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09-09 投稿



festally 发音

英:[['fest?la?]]  美:[['fest?la?]]

英:  美:

festally 中文意思翻译



festally 相似词语短语

1、fatally ─── adv.致命地;命中注定地;不可避免地

2、vestally ─── 维斯塔利

3、ectally ─── adv.外侧地;表面地

4、dentally ─── 牙齿的;齿音的;牙科的

5、fernally ─── 狂热地

6、costally ─── 科斯特洛

7、bestially ─── adv.残忍地;野兽地

8、distally ─── adv.远侧地

9、festal ─── adj.节日的;喜庆的,欢乐的;n.(Festal)人名;(法)费斯塔尔

festally 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、If these ornaments are insufficient still, series connection small bulb, candle, dry flower, pompon, doll waits festal adornment a moment, will surely make the winter this year red complete. ─── 假如这些点缀还不够,串联小灯泡、蜡烛、干花、彩球、玩偶等等节日装饰,定能让今年的冬天红得彻底。

2、a festal mood ─── 节日气氛[情绪]

3、I will also put an end to all her gaiety, Her feasts, her new moons, her sabbaths And all her festal assemblies. ─── 何2:11我也必使他的宴乐、期、朔、息日、他的一切大会、止息了。

4、a festive (or festal) occasion; ─── 庆祝的(或节日的)场面;

5、Christmas is a warmth, romantic festival, before everybody surrounds the fireplace that sits in warmth, happily gather under the same roof, share festal joyance. ─── 圣诞节是一个温馨,浪漫的节日,大家围坐在暖和的壁炉前欢聚一堂,分享节日的喜悦。

6、22 No, you have approached Mount Zion and the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and countless angels in festal gathering, ─── 然而你们却接近了熙雍山和永生天主的城,天上的耶路撒冷,接近了千万天使的盛会,

7、With boughs in hand, join in the festal procession up to the horns of the altar. ─── 理当用绳索把祭牲拴住,牵到坛角那里。

8、During the Spring Festival in high-grade flowers new breed is popular, price fall of breed of the highroad flowers, the market moves toward daily consumption from festal spending. ─── 春节期间中高档花卉新品种畅销,大路花卉品种价格下降,市场从节日消费走向日常消费。

9、The container of the key of the desk lamp that festal night places stripe of horizontal stroke of a color in porch and citric yellow, can make porch brighter, move the heart of every guest. ─── 节日夜晚在玄关摆上一盏彩色横条纹的台灯和柠檬黄色的钥匙的容器,可以让玄关更明亮,打动每个客人的心。

10、Here introduces a few Christmas household that go to the lavatory simply to arrange tricks of the trade, the home that allows you is full of festal atmosphere between one night. ─── 这里介绍一些简单方便的圣诞家居布置诀窍,让你的家一夜之间布满节日气氛。

11、They gathered followers from all that giddy tribe whose whole life is like the festal days of soberer men. ─── 他们招 来了一切耽于轻浮生活的人,这些人的日子就好比常人过节般乐不可支。

12、Spring carry is the most large-scale collective on the world migrates, unique festal landscape. ─── 春运是世界上最大规模的集体迁徙,独一无二的节日景观。

13、On festal table had better not little flower, insert in off-the-peg metallic ice bucket on blooming pink flower can add more gorgeous colour and vibrant happy energy of life. ─── 节日的餐桌上最好不要少了鲜花,在现成的金属冰桶里插上盛开的粉色花朵就可以增添更多的绚烂色彩和生气勃勃的喜气。

14、The Christmas comes, whether do you hope your home can change thick festal color as soon as possible? ─── 圣诞来临,你是否希望自己的家能够尽快换上浓浓的节日色彩?

15、festal occasion ─── 喜庆场面

16、I had wished festal activities should attract her, but it did work. ─── 我希望节日的活动能吸引她,可还是无济于事。

17、festal beverage and foods ─── 节庆饮食

18、17 In your name they sing joyfully all the day; at your victory they raise the festal shout. ─── 他们常常因你的名而欢跃,你的正义使他们引以自豪;

19、Even the people performing festal services were his friends. ─── 甚至执行节日服务的人也是他的朋友。

20、If you want to decorate the home so that have festal atmosphere more, can consider deck a few colored lantern. ─── 假如你想把家布置得更有节日气氛,可以考虑装点一些彩灯。

21、 双语使用场景

22、a gala ball after the inauguration; a festive (or festal) occasion; gay and exciting night life; a merry evening ─── 开幕式后的庆祝舞会;庆祝的(或节日的)场面;欢娱的令人兴奋的夜生活;一个愉快的夜晚

23、The user is enmeshed in festal atmosphere, be enmeshed in romantic breath, and all these elements are not come by the price of dominant. ─── 用户沉浸在节日的气氛中,沉浸在浪漫的气息中,而所有这些因素都不是由价格来主导的。

24、Romantic festal big eat is little not the candle. Ignite Gong Zhu, dinner has the atmosphere of be in harmony of its Le Rong more. ─── 浪漫的节日大餐少不了蜡烛。点燃红烛,晚餐更具其乐融融的气氛。

25、Candy is always our festal essential consumer goods.In our country,gradually,the local candy market is getting mature. ─── 国内糖果市场的日渐成熟,引来国内外众多企业投资于糖果行业,竞争也开始加剧。

26、a gala ball after the inauguration; a festive (or festal) occasion; gay and exciting night life; a merry evening. ─── 开幕式后的庆祝舞会;庆祝的(或节日的)场面;欢娱的令人兴奋的夜生活;一个愉快的夜晚。

27、Fizzle out with palm below white setting give priority to come apply colours to a drawing the atmosphere of festal bumper harvest, already richly decorous. ─── 在白色的背景下以棕黄为主来渲染节日丰收的气氛,既富丽又高雅。

28、The whole town is in a festal mood. ─── 全镇沉浸在节日的气氛之中。

29、"I will also put an end to all her gaiety, Her feasts, her new moons, her sabbaths And all her festal assemblies. ─── 何2:11我也必使他的宴乐、节期、月朔、安息日、并他的一切大会、都止息了。

30、The busiest days in Chinatown is the Spring Festival.The festal atmosphere became stronger after New Year's day. ─── 唐人街最热闹的时候是春节,元旦过后,节日的气氛便愈加浓烈起来。

31、But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to innumerable angels in festal gathering, ─── 你们乃是来到锡安山,永生神的城邑,就是天上的耶路撒冷。那里有千万的天使,

32、I went shopping and bought lot of chocolates, people were so passion in festal. ─── 我去了购物中心,买了很多巧克力,人们这么热情,在节日的喜庆。

33、" Again he said to him, "See, I have taken your iniquity away from you and will clothe you with festal robes. ─── 又对约书亚说、我使你脱离罪孽、要给你穿上华美的衣服。

34、4 He spoke and said to those who were standing before him, "Take off his filthy garments, and clothe him in festal garments. ─── 使者就吩咐那些立在他面前的说:"脱去他身上污秽的衣服!"以后向他说:"看,我已脱去了你的罪过,给你穿上华丽的礼服。

35、Into this festal season of the year -- as it already was, and continued to be during the greater part of two centuries -- the Puritans compressed whatever mirth and public joy they deemed allowable to human infirmity; ─── 过去已然这样,在随后两个世纪的大部分年月里依然如此,清教徒们把自认为人类的弱点所能容忍的一切欢乐和公共喜庆,全都压缩在一年中的这一节日中;

36、This idea more and more be accepted by white-collar gens place, impoverished when, they with overdrawing means, buy oneself beloved, the new clothes that is in festal special offer. ─── 这个观念越来越被白领一族所接受,囊中羞涩时,她们以透支的方式,买下自己心爱的、处于节日特价的新衣。

37、Happy is the house that shelters a friend! It might well be built, like a festal bower or arch, to entertain him a single day. ─── 快乐是朋友定居的房子!它将会被建造,像一个节日的凉亭或者护拱,是他每一个孤单的日子的港湾。

38、After the double festal holiday,and last weekend,I should take back my heart which love play. ─── 历经一个双节长假,又度过了一个周末,该收心回来啦。

40、Festal Songs ─── 小雅

41、Eastern Orthodox Christians are celebrating Christmas Day, starting a festal season which will last for twelve days till the Baptism holiday. ─── 东正教教徒们开始庆祝圣诞节,他们的庆祝盛典将持续12天,直到洗礼节。

42、Unique supper party in dazzling festal party in wild. ─── 与观众共同打造2007年上海巅峰娱乐状态!

43、The Lord is God, and he has made his light shine upon us. With boughs in hand, join in the festal procession up to the horns of the altar. ─── 耶和华是上帝;他光照了我们。理当用绳索把祭牲拴住,牵到坛角那里。

44、If be used in the home tableware compares simple but elegant all the time, can increase tableware of a few color to match among them, cooperate festal atmosphere. ─── 假如家里使用的餐具一直比较素雅,可以增加一些彩色餐具搭配其中,配合节日气氛。

45、This means content to shed an industry to buy the bottleneck that consumption restricts to had begun to eliminate to festal net. ─── 这意味着物流行业对节日网购消费制约的瓶颈已经开始消除。

46、Even if the most commonly used white porcelain coffeepot, had flower set off, also can experience festal arrival. ─── 即使是最常用的白瓷咖啡壶,有了花朵映衬,也能感受到节日的到来。

47、a festal day ─── 节日

48、The products are main included: handbag , home decorate products, sport products, festal and business gifts, electronic products, fashion jewelly, adult toys and the so on. ─── 我们的产品包括有:箱包礼品,日常用品,家居装饰品,户外旅游用品,节日/商务赠品,电子礼品,时尚饰品,及成人玩具礼品等等。

49、Everywhere, filled with laughter festal atmosphere. ─── 到处欢声笑语,充满了节日气氛。

50、Festal Music Squirt Fireworks candle ─── 节日音乐喷花蜡烛

51、Festal parade is permeated with festive atmosphere, have powerful civilian characteristic and local distinguishing feature. ─── 节日游行洋溢着喜庆的气氛,具有浓烈的民间特色和地方特色。

52、festal culture ─── 节日文化

53、Meet again, be him wife anniversary is festal, she takes out the perfume that they often buy silently, pack elegant ceremony box. ─── 再见面,是他的妻的周年祭日,她默默地拿出他们常买的香水,包装成精美的礼盒。

54、The peoples are in a festal atmosphere. ─── 各族人民都沉浸在节日的气氛之中。


fest n.集会,节日

festival n.节日;庆祝,纪念活动;欢乐


Come and be part of our Film Fest! 来成为**交流周的一员吧!

The film festival takes place in October. **节将于十月举行。



英音 [ fest ]

?美音 [ fest ]


n. 集会,节日

n. (Fest)(美、德、法、俄)费斯特(人名)


1·There doesn't have to be a love fest going on in the locker room, but championship teams need to have players who respect each other and their coach.?


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