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09-09 投稿


menaced 发音

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英:  美:

menaced 中文意思翻译





menaced 短语词组

1、menaced meaning ─── 恐吓的意思

2、menaced synonym ─── 威胁同义词

3、menaced def ─── 受到威胁的定义

4、menaced syn ─── 威胁syn

5、menaced by ─── 有…的危险,受到…的威胁

6、menaced define ─── 威胁定义

menaced 词性/词形变化,menaced变形

动词过去分词: menaced |名词: menacer |副词: menacingly |动词过去式: menaced |动词现在分词: menacing |动词第三人称单数: menaces |

menaced 相似词语短语

1、menacme ─── 经潮期

2、enraced ─── 安然无恙

3、defaced ─── v.损伤……的外貌(deface的过去式和过去分词);adj.已损坏表面的

4、enlaced ─── vt.缠绕,围绕;捆扎

5、menaces ─── n.威胁;恐吓;vi.恐吓;进行威胁;vt.威胁;恐吓

6、menacer ─── n.恐吓者;威胁者

7、belaced ─── 迟到的

8、enfaced ─── vt.写在…的上面;印或盖在面上

9、menace ─── n.威胁;恐吓;vi.恐吓;进行威胁;vt.威胁;恐吓

menaced 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The people are being menaced by the threat of war. ─── 人民正受到战争的威胁。

2、It is only when our rights are invaded or seriously menaced that we resent injuries or make preparation for our defense. ─── 唯有当我们的权利受到侵犯或受到严重威胁时,我们才对受到的损害忿懑不平,或准备自卫。

3、Its Renaissance palaces, historic churches, and stone bridges are now menaced by floods more than 50 times a year. ─── 无论它那文艺复兴风格的宫廷,闻名遐迩的大教堂,还是著名的石桥,现在都面临五十年一遇的洪水威胁。

4、They menaced her with a whip. ─── 他们用鞭子威胁她。

5、Two men menaced him with weapons and forced him to give up his money. ─── 两个人携带武器胁迫他交出钱。

6、The hoodlum menaced the local merchants . ─── 盗匪威胁着当地商人。

7、My plan is menaced with failure. ─── 我的计划有失败的危险。

8、A disruption of the Federal Union, heretofore only menaced, is now formidably attempted. ─── 分裂联邦,以前还只是一种威胁,现在却已变成令人生畏的行动。

9、I found my plans very seriously menaced. ─── 我觉得我的计划受到严重的威胁。

10、The volunteer, Jose Barajas Jr., says the dog had slipped its chain and menaced him and a neighbor. ─── 这名志愿者表示,这条狗逃脱了绳索,危及到他和一名邻居的安全。

11、On Friday evenings, as the sun sets, she feels menaced by drunk drivers. ─── 在太阳落山后的周五晚上,她担心喝醉酒的司机横冲直撞。

12、This country is being menaced by war . ─── 这个国家正受到战争的威胁。

13、having too small a stock of hypocrisy at my command to pretend any anxiety for the danger that menaced him. ─── 能供我使用的虚伪可太少了,没法为那威胁着他的危险装出焦急的样子。

14、Our country is menaced by war. ─── 我们的国家受到战争威胁。

15、The forests are being menaced by major development projects. ─── 大型开发项目正在危及森林。

16、The two gangsters menaced him with weapons and forced him to give up his money. ─── 这两个匪徒用武器威胁他们,迫使他交出他的钱。

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