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09-09 投稿


ordinal 发音

英:['??d?n(?)l]  美:['?rd?nl]

英:  美:

ordinal 中文意思翻译



ordinal 网络释义

adj. 顺序的,依次的n. [数] 序数

ordinal 同义词

no. |successive | ordinal number

ordinal 短语词组

1、ordinal notation ─── 序数记号

2、ordinal position ─── [计] 顺序位置

3、singular ordinal ─── [计] 异序数

4、ordinal response ─── 顺序响应

5、ordinal type ─── [计] 序数类型

6、character ordinal number ─── [计] 字符序号

7、ordinal algebra ─── 序数代数

8、ordinal scale ─── 顺序量表,分类量表

9、ordinal sum ─── 序数和

10、ordinal product ─── 序数积

11、ordinal structure ─── 序数结构

12、ordinal data nominal data ─── 序号数据标称数据

13、ordinal type identifier ─── [计] 序数类型标识符

14、ordinal scaled variable ─── 序数标度变量

15、limit ordinal ─── [计] 极限序数

16、ordinal relation ─── [计] 顺序关系

17、ordinal expression ─── [计] 顺序表达式

18、ordinal number ─── [计] 序数, 序号 ─── [经] 次序号码, 序数

19、ordinal indicator ─── 序号指示器

ordinal 反义词


ordinal 词性/词形变化,ordinal变形


ordinal 相似词语短语

1、cardinal ─── n.红衣主教;枢机主教;鲜红色;【鸟类】(北美)主红雀;adj.主要的,基本的;深红色的

2、ordinals ─── adj.顺序的,依次的;n.[数]序数

3、ordinant ─── adj.命令的;指示的;规定的;n.授圣职者

4、morainal ─── adj.冰碛的

5、ordinate ─── n.纵坐标

6、ordinally ─── 依次

7、ordinand ─── n.圣职候选人

8、ordinary ─── adj.普通的;平凡的;平常的;n.普通;平常的人(或事)

9、coordinal ─── adj.同科的(植物或动物)

ordinal 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Freeze file A colloquial reference to a def file; so called because it freezes the association between name and ordinal, for exported functions. ─── 冻结文件一个通俗地说延期文件;这么说是因为其导出功能如此,他冻结了名字和序号之间关系。

2、Represents the month ordinal of a year in a manufacturing calendar . ─── 表示生产日历中每一年的第几个月。

3、Overloads of String.::.LastIndexOf that search for a character perform an ordinal search, while those that search for a string perform a culture-sensitive search. ─── 搜索字符的String.LastIndexOf重载执行顺序搜索,而搜索字符串的重载执行区分区域性的搜索。

4、After writing scrip, the judge wants presiding juror to be scrip between jury ordinal deliver. ─── 在写了纸条后,法官要首席陪审员把纸条在陪审团间依次传递。

5、Compares strings by ordinal value and is not case sensitive. ─── 以序数值值比较串(大小写不敏感)。

6、Ordinal auscultation sound of of one mind and disloyalty sound, and systole and diastole period sound. ─── 并依次听诊第一心音和第二心音,以及收缩与舒张期音。

7、In the case of the return status parameter, its ordinal position will always be 1 because it is always the first parameter in the call to the stored procedure. ─── 对于返回状态参数,其序数位置始终为1,这是因为它始终是调用存储过程时的第一个参数。

8、Cardinal numbers: Normal sequence of numbers, one, two, three, as compared with ordinal numbers, first, second, third, etc. ─── 基数:数字的常规次序,如一,二,三等;以别于[序数],如第一,第二,第三等.

9、Utility can be divided into cardinal utility and ordinal utility. ─── 效用又分为基数效用和序数效用。

10、If you have an ordinal application executable file this place can be within the executable resources or at the random position within the code. ─── 如果你有一个普通的可执行应用文件在固定的位置能够包含可执行的资源或是在随机的位置包含代码。

11、Constructor, where the name of each value is converted to a string, and the ordinal setting represents a one-up value for each setting. ─── 构造函数中,在这里,每个值的名称都被转换成一个字符串,并且序数设置表示了每个设置的优先值。

12、If the namespace already contains a renamed type with the "_Obsolete" string, Visual Studio appends an ordinal to this string to produce a unique name. ─── 如果命名空间中已包含带“_Obsolete”字符串的重命名类型,Visual Studio会在此字符串后追加一个序号,从而生成唯一的名称。

13、The ordinal consistency and satisfactory consistency problems of the fuzzy comparison matrix are studied. ─── 摘要研究模糊判断矩阵的次序一致性和满意一致性问题。

14、The following example returns the ordinal number for the Calendar Quarter level in the Calendar hierarchy. ─── 下面的示例返回Calendar层次结构中的Calendar Quarter级别的序号。

15、Objective: To study the analytic means for ordinal categorical response in epidemiology. ─── 摘要目的:探讨流行病学中有序分类结果资料的回归统计分析方法。

16、In Jian after scrip, the judge wants presiding juror to be scrip between jury ordinal deliver. ─── 在笕了纸条后,法官要首席陪审员把纸条在陪审团间依次传递。

17、The EditItemTemplate is invoked for a row in the DataList control when the EditItemIndex is set to the ordinal number of that row. ─── 当EditItemIndex设置为DataList控件中某一行的序号时,将为该行调用EditItemTemplate。

18、Know how to distinguish and use ordinal numbers and cardinal numbers. ─── 掌握基数词和序数词的用法。

19、Its are ordinal and ordinal for: Bipod - two crus - two ham - coxal - the small of the back - celiac breast - cervical - the head. ─── 其顺序依次为:两脚-两小腿-两大腿-臀部-腰背部-腹胸部-颈部-头部。

20、The solution to this problem is to normalize each string, then use an ordinal comparison to sort the strings. ─── 对于此问题的解决方法是对每个字符串进行正常化,然后使用序号比较对字符串进行排序。

21、When you create a perspective, the name is initially Perspective (followed by an ordinal number, starting with 1, if there is already a perspective called Perspective). ─── 当您创建透视时,最初的名称便是“Perspective”(如果已经存在名为“Perspective”的透视,则在该名称后面紧跟以1开始的序号)。

22、The numerals include cardinal number , ordinal number , fractional number , approximate number , and imaginary numbers . ─── 将金文量词分为个体量词、集体量词、容器量词、准量词、度量衡量词来讨论。

23、An operation that uses ordinal sort rules performs a comparison based on the numeric value (Unicode code point) of each Char in the string. ─── 使用序号排序规则的操作基于字符串中每个Char的数字值(Unicode码位)执行比较。

24、Ordinal types include integer, character, Boolean, enumerated, and subrange types. ─── 序数类型包括整数、字符、布尔、枚举、子界等类型。

25、Represents the quarter ordinal of a year in a manufacturing calendar. ─── 表示生产日历中每一年的第几个季度。

26、The name of the field from which to determine the ordinal. ─── 字段的名称;可从该名称判断序号。

27、Investing amount respect, involve amount larger trade is ordinal be: Recreation of health of Internet, medical treatment, medium. ─── 在投资金额方面,涉及金额较大的行业依次是:互联网、医疗健康、传媒娱乐。

28、Compare strings using ordinal sort rules and ignoring the case of the strings being compared. ─── 使用序号排序规则并忽略被比较字符串的大小写,对字符串进行比较。

29、Numerals consist of two types: cardinal numerals and ordinal numerals. ─── 数字包括两种类型:基数词和序数词。

30、If you require a sort operation that is not specific to a particular culture, specify the invariant culture or use an ordinal sort. ─── 如果所需的排序操作并不特定于某个特定的区域性,请指定固定区域性或使用序号排序。

31、This paper discusses the modem regression techniques used for ordinal data analysis and how to apply them into solving an important sampling problem in Consumer Confidence Index survey. ─── 摘要本文讨论了对定序变量进行回归的技术,并探讨了如何用其解决消费者信心指数调查中抽样的重要问题。

32、L form kitchen wants to will be cleaned, match board and cook center of 3 big jobs is ordinal the space of L form wall that configuration receives at interrelating. ─── 形厨房要将清洗、配膳与烹调三大工作中心依次配置于相互连接的L形墙壁空间。

33、The text field of a CONTROL statement in the DIALOG statement must be either a text string or an ordinal reference to the type of control. ─── 在DIALOG语句中,CONTROL语句的text字段必须是文本字符串或者是对控件类型的序号引用。

34、A corresponding solution was thus given methodologically to the model combing Lagrangian relaxation, algorithm of ordinal introduction of constraints with heuristic algorithms. ─── 同时给出了相应的求解方法,即将拉格朗日松弛、序贯引入约束法和启发式算法结合使用的方法。

35、Returns the column ordinal, given the name of the column. ─── 在给定列名称的情况下返回列序号。

36、Clause to specify the ordinal number of the entry point within the export table of the external file. ─── 子句来指定外部文件的导出表内入口点的序号。

37、Discriminant analysis is a method which classify the type-unknown data by modeling the type-known data, in which data and types are not ordinal. ─── 摘要判别分析是用已知分类数据建模对未知分类数据进行判别的方法,所用数据和分类不分顺序。

38、Indicates the name or ordinal of the DLL entry point to be called. ─── 指示要调用的DLL入口点的名称或序号。

39、Individual data items or records can be identified by a key or ordinal. ─── 单个数据项或记录可用关键字和顺序号识别出来。

40、If needle is not a string, it is converted to an integer and applied as the ordinal value of a character. ─── 另外特别重要的是:如果要找的不是字符串,说要把它变成整数,然后当作是这个字符串的序数值。(不能理解!有没有这方面的例子?)

41、Parameters list, the parameter mapping that occurs at run time will use the ordinal position of the parameter, not the parameter name. ─── 列表中没有放在正确的序号位置,则在运行时发生的参数映射将使用参数的序号位置,而不是参数名称。

42、Ordinal number that denotes the display adapter to query. ─── 一个表示要查询的显示适配器的序号。

43、An ordinal number. ─── 序数词

44、The passed ordinal is out of range of the specified collection. ─── 传递的序数超出了指定集合的范围。

45、Indicates the value at the specified column in its native format given the column ordinal. ─── 在给定列序号的情况下,指示以其本机格式表示的位于指定列的值。

46、Know the difference between ordinal numbers and cardinal numbers. ─── 对比基数词和序数词的不同。

47、The Rank and Percentile analysis tool produces a table that contains the ordinal and percentage rank of each value in a data set. ─── “排位与百分比排位”分析工具可以产生一个数据表,在其中包含数据集中各个数值的顺序排位和百分比排位。

48、Because of the differences among the increment processes of DBH, H and V, we could aquire different results with different factors by means of ordinal data cluster. ─── 各生长因子平均生长量和连年生长量呈现不同的曲线类型;

49、We measure the service process maturity of organizations on a five level ordinal scale. ─── 我们基于一个五级度量标准衡量组织的服务流程成熟度。

50、Therefore, the corresponding columns (in the same ordinal position in the select list) in the local tables should be money and datetime. ─── 因此,本地表中相应的列(在选择列表中的相同序号位置中)应为money和datetime。

51、Next ordinal it is Korea, France. ─── 接下来依次是韩国、法国。

52、If a security decision will be made based on the result of a string comparison or case change, use an ordinal comparison that ignores case instead of using InvariantCulture. ─── 如果安全性决策将根据字符串比较或大小写更改的结果作出,则使用忽略大小写的序号比较,而不是使用InvariantCulture。

53、As a result of taper, the capability of correcting light for the tapered optical fiber is lower than that of an ordinal cylindrical optical fiber. ─── 但由于锥度的影响,锥形光纤的集光能力低于普通圆柱形光纤。

54、When ordinal utilities are used, differences are treated as ethically or behaviorally meaningless. ─── 使用公用设施时,将差异如同伦理或者行为一样对待是没有意义的。

55、Represents the day ordinal of a week in a manufacturing calendar. ─── 表示生产日历中每一周的第几天。

56、The baleful Cheng ordinal of online game password measured filch to rise steadily 2008: The amount of new play trojan that affirms in this year achieves 100397, 3 times was 2007. ─── 2008年窃取在线游戏密码的恶意程序数量稳步上升: 在这一年确认的新游戏木马数量达到100397个,是2007年的3倍。

57、Let's conditionally generalize principle of transfinite recursion from ordinal numberclass to class with well-founded relation. ─── 借助一阶逻辑演算有条件地把超限递归原理从序数类推广到具有良基关系的类上。

58、"First" is an ordinal. ─── "第一"是个序数。

59、A type mismatch error would be generated if an argument were passed to the Ordinal function that could not be coerced to an integer. ─── 如果传递到Ordinal函数的参数不能强制为整型,就会产生类型不匹配错误。

60、When doing passive exercise, but ordinal activity shoulder, ancon, wrist, point to the joint such as joint and genu, ankle, foot. ─── 做被动运动时,可依次活动肩、肘、腕、指关节和膝、踝、趾等关节。

61、Come in from the gate, ordinal it is sofa, mensal, store the furniture such as content ark, bed. ─── 从大门进来,依次是沙发、餐桌、储物柜、床等家具。

62、A build wherein the resulting DLL export table references indexes functions by ordinal. ─── 序数式构建:在DLL中通过序数输出表引用索引的一种构建方式。

63、Please try to find out at least eight special ordinal numbers and the rules of ordinal numbers. ─── 找四个学生到黑板上写下有特殊变化的序数词。

64、The lexicographical order on the Cartesian product of a set of totally ordered sets indexed by an ordinal, is itself a total order. ─── 在用一个序数索引的那些全序集合的笛卡尔积的一个集合上的词典序自身是全序。

65、Similar with English, numerals are classified into two groups: cardinal numbers and ordinal numbers. ─── 数词表示数目的词。分为基数、序数两大类。

66、The lexicographical order on the Cartesian product of a set of totally ordered sets indexed by an ordinal, is itself a total order. ─── 在用一个序数索引的那些全序集合的笛卡尔积的一个集合上的词典序自身是全序。

67、Decide the functions of ordinal number in the following sentences. ─── 判断下列句子中序数词的语法作用。

68、What is the cultural difference of ordinal number and its neural corr... ─── 序数是否也存在符号效应以及跨文化差异等问题有待进一步研究。

69、Compare the path name to "file" using an ordinal comparison. ─── 使用序号比较比较路径名与“file”。

70、Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name or ordinal. ─── 在请求的名称或序数对应的序列中未找到项目。

71、Thus, we provide a theoretical foundation for establishing complete linear support vector ordinal regression machines. ─── 从而为建立理论上完备的线性支持向量顺序回归机提供了依据。

72、An ordinal number that denotes the display adapter. ─── 一个表示显示适配器的序号。

73、An ordinal rank of seventh. ─── 列第七位的

74、The date can use ordinal numbers or the cardinal numbers. ─── 年份与月日之间必须用逗号隔开。

75、The columns collection can be indexed only by name or ordinal. ─── 列集合只能按名称或序号编入索引中。

76、The practice is, arrive down nose ala zygomatic and labial edge is ordinal massage can. ─── 做法是,顺着鼻翼到颧骨以及唇边依次按摩即可。

77、This indifference map provides an ordinal ranking of all choices that the consumer might make. ─── 无差异图像提供了所有消费者可能做出的所有选择的序列。

78、Phenomenon of Moire fringe is explain by ordinal number equation and diffraction theory respectively. ─── 对莫尔条纹现象,分别用序数方程原理与衍射干涉原理解释粗光栅、细光栅的莫尔条纹现象。

79、Represents the half- year ordinal of a year in a manufacturing calendar . ─── 表示报表日历中每一年的第几个月。

80、Will clean, match board and cook center of 3 big jobs, space of the L that ordinal configuration receives at interrelating wall. ─── 型:将清洗、配膳与烹调三大工作中心,依次配置于相互连接的L型墙壁空间。

81、What difference does the distinction between an ordinal and cardinal utility function make for welfare analysis? ─── 序数效用函数和基数效用函数的区别对于福利分析会有什么不同?

82、The ordinal number matching the number quadrillion in a series. ─── 在一系列数中相当于百万的四次乘方的序数

83、An ordinal type defines an ordered set of values in which each value except the first has a unique predecessor and each value except the last has a unique successor. ─── 序数类型定义了一个有序的值的集合,集合中的每个值(除第一个)都有一个唯一的前驱值,每个值(除最后一个)都有一个唯一的后继值。

84、If you do not specify a file name extension, Windows CE does not append an extension but does return the ordinal position of the current filter. ─── 如果没有指定文件扩展名,Windows CE不追加扩展名,但返回当前筛选器的序号位置。

85、A new method, is presented the ordinal wavefront reconstruction method to calculate minimum traveltimes and ray paths. ─── 摘要建立了一种新的计算最小走时和射线路径的方法-有序波前重建法。

86、A parameter specifies whether the comparison uses the current or invariant culture, honors or ignores case, and uses word or ordinal sort rules. ─── 参数指定比较是使用当前区域性还是固定区域性,是考虑还是忽略大小写,是使用字排序规则还是序号排序规则。

87、Each system organization is ordinal to radiative sensitive degree for: The reproduction of spermary is epithelial, hematopoiesis cell, alvine path is epithelial, skin base cell. ─── 各系统组织对放射的敏感程度依次为:睾丸的生殖上皮细胞,造血细胞,肠道上皮细胞,皮肤基底细胞。

88、You can count and order, but not measure, ordinal data. ─── 对于有顺序的数据,您可以计数和排序,但不能测量。

89、The default value for the WSDL service name and the WSDL binding name is "WebServiceN"; "N" represents an ordinal number. ─── WSDL服务名称和WSDL绑定名称的默认值是“WebServiceN”,其中“N”表示序号。

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