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09-09 投稿



permeate 发音

英:['p??m?e?t]  美:['p?m?et]

英:  美:

permeate 中文意思翻译



permeate 词性/词形变化,permeate变形

动词第三人称单数: permeates |动词现在分词: permeating |形容词: permeant |名词: permeation |动词过去式: permeated |动词过去分词: permeated |

permeate 短语词组

1、look the part permeate ─── 查看零件渗透

2、whey permeate ─── [医]乳清渗透物

3、permeate with ─── 充满

4、permeate among ─── 渗透在其中

5、permeate flow ─── 渗透流动

6、permeate agent ─── [化] 渗透剂

7、permeate through ─── 渗透入

8、permeate water ─── 渗透水

permeate 相似词语短语

1、permease ─── n.[生化]透性酶;[生化]通透酶

2、permeable ─── adj.能透过的;有渗透性的

3、permeases ─── n.[生化]透性酶;[生化]通透酶

4、permeative ─── 渗透的

5、permutate ─── v.改变……的次序

6、permeates ─── v.弥漫(permeate的第三人称单数)

7、permeator ─── n.渗透器

8、permeated ─── v.弥漫(permeate的过去式和过去分词);遍布;渗入;渗透

9、permeance ─── n.[物]磁导;浸透;透过

permeate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Character: Strong osmose suitable for printing thick fabic. Wonderful printing cloth effect, bright-colored, beautiful-lustered. Pig ment permeate into the fabric evenly, reach the effect or cloth-printing. ─── 产品特点:渗透性强适合印全刮底厚线物全刮底印花效果佳,颜色鲜艳,色泽亮丽,色料均匀渗透到线物内,达到百分之百全刮底印花效果。

2、Traditional Vietnamese Sugarcane Shrimps, is made of minced shrimps and fried on the sugar. The sweet taste of sugarcane would permeate its flavor to the shrimps,while the cooking. ─── 传统的越南小吃--甘蔗虾球,是将调味后鲜虾茸裹在甘蔗棒上,经过油炸的虾球,吸入了甘蔗的香甜。品尝之后,口有余香。口水快要出来了......

3、In creasing darkness will have begun to permeate the Earth plane, along with a cold never before experienced. ─── 在黑暗摺痕之际将会开始弥漫地球表面,连同以前从来没有经历过的寒冷。

4、some can not only permeate but also safeguard BBB; ─── 冰片可以促进血脑屏障的开放;

5、Efficacy: Rose essence can instantly permeate into hair and form thin and firm smoothing protective film on the hair surface to make hair soft and silky. ─── 功效:蕴含玫瑰精华能瞬间渗透至发丝深层,并在秀发表层形成薄而紧致的顺滑保护膜,令秀发拥有与生俱来的柔滑,如丝般的感受。

6、Let His truth challenge, permeate, and transform your incorrect thinking that life is hopeless (Psalm 46:1; Romans 12:2). ─── 你以为人生没有指望,就要让上帝的真理来滋润你,指正你,激励你改变不正确的想法(诗篇46篇1节;罗马书12章2节)。

7、A nutrient supplementary batch fermentation was developed for production of L-lactic acid production from whey permeate using lactic bacteria cultures. ─── 以乳清渗透液为底物,补充其他营养成分,分批发酵生产L-乳酸。

8、Grow to make a hair healthy, circulation of stimulative scalp blood, let nutrition permeate sending a root to each place is very important. ─── 为使头发健康生长,促进头皮血液循环、让营养渗透至每一处发根是十分重要的。

9、It is a story of the balance of power and petty grievances that permeate every soul in the universe. ─── 它诉说了力量的平衡和宇宙里每个灵魂里都会有的微小痛苦的故事。

10、And the urban space exsits with the architecturcal space two level of structures to permeate more and more with reunite. ─── 城市空间与建筑空间两个空间层次之间的界限日益模糊,二者之间存在着越来越多的渗透与融合。

11、Those two kinds of educations hand over to each other,permeate each other,with each other for purpose,with each other for means and they are unify. ─── 因而,学校体育中的审美教育,不仅有它独特的教育方法,而且,有其独特地教育效果,更能唤起学生的美感。

12、Because the skin absorbed overmuch water (permeate pressure) expand. . ─── 因为皮肤吸收了过多的水(渗透压)膨胀。。

13、The tenets of Confucianism and Buddhism are interlinked, so it goes without saying that both of them embrace, permeate and absorb each other. ─── 儒佛矛盾中,相互包含、渗透、吸收是主要的,因为儒学要旨与佛法大义固多相通之处。

14、Like the hearts of this piece of the sky color, like this permeate the slightest aesthetic purity, tranquility reflected the faint melancholy blue. ─── 喜欢心中这片海天的颜色,喜欢这纯净中渗透着丝丝唯美,宁静中折射着淡淡忧郁的蓝色。

15、How does such political instability equate with the spiritual peace that seems to permeate the leisurely pace of life there? ─── 这麽不稳定的政局是怎麽和看似已弥漫在悠閒的生活步调里心灵的平和划上等号的?。

16、The woman acquire the method of love to be to slow-movingly permeate, then taste love in the equanimity of fragrant. ─── 女人获得爱的方法是缓慢地渗透,然后在平静中品尝爱的芬芳。

17、To raise permeate flux of ceramic membrane, reduce industrial specific power consumption, airlift circulation was led into membrane bioreactor under the suction filtration. ─── 为了降低陶瓷膜-生物反应器的能耗、同时提高膜的渗透通量,本文将气升式外循环引入膜-生物反应器的设计。

18、Basking in the warm spring sun, we sensed the tranquility that seemed to permeate the entire courtyard, and began to meditate on some stone steps. ─── 我们进到里面的大院,发现院里有好几棵大松柏,在温暖的春光中,整座寺院显得格外地幽静祥和,气氛相当好。

19、You see, Holiness is to permeate in all reas of life. ─── 你看、圣洁是要渗透我们生命的每一角落。

20、Statistics permeate modern life. ─── 现代生活处处离不开统计。

21、The efficient whitening gene and vitamin can fast permeate skin to catch the free radical thus prevent skin from caducity. ─── 多效美白因子及维他命能快速渗入肌肤内层,捕捉破坏皮肤的自由基,从而防止肌肤老化。

22、In leading period,wo can choose four kinds marketing strategies.They are fast depredate,slow depredate ,fast permeate and slow permeate. ─── 在导入期,我们有四种营销策略可以选择:快速掠夺,缓慢掠夺,快速渗透和缓慢渗透

23、Data has proved that the steady permeate flux can rise greatly with airlift circulation.The airlift membrane-bioreactor is potentially applicable in water treatment... ─── 并在相同条件下与液体不循环的过滤相比较,证明采用气升循环可以较大提高膜的渗透通量。

24、Flowers bloom and wither; melodies of the flute permeate the woods. Who is still in your memory, and whose memory are you still in? Time flows like the never-stopping stream. ─── 就这样,林外花谢如许,林里青笛自生。你还记得谁,谁还记得你?时光是瞬时就流走的水。

25、To coat or permeate with liquid, color, or light; suffuse. ─── 使洒遍用液体、颜料或光线履盖或渗透;布满

26、These membranes provide high permeate flux and good salt rejection in reverse osmosis, and are easy to manufacture. ─── 这些膜在反渗透中提供了高渗透通量和优秀的盐选择能力,并且易于生产。

27、Fall the organic fertilizer into container , sprinkle the soil until the water can permeate through the bottom of the container . ─── 将培养土倒入容器,再用细水喷洒土层至容器底部透水为止。

28、To expose to or permeate with radioactivity. ─── 我们必须学会控制放射能。

29、Take a sip of the fine tea and let the nocturne permeate in the air. ─── 品一口香茗,让淡淡的夜曲如流苏般弥漫。

30、Study was made on the chemical removal of phosphorus in membrane bioreactor (MBR),because insoluble metal phosphate is hard to permeate ultrafiltration membrane. ─── 因难溶的金属磷酸盐沉淀很难透过超滤膜,所以在膜生物反应器(MBR)中进行了化学除磷研究。

31、The effects of the difference in temperature between cold and hot solution, the air-gap thickness and solution concentration on the permeate flux are studied. ─── 以自来水和稀盐溶液为料液,研究冷热溶液温差、空气隙厚度、超声激励和溶液浓度对蒸馏通量的影响。

32、I don't want to stress that politics didn't permeate music, which is false. It can be refuted by many documents. ─── “我不想强调说,政治没有渗透到音乐生活中去。这是错误的,有许多文件可以驳斥这种说法。

33、The three methods of membrane disposition,permeate throttling and booster pump for balancing the fluxes are analysed. ─── 分析了品种配置、淡水背压与段间加压三大膜通量均衡工艺的特征与功用;

34、Having the quality or tendency to pervade or permeate ─── 弥漫性的,渗透性的:具有弥漫或渗透的性质或倾向的

35、Its mission is to permeate, season, and purify things on earth. ─── 他们的使命就是在人间传播,增添健康的活力。

36、Then, dancing students (no matter be professional,still be amateurish) begin to be in dance has on nigrescent floor slowly.Dirty, permeate to the soul from skin... ─── 于是,舞蹈学子们(无论是专业的还是业余的)开始在慢慢发黑的地板上起舞了。

37、The garden design is streched according to the reconstructive river way and the central mountain, where the green is connected and permeate with the mountains outside the site. ─── 园区以改造的河道和据地形而设计保留的中心山体展开,山体绿化与基地外围的山形成连接与渗透。

38、When the vapor emanated from the skin surface can not easily permeate to the air, it will form a high humidity region between the skin and the fabric which makes people feel mugginess and discomfort. ─── 当人体皮肤表面散热蒸发的水汽不易透过织物陆续排出时,就会在皮肤与织物之间形成高湿区域,使人感到闷热不适,因而服用织物尤其是内衣,必须具备良好的吸湿透湿性能。

39、Several tip cuts of the two sides of prawn to let the oil permeate when deep frying, in order to ensure the crispness. ─── 在虾身两侧轻鎅几刀,炸时可令热油渗进虾身,令其更松脆。

40、We have many kinds of crafts to be choice: general label print, permeate label print, hectograph label print, thermosetting label print, high Elasticity label print and so on. ─── 在印唛烫画工艺上我们有多种工艺可供选择:普通印唛烫画,渗透印唛烫画,柯式印唛烫画,热固印唛烫画,高弹印唛烫画等。

41、Strong dint's absorbing deeply is:Permeate dint strong, be easy to absorption. ─── 强力透吸即为:渗透力强,易于吸收。

42、Functional relationships permeate every part of science. ─── 函数关系渗透自然科学的每个部分。

43、Palate: Firm, flavors permeate the refined texture. Crisp finish. Austere, but has length. Drink now through 2008. ─── 口感:口感丰实、细致的酒体中蕴涵香味,爽脆而后味悠长,建议即时至2008年内饮用。

44、A key element that will permeate the game is the charming atmosphere and sense of humor of the original famous RTS Majesty. ─── 其中的一个将渗透到游戏中的关键因素是迷人的气氛和原始著名即时战略游戏-王权一代的幽默感。

45、The products are designed to the concept of "Going back to the simplicity and naturalness",combining modern life stylr and making effort to permeate "modem beauty"into" classicality". ─── 产品设计以“返扑归真”为主要理念,结合现代生活风格、力求做到“古典”之中融合“现代美”。

46、Be a kind of research study that studies the way, it is permeate in the student study of all courses, all activities in. ─── 作为一种学习方式的研究性学习,它是渗透于学生学习的所有学科、所有活动之中。

47、Fall the organic fertilizer into container,sprinkle the soil until the water can permeate through the bottom of the container. ─── 将培养土倒入容器,再用细水喷洒土层至容器底部透水为止。

48、If your wine is still, pour it into the centre of the glass to let the bouquet permeate the vessel. ─── 如果是无汽泡的酒,直接倒入杯子中央,使酒的香气充分散发,弥漫整个酒杯。

49、to permeate(a porous substance) with a liquid or gas ─── 使浸透用水或气体穿过多孔物质

50、The fuana of these animals predominantly beling to southern China and then permeate from Palearctic,Oriental realm,central or centrao-southern China etc. ─── 区系成分以华南区的成分占优势,古北、东洋界成分,华中成分和华中-华南区成分也渗透到本带中。

51、Fossils are often washed together on-site in a large bath which can allow water and contaminants in the form of contemporary DNA to permeate into the porous bones. ─── 化石通常在大浴池中进行现场清洗,这可以使水和现代 DNA 形式的污染物渗透到多孔骨骼中。

52、Efficacy: Lavender essence can promptly permeate into pore, do exfoliating, dissolve oil grain on cortex, modify pore and make comedones play on epidermis. ─── 功效:薰衣草精华能够迅速渗透毛孔,软化角质,溶解皮层的油脂粒,疏通毛孔,帮助黑头迅速浮出表皮;

53、By understanding our childlike feelings we automatically open a door for loving feelings to permeate what we say. ─── 了解自己孩子般的感觉,使我们自动打开爱的门允许自己畅所欲言。

54、Quickly permeate, and is very good foundation oil.Abundant vitamin and protein, is good to moisten the oil, and can support the skin humidity, prevention crease and soft skin. ─── 具有与肌肤极好的亲和性,快速渗透,是极佳的基础油。丰富的维生素及蛋白质,是很好的滋润及保湿油,可以维护皮肤水分,预防皱纹及柔软肌肤。

55、If there is a security breach in a small area, it can permeate the entire system. ─── 如果在小范围内有一安全漏洞,它将扩散到整个系统。

56、Feel the soothing sensation permeate through you entire body and experience the restorative powers of napping today. ─── 感受暖暖毯,感受放松与休闲慢慢浸透疲累身体的感觉,活力和体能慢慢重现。

57、low to permeate oil reservoir ─── 低渗透油藏

58、To tincture or permeate with a medicinal substance. ─── 加药于,敷药于使含有药物,使充满药物

59、Both garlic oil concentration in permeate and membrane fouling are strongly pH depen- dent,the best pH for this process seems to be at pH 4.5. ─── 大蒜油在渗透液中的浓度及膜污染程度都受料液pH 值影响,最适宜的 pH 值约在4.5附近.

60、Esprit de corps, a strong sense of tradition and a self-imposed get-it-right work ethic permeate the rank and file. ─── 团队精神是一个强烈的传统意识且自我准确无误地在老百姓中普及履行职业道德。

61、ADS transmits system signal to facilitate the effective component quickly permeate into skin to fulfill perfect whitening effect, and leave your skin tender and white like milk. ─── ADS传送系统指令有效成份迅速渗透肌肤,并充分发挥最佳的美白效果,令您的肌肤如乳液般嫩白。

62、His subtle satisfaction seemed to permeate the space around them. ─── 他难以捉摸的满足感好像弥漫在了他们的周围。

63、To enter and permeate, especially harmfully. ─── 充溢进入并且渗透,尤指有害地

64、Efficacy: Hand mask with rich nutrients on the hand acts as a layer of film to allow nutrients and moisture to slowly permeate into deep sin; then hand skin will be softer, smoother and more elastic. ─── 功效:富含营养物质的手膜敷在手上,在手上覆盖一层薄膜,营养物质和水分就可以缓缓地渗入皮肤深层,手部皮肤便会重新变柔软,增加弹性,令纤手嫩白细腻。

65、May my teaching be drenching as the rain, and my words, permeate gently as the dew: like abundant rain upon the grass, like a gentle shower on the tender crops. ─── 愿我的教训如雨下降,我的言语似露滴落,像降在绿茵上的细雨,像落在青草上的甘霖!

66、Synthetic chemical substances so fully permeate our environment that it is all too easy to forget that someone had to discover them. ─── 合成的化学物质充满我们生活的每个角落,以至于我们太习以为常,忘记了发明它的人。

67、Cleaning efficiency is measured as return of permeate flux of water to initial levels, prior to use. ─── 它以最快的流动速度在膜的表面引起湍流。清洁效率用水的渗入通量的回收值与初始值(即使用前)来衡量。

68、With numerous environments and different factors in Taiwan, it is surprised by low price strategy to permeate Taiwan market, such that THHC becomes a main competitor of instant noodle sector. ─── 在台湾众多环境及因素不同的状况下,选择运用低价策略渗透台湾市场造成轰动,成为台湾速食面市场新的主要竞争者。

69、Providing inspiration and acceleration together, they began to share points, permeate each other, and finally formulated the pre-Qin aesthetics. ─── 在对话中,它们相互激发、相互促进,在命题、概念、范畴、思想、思维模式、心理型态诸方面,都有交集、融合、共用、贯通,而最终酝酿了先秦审美意识。

70、To Permeate Traditional Culture Education among Classroom Teaching ─── 在课堂教学中渗透传统文化教育

71、Here we show that a new method increases the solubility of probucol in water and its ability to permeate cell membranes. ─── 在这里,我们提供一种提高丙丁酚在水中溶解度及其细胞膜渗透性的新方法。

72、I don't want to stress that politics didn't permeate music, which is false. ─── “我不想强调说,政治没有渗透到音乐生活中去。

73、recovering the permeate fraction. ─── 回收渗透部分。

74、Water will easily permeate a cotton dress. ─── 水很容易渗透棉布衣服。

75、Contain the particle egg white.can the heat permeate the dissolve.Strengthen,protect to suffer the damage hair the quality. ─── 含蛋白精华,能高温渗透溶合。增强、保护受损发质。

76、Fall the organic fertilizer into container, sprinkle the soil until the water can permeate through the bottom of the container. ─── 将培养土倒入容器,再用细水喷洒土层至容器底部透水为止。

77、The relief of it all will encircle your Earth, and a new energy will permeate everything and bring Love and Light to you all. ─── 它全部的安慰都环抱着地球,一种新的能量会渗透每一件事物并把爱和光带给你们所有人。

78、Congenital temperament of a poet, reason spirit of intellectuals, long-term soaking of values, make Wang Meng permeate with contradictions. ─── 先天的诗人气质,知识分子的理性精神,意识形态的长期浸淫,使王蒙充满了矛盾。

79、This autumn is arriving early, Before National days can feel cold. The feeling can permeate to my heart, It seem to have met before. ─── 今年的秋天来得特别早,未过十一,就感觉到凉意。这种冷有时候会渗到心里,似曾相识的感觉。

80、as animals or plants permeate to new areas. ─── 和随着动植物蔓延入新的地区而持续不断地变化着。

81、The products are designed to the concept of "going back to the simplicity and naturalness",combining modern life style and making effort to permeate "modern bearuty" into "classicality". ─── 产品设计以“反璞归真”为主要理念,结合现代生活风格、力求做到“古典”之中融合“现代美”。

82、"Soft Power" and New Liberalism Permeate through Our Country Ideology ─── "软权力"与新自由主义对我国意识形态的渗透

83、Soil adhesion may be reduced even if water cannot readily permeate the soil layer. ─── 即使水不易进入污垢内层,也能降低污垢的吸附作用。

84、Effect: intermediation PH value, permeate the skin to keep comfortable to moisten the feeling greatly, give the skin luster and elasticities, prevent from because oxidize causing the skin aging. ─── 功效:调解PH值,渗透肌肤保持舒爽的滋润感,赋予肌肤光泽与弹力,防止因氧化引起肌肤的老化。

85、Efficacies: The natural whitening ingredients together with the nourishing ingredients of lucid ganoderma can permeate through the skin rapidly to help to recuperate the natural whiteness of the skin. ─── 功效:所蕴含的自然美白成份,融合于独有的滋润成份中,迅速渗入肌肤,帮助肌肤恢复自然美白。

86、A feeling of sadness permeate all his music. ─── 他的音乐中充斥着忧伤的情绪。

87、2.To coat or permeate with liquid, color, or light;suffuse. ─── 使洒遍用液体、颜料或光线履盖或渗透;

88、To Permeate the Aesthetic in the Course of Nursing Teaching ─── 将美育渗透在护理教学过程中

89、In leading period, wo can choose four kinds marketing strategies.They are fast depredate, slow depredate, fast permeate and slow permeate. ─── 在导入期,我们有四种营销策略可以选择:快速掠夺,缓慢掠夺,快速渗透和缓慢渗透.

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