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09-03 投稿


buoying 发音

英:[?b????]  美:[?b????]

英:  美:

buoying 中文意思翻译



buoying 常用词组

mooring buoy ─── 系泊浮筒;系船浮筒

life buoy ─── 救生圈;救生衣

buoying 词性/词形变化,buoying变形

动词第三人称单数: buoys |动词过去式: buoyed |动词过去分词: buoyed |动词现在分词: buoying |

buoying 反义词

dismal | gloomy | melancholy

buoying 同义词

happy | carefree | cheerful | elastic | tough | perky | optimistic | resilient | floaty | light | lighthearted | upbeat |floating | blessed | flexible | flushed | resistant | chirpy | springy | afloat

buoying 短语词组

1、buoying def ─── 浮标def

2、buoying meaning ─── 浮力意义

3、buoying up ─── 浮力

4、buoying defined ─── 浮标定义

5、buoying synonym ─── 浮标同义词

buoying 相似词语短语

1、buddying ─── n.伙伴,好朋友;密友;小男孩;vi.做好朋友,交朋友;n.(Buddy)人名;(英)巴迪

2、boodying ─── 笨蛋

3、buying ─── n.买进;v.购买;获得;收买(buy的ing形式)

4、-burying ─── n.埋;埋葬;v.埋(bury的ing形式);掩藏;adj.埋葬的

5、burying ─── n.埋;埋葬;v.埋(bury的ing形式);掩藏;adj.埋葬的

6、bundying ─── 邦丁

7、boogying ─── 嘘声

8、busying ─── 占用

9、bullying ─── n.恃强欺弱的行为;v.欺负(bully的现在分词)

buoying 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、As for handling the response from people, this has been a tough time, and it has been greatly buoying to my spirits to have so many people rooting for me. ─── 至于在这样一个艰难的时期能得到这样的评价,有这样多的人为我加油,我的精神真是受到了极大地鼓舞。

2、Abstract: Methane buoying up close to coal wall is obtained in experiment in the paper.The boundary layer equation of buoyant movement of methane is set up by means of theorectie analysis. ─── 摘 要: 在实验中观测了瓦斯自然上浮运动现象,通过理论分析,得出煤壁瓦斯自然上浮的边界层方程。

3、e la portarono davanti all’Eterno: sei carri-lettiga e dodici buoi;vale a dire un carro per due principi e un bove per ogni principe; ─── 他们把自己的供物带到耶和华的面前,就是六辆篷车和十二头公牛,每两个领袖奉献一辆篷车,每个领袖奉献一头公牛;

4、For years,the government has been buoying up wheat prices to keep the wheat producers in business. ─── 多年来,政府一直保持小麦高价,以使小麦生产者能继续经营下去。

5、and buy-in recommendations tend only to create a buoying effect in a downturn stage. (5) In accuracy, foreign capital of the European and U. ─── 而买进建议则只在空头阶段具显著激励作用。

6、For years, the government has been buoying up wheat prices to keep the wheat producers in business. ─── 多年来政府一直保持小麦高价,以使小麦生产者能继续经营下去。

7、He is buoying the channel . ─── 他在用浮标指示航道。

8、"It has also led to speculation about further increases in China's gold reserves, buoying positive sentiment towards bullion. " ─── “它还引发了对中国将进一步增持黄金储备的猜测,这对看涨黄金的观点是一种支撑。”

9、Mechainsm of Natural Buoying up of Methane Close to Coal Wall ─── 煤壁瓦斯自然上浮运动机理

10、"Left undisturbed by humans, hippopotamuses venture into the surf to mate, play, or merely commute from lagoon to savanna, getting a lift from the buoying water rather than toiling on land. ─── 成年公河马的门牙可以长到五十厘米长,是现存陆地动物中门牙最长的。

11、China's commodity imports reached record levels in the first half, buoying global commodity prices. ─── 中国今年上半年的大宗商品进口创出新高,支撑了全球大宗商品价格。

12、Conania, Scemaia e Nethaneel suoi fratelli, e Hashabia, Jeiel e Jozabad, capi dei Leviti, dettero ai Leviti, per i sacrifizi della Pasqua, cinquemila capi di minuto bestiame e cinquecento buoi. ─── 乐意献祭于是约西亚送出绵羊羔和山羊羔共三万只,还有公牛三千头,给所有在场的人民作逾越节的祭牲;这些都是取自王的财产。

13、They know that fiscal expansion in China would be most effective in buoying the Chinese economy when the exchange rate is stable. ─── 他们知道在提振中国经济方面只有汇率稳定中国的财政刺激才可能最有效。

14、It just might be because you are being mercifully uplifted by a bunch of planets that are buoying you. ─── 原因是群星仁慈地环绕于你并给予你力量。

15、In 2004, NASA's Opportunity rover found evidence in Martian soils that water had once flowed across the surface there, buoying hopes that the red planet may once have supported primitive life. ─── 译:2004年,美国宇航局的“机遇号”探测器在火星土壤中发现有水流过火星表面的迹象,这一发现激发了人类对于这颗红色星球曾有原始生命体存在的希望。

16、Methane buoying up close to coal wall is obtained in experiment in the paper.The boundary layer equation of buoyant movement of methane is set up by means of theorectic analysis. ─── 在实验中观测了瓦斯自然上浮运动现象,通过理论分析,得出煤壁瓦斯自然上浮的边界层方程。

17、E Abrahamo prese pecore e buoi e li diede ad Abimelec;e i due fecero alleanza. ─── 皮袋里的水用尽了,夏甲就把孩子撇在一棵小树底下。

18、That realisation alone should temper some of the optimism buoying financial markets. ─── 对世界经济回归增长的上述解读应该仅仅对金融市场的乐观情绪有提振作用。

19、The nuclear plant had been a support for the townspeople for 40 years, supplying jobs and buoying the economy. ─── 40年来,核电站一直是镇上人的一个支柱,为他们提供就业岗位,支撑着当地的经济。

20、When they were filled with air,they pushed against the wooden sides of the wheel,buoying up the wheel,and he was then able to ride his bicycle around over the lake without any trouble. ─── 当它们充满了气后,紧贴着木轮的边上,使车轮可以浮在水面上。所以他终于可以在湖面上自由自在的骑行了。

21、Author Ma Shuyuan Chen Jianxue Zhang Buoying Bai Fengtong Xi Guilin Zhao Xiaobuo; ─── 作者马树元;陈建学;张伯营;白凤桐;席桂林;赵晓波;

22、As for the tax cuts, they seem to have fanned demand, buoying prices. ─── 减税的措施似乎刺激了消费需求,助推了物价上涨。

23、"It has also led to speculation about further increases in China's gold reserves, buoying positive sentiment towards bullion." ─── “它还引发了对中国将进一步增持黄金储备的猜测,这对看涨黄金的观点是一种支撑。”

24、buoying device ─── 浮具

25、Quanto alle due colonne, al mare e ai dodici buoi di rame che servivano di base e che Salomone avea fatti per la casa dell’Eterno, il rame di tutti questi oggetti aveva un peso incalcolabile. ─── 所罗门王为耶和华的殿所做的两根铜柱、一个铜海、铜海下面的十二头铜牛,和十个铜座,这一切器皿的铜,重得无法可称。

26、That realisation alone should temper some of the optimism buoying financial markets. ─── 但仅凭实现经济增长这一点就会提振金融市场的乐观情绪。

27、For years, the government has been buoying up cotton prices. ─── 多年来政府一直保持棉花高价格。

28、It swept in, buoying everything from subprime mortgages to leveraged buy-outs. ─── 先前信贷浪潮涨起,冲高每种金融商品,小至次级房贷、大至槓杆并购;

29、Far more important in driving up share prices has been the remarkable strength of corporate profits and the wave of liquidity buoying almost every asset from art to zinc. ─── 但是如果投资者知道四年后,英美会卷入伊拉克内战的泥潭,或是每桶石油会到70美元,复苏就会胎死腹中。

30、Methane buoying up close to coal wall is obtained in experiment in the paper.The boundary layer equation of buoyant movement of methane is set up by means of theorectie analysis. ─── 在实验中观测了瓦斯自然上浮运动现象,通过理论分析,得出煤壁瓦斯自然上浮的边界层方程。

31、An expansion of credit, rising incomes, and strong worker remittances are buoying private consumption. ─── 信贷扩张、收入上升和大量工人汇款支撑起私人消费。

32、Better prospects for young adults would encourage the forming of new households, buoying the demand for new homes. ─── 如果有更好的前程,会有更多的年轻人结婚成家,这会推动住房需求的高涨。

33、In a fluidised bed a fluid is passed through a bed of particulate solids at a velocity sufficient to provide an upward force equal to the weight of the particles, therefore buoying the particles. ─── 在流化床中,流体通过固体颗粒床层,其流速足够产生一个与颗粒重量相等的向上的力。因此而使颗粒悬浮。

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