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09-09 投稿



disbandment 中文意思翻译



disbandment 词性/词形变化,disbandment变形

名词: disbandment |动词过去分词: disbanded |动词过去式: disbanded |动词现在分词: disbanding |动词第三人称单数: disbands |

disbandment 相似词语短语

1、disbanded ─── vi.解散;vt.解散;遣散

2、disownment ─── 否认

3、disburdenment ─── 解惑

4、dispartment ─── n.分裂;裂口

5、disbarment ─── n.[法]取消律师资格

6、disbanding ─── vi.解散;vt.解散;遣散

7、husbandmen ─── n.农夫,农民(husbandman的复数)

8、dismastment ─── 拆卸

9、discardment ─── 打出的牌,丢弃的牌,垫出的牌

disbandment 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The script for the next two years calls for the Christian Democrats (CDU) and Social Democrats (SPD) to live together until they disband to fight each other in a federal election by September 2009. ─── 在今后两年的大戏中,基督教民主党和社会民主党仍不得不在大联盟中勾心斗角,直到最晚将会在2009年9月举行的联邦选举。

2、It has the power to disband the executive committee of any union. ─── 它也有权解散任何工会的执行委员会。

3、For more than a decade, scientists have known that the activity of tens of millions of neurons can synchronize for a few hundred milliseconds, then disband in less than a second. ─── 10多年来,科学家已经知道,数千万神经元的活性可以同步活化几百毫秒,然后又在不到一秒钟之内解散。

4、4. History of the GFS: The GFS began operating on 1st April 1993 immediately after the disbandment of its predecessor, the Royal Hong Kong Auxiliary Air Force. ─── 历史:历史:政府飞行服务队在其前身皇家香港辅助空军解散后,随即于1993年4月1日开始投入服务。收藏指正

5、A Study on Legal Problems Concerning Disbandment of a Company ─── 对与公司解散有关的法律问题研究

6、Although they state that there will be no disbandment, in reality, disbandment is more than likely. ─── 尽管他们声明神起不会解散,事实上,解散是很有可能的。

7、From the effeteness after the disbandment to the stable rise after the new century, now the new Russia has a big potential for books' publishing and sales market. ─── 从解体后的没落,到新世纪后的慢慢崛起,对于现在的俄罗斯来说,图书出版和销售市场仍然潜力巨大。

8、(8) disbandment and liquidation of the partnership enterprise; ─── (八) 合伙企业的解散与清算;

9、He said the priorities are to bring Bagdad under control.This band (disband) illigal malitias ,bring [death squad ] leader to the justice and proceed with the national reconciliation process. ─── 他说首要任务是控制巴格达的局势,解散非法民兵,将暗杀小队头目送上审判席并且进行国内调解。

10、(3) The disbandment has been decided upon by all the partners; ─── (三) 全体合伙人决定解散;

11、Therefore, it is necessary to establish the litigation of company disbandment and stipulate the legitimate causes and procedures of compulsory disbandment of company. ─── 有鉴于此,有必要构建公司解散之诉,并对司法强制解散公司的法定事由、程序作出明确规定。

12、On May 15th 1906 , the American Supreme Court ordered Standard Oil to disband its organization as it was adjudicated to have violated the Anti-trust Laws. ─── 1906年5月15日美国最高法院判决标准石油公司违反“反托拉斯法”,勒令其解散托拉斯组织。

13、judicial disbandment ─── 司法解散

14、The spotlight fades The boys disband ─── 人们的注意力逐渐消失,孩子们也散去

15、He plans to disband his ten regions, and give principals even greater autonomy by letting them choose between different methods of support. ─── 他还计划撤去他划定的10个区域,并赋予各校长更大的自治权,允许他们采取不同的办学支撑方式。

16、Company component, amalgamative, disband etc great and decision-making must approve via worker shareholder plenary meeting. ─── 企业分立、合并、解散等重大决策必须经职工股东大会批准。

17、2 Disband the party if you want to. We will move to another party.Supplying the new party was begun. ─── 如果你想解散党就解散吧.我们将会转换到其他的党.新政党的筹备已经开始了。

18、Even if they avoid the worst case scenario, disbandment, it feels like their departure of SM is set. ─── 即使他们在尽量避免解散这一最坏状况的发生,但是看起来他们的离开依然是有可能的。

19、disband a commission ─── 解散一个委员会

20、the orchestra faced the prospect of disbandment. ─── 管弦乐队面临解散的前景。

21、In the meantime, mitsui, 3 water chestnut, live the plutocrat head office such as friendly, An Tian also is appointed to be holding company, instructed its to disband. ─── 同时,三井、三菱、住友、安田等财阀总公司也被指定为控股公司,责令其解散了。

22、He allied himself with the aristocrats, gained control of the Senate, and caused it to order Caesar to resign his command and disband his army ─── 他和贵族结成联盟,控制了元老院,并迫使元老院令恺撒辞去指挥官的职位,遣散他的军队。

23、8, disband the sale group that has big side of the head that get manure, silicon Valley is full of these to taking the salesperson of base salary of high specified number and bonus everywhere. ─── 8、解散吃得肥头大耳的销售团队,硅谷到处充斥着这些拿着高额底薪和奖金的销售人员。

24、Chapter 2: comparison study of Chinese and foreign company disbandment system; ─── 第二章:中外公司解散制度比较研究;

25、Li said he would like to discuss the issue with the organizations calling to disband DCSSA and said he hoped the threats toward the student would stop. ─── 李说他愿意就这一争议和那些声称要解散DCSSA的组织进行讨论,并说他希望针对那个学生的威胁能够停止下来。

26、Chapter3: the possibility and realization of judicial compulsory disbandment of company; ─── 第三章:司法强制解散公司的可能性及实现;

27、If the courts find he was acting on behalf of the PPP, it risks disbandment. ─── 如果法庭查明荣育是为人民力量党买票,那么这届政府就有被解散的危险。

28、Opposition supporters on Monday refused to disband protests near the president's office until authorities agree to re-count Taiwan's weekend presidential election. ─── 反对党的支持者拒绝解散总统府外的集会,除非当局承诺就周末的台湾总统选举重新点票。

29、There are many ways for foreign financial instituti ons to withdraw from the market such as disbandment, dissolution and bankruptcy. ─── 国外金融机构退出市场有解散、撤销和破产等方式。

30、(2) The facts resulting in the disbandment as agreed upon in the partnership agreement occur; ─── (二) 合伙协议约定的解散事由出现;

31、Other reasons stipulated in laws and administrative regulations for the disbandment of the partnership enterprise arise. ─── 出现法律、行政法规规定的合伙企业解散的其他原因。

32、After disbandment, the company must be liquidated except for merger or division. ─── 在公司解散后,除因公司合并、分立外,必须进入清算。

33、There are many ways for foreign financial institutions to withdraw from the market such as disbandment, dissolution and bankruptcy. ─── 国外金融机构退出市场有解散、撤销和破产等方式。

34、Wu Sun-fu's partners fired their last shot-they threw one and a half million disbandment on the market, and the quotations began to drop steadily! ─── 吴荪甫他们最后的一炮放出去了!一百五十万的裁兵公债一下里抛在市场上了,挂出牌子来是步步跌了!

35、For two years I have been thinking about this, slowly, carefully, patiently, and I have now decided to disband the Order, as I happen to be its Head. ─── 两年来我一直在考虑这件事,慢慢地、仔细地、耐心地,而我现在已决定要解散这个组织,因为我正好是它的负责人。

36、Even a senior United Russian figure recently called the police unreformable;he went on to call for the force's disbandment. ─── 甚至统一俄罗斯党的一位权威最近也说警察系统无法改革,他接着开始呼吁解散这个系统。

37、Nonetheless he ordered the disbandment of the order. ─── 他仍然下令解散骑士团。

38、2. The regiment disband ed when the war was over. ─── 战争结束后,这个团就解散了。

39、The prosecutors are asking the court to disband the party and ban the prime minister and president from politics. ─── 检察官要求法院解散这个政党,并且禁止总理和总统从政。

40、This led to its formal disbandment, and a split, with a breakaway group contesting the polls. ─── 正是此事直接导致了民盟的正式解散和分裂,分离出来的团体对投票提出了质疑。

41、A New Exploration of the Interior Reasons for USSR's Disbandment ─── 苏联解体内部原因的再探索

42、I suggest Love e disband the myriad sites and organizations now opposio unsolicited commercial email in order to form a single, unified organization: ─── 我建议解散思绪邀约商业用地和组织现在反对以电子邮件形式单一、统一组织:

43、Even a senior United Russian figure recently called the police unreformable; he went on to call for the force's disbandment. ─── 甚至统一俄罗斯党的一位权威最近也说警察系统无法改革,他接着开始呼吁解散这个系统。

44、There is no real words to describe how I feel about this disbandment, needless to say that I feel sad and wish it wasnt so, but I have to face facts, and facts say that WC3 is hard pressed, and MYM. ─── 没有真正的词来描述我的感觉这个解散,不用说,我感到难过,并希望它不是这样,但我必须面对事实,和事实说, WC3是很难,而且是MYM.

45、Company disbandment at free will ─── 公司自愿解散

46、Disband any agencies of the state which monitor or pursue people because of their political views. ─── 任何机构解散的状态监测或追求的人,因为他们的政治观点。

47、Nonetheless he ordered the disbandment of the order. ─── 他仍然下令解散骑士团。

48、The government tried to disband the illegal organization. ─── 政府企图解散那个非法组织。

49、However the exit of the two founders and the disbandment of Renaissance Team, doesn't mean the end of MabiWiki. ─── 不过复兴会两位发起人的退出以及复兴会的解散,并不代表麻痹怒气维基的结束,相反则是新的开始。

50、Indonesia's Aceh rebels formally disband their armed wing, effectively ending their thirty-year separatist insurgency one year after the tsunami hit. ─── 在伊拉克的卡尔巴拉城中发现的遗迹,被认为是1991年萨达穆政权在南方镇压什叶派起义后留下的乱坟.

51、The Fellowship being set up suffered lots of hardships and even the fate of disbandment. ─── 人的工作虽然停顿,而神却没有停止工作。

52、As for the condom scatterd in disband dinner, I think it's a positive behavior but wrong occasion. ─── 至于在散伙饭上散播避孕套,我认为是积极的行为,错误的场合。

53、Now, suppose you're a bull and you buy a hundred thousand disbandment and the settlement leaves you nothing at all ─── 比方你做多头,买进十万裁兵,交割下来,你蚀光了

54、Thoughts on Establishing Procedural Rules Concerning Non-Bankruptcy Corporation Disbandment Cases for Judicial Practice ─── 人民法院审理公司非破产解散案件法律制度构想

55、and, after their momentary service to the state has been completed, it orders them to disband and return to private life. ─── 最后,他们在履行完对这个国家的短暂的义务之后,这个组织中的成员将被解散,并回归到他们正常的私人生活中。

56、Was not punished by being disband ─── 没有受到被解散的处罚

57、Staff of network of guest of a rich says, the company basically is in backwater state now, rich guest space of the netizen fears will as rich guest net disband and disappear. ─── 一名博客网员工称,现在公司基本上处于停滞状况,网友的博客空间恐将随着博客网的解散而消失。

58、Our country " insurance law " regulation, run the insurance company that has life-insurance business, divide schism, amalgamative outside, must not disband. ─── 我国《保险法》规定,经营有人寿保险业务的保险公司,除分立、合并外,不得解散。

59、disband a club, society, etc ─── 解散俱乐部、 社团等.

60、Commercial banks should terminate their operations upon a disbandment, dismantlement and bankruptcy. ─── 第七十二条商业银行因解散、被撤销和被宣告破产而终止。

61、He expresses, cent is numerous wireless recombining, the circumstance that personnel leaves his post also is because of this generation, the group won't disband cent numerous wireless. ─── 他表示,分众无线正在重组,人员离职的情况也是因此而产生,集团不会解散分众无线。

62、Court Verdict for Company Disbandment--Conflict and Unison between Judgment Right and Company Autonomy ─── 法院判决公司解散--司法裁判权与公司自治的冲突与协调

63、disband martial law ─── [法] 解除军事管制

64、Jaina also travels south, sailing her people to the large, coastal island of Theramore. There, the humans disband their fleet and construct a new city in which to live. ─── 吉安娜也带领人类向南航行到一个巨大的沿海岛屿塞拉摩。在那里,人类遣散了舰队并修建了新的城市。

65、Ever had plant of 3 wife and children lively open business, cat-and-dog manage, be flushed breaks up, but banner breath rouses disband. ─── 曾有3家小厂热热闹闹开张,吵吵闹闹经营,面红耳赤分家,但旗息鼓散伙。

66、9.He said the priorities are to bring Baghdad under control, disband illegal militias, bring death squad leaders to justice and proceed with the national reconciliation process. ─── 他说某些优先权使得巴格达在掌控之中,取缔非法武装,审判处死敢死队首脑并且继续进行国际调解工作。

67、Article forty two: When the Company announces to disband, the Board of Directors may put forward its liquidation procedure, policy and the liquidation committee members. ─── 第四十二条:公司宣布解散时,董事会应提出清算的程序、原则和清算委员会人选。

68、(7) Other reasons stipulated in laws and administrative regulations for the disbandment of the partnership enterprise arise. ─── (七) 出现法律、行政法规规定的合伙企业解散的其他原因。

69、lt is my duty to hereby disband... ─── |职责所在,我将要解散...

70、The thesis has 5 parts: Chapter 1 : the introduction of company disbandment system; ─── 本文共分五章:第一章:公司解散制度概述;

71、6.I do not wish to appear here in any fault finding spirit, or as an impugner of the motives of those who believe that the time has come for this Society to disband. ─── 我不想在这儿吹毛求疵,或者指责那些认为现在到了解散这个协会的时候的人的动机。

72、Article 59 The liquidators of a partnership enterprise after its disbandment shall be composed of all the partners. ─── 第五十九条合伙企业解散,清算人由全体合伙人担任;

73、But the growing scrutiny of the village guard system is fueling calls for its disbandment. ─── 但是对卫队体系的不断推敲更助长了要求解散的声音。

74、claim right of the disbandment of the company ─── 解散公司请求权

75、Al-Sadr faces a government ultimatum to either disband his Mahdi Army or give up politics. ─── 萨德尔现在面临政府的最后通牒:要么解散他的马赫迪军,要么退出政治舞台。

76、ROCHE M.Coating Disbandment Leads Causes of External Pipeline Corrosion[J].Oil &Gas Journal,1991(4):49. ─── 米琪,李庆林.管道防腐蚀手册[M].北京:中国建筑工业出版社,1994.

77、But the growing scrutiny of the village guard system is fueling calls for its disbandment. ─── 但是对卫队体系的不断推敲更助长了要求解散的声音。

78、Article 72 Commercial banks should terminate their operations upon a disbandment, dismantlement and bankruptcy. ─── 第七十二条商业银行因解散、被撤销和被宣告破产而终止。

79、History of the GFS: The GFS began operating on 1st April 1993 immediately after the disbandment of its predecessor, the Royal Hong Kong Auxiliary Air Force. ─── 历史:历史:政府飞行服务队在其前身皇家香港辅助空军解散后,随即于1993年4月1日开始投入服务。

80、The Guardians had fallen into disarray and the minister had promised to disband them. ─── Lorian被捕后,卫队陷入一片混乱,总统已经许诺解散卫队。

81、GBE can also inhibit rabbit platelet aggregation induced by ADP and promote the disband of the aggregated platelets. ─── 体外能抑制高、低浓度ADP诱导的血小板聚集,并对低浓度ADP诱导的血小板聚集有促进解聚作用。

82、Current Legislation Situation and System Conceptions of Judicial Disbandment of Corporation ─── 公司司法解散的立法现状及制度构想

83、Take measures to disband the secret organizations of different groups of capitalists, such as the "Thursday Dinner Club". ─── 各部分资本家的秘密结社,例如“星四聚餐会”等,则应设法予以解散。

84、Judicial disbandment system is not established, Special liquidation is not stipulated. ─── 没有建立司法解散制度;

85、Trading in "Reorganization and Disbandment" had closed with a rise of half a dollar. ─── 编遣公债终于在跳起半元的收盘价格下拍过去了!

86、But he could not disband the troops in the pressures of the changing situation, the opposing of military generals, and the actual difficulty for settling the soldiers. ─── 裁兵不能实现,更与时势的化及军事将领的抵触、兵士安置的困难等外在因素有莫大关系。

87、He said all militias, including the Mahdi Army, must disband. ─── 他说:“包括迈赫迪军在内的所有民兵都必须解散。

88、They said, "You were the ones who told us to set up the co-operatives, and now you are the ones who tell us to disband them." ─── 他们说:“叫办也是你们,叫散也是你们。”

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