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09-03 投稿



mortgaged 发音

英:[?m??ɡ?d?d]  美:[?m??rɡ?d?d]

英:  美:

mortgaged 中文意思翻译



mortgaged 词性/词形变化,mortgaged变形

动词过去式: mortgaged |动词第三人称单数: mortgages |动词现在分词: mortgaging |动词过去分词: mortgaged |

mortgaged 短语词组

1、mortgaged by ─── 抵押人

2、mortgaged land ─── [法] 已抵押的土地

3、mortgaged premises ─── 抵押房产

4、mortgaged assets ─── [经] 抵押资产

5、re-mortgaged (re-mortgage ─── 的过去分词) 再抵押

6、mortgaged asset ─── 抵押资产

7、mortgaged property ─── [法] 已抵押的财产

8、things mortgaged ─── [法] 抵押品

mortgaged 相似词语短语

1、mortgager ─── n.抵押人

2、mortgagers ─── n.抵押人

3、montaged ─── v.使用蒙太奇手法(montage的过去式及过去分词)

4、mortgage ─── n.抵押;抵押贷款额;v.抵押;以某人的前途作代价

5、remortgaged ─── n.转抵押;再抵押权;转抵押借款;vt.再抵押

6、mortgages ─── n.抵押贷款;房屋贷款(mortgage的复数);财产贷款;v.[经]抵押(mortgage的三单形式)

7、mortgagee ─── n.[会计]承受抵押人;押入者贷款人

8、unmortgaged ─── 未抵押的;adj.未抵押的

9、mortgagees ─── n.[会计]承受抵押人;押入者贷款人

mortgaged 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、We supply financial function for our customer, cargo in storage can be mortgaged and our customer can make the cargo circulating swiftly. ─── 客户可以保税仓库货物做质押向我司进行融资,实现区内货物快速流转。

2、We mortgaged out house and set up shop with the money from that. ─── 我们把房民屋抵押出去,用那笔钱开店营业。

3、It holds that the forest property can be mortgaged together with the forestland servitude and it can also be mortgaged apart from the forestland servitude. ─── 主张林木可以与林地使用权分离单独设定抵押权,也可以与林地使用权一并设定抵押权。

4、Project developers will be a part of housing or land mortgaged to secure bank loans for project construction; ─── 开发商将项目中的一部分房屋或土地做抵押以取得银行贷款,用来进行项目建设;

5、Where a mortgagee has not received full payment at the expiration of the term for performance of obligation, he may agree with the mortgagor to obtain the mortgaged property by converting its value. ─── 债务履行期届满后抵押权人未受清偿时,抵押权人和抵押人可以协议以抵押物折价取得抵押物。

6、his house, his business, indeed, his whole life was heavily mortgaged. ─── 他的房子、生意,事实上他整个的生命都抵押掉了。

7、Unimproved properties can be mortgaged through the Bank at any time. ─── 未建房地方可以在任何时候抵押给银行。

8、These measures shall not apply to the mortgaged use right of the state-owned land on which there are no houses (including buildings, constructions and projects under construction). ─── 地上无房屋(包括建筑物、构筑物及在建工程)的国有土地使用权设定抵押的,不适用本办法。

9、The Landlord hereby covenants that the Premises will not be sold or mortgaged to any third person during the term of this Agreement. ─── 房东保证本约期间不将租赁标的物出售或抵押给第三人。

10、When mortgaging the right to use construction land, all the buildings on such land shall be mortgaged together. ─── 以建设用地使用权抵押的,该土地上的建筑物一并抵押。

11、Keywords the Market Economy;safety management;safety mortgaged contract with risks;accident happening easily places control; ─── 市场经济;安全管理;安全风险抵押承包;事故易发点控制;

12、The land-use right to the land used by a township (town) or village enterprise may not be mortgaged separately. ─── 乡(镇)、村企业的土地使用权不得单独抵押。

13、He spent three years lobbying government bureaucrats to obtain the necessary licences and sold all his possessions and mortgaged his house to raise capital. ─── 他花了三年的时间说服政府官员批准颁发相关的营业执照,又变卖了他所有的家产且抵押了房屋来筹措资金。

14、The debtor or the third party specified in the preceding paragraph is the mortgagor, the creditor is the mortgagee, and the property provided as security is the mortgaged property. ─── 前款规定的债务人或者第三人为抵押人,债权人为抵押权人,提供担保的财产为抵押物。

15、If a party intends to register the mortgaged property, the notary department in the place where the mortgagor resides shall be the registration department. ─── 当事人办理抵押物登记的,登记部门为抵押人所在地的公证部门。

16、But, like the elections themselves, its credibility has been mortgaged to political expediency. ─── 但现在就如选举本身,它的信用度以被抵押给了政治场上的权宜之计。

17、Where factories and other buildings of township (town) or village enterprises are mortgaged, the land-use right to the land occupied by such buildings shall be mortgaged at the same time. ─── 以乡(镇)、村企业的厂房等建筑物抵押的,其占用范围内的土地使用权同时抵押。

18、The house is mortgaged to the bank for twenty thousand dollars. ─── 这房子以两万美元押给银行。

19、I see the face of a farmer a western Oklahoma, riding a mortgaged tractor, buring gasoline purchased on credit, moving across rented land, rearranging the dust. ─── 我看到在俄荷拉荷马州西部一位农夫的脸,开着一辆租来的拖拉机,烧着凭着信用购买的汽油,开过租种的田地,重新整理尘土。

20、mortgaged house ─── 已典押之房屋

21、A type of acceleration clause requiring full payment of the balance of a mortgage upon the transfer of title of the mortgaged property. ─── 一种加速条款,要求在转让抵押财产所有权时,完全偿还抵押贷款余额。

22、The factory mortgaged their equipment to the bank for the loan. ─── 工厂把设备抵押给银行来贷款。

23、Interest should not be so low as to make it impossible for the peasants to obtain loans, nor the settlement of old accounts be such as to enable the peasants to get back their mortgaged land gratis. ─── 不要因减息而使农民借不到债,不要因清算老账而无偿收回典借的土地。

24、He mortgaged his house . ─── 他将他的房子抵押了。

25、We're mortgaged up to the hilt. ─── 我们已经把什么都抵押了。

26、It cannot be mortgaged and selling usage rights or buildings can be legally problematic. ─── 但农民不能用之作抵押,出卖使用权或建筑更是违法。

27、of householders in this state live in a mortgaged home. ─── 的屋主住在抵押贷款买来的房子里。

28、Regarding the transfer of mortgaged property,property law should recognize mortgagee's freedom to transfer his mortgaged property. ─── 关于抵押物的转让,物权法应承认抵押人对抵押物有自由转让权;

29、The Landlord hereby covenants that the Premises will not be sold or mortgaged to any third person during the term of this Agreement. ─── 房东保证本约期间不将租赁标的物出售或抵押给第三人。

30、If you would know the history of these homesteads, inquire at the bank where they are mortgaged. ─── 如果你要知道这些家宅的实况,你得到银行去问一问抵押的情形。

31、He mortgaged his watch because of debt. ─── 他因债务抵押了他的手表。

32、His business is failing; he's mortgaged all his assets to try to save it. ─── 他的企业在亏损, 他抵押了所有资产企图挽救它。

33、Article 182 For mortgaging building, the right to use construction land within the area of this building shall be mortgaged together. ─── 第一百八十二条以建筑物抵押的,该建筑物占用范围内的建设用地使用权一并抵押。

34、The amount of allowances and deductions to be claimed by you and your wife, in particular the amount of mortgaged interest paid on earning the rental income. ─── 你和你的配偶可申索的扣除和免税额,尤其是为获取租金收入而支付的按揭利息。

35、The departments designated by local people's governments at or above the county level, if urban real estates or factories and other buildings of township (town) or village enterprises are mortgaged; ─── 以城市房地产或者乡(镇)、村企业的厂房等建筑物抵押的,为县级以上地方人民政府规定的部门;

36、He owned a piece of land that may be mortgaged ─── 他拥有一块可以抵押的土地。

37、In case a ship mortgage is established without registration and the mortgagee transfers the mortgaged ship to a third party, the mortgagee may not act against the transferee of the mortgaged ship. ─── 为船舶设定抵押权但未登记,抵押权人将被抵押船舶转让第三人时,抵押权人不得对抗被抵押船舶的受让人;

38、When converting into money or selling off the mortgaged property, its marker price shall be referred to. ─── 抵押财产折价或者变卖的,应当参照市场价格。

39、We're mortgaged up to the hilt. ─── 我们已经把什么都抵押了。

40、He mortgaged his house to get the tuition fee for his son. ─── 他为了给儿子凑学费抵押了房子。

41、The problem about building droit and land access (Beijing) 1, I am in a village 2 years to gained state-owned land access on August 26 card, subsequently, there were 184 houses to be mortgaged on April 8 in 3 years! ─── 关于房屋所有权和土地使用权的问题(北京)1、我所在小区02年8月26日取得国有土地使用权证,随后,在03年4月8日有184套房子被抵押!

42、To deprive(a mortgagor) of the right to redeem mortgaged property, as when payments have not been made. ─── 取消(抵押品的)赎回权如当无法支付款项时,剥夺(分期付款者)收回抵押财产的权利

43、He mortgaged his house in order to start a business. ─── 他将房子作抵押借款以开办一家商店。

44、Corporations that have mortgaged all their available assets ─── 以其所有资产为按揭抵押之公司

45、Abstract: Our country’s jus rerum should regulate that intangible property and rights may be mortgaged as a whole in enterprise property consortium mortgage; ─── [摘要] 我国物权法关于企业财产集合抵押应明确规定无形财产和权利可以一并抵押;

46、The house was mortgaged to the bank. ─── 住宅抵押给银行。

47、They mortgaged their children's future on the outcome of the war. ─── 对于战争的结果,他们以他们孩子的未来作担保。

48、The land-use right to the land used by a township (town) or village enterprise may not be mortgaged separately. ─── 乡(镇)、村企业的土地使用权不得单独抵押。

49、To deprive(a mortgagor)of the right to redeem mortgaged property,as when payments have not been made. ─── 取消(抵押品的)赎回权如当无法支付款项时,剥夺(分期付款者)收回抵押财产的权利

50、The land administration departments which verify and issue certificates evidencing the land-use right if the land-use right to the land to which nothing is firmly attached is mortgaged; ─── 以无地上定着物的土地使用权抵押的,为核发土地使用权证书的土地管理部门;

51、The administrative departments of industry and commerce in the place where the property is located, if the equipment and other movables of enterprises are mortgaged. ─── 以企业的设备和其他动产抵押的,为财产所在地的工商行政管理部门。

52、He mortgaged his house in order to start a business,ie borrowed money with his house as a security. ─── 他用房产押款创业。

53、He mortgaged his estate for &3000. ─── 他把他的财产抵押了3000镑。

54、My father's business is failing; he's mortgaged all his assets so as to save it. ─── 我父亲的企业在亏损,他抵押了所有资产试图挽救它。

55、She could have mortgaged her future to hate. ─── 或许,她该从此以怨恨为生了。

56、If one property in a group is mortgaged, you cannot build on any of the properties in that group. ─── 如果整类物业其中有一处被抵押,你就不能在同类物业的任何地方修建了。

57、Land may not be sold, leased, mortgaged or illegally transferred by any other means. ─── 土地不得买卖、出租、抵押或者以其他形式非法转让。

58、He mortgaged his house to the usurer for &30000. ─── 他把房子抵押给放高利贷者,借款3万镑。

59、He mortgaged his house in order to start a business, ie borrowed money with his house as a security. ─── 他用房产押款创业.

60、mortgaged assets ─── [经] 抵押资产

61、Where the land-use right to State-owned land acquired by means of granting is mortgaged, the houses on the State-owned land shall be mortgaged at the same time. ─── 以出让方式取得的国有土地使用权抵押的,应当将抵押时该国有土地上的房屋同时抵押。

62、Usury on the security of mortgaged land, which had been rampant in the period before Solon, had been curbed, as had also the inordinate concentration of property in land. ─── 在梭伦以前的时代盛行的农村高利贷,以及地产的无限制的集中,都受到了节制。

63、If the debtor fails to pay the debt, the creditor shall have the right to get prior compensation from the proceeds obtained from the auction of the mortgaged real estate. ─── 债务人不履行债务时,债权人有权依法以抵押的房地产拍卖所得的价款优先受偿。

64、The compensation obtained for the loss or destruction shall be used as the mortgaged property. ─── 因灭失所得的赔偿金,应当作为抵押财产。

65、An insurance policy stipulating death as the prerequisite for the payment of the insurance benefits shall not be transferred or mortgaged without the written consent of the insured. ─── 依照以死亡为给付保险金条件的合同所签发的保险单,未经被保险人书面同意,不得转让或者质押。

66、Mortgaged their political careers by taking an unpopular stand. ─── 借着采取不受欢迎的立场来投注他们的政治生涯

67、Using a false property right certificate as guaranty or repeatedly using the same mortgaged property as guaranty in excess of its value; or; ─── 使用虚假的产权证明作担保或者超出抵押物价值重复担保的;

68、Forecloser:To deprive (a mortgagor) of the right to redeem mortgaged property, as when payments have not been made. ─── 取消(抵押品的)赎回权:如当无法支付款项时,剥夺(分期付款者)收回抵押财产的权利

69、housing mortgaged loan ─── 住房抵押贷款

70、We have mortgaged our children's future for the temporary convenience of the present. ─── 为了目前一时的便利,我们把子孙的前途都给断送了。

71、Desmond: So they're mortgaged up to the hilt. ─── 德斯蒙德:他们是把甚麽都抵押了。

72、mortgaged land ─── [法] 已抵押的土地

73、The Legal Study of a Subject Leased and Mortgaged by the Same Principal Part ─── 同一主体在同一物上设立租赁权与抵押权的法律研究

74、Township head: fage, our a xing, is lover of vernon. Besides, he mortgaged his indenture to my hand for her. ─── 乡长:发哥,我们阿星,可是仲天骐的爱人,而且他为了她,把那个卖身契抵押在我这里。

75、things mortgaged ─── [法] 抵押品

76、In case the mortgagee is in possession of the mortgaged property, he is liable to deliver possession to the mortgagor. ─── 主要为中小企业的发展、融资和个人的小额资金贷款提供服务,架起企业与银行之间的桥梁。

77、If a party does not register the mortgaged property, he may not defend against the claims of third party. ─── 当事人未办理抵押物登记的,不得对抗第三人。

78、Study on Scope of Personal Property can be Mortgaged ─── 可抵押动产范围之探讨

79、The claim of a mortgagee upon mortgaged property. ─── 债权,要求权索回被抵押财产的抵押权的请求

80、To deprive(a mortgagor) of the right to redeem mortgaged property,as when payments have not been made. ─── 取消(抵押品的)赎回权如当无法支付款项时,剥夺(分期付款者)收回抵押财产的权利。

81、With the above-ground buildings and other attached objects, the right to the use of the land within the limits of use of the said buildings and objects shall be mortgaged accordingly. ─── 地上建筑物、其他附着物抵押时,其使用范围内的土地使用权随之抵押。

82、I have left my eountry, Mortgaged my estate, quitted my pleasures, and thrown myself into the Arms of Fortune. ─── 我离开了家乡,抵押了家产,抛弃了舒服日子,把自己交托给命运由它摆布。

83、When the debtor fails to carry out the debt service, the mortgagee has the priority of being paid back first through the auction of the mortgaged real estate according to law. ─── 债务人不履行债务时,抵押权人有权依法以抵押的房地产拍卖所得的价款优先受偿。

84、He mortgaged his house when applying for a loan from the bank. ─── 他以自己的房子作为抵押品向银行申请贷款。

85、The truth... the truth... is that our generation mortgaged our souls to protect yours. ─── 事实...事实...是我们为了保护你们这些下一代拿灵魂做了抵押

86、safety mortgaged contract with risks ─── 安全风险抵押承包

87、What is is state-owned land access mortgaged and the relation of building droit? ─── 国有土地使用权被抵押和房屋所有权的关系是什么?

88、If land use rights are mortgaged, the mortgagee bank of financial institution shall register with the State Land bureau. ─── 受理抵押的银行或金融机构,在办理抵押时应向国土局履行登记。

89、When all the properties of a color-group are no longer mortgaged, the owner may begin to buy back houses at full price. ─── 当同一颜色组中的所有的地产都不再抵押,拥有者可以开始用全价购买房子。

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