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09-03 投稿



refutes 发音

英:[r??fju?ts]  美:[r??fju?ts]

英:  美:

refutes 中文意思翻译



refutes 词性/词形变化,refutes变形

动词过去分词: refuted |形容词: refutable |动词过去式: refuted |动词现在分词: refuting |动词第三人称单数: refutes |副词: refutably |名词: refutability |

refutes 相似词语短语

1、refugees ─── 难民

2、reflates ─── vt.使(通货)再膨胀;vi.通货再膨胀

3、refute ─── vt.反驳,驳斥;驳倒

4、reputes ─── n.名誉;声望;vt.名誉;认为;把…称为

5、refuter ─── 加油机

6、refuges ─── n.收容所;避难所(refuge的复数);v.避难(refuge的单三形式);提供庇护

7、refutals ─── n.驳斥;反驳

8、refuses ─── v.拒绝;抵制(refuse的第三人称单数);推辞;n.[环境]垃圾(refuse的复数);[环境]废物

9、refuted ─── vt.反驳,驳斥;驳倒

refutes 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Evidence that refutes or disproves. ─── 反证物;反驳的证据

2、” Meadown and refutes the Republican Administration expels is solves the financial crisis medicine view. ─── 他说:“就某种程度而言,(这场危机)超出政治人物的操控范围。

3、Next, the author refutes the economical method applied by euthanasia advocates in analysis and argues that the value of human life is not identical to that of other physical beings. ─── 第二,集体意识与法律文化基础对主动自愿安乐死的作用。本文认为社会集体意识形成深植于人内心的性情或倾向,影响个人或集体的价值判断。

4、This paper refutes the above two views and finally derives its own conclusion: language is independent of some forms of thought. ─── 对于这个问题有两种对立的观点,一种认为语言与思维相互独立;另一种认为语言与思维不可分离。

5、The article analyzes the defect of Cline's model and refutes the China threat theory.We put forward suggestions on how to respond "China threat" theory. ─── 文章从分析克莱因模型的缺陷入手对“中国威胁论”进行反驳,并提出应对“中国威胁论”的几点建议。

6、The discovery of stem flatfish with incomplete orbital migration refutes Goldschmidt's ideas, and demonstrates that "the assembly of the flatfish bodyplan occurred in a gradual, stepwise fashion". ─── 有不完全的眼窝迁移的羽轴型比目鱼的发现,驳倒了高尔德施密兹的观点,并且表明“比目鱼身体平面图的装配,是以一个渐进的、逐步的方式发生”。

7、The completely automatic may fold refutes the hood, only need lightly the button 25 seconds later then opens or the closure. ─── 全自动可折叠硬顶敞篷,只需轻按按钮25秒后即可开启或关闭。

8、The lecturer refutes that the area of ocean side are also used to ship petroleum and gas.It's very dangerous for Ice Mountain.As the oil explosive, it's disastrous for the creature there. ─── 演讲者驳斥道:海岸线区域也是石油和天然气运输的地方,因此,由于冰山的缘故,这就极为危险,一旦发生石油泄漏,那对于生活在那里的动物来讲将是灾难性的。

9、Building home fine long hair refutes impolitely: "God is in muddleheaded in created the world, because this is a building certainly,main effect arrived since the home. ─── 建筑家毫不客气的反驳道:“上帝在一片混沌中创造了世界,因此一定是建筑家起到了重要的作用。”

10、The theory refutes functionalism, which considers that societies and organization function so that each individual and group plays a specific role, like organs in the body. ─── 可能来自于于任何一个建立其结构或取得利益的特殊个体或团体(例如政党,基金会等等)。

11、Boss Refutes Claims Over Rooney ─── 老板驳斥关于鲁尼的传言

12、But "I do not think that this result on its own either confirms or refutes the vibration theory. " ─── 但是,“我不认为这项试验的结果本身证明或否定了振动理论。”

13、1.Regarding indirect identification, we must desalinate the associated factors which claimant lodge and do exist and refutes associated factors which do not exist. ─── 对于间接证明式的举证,要淡化索赔人所列举的确实存在的关联因素,驳斥其列举的不存在的关联因素。

14、The corpus some viewpoints, and gives us some insight about the nature post-modifier and makes a classification of evidence testifies some hypothesis, refutes of the individual words and patterns. ─── 语料库中丰富的实例验证了某些假设,反驳了某些观点,使我们了解到不同的单词有其独特的本质特征和句法分布模式。

15、Yet Mark Uhran, assistant associate administrator for the ISS, refutes the criticism that the station hasn't done any useful research. ─── 然而,国际空间站副主任助理马克·乌兰反驳了关于国际空间站没有做出有用研究的批评观点。

16、She refutes any suggestion that she behaved unprofessionally. ─── 她不在行,她都予以反驳。

17、In the following we will see how the Buddha refutes all the attempts made by Ananda to pin down the locality of the mind. ─── 下面我们会看到佛陀是如何反驳阿难的所有试图确定心的位置的尝试。

18、3. the proof or refutes one of some argument best means is selected the example from the personal experience. ─── 3.证明或驳斥某个论点的最好办法之一是从亲身经历中举出例子。

19、Somebody talks about equestrian liver poisonous this thing when, apropos clinging to outworn rules and ideas is common attendant, he refutes at once say: "You this is to deceive people! ─── 有人谈论马肝有毒这件事的时候,恰好迂公在场,他当即反驳说:“你这是骗人!

20、He said the self sacrifice and charity shown here refutes the notion that people have grown selfish and unconcerned about their neighbors. ─── 他说,这里展现出来的自我牺牲精神和慈善行为以实际行动反驳了人们正越来越自私和不关心他人的观点。

21、The scientists said the finding, made in rodents, refutes current ideas on how long crucial "progenitor" stem cells persist in the aging brain. ─── 通过啮齿类动物试验发现,神经干细胞是永久的存在于大脑老化的过程中。

22、Sina said it has created a separate channel dubbed "Weibo Refutes Rumors" to spread denials of false information. ─── 新浪称,它已经创建了一个独立的渠道。该渠道被称为“微博辟谣”,用于驳斥虚假信息。

23、For more effectively refutes a rumor, the website used a large number of photographs and kinescope data to prove Aobama's innocence. ─── 为了更有力地辟谣,网站使用了大量照片和录像资料来证实奥巴马的清白。

24、Makiko Tanaka Refutes Report of Misuse of Parliament Assistants' Salary ─── 田中真纪子否认滥用国会助理薪资传闻

25、What happens in the course of action neither confirms, refutes, nor alters it. ─── 在行动过程中,所发生的情况既不证实这个目的,也不推翻这个目的,也不改变这个目的。

26、"Xing and the Dao of Heaven" difference Between HuHong refutes WangAnShi ─── 论胡宏与王安石"性与天道"观差别

27、In the following we will see how the Buddha refutes all the attempts made by Ananda to pin down the locality of the mind. ─── 下面我们会看到佛陀是如何反驳阿难的所有试图确定心的位置的尝试。

28、Italian culture Minister Emperor Pang insufficient refutes the statement with energy to indicate regretted that is actually unable to point out the powerful evidence to refute opposite party. ─── 意大利文化部长庞帝用一封底气不足的驳斥声明表示遗憾,却无法举出强有力的证据来驳斥对方。

29、This paper refutes this point of view from two dimensions, i.e. ─── 本文将从两个维度即文本和认知的维度分析驳斥这种观点。

30、“before has many about the Kim Jong Il health's hearsay, but refutes is really officially the very rare phenomenon. ─── “以前关于金正日健康的传闻就有很多,但正式驳斥真是很少见的现象。”

31、”Sales outletAssistant Manager Lao Yang refutes immediately: “how travels isnot the activity? ─── 销售部副经理老杨立马反驳:“ 旅游怎么不是活动呢?

32、An example that refutes or disproves a hypothesis, proposition, or theorem. ─── 反例证对某种假设、命题或定理进行反驳或推翻的例子

33、The latest study refutes the results of an earlier report. ─── 最新报告反驳早期报告的结果。

34、Baudrillard also refutes the mythology that everyone in leisure is equal. ─── 波德里亚同时批驳了休闲之中人人平等的神话。

35、The German press have reported that coming into such a strong squad of players, Ballack has requested guarantees of a place in the starting eleven. This he refutes. ─── 德国媒体曾报道,加盟这样一支强手云集的球队,巴拉克要求保证自己必定在首发十一人名单中占据一个位置。这次他反驳了这个传闻。

36、This thesis refutes present theories about legal nature of virtual property and comes to a conclusion that virtual property belongs to jus ad rem and it is a special one. ─── 本文批驳了关于虚拟财产法律性质的现有各种学说,分析得出虚拟财产更符合“物权说”,最终得出了虚拟财产是一种特殊的物的结论。

37、The Greek philosopher Plato believed people were born creative, but prevailing scientific research today refutes this theory. ─── 古希腊哲学家柏拉图相信人生而具有创造力,但现在主流的科学研究驳斥了这种理论。

38、The engineer refutes instantly say: "Nevertheless! ─── 工程师立即反驳说:“不过!

39、He strongly refutes FAD viewpoint by analysising the causes of famine; ─── 他对于饥荒成因的分析有力地驳斥了FAD观点;

40、This refutes what some people do; ─── 阿伊莎(祈主喜之)传述,除斋月外,穆圣(祈主福安之)从未全月封斋。

41、“you are my wife, but is also carrying me with other man communication, this is the minor matter”Facing Liu's view, Zhang refutes indignantly immediately. ─── “你是我老婆,还背着我跟别的男人来往,这还是小事啊?”面对刘某的说法,张某立即气愤地反驳。

42、This effectively refutes the spread of small Japanese "Okinawa is a Japanese language dialects" fallacy. ─── 这有力地驳斥了小日本宣扬的“琉球语是日本语的方言”这一谬论。

43、These coins do not contain zinc, which refutes some views about the existence of zinc in Xinmang coins. ─── 这些钱币中不含金属锌,否定了长期以来关于莽钱中含锌的说法。

44、The shaft coupling refutes the transport mode to carry on the preliminary analysis comparison. ─── 对轮驳运输方式进行初步分析比较。

45、" very serious ground refutes Li Gu: "Without sexual life, bring about endocrinopathy easily. ─── 李谷很认真地反驳:“没有性生活,容易导致内分泌失调。”

46、Contrary to media reports this morning, Chelsea Football Club totally refutes that the job of Manager or First Team Coach has been offered to any individual other than Avram Grant. ─── 跟今早的媒体报导相反,切尔西足球俱乐部完全地反驳有关球队经理或一线队教练的职位曾经向埃夫拉姆.格兰特以外的任何一个人提供的内容。

47、When it cannot, it typically refutes the subject at hand. ─── 当它无法这么做时,它就会**当刻的主题。

48、We saw how Peter refutes the false teachings of the false teachers. ─── 我们学习了彼得是如何驳倒假师傅的假教训的。

49、Insurance company refutes this censures. ─── 保险公司驳斥这项指责。

50、The traditional international economics thinks that trade of goods and services affects trade of capitals. The author refutes this view. ─── 传统的国际经济学家认为商品和服务的交易影响了资本的交易。而作者反对此观点。

51、Argument that refutes sth;counter-argument ─── 作辩驳用的论据;反驳性论据.

52、Wu Mi emphasize the eternal lofty psychology experience which the poetry musical sense takes to, refutes the poetry excessively pursuing the freedom of music Characteristic. ─── 他重视诗歌乐感带给人们永恒崇高的心理体验,驳斥诗歌过分追求音乐性而导致的自由无度。

53、The example of European cities refutes that. ─── 欧洲城市的例子反驳了这一点。

54、And another netizen refutes say: "You are saying lie, I am this company. ─── 而另一位网民则反驳说:“你在说瞎话,我就是这家公司的。

55、any observation of a non red ball refutes unequivocally the proposed generalization. ─── 任何观察,只要发现一个非红色的球,即断然推翻所提出的那一推论。

56、"Every data point that refutes that view is bringing Treasury buyers back into the market reluctantly to cover their positions, " he said. ─── “所有数据都与上述论点相左,让公债买家回到市场回补仓位。”他说到。

57、" Smith refutes say: "Respectable gentleman, earth up a root to also had said: ' garrulous judge defeats tonometer like ' . ─── 史密斯则反驳说:“尊敬的先生,培根也说过:‘多嘴的法官就像一根破音叉’。”

58、Adam refutes say: "Your this individual is really impenetrable, there is your woman only on the world. ─── 亚当反驳说:“你这个人真是不可理喻,世界上只有你一个女 人啊。”

59、This article refutes kinds of opinions that minimum wage will decrease immigrant peasant workers' employment. ─── 摘要本文对最低工资不利于农民工就业的各种观点进行了反驳。

60、She refutes any suggestion that she behaved unprofessionally. ─── 谁要是表示她不在行,她都予以反驳。

61、an example that refutes or disproves a hypothesis,proposition,or theorem ─── 对某种假设、命题或定理进行反驳或推翻的例子

62、In classical empiricism, the truth of "All balls are red," for example, is assessed by inspecting balls; any observation of a non red ball refutes unequivocally the proposed generalization. ─── 在经典经验论中,诸如“所有的球都是红色”这类命题的真实性都通过对球的观察而受到评判。所观察到的任何一个非红色球都会毫不含糊地否定曾经提出的归纳命题。

63、The study, published today in the journal Science, refutes more than a decade of claims that women use more words each day than men. ─── 研究人员首次开发出了一种方法,利用电子激活录音器记录正常语言。

64、Through analyzing Wang Jin-wei s “Great Asianism”, this paper reveals the essence of Japanese invasion and Wang s Quislism and refutes the remarks of Japanese rightists. ─── 通过对汪精卫“大亚洲主义”的剖析,进一步揭露日汪侵略、卖国的本质,驳斥日本右派言论,警惕日本军国主义复活的威胁,具有一定现实意义。

65、Then discusses even refutes some traditional paints of view, such as characters are more complicated and less advanced than alphabetic writing system. ─── 然后时一些被认为是理所当然的传统观点(如汉字比字母文字复杂、落后)进行了讨论;

66、And if the company has its own distinctive character, like an individual, that refutes the claim that the company is necessarily amoral, that it has no ethics, only interests. ─── 一个企业应该是以一系列契约为中心,这些契约在公司章程或是相关条款的基础上界定的。

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