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Asiatic 发音

英:[?e??i??t?k]  美:[?e??i??t?k; ?e??i??t?k]

英:  美:

Asiatic 中文意思翻译




Asiatic 网络释义

n. 亚洲人adj. 亚洲的;亚洲人的

Asiatic 短语词组

1、Asiatic cholera ─── 亚细 ─── 亚霍乱

2、Asiatic sweetleaf ─── [网络] 亚洲甜心

3、Austro-Asiatic adj. ─── 奥亚语系的 n. 流行于东南亚的语言 [网络] 南亚语系;南亚语族;澳亚语系

4、Asiatic lion ─── 亚洲狮

5、Asiatic schistosomiasis ─── [医] 日本血吸虫病

6、Asiatic black bear un. ─── 亚洲黑熊 [网络] 狗熊;英文名; ─── 亚洲人的黑色熊

7、Asiatic beetle 【 ─── 昆虫】(鞘翅目金龟子科)东方丽金龟(Anomala orientalis)(=oriental beetle)

8、Asiatic elephant 【 ─── 动物】印度大象

9、Austro-Asiatic language ─── [网络] 奥斯陆 - 亚洲语言

10、Asiatic cockroach un. ─── 东方蜚蠊

11、Asiatic short tailed shrew ─── 亚洲短尾

12、Asiatic shrew mole ─── [网络] 亚洲人rew mole

13、Asiatic buffalo ─── [网络] 亚洲水牛

14、Asiatic ginseng ─── [化] 人参

15、afro-asiatic n. ─── 亚非语系(在非洲北部和西南 ─── 亚洲地区使用的语系,包括闪语族、乍得语族、库希特语族、柏柏尔语族和古埃及语,以前称为闪含语系)

16、Asiatic rat flea ─── [医] 亚洲鼠蚤, 开皇客蚤, 鼠疫蚤

17、Asiatic storax ─── [医] 亚洲苏合香

18、Asiatic flying squirrel ─── [网络] 亚洲松鼠

19、Asiatic flu ─── [网络] 亚洲流感

Asiatic 词性/词形变化,Asiatic变形


Asiatic 相似词语短语

1、astatic ─── adj.不安定的;[物]无定向的;不稳定的

2、Asiatic ─── n.亚洲人;adj.亚洲的;亚洲人的

3、animatic ─── n.样片;有声动画系列广告;(电影)原始片;(非正式)动态分镜

4、acmatic ─── Acmatic公司

5、acratic ─── 辛辣的

6、aviatic ─── adj.航空的;飞行的

7、Asiatics ─── 亚洲人

8、akratic ─── 阿克拉的

9、agnatic ─── adj.男系亲属的

Asiatic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Asiatic fern introduced in America. ─── 亚洲引进的一种美洲蕨类。

2、Asiatic shrub or small shrubby tree having showy bell-shaped rose or purple or white flowers and usually 3-lobed leaves; widely cultivated in temperate North America and Europe. ─── 亚洲灌木或小的灌木树,有艳丽的铃铛状的玫瑰色或紫色或白色的花,通常是三叶状的叶子;广泛种植在北美和欧洲的温带地区。

3、greenflower asiatic currant root ─── 三升米

4、Main products:multi-series of plant extracts ,Centella Asiatica series include Asiaticoside,Madecassoside,Asiatic acid,Madecassic acid,Centella selected Triterpenes and Gotu kola P. ─── 主要产品有积雪草系列提取物积雪草苷、羟基积雪草苷、积雪草酸、羟基积雪草酸、积雪草总苷、积雪草提取物;

5、Americans adore European pizza, Mexican tacos and Asiatic egg coils. But the American version doesn't taste very like the original! ─── 美国人喜爱意大利的披萨,墨西哥的玉米饼和中国的春卷,但是这些东西的美国版味道却不很道地!

6、The Asiatic plains are very wide. ─── 亚洲的平原非常广阔。

7、Asiatic shrub or small tree widely planted in United States and Europe; in some classifications assigned to its own genus Platycladus. ─── 亚洲灌木状树种,广泛在美国和欧洲种植;独立成属。

8、Three rare lions killed in India sanctuary Poachers killed three highly-endangered Asiatic lions in their only remaining sanctuary in western India, wildlife officials said on Tuesday. ─── 三头稀有亚洲狮在印度禁猎区被杀周二野生动物保护组织的官员说,偷猎者在印度西部唯一的亚洲狮保护区内杀死了三只此类高度濒危的动物。

9、Asiatic banana plant cultivated especially as a foliage plant in Japan. ─── 亚洲香蕉植物,作为叶子供观赏的植物种植。

10、What is an Asiatic composite bow? ─── 什么是亚洲混材弓?

11、The bulblet meristic ability of Oriental lily was weaker generally and only that of Baitianshi in Asiatic lily was weaker,but the bulblet rate increased along with the increment of planting depth. ─── 东方百合分生小子球的能力一般都比较弱,亚洲百合仅“白天使”分生子球的能力比较弱,但子球系数均随栽植深度的增加而增加。

12、Asiatic ornamental shrub with spiny branches and pink or red blossoms. ─── 亚洲的一种观赏灌木,具有多刺的枝和粉红色或红色的花。

13、In ancient times there was a custom which still survives in the Chukchee tribe of Asiatic Eskimos. ─── 在古代,在亚细亚的爱斯基摩人的楚克其部落中有一种习俗至今仍在延续。

14、The softness and fragility of baby animals caused us the same intense pain.She wanted to be a nurse in some famished Asiatic country;I wanted to be a famous spy. ─── 但是幼小动物的脆弱使我们共同的感受到强烈的痛苦:她希望去亚洲的一些饥荒国家做护士,而我想做一个出名的间谍。

15、Biological Characteristics of Asiatic Moonseed ─── 北豆根的生物学特性

16、Lisbon and Seville succeeded her as the international store-house towards which all of Europe turned for its spices and other Asiatic and American products. ─── 从此里斯本和塞维利亚取代它继而成为了国际化的大仓库,所有欧洲国家都转去那儿购买香料以及其他亚洲和美洲的产品。

17、His dress was very plain and simple, and the fashion of it between the Asiatic and the European. ─── 他的服装非常简单朴素,式样介乎亚洲式与欧洲式之间。

18、Asiatic plant grown for its cluster of edible white stalks with dark green leaves. ─── 亚洲的植物,具有一丛可以吃的白茎和暗绿色的叶。

19、small Asiatic wild bird; believed to be ancestral to domestic fowl. ─── 亚洲小型野鸡;被当作家禽的祖先。

20、Asiatic mulberry with white to pale red fruit ─── 亚洲种桑树,果实有白到浅红各色

21、Asiatic plant cultivated for its swollen root crown and edible foliage. ─── 亚洲的一种植物,其膨大的根茎和可食的叶片可做蔬菜用。

22、Want to rouse that Asiatic black bear dead to the world really, selfish have appeared to have depended on my heart , have forget it! ─── 真想唤醒那熟睡的狗熊,可自私出现在了我的心头,算了吧!

23、Never before had an Asiatic power defeated a European one. ─── 从来没有亚洲国家能战胜欧洲。

24、Asiatic black bears; in some classifications not a separate genus from Ursus. ─── 亚洲黑熊;在一些分类中没有把它从熊属中分离出来。

25、Asiatic black bears weigh as much as a man, and late summer is the time for them make the most of the season's bounty as they stock up for the coming winter. ─── 亚洲黑熊和人体重相当,夏末时分正是它们尽量利用季节的恩赐为即将到来的寒冬作储备的季节。

26、Ingredients: Deionized water, glycerin, sodium alkyl sulfate, GMS, fatty alcohol, asiatic centella extract, mulberry extract, amino acid surfactant, imidazolidinyl urea, essence, etc. ─── 主要成份:去离子水、甘油、烷基醇硫酸钠、单甘酯、脂肪醇、积雪草提取物、桑树提取液、氨基酸表面活性剂、烷基咪唑脲、香精等。

27、genus of woody Asiatic vines: kudzu. ─── 产于亚洲,草木或木质藤本属;野葛。

28、Establishment of regeneration system on two species of Lilium asiatic hybrid in vitro. ─── 两个亚洲百合品种离体再生体系的建立

29、Deciduous round-headed Asiatic tree widely grown in mild climates as an ornamental for its heart-shaped leaves and fragrant yellow-green flowers followed by hanging clusters of fleshy orange-red berries. ─── 亚洲一种每年落叶的圆头树,广泛生长在温和气候中,因其心形叶片和芳香的黄绿色花朵而成为一种观赏植物。

30、It would not require many centuries before people in this English world would think and speak of the Germans and French in the same tone as we speak at present of the Asiatic nations. ─── 到那个时候,属于这个英国世界的人民想到或谈到德国人或法国人时,就象我们现在想到或谈到亚洲各国人的那副神气一样,这个转变是不需要多少世纪的。

31、Spring-flowering garden perennial of Asiatic origin having finely divided aromatic leaves and white to pink-purple flowers,source of an insecticide,sometimes placed in genus Chrysanthemum. ─── 从亚洲种(红花除虫菊)中衍生出的庭园多年生种之一,在晚春开白色、桃红色、红色或罕见的淡紫色花,除虫剂的原料,有时归入菊花属。

32、Asiatic shrub cultivated for its rosy red flowers. ─── 亚洲灌木,玫瑰红色花。

33、Also please visit your nearby Chinese medicine shop to find out FOR SALE Asiatic Lion (or may be under tiger camouflage! ) products. ─── 并且在附近的中药店找出代售的亚洲狮产品(有些可能是经过伪装的)。

34、Afro - Asiatic. ─── 亚非语系

35、In this experiment bud induction from shoot apex, bulblet induction from buds in vitro culture and flower bulb cultivation from bulblet in field were carried out in Asiatic hybrid lily. ─── 以亚洲百合顶芽为外植体,进行了离体诱导小鳞茎及小鳞茎培育开花球研究。

36、"I don't know why it's being called the Mexican swine flu, " he said, when, actually, the virus's genome matches a Euro-Asiatic strain. ─── 他说:“我不知道为什么这一场流感被称为墨西哥猪流感,”而实际上,这种病毒的基因组与欧亚系的相吻合。

37、Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies ─── 哈佛亚洲研究杂志

38、Asiatic tree fern having dense matted hairs sometimes used as a styptic. ─── 亚洲一种树冠茂密的树蕨,有时用于止血。

39、Asiatic shrub or small shrubby tree having showy bell-shaped rose or purple or white flowers and usually 3-lobed leaves,widely cultivated in temperate North America and Europe. ─── 亚洲灌木或小的灌木树,有艳丽的铃铛状的玫瑰色或紫色或白色的花,通常是三叶状的叶子,广泛种植在北美和欧洲的温带地区。

40、Asiatic herb cultivated for its short pods with one or two edible seeds. ─── 亚洲的一种草本植物,现广部于西部球,短荚具一粒或两粒种子。

41、Asiatic conifers resembling firs. ─── 亚洲一种类似于冷杉的针叶树。

42、The condition of Asiatic and European tribes in this period is substantially lost. ─── 亚洲和欧洲部落处在这一时期的情况基本上已经湮没无闻了。

43、Asiatic onion with slender bulbs; used as early green onions. ─── 一种亚洲葱,鳞茎细长;被用作早熟的蔬菜葱。

44、The biological characteristic and living conditions of Asiatic migratory locust around Bosteng lake are analyzed and the related climatic conditions are studied. ─── 分析了博斯腾湖周边亚洲飞蝗的生物学特性和生存环境,研究了与之相关的气候条件。

45、Basically it's true now - only few asiatic lions are protected at Gir Forest of India. ─── 亚洲狮?我还真没见过,一直以为非洲无虎,亚洲无狮.

46、JAPAN. A flute-player for the Bugaku dances, ancient dances of Asiatic origin, which were kept alive in Japan for the entertainment of the Emperor and his Court. 1951. ─── 1951年,日本,一位舞乐笛手。舞乐是一种起源于亚洲的古老舞蹈,至今仍是皇室宫廷的一项娱乐。

47、New species of Chinese Fagaceae with critical notes on some southeastern Asiatic Lithocarpus. ─── 中国壳斗科植物新种及亚洲东南部几种桐属植物评注.

48、In order to accelerate the molecular biology research of Lilium asiatic hybrids, DNA of Lilium asiatic hybrids was extracted from the fresh leaves by CTAB. The optimized reaction system for Lilium asiatic hybrids are as follows. ─── 为了促进亚洲百合分子水平的研究,以亚洲百合幼嫩叶片为材料,采用改良CTAB法提取亚洲百合基因组DNA,得到的DNA质量较高,适合于RAPD-PCR分析。

49、small Asiatic woody vine bearing many-seeded fruit. ─── 亚洲的一个木质藤本小属,果实多籽。

50、Main compositions: Pomegranate essence, Rose, Asiatic Pennywort Herb, White lily, Butyrospermum Parkii. ─── 主要成份:红石榴素、蔷薇、积雪草、白百合、乳木果油。

51、Seed coat micromorphology of some Asiatic Spermacoceae (Rubiaceae). ─── 亚洲茜草科鸭舌癀舅族植树之种皮细微结构.

52、Asiatic youths are flocking to Western colleges for the equipment of modern education. ─── 亚洲的年轻人成群结队地涌向西方院校来获取现代教育的装备。

53、genus of Asiatic ans Australian terrestrial orchids. ─── 亚洲及澳大利亚的一个陆生兰花属。

54、Asiatic corn borer (Ostriniafurnacalis Guenea) ─── 亚洲玉米螟

55、Four terpenoid compounds were isolated from the roots of Peucedanum rubricaule for the first time. On the basis of spectroscopic methods and X-ray analysis,they were determined as sinodielides A(1),B(2),asiatic acid(3) and ursolic acid(4). ─── 从云前胡(Peucedanum rubricauleSheh et Shan)的乙醇提取物中首次分离并鉴定了4个萜类化合物,分别为sinodielides A(1)、B(2),积雪草酸(asiatic acid,3)和乌苏酸(ursolic acid,4)。

56、The Asiatic Black Bear is listed as Vulnerable on the IUCN-World Conservation Union's Red List of Threatened Species. ─── 亚洲黑熊名列世界保育组织濒危物种红皮书当中。

57、Asiatic and Pacific trees or shrubs; fragments of the trunk will regrow to form whole plants. ─── 亚洲及太平洋的一个乔木或灌木属;树干的碎片可重新长成完整植物。

58、An Asiatic lion dozes in the sun at the Zurich Zoo in Switzerland. ─── 瑞士苏黎世动物园,一只亚洲狮正在阳光下午休。

59、Asiatic creeping perennial grass; introduced in southern United States as a dought-resistant lawn grass. ─── 亚洲多年生匍匐草;作为一种抗旱的草坪草引入美国。

60、Asiatic insect introduced accidentally into United States; pest on citrus and apple trees. ─── 偶然引入美国的亚洲昆虫;对柑橘树和苹果树有害。

61、Storage Characteristics of Asiatic Ginseng Seed ─── 人参种子的贮存特性

62、In the ML analysis of combined data, the lineage (brown bear/polar bear) was more closely related to American black bear than was Asiatic black bear, however, there was low bootstrap support for this relationship. ─── 合并数据集的系统发育分析表明棕熊和北极熊与美洲黑熊的关系最近,而不是亚洲黑熊,但是支持率不高。

63、1 species: erect Asiatic herb with large flowers. ─── 一个种;亚洲一个直立草本属,花大。

64、The 25 species-patterns belong to respectively the 3 floristic kingdoms(or subkingdoms)of Eurasian Temperate, Malesian, and mainly to East Asiatic. ─── 2 5个种分布型分属于欧亚温带、东亚和亚洲热带 3个植物区域。

65、Asiatic cholera is a deadly disease. ─── 亚洲霍乱乃致死之病

66、Middle East: generally referring to the area from Afghanistan to Egypt, including the Arabian Peninsula, Cyprus, and Asiatic Turkey. ─── 中东:一般指从阿富汗到埃及的这一地区,包括阿拉伯半岛、塞浦路斯以及土耳其的亚洲部分,面积。

67、The combination of heavy Asiatic style armour, a fully armoured horse and a lance make these elite warriors mobile killing machines. ─── 亚洲风格重甲、沉重骑枪和全装马铠令这支精锐卫队成为恐怖的杀戮机器。

68、genus of Asiatic woody vines with milky sap in leaves and stems. ─── 叶子和茎干里有乳状汁液的亚洲木质藤本属。

69、Asiatic nut trees: wingnuts. ─── 亚洲坚果树;带翼的坚果。

70、Gir is the last abode of Asiatic Lions were only 359 of them survive (may be figure has still reduced! ─── 吉尔国家公园是世界上359只亚洲狮仅有的栖息地(这个数字还在持续减少!)

71、Asiatic plant resembling spinach often used as a potherb; naturalized in Europe and North America. ─── 亚洲的一种类似于菠菜的草本植物,通常被用作一种调味品;在欧洲和北美移种。

72、The number of endangered Asiatic black bears in Indian Kashmir has jumped between 30 and 60 percent as a separatist revolt that killed thousands of people since 1989 has scared off poachers, wildlife officials said. ─── 印属喀什米尔濒临绝种的亚洲黑熊数目,已跃增30%到60%,因为一场自1989年以来夺走数千条人命的分离主义叛乱,吓跑了盗猎者,管理野生生物的官员说。

73、Asiatic buffalo often domesticated for use as a draft animal. ─── 亚洲水牛,常蓄养作驮用。

74、TANG Yan-cheng,LI Liang-qian.The phytogeography of Caprifoliaceae S STR with its implications for understanding Eastern Asiatic Flora [J].Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica,1994,32(3),197-218. ─── [8]汤彦承,李良千.忍冬科(狭义)植物地理及其对认识东亚植物区系的意义[J].植物分类学报,1994,32(3):197-218.

75、Panthera leo persica [Asiatic lion] ─── 亚洲狮

76、Asiatic greater yellow house bat ─── n. 大黄蝠

77、large diverse genus of tropical Asiatic epiphytic orchids. ─── 亚洲热带附生兰中的一个多样的大属。

78、At present, there are 200000 mu of land on which asiatic laburnum is planted or was ever planted three years ago in mountainous areas in southern Jilin Province which is the main growing area of asiatic laburnum. ─── 吉林省南部山区是我国人参的主要产区,现有已参地和近三年参后地近20万亩。

79、The East Asiatic Company Ltd. ─── 一、公司简况。

80、Asiatic mulberry with white to pale red fruit; leaves used to feed silkworms. ─── 亚洲种桑树,果实有白到浅红各色;叶子用来喂养桑蚕。

81、He was only able to dig one basket of Asiatic Plantains during the entire afternoon. ─── 一个下午,他就挖了一筐车前。

82、From this period the Talmudic government operated with a masse de manoeuvre of a different Asiatic order. ─── 从这个时期talmudic政府经营与集体德操纵一个不同的亚洲秩序。

83、Genus of South African or Asiatic herbs: African daisies. ─── 南非或亚洲一个草本属;非洲雏菊。

84、Within a few years the causative organisms of typhoid, Asiatic cholera and many other diseases were grown in pure culture. ─── 在几年的时间内,人们培养出了伤寒、亚洲霍乱和其他疾病的线细菌。

85、Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies China Quarterly ─── 东亚季刊近代中国故宫文物

86、Eastern asiatic element is 42 species (19.4%); ─── 东亚成分42种,占19.4%;

87、Asiatic and Australian aromatic trees and shrubs. ─── 产于亚洲和澳大利亚的一个芳香乔木和灌木属。

88、genus of Asiatic erect or sprawling herbs: soya bean. ─── 产与亚洲,直立或蔓延开的草本属;大豆。

89、L. lancifolium was close to lilium Asiatic hybrids. ─── 卷丹成为独立的一组,首先与亚洲百合聚合,然后与其它种聚合。

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