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09-03 投稿



intermediator 发音

英:[??nt?r?mid??et?r]  美:[??nt??mi?die?t?(r)]

英:  美:

intermediator 中文意思翻译



intermediator 同义词

halfway | arbitrate | transitional | intervening | in-between | midway | intermediary |middle | intercede | mediate | average | medium | liaise | in | between | in between

intermediator 词性/词形变化,intermediator变形

名词: intermediacy |动词第三人称单数: intermediates |动词现在分词: intermediating |副词: intermediately |动词过去分词: intermediated |动词过去式: intermediated |

intermediator 反义词


intermediator 相似词语短语

1、intermediated ─── v.充当调解人;斡旋(intermediate的过去式及过去分词)

2、intermediately ─── adv.在中间

3、intermediate ─── adj.中间的,过渡的;中级的,中等的;n.中级生;(化合物)中间体,中间物;中介,媒介;v.充当调解人,起媒介作用

4、intermediating ─── adj.中间的,过渡的;中级的,中等的;n.中级生;(化合物)中间体,中间物;中介,媒介;v.充当调解人,起媒介作用

5、intermediates ─── n.中型物;中间事物;光泽辊;媒介(intermediate的复数);v.调解;充当调解人(intermediate的三单形式)

6、intermedia ─── n.媒介物,中间物;adj.综合使用多种艺术表现手段的;综合媒介的

7、intermediation ─── n.调解;仲裁;调停;作中间人

8、interdictor ─── n.封锁舰

9、intermediatory ─── 中间的

intermediator 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Article 426 The principal shall pay the intermediator remuneration according to the terms of the contract if the intermediator has facilitated the establishment of the contract. ─── 第四百二十六条居间人促成合同成立的,委托人应当按照约定支付报酬。

2、Aim In order to solve the trouble of the lack of forward secrecy and intermediator attack in current WTLS protocol. ─── 目的为解决目前WTLS协议中缺乏前向安全性、无法抵抗中间人攻击的问题。

3、The intermediator who absorbs financial institutions from abroad shall be rewarded by the financial department at the same level with 300,000 Yuan; ─── 引进境外金融机构的,同级财政部门给予奖励人民币30万元;

4、Article 425 The intermediator shall report truthfully to the principal the matters related to the conclusion of a contract. ─── 第四百二十五条居间人应当就有关订立合同的事项向委托人如实报告。

5、Normally, a proxy server is deployed in LAN as an intermediator between the remote server and clients to reduce the WAN traffic and speed up the response. ─── 通常,代理伺服器位于区域网路之中,被当作是远端伺服器和使用者间的中介,加入代理伺服器的好处是可以降低广域网路的流量和提升使用者的回应速度。

6、The intermediator of the world is only one of the Chinese roles in the world.It means China is the intercessor of the international and interlocal discord.This role should be extended. ─── “全球中间人”只是中国能在世界上扮演的角色的一个层面,它指的是中国作为国际和地区争端的调解者。

7、Governance Advantages of Cluster Networks: An Intermediator Model ─── 集群网络的治理优势:一个中间人模型

8、Change of Innovating Mechanism of Technology and Functions of Science and Technology Intermediator ─── 技术创新机制转变与科技中介组织功能研究

9、an intentional decision-maker while a culture intermediator and reformer. ─── 既是有自主意识的决策者,同时也是文化的沟通中介和改革者。

10、act as an intermediary; be an intermediator ─── 作中

11、Where the intermediator has facilitated the conclusion of the contract, the expenses for the intermediate service shall be borne by the intermediator. ─── 居间人促成合同成立的,居间活动的费用,由居间人负担。

12、science and technology intermediator ─── 科技中介

13、intermediator attack ─── 中间人攻击

14、Governance Advantages of Cluster Networks: An Intermediator Model ─── 集群网络的治理优势:一个中间人模型

15、Focal adhesion kinase (FAK) is the intermediator linking integrins to downstream signal proteins, and plays a key role in multiple signal pathways. ─── 粘着斑激酶(focal adhesion kinase,FAK)则是整合素信号途径中连接整合素与下级信号分子的媒介,是胞内多条信号途径的交汇点。

16、If the establishment of a contract has been facilitated by the intermediate service rendered by the intermediator, the remuneration shall be borne equally by the parties to the contract. ─── 因居间人提供订立合同的媒介服务而促成合同成立的,由该合同的当事人平均负担居间人的报酬。

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