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09-09 投稿



conjugating 发音

英:[?k?nd??ɡe?t??]  美:[?kɑ?nd??ɡe?t??]

英:  美:

conjugating 中文意思翻译





conjugating 词性/词形变化,conjugating变形

动词第三人称单数: conjugates |名词: conjugator |副词: conjugately |动词过去分词: conjugated |动词过去式: conjugated |动词现在分词: conjugating |形容词: conjugative |

conjugating 常用词组

conjugate gradient ─── 共轭梯度

complex conjugate ─── [数]复共轭

conjugate base ─── 共轭碱

conjugating 短语词组

1、conjugating verbs ─── 变位动词

2、conjugating ir ─── 共轭红外光谱

3、conjugating gustar ─── 共轭喜欢

4、conjugating ar spanish verbs ─── 变位ar西班牙语动词

5、conjugating er spanish verbs ─── 使西班牙语动词变位

conjugating 相似词语短语

1、conjugational ─── 结合的

2、colligating ─── vt.综合;绑

3、congregating ─── vt.聚集;vi.聚集;adj.集合在一起的

4、conjurations ─── n.魔法;祈祷;咒语

5、conjugative ─── 共轭的,缀合的(conjugate的变体);成对的(conjugate的变体)

6、consummating ─── 圆房

7、conjugations ─── n.结合,配合;动词的词形变化

8、conjugation ─── n.结合,配合;动词的词形变化

9、corrugating ─── v.起皱;使起波纹(corrugate的现在分词)

conjugating 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A laser system with a stimulated Brillouin scattering phase conjugating mirror ─── 具有受激布里渊共轭镜的激光系统

2、The state or condition in which conjugating gametes are dissimilar in structure and size as well as in function. ─── 配子异型配合配子在结构与大小及功能上不同的状态或情况

3、conjugating bacteria ─── 接合细菌

4、The discretization and analysis principle of conjugating surfaces for adaptive synthesis is proposed in order to construct computer software of conjugating surfaces. ─── 为构造共轭曲面计算机处理系统,提出共轭曲面自适应综合的离散解析原理。

5、SBS two-cell phase conjugating ─── SBS双池位相共轭

6、- God, here we go!|- We were conjugating the verb "to want. ─── "|-因为他太想要你了!

7、human ubiquitin conjugating enzyme 9 ─── 人泛素结合酶9

8、Generation of High-Quality Tunable-Duration Pulses by Phase Conjugating Mirror[J]. ─── 引用该论文 吕志伟,刘莉,何伟明,王骐,马祖光.

9、High pulse repetition rate double-pass amplifier with the liquid phase conjugating mirror[J]. ─── 引用该论文 高清松,童立新,陈晓琳,陈军,唐淳,冯国英.

10、Another document, the articles and conjugating verbs be difficult for me. ─── 另一份文件,文章和动词变化对我来说很难。

11、Conjugating is changing the forms of a verb to indicate who is doing the action. ─── 这里讲到西语里一个很重要的语法内容:动词的变位。

12、LD pumped laser MOPA system with a phase conjugating mirror of a fused silicon rod ─── 应用熔石英棒相位共轭镜的LD泵浦激光MOPA系统

13、Study on Principle of Bertrand Conjugating Surfaces and Loxodrome Normal Circular-arc Spiral Bevel Gear Transmission ─── 白川德共轭曲面的基本原理与斜航式法向圆弧螺旋锥齿轮传动的研究

14、The container base is a rigid base with the edges provided with convexes where the glass bell jar can be embedded for conjugating. ─── 容器底座为刚性底座,其边缘设有可嵌入玻璃罩的凸起进行配合。

15、A Modified One-dimension Noise Sub-space Algorithm Based on Conjugating Data Rearrangement ─── 采样数据重构的修正一维噪声子空间算法

16、Let's say it again! Conjugating! ─── 让我们再说一遍!进行同根变形。

17、The larger, usually female of two conjugating gametes in a heterogamous organism. ─── 大配子在具有异形配子的机体中两个结合的配子中较大的一个,通常是雌性的配子

18、the larger,usually female of two conjugating gametes in a heterogamous organism ─── 在具有异形配子的机体中两个结合的配子中较大的一个,通常是雌性的配子

19、The conjugating ratio of carrier BSA and hapten GA was 1:5. ─── 经紫外分光光度计扫描,半抗原与BSA的结合比约为5:1;

20、Moreover, a quick and convenient way of labelling antibody has been established by combining this conjugating reagent with the technique of the fixed phrase separation. ─── 该试剂结合固相分离技术可建立一快速、简便的标记抗体途径。

21、conjugating tube ─── 接合管

22、An Analysis of the Meshing Pitch Point of a Pair of Gears by the Differential Equation of Conjugating Tooth Profile ─── 由共轭齿廓的微分方程分析齿轮的啮合节点

23、ubiquitin conjugating enzyme ─── 泛素结合酶

24、Conjugating pairs ─── 接合对

25、Either of two conjugating gametes that differ in structure or behavior, such as the small, motile male spermatozoon and the larger, nonmotile female ovum. ─── 异形配子在结构或行为上不同的两个配合配子之一,如小的能动的雄性精子与大的不能动的雌性卵子

26、origin is the same, but we can find different ways of conjugating it, different ways of showing it. ─── 起源是相同的,但是我们可以找到不同的方式结合,以不同的方式展示出来。

27、What we just did - taking a verb and seeing how it changes with different subjects - is conjugating. ─── 我们所做的仅仅是--拿来一个动词根据主语的不同来改变它的形式---进行同根变形。

28、Protein-polysaccharide conjugating is one of the most effective methods to improve the function properties of protein.Researchers have investigated it for more than ten years. ─── 蛋白-多糖共价复合是一种有效改善蛋白质功能性质的方法,近十年来,研究人员对此进行了一系列研究。

29、The antigen is a nitrofuran compound which is conjugate obtained by conjugating the compound of formula I structure and carrier protein. ─── 该抗原是一种硝基呋喃化合物,该硝基呋喃化合物是将式I结构的化合物与载体蛋白偶联得到的偶联物。

30、The analyse of conjugating cam in beating-up mechanism with finite element and elastic dynamics ─── 共轭凸轮打纬机构弹性动力学和有限元分析

31、conjugating frequency ─── 共扼频率

32、Keywords Conjugating surface,Singular conjugation,Worm gear drives; ─── 共轭曲面;奇点共轭;蜗杆传动;

33、Objective: To synthesize morphine antigen by conjugating morphine to protein. ─── 前言:目的:利用蛋白质连接法合成吗啡人工全抗原。

34、Either of two conjugating gametes that differ in structure or behavior,such as the small,motile male spermatozoon and the larger,nonmotile female ovum. ─── 异形配子在结构或行为上不同的两个配合配子之一,如小的能动的雄性精子与大的不能动的雌性卵子。

35、The possibility of this method is proved by Gauss beam phase conjugating resonator theory. ─── 利用高斯光束的无限腔长相位共轭腔理论分析了这种跟瞄方法的可行性。

36、Conjugating of the pronucleus ─── 雌雄原核结合

37、The CAD system for conjugating cams mechanism was developed with VB, the parameters of the conjugating cams mechanism was designed and verified. ─── 摘要采用VB开发共轭凸轮机构的计算机辅助设计系统,进行共轭凸轮参数化设计,并通过算例验证。

38、The present invention relates to novel uses for ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2-EPF5. ─── 本发明涉及泛蛋白缀合酶E2-EPF5的新用途。

39、Research on Conjugating Tooth Profile of Involute Gear Transmission with Backlash and Time-varying Stiffness ─── 含间隙和时变啮合刚度的渐开线齿轮副齿廓修形研究

40、Ubiquitin conjugating enzyme gene ─── 泛素结合酶基因

41、The compound is conjugate obtained by conjugating 5-nitrofuran-2-acrylic acid and carrier protein. ─── 该化合物是将5-硝基呋喃-2-丙烯酸与载体蛋白偶联得到的偶联物。

42、The influence of polarization on the phase conjug ate light is analyzed.The gen eration ways of wavelength-shift and wavelength-shift-free phase conjugate li ght are summarized. ─── 偏振态对共轭光的影响及解决方法及产生有频移和无频移的相位共轭光的方式;

43、Methods The specific contrast agent Gd-DTPA-BSA-chTNT was obtained by conjugating Gd-DTPA-BSA and monoclonal antibody of chTNT under specific conditions. ─── 方法:在一定条件下将Gd-DTPA-BSA与单克隆抗体chTNT反应生成MR特异性对比剂Gd-DTPA-BSA-chTNT。

44、Phase conjugating mirror ─── 相位共轭镜

45、p-Nitrophenol conjugating enzyme ─── p-硝基酚结合酶

46、The smaller of a pair of conjugating gametes, usually the male, in an organism that reproduces by heterogamy. ─── 小配子一对并合配子中较小的一个,通常是由异配产生的有机物中的雄性

47、abstract: Objective: To synthesize methamphetamine antigen by conjugating methamphetamine to protein. ─── 目的:利用蛋白质连接法合成甲基苯丙胺人工全抗原。

48、As one of the most important contents, the basic principles of Bertrand conjugating surface has been systematically studied. ─── 作为本论文的重要基础性工作之一,较为系统的研究了白川德共轭曲面的基本原理。


50、The ubiquitin/26S proteosome pathway mainly consists of ubiquitin activating enzyme (E1), ubiquitin conjugating enzyme (E2), ubiquitin protein ligase (E3), and 26S proteasome. ─── 摘要泛素蛋白酶体途径主要由泛素活化酶、泛素结合酶、泛素蛋白连接酶和26S蛋白酶体组成。

51、For the sake of designing spiral bevel gears with the best loaded contact behavior, in this paper, the movement equations for two elastic conjugating teeth are established. ─── 本文在柔性多体运动学基础上,建立了两弹性共轭齿面运动基本方程。

52、LD pumped laser MOPA system with a phase conjugating mirror of a fused silicon rod[J]. ─── 引用该论文 汪莎,童立新,高清松,刘崇,陈军,唐淳.

53、High pulse repetition rate double-pass amplifier with the liquid phase conjugating mirror ─── 液体相位共轭技术在高重复频率双程放大器中的应用

54、conjugating cams ─── 共轭凸轮

55、The method proposed here makes the solutions of conjugating surfaces intelligent and automatic and is helpful to construct highly flexible CAD/CAM application system. ─── “离散解析原理”使得计算机智能化、自适应处理共轭曲面问题成为可能,为相关CAD/CAM应用系统开发及共轭曲面理论的广泛深入应用奠定坚实的基础。

56、Due to the using of fiber phase conjugating mirror, the deformation formed by the thermal effect from the slab amplifier has been compensated after four passing. ─── 在使用了光纤相位共轭镜的四通放大技术后,很好地补偿了由板条放大器热效应造成的光斑畸变。

57、In this paper a new laser system with an SBS phase conjugating mirror ig described. ─── 本文报道一种具有受激布里渊散射相位共轭镜的激光系统。

58、Catalytic Spectrophotometric Quantitation for Xanthine By Conjugating Xanthine Oxidase with Horseradish Peroxidase ─── 偶联酶催化分光光度法测定黄嘌呤

59、According to which, many kinds of important surfaces can be structured. As one of the applications in transmission area, the principle of Bertrand conjugating surface is studied. ─── 作为白川德曲面在高副传动领域的应用与延伸,论文研究了白川德共轭曲面的基本原理,在此基础上研究了覆盖各种传动形式的法向圆弧齿轮传动的一般原理。

60、conjugating surfaces ─── 共轭曲面

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