片卵形三角形,浓密白色,先端钝。

36、4(3) Current year branchlets yellowish brown; leaf blade abaxially hirtellous near base especially along midvein but glabrescent, adaxially glabrous. ─── 当年小枝黄棕色;叶片背面具微糙硬毛的近基部特别是沿中脉但是后脱落,正面无毛。

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