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09-09 投稿



hypogynous 发音

英:[[ha?'p?d??n?s]]  美:[[ha?'p?d??n?s]]

英:  美:

hypogynous 中文意思翻译



hypogynous 同义词


hypogynous 短语词组

1、epigynous vs hypogynous ─── 上下位的

2、hypogynous flower ─── [医] 下位花

hypogynous 反义词


hypogynous 词性/词形变化,hypogynous变形

名词: hypogyny |

hypogynous 相似词语短语

1、hypogeous ─── adj.地下的;[植]地下生的;地中的(等于hypogeal)

2、gymnogynous ─── adj.具裸露子房的

3、heptagynous ─── adj.具七雌蕊的

4、philogynous ─── 两性的

5、epigynous ─── adj.(花被,雄蕊等)上位的

6、hexagynous ─── adj.六雌蕊的

7、hypnogenous ─── 催眠的

8、hypogaeous ─── 下风的

9、hypogenous ─── adj.在下着生的,下生的

hypogynous 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Seeds and ovules many (rarely few); capsules usually subequaling or longer than sepals, often ovoid; stamens (2--)10, hypogynous or perigynous. ─── 种子和胚珠很多(很少少数);蒴果通常近相等的或长于萼片,通常卵球形;雄蕊(2-)10,下位或周位。(19

2、Flowers solitary, axillary, long pedunculate, bisexual, hypogynous to epigynous, actinomorphic, entomophilous, mostly emergent. ─── 花单生,腋生,有长花序梗,两性,下位到上位,辐射对称,虫媒传粉,大部分露出水面。

3、The flower is bisexual, hypogynous, and with protandrous, tubular androecium whose anther are fused in a broad ring. ─── 花朵为两性花,子房上位,雄蕊先熟,呈筒状环绕之雄蕊筒,靠近顶端具环带状的花药。

4、Stamens 2(-4), inserted on corolla tube or hypogynous; ─── 雄蕊2(-4),着生于花冠筒或;

5、Petals usually 4-7 or absent, entire or cleft, hypogynous or perigynous. ─── 通常花瓣4-7或无,全缘或半裂,周位的或。

6、Stamens (1-)3(-5), inserted on an annular, hypogynous disk. ─── 雄蕊(1-)3(-5),着生于环状,下位花盘。

7、Calyx persistent, hypogynous, tubular to funnelform, 5-ribbed, 5-lobed. ─── 花萼宿存,下位,管状到漏斗状,具5肋,5裂。

8、Corolla hypogynous, petals connate but sometimes only at base, lobes or segments 5 and twisted. ─── 花冠下位,花瓣的,有时只在基部合生,裂片或者裂瓣5,扭曲。

9、Flowers solitary, axillary, long pedunculate, bisexual, hypogynous, actinomorphic, entomophilous, borne above water surface. ─── 花单生,腋生,有长花梗,两性,下位,辐射对称,虫媒传粉,着生于水面上方。

10、Keywords positioning;epigynous point;hypogynous point;hawthornpit;mechanics; ─── 定位;上位点;下位点;山楂核;力学;

11、hypogynous flower ─── 下位花

12、Hypogynous glands free or connate into a 4-lobed cup. ─── 下位腺体离生或合生成为一4裂杯状。

13、Based on single-chip microcomputer, the hypogynous machine realizes a precise collecting of on-site information, mutual control of isolating swithcr and timely communication of data. ─── 下位机采用优化的控制策略,基于单片机的数据采集方式,实现了对现场信息的准确采集、隔离开关设备互动控制以及数据的实施通讯。

14、Hypogynous Machine ─── 下位机

15、Flowers solitary [or aggregated in inflorescences], 4- or 5-merous, hypogynous, disk present. ─── 花单生[或者聚生为花序],4-或者5瓣,下位,花盘存在。

16、The design of hypogynous machine of pull measuring system based on the single-chip microcomputer ─── 基于单片机的拉力检测系统下位机的设计

17、Flowers radially symmetric, bisexual or unisexual, hypogynous, perigynous, or epigynous; ─── 开花辐射对称,单性的两性或,,周位,上位的或;

18、Flowers fairly large, hypogynous, of short duration. ─── 花相当大,下位的,花期短。

19、The design of monitor system is composed of three sections: epigynous computer, data transmission and hypogynous computer. ─── 监控系统的设计包括三个部分:下位机部分、数据传输部分和上位机部分。

20、Stamens 10, included: 5 basal or hypogynous, 5 inserted high on corolla and alternating with corolla lobes; ─── 雄蕊10,包括:5基部或下位的,5在花冠高的着生和与花冠裂片互生;

21、Flowers hypogynous, small, unisexual, rarely at least structurally bisexual, in axillary or terminal, paniculate, rarely corymblike or racemelike inflorescences; ─── 花下位,小,单性,很少至少结构上两性的花,在腋生或顶生,圆锥状,很少伞房花序状或总状花序状花序;

22、Hypogynous glands connate into a crenulate cup.Ovary glabrous. ─── 下位腺体合生成为一具细圆齿杯状。

23、Flowers bisexual to rarely unisexual, pinkish to white, pendent or erect, actinomorphic and hypogynous, arranged in panicles or racemes. ─── 花两性或很少单性,粉红色或白色,下垂或者直立,辐射对称和下位,组成圆锥花序或者总状花序。

24、Hypogynous glands ovate, free or sometimes connate into a deeply 4-lobed ring. ─── 下位腺体卵形,离生或有时合生成为一4深裂环。

25、Flowers hypogynous, unisexual, many, in terminal and axillary pendulous panicles, these sometimes racemelike;bracts caducous; ─── 花下位,单性的,很多,为顶生和腋生下垂的圆锥花序,这些有时总状花序状;

26、Flowers bisexual (usually), hypogynous, small, arranged in terminal or axillary bracteate racemes, sometimes in axillary fascicles or solitary; ─── 花两性(通常),下位,小,在顶生或腋生具苞片总状花序排列,有时在内束簇或单生;

27、Flowers bisexual or unisexual, usually 3-5-merous, actinomorphic or rarely zygomorphic, hypogynous [or rarely perigynous]. ─── 花两性或单性,通常3-5数,辐射对称或很少左右对称,下位[或很少周位]。

28、Corolla hypogynous, petals connate but sometimes only at base, lobes or segments 5 and twisted. ─── 花冠下位,花瓣的,有时只在基部合生,裂片或者裂瓣5,扭曲。

29、Hypogynous glands 4, free, close together. ─── 下位的腺4,离生,相近。

30、The hypogynous machine has a lot of AT89C52 singlechips, including three pieces of modules: information-input module 、control-display module and communication module. ─── 下位机以多个AT89C52为核心,分为信息输入、控制显示和通讯三大模块。

31、Leaf blade obovate-oblong to broadly oblanceolate, apex acute to shortly acuminate; hypogynous glands basally connate. ─── 叶片卵状长圆形到宽倒披针形,先端锐尖到短渐尖;下位的腺基部合生。

32、Flowers bisexual, sometimes unisexual, actinomorphic, rarely zygomorphic, hypogynous. ─── 花两性,有时单性,辐射对称,很少左右对称,下位。

33、Stamens 5, hypogynous, basally connate; ─── 雄蕊5,下位,基部合生;

34、hypogynous corolla ─── 下位花冠

35、Flowers hypogynous, small, in axillary fascicles, short racemes, or panicles, rudiments of opposite sex usually absent; ─── 花下位,小的,在腋生束簇,短总状花序,或圆锥花序的,发育不完全的另一性通常无的;

36、hypogynous stamen ─── 夏孢子

37、Flowers bisexual or unisexual, usually 3-5-merous, actinomorphic or rarely zygomorphic, hypogynous [or rarely perigynous]. ─── 花两性或单性,通常3-5数,辐射对称或很少左右对称,下位[或很少周位]。

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