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09-09 投稿



histogenesis 发音

英:[[h?st??'d?en?s?s]]  美:[[?h?sto?'d?en?s?s]]

英:  美:

histogenesis 中文意思翻译



histogenesis 词性/词形变化,histogenesis变形

副词: histogenetically |形容词: histogenetic |

histogenesis 相似词语短语

1、histogenetic ─── 组织原的;[胚]组织发生的

2、autogenesis ─── n.无生源说;[生物]自然发生说;[生物]单性生殖

3、ectogenesis ─── n.[胚]体外发育

4、cytogenesis ─── n.细胞发生;细胞生成

5、hematogenesis ─── 造血,血产生

6、diplogenesis ─── n.联胎生长

7、histogenic ─── adj.组织发生的

8、biogenesis ─── n.[生物]生源论;生物起源

9、blastogenesis ─── n.由发芽而再生殖;由胚种原形质相传的遗传性

histogenesis 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Clinicopathologic characteristics and histogenesis of primary malignant melanoma of the esophagus ─── 原发性食管恶性黑色素瘤临床病理特征及组织发生

2、Conference Contents:Mechanical Regulation of Cartilage and Bone;New developments of distraction histogenesis. ─── 会议内容:骨和软骨的力学调控;间充质干细胞与骨再生及肿瘤;牵拉成组织的新进展等。

3、Histogenesis of Intestinal Tomentum of the Mongolia Sheep's Embryo ─── 蒙古绵羊胚胎肠绒毛的组织发生

4、Relationship between intestinal metaplasia in gastric mucosa and histogenesis of gastric cancer ─── 胃黏膜肠化与胃癌组织发生的关系

5、The exact histogenesis of high-grade urothelial tumors may be difficult to ascertain in metastatic sites.Clinical information may be of tremendous value in such cases. ─── 如果此高级别尿路上皮肿瘤发生转移,转移灶内瘤细胞的组织发生会很难确定,此时临床病史尤为重要。

6、Objective study the clinic pathological character and histogenesis of primary esophagus small cell cancer. ─── 目的研究食管原发小细胞癌的临床病理特征及其组织发生。

7、Methods Histopathologic and immunohistochemistry studies were carried out to make clear the diagnosis and histogenesis. ─── 方法通过1例病人的病理组织学,免疫组织化学检查,明确肿瘤性质及组织来源。

8、Histogenesis of the Mongolia Sheep Embryonic Liver and Spleen ─── 蒙古绵羊胚胎肝、脾的组织学发生

9、Objective: To study the morphological and immunohistochemical features of adenoid cystic carcinoma of the skin, with emphasis on its diffrential diagnosis and histogenesis. ─── 摘要目的:观察皮肤腺样囊腺癌的病理形态及免疫学特点,并探讨其鉴别诊断和组织来源。

10、Objective: To study the clinicopathological characteristics, immunohistochemical features and histogenesis of primary testicular carcinoid tumor and its differential diagnosis. ─── 目的:探讨原发于睾丸的类癌临床病理学特征、免疫表型、鉴别诊断及其组织起源。

11、Cutaneous granular cell tumor is an uncommon skin tumor. However, its histogenesis and differentiation remain controversial. ─── 颗粒细胞瘤为罕见的皮肤肿瘤,其组织发生和细胞分化来源,至今仍有诸多争议。

12、In this study, we analyzed 60 cases of adenosquamous carcinoma of the lung at our institute, and discuss, in this report, the histogenesis and biologic behavior of the malignancy. ─── 在本文中,我们分析本院20年来肺部腺扁平癌之手术结果,并将讨论此类肺癌之特性。

13、Greater commonality between roots and shoots is seen in mechanisms that underlie histogenesis and radial-patterning processes. ─── 更大的共同之处根与芽是在机制所依据的组织和径向图形进程。

14、Study of Pathomorphology and Histogenesis on Early Esophagus Carcinoma ─── 早期食管癌的病理形态观察及组织发生学探讨

15、Objective:To observe the histogenesis, localization of leptin and leptin-receptor in stomach wall of 26 fetuses of different ages. ─── 目的:对不同胎龄胎儿胃壁组织发育和胃壁内瘦素及瘦素受体进行定性和定位观察。

16、Pathologic diagnosis and histogenesis of primary signet ring cell carcinoma of the prostate ─── 前列腺原发性印戒细胞癌的病理诊断和形态发生机制

17、The histogenesis of such a recurrence has not yet been satisfactorily elucidated. ─── 该组织发生此类事件再度发生尚未得到令人满意的解释。

18、Keywords palate;tonsil;embryo;persons;histology;histogenesis; ─── 腭;扁桃体;胚胎;人;组织学;组织发生;

19、(3)The histologic classification of breast carcinoma into duct and lobular type lacks the basis of histogenesis. ─── 乳腺癌分类为导管癌和小叶癌缺少组织发生学依据。

20、Objective To assess the clinicopathological chara cteristics and histogenesis of round cell malignant tumor in the nasal cavitary. ─── 目的研究鼻腔圆形细胞恶性肿瘤的临床病理组织学特征。

21、The current study on histogenesis and molecular genetics of alveolar soft part sarcoma ─── 腺泡状软组织肉瘤组织起源和分子遗传学研究进展

22、Keywords Trachea Histogenesis;Human embryo.; ─── 气管;人胚胎;组织发生;

23、Histogenesis, differential diagnosis and prognosis of melanotic schowannoma ─── 黑色素性神经鞘瘤的组织发生、鉴别诊断与预后

24、Cutaneous granular cell tumor is an uncommon skin tumor.However, its histogenesis and differentiation remain controversial. ─── 摘要颗粒细胞瘤为罕见的皮肤肿瘤,其组织发生和细胞分化来源,至今仍有诸多争议。

25、Objective To explore the diagnosis an treatment of esophageal carcinosarcoma and its histogenesis according to its clinical and pathological characteristics. ─── 目的总结食管癌肉瘤的临床、病理学特点,探讨其诊断、治疗。方法回顾性研究27例食管癌肉瘤的临床资料及治疗结果。

26、To study the histogenesis, biological behaviour, classification of pituitary adenoma and the relationship between the symptoms of hormonal hypersecretion and the hormone test in pituitary adenoma. ─── 研究垂体腺瘤的临床激素过多症状与腺瘤组织激素检测之间的关系以及该病的发生、生物学行为、分类。


28、Objective to study the histogenesis of large intestine epithelial lining of Mongolian sheep embryo. ─── 目的研究蒙古绵羊胚胎大肠黏膜上皮的组织发生。

29、Keywords Lung;Dermatofibroma;Receptors;thyroid hormone;Membrane proteins;Histogenesis;Diagnosis;differential; ─── 肺;皮肤纤维瘤;受体;甲状腺激素;膜蛋白质类;组织发生;诊断;鉴别;

30、We describe the clinical and radiologic presentation of the tumor in a 29-year-old woman and discuss the histogenesis, imaging appearance, and differential diagnosis. ─── 我们叙述一个29岁女性病患的临床和影像表现,并讨论组织学来源、影像特徵与鑑别诊断。

31、It seems to represent a benign adnexal neoplasm of uncertain histogenesis, both of pilosebaceous and eccrine origin have been suggested. ─── 皮肤淋巴腺瘤被认为是一种良性的皮肤附属器肿瘤,其组织发生来源仍然不明,目前被认为可能的来源有毛囊与皮脂腺或是汗腺。


33、The Characteristics of Clinical and Ultramicropathological Intracranial Chondroma and Its Histogenesis ─── 颅内软骨瘤的临床表现、超微病理学特点及其组织发生

34、Ilizarovlechnique of distraction histogenesis ─── 膝关节复合畸形

35、Keywords peritoneum tumour mixed mullerian tumor histogenesis histo-pathologic classfication; ─── 腹膜肿瘤;苗勒型混合瘤;组织发生;组织病理学类型;

36、Objective:To explore the histogenesis,immunohistochemical and clinicopathologic characteristics of esophageal gastrointestinal stromal tumors(GIST). ─── 目的:研究食管、胃、肠道间质瘤的临床病理、免疫组织化学特点,重新认识食管、胃、肠道间叶源性肿瘤的组成。

37、By using HE, mucin histochemistry stainings, 10 cases of cholangiocarcinoma related to hepatolithi- asis and 75 cases of hepatolithiasis were included in this study in order to probe into the histogenesis of cholangiocarcinoma. ─── 通过10例肝胆管结石并发肝胆管癌及75例肝胆管结石病的组织结构及粘液组化观察发现;

38、Objective To study the histopathologic classification of ocular adnexal hyperplastic lesions and tumors according to the histogenesis and the anatomic sites. ─── 目的探讨眼附属器增生性病变及肿瘤的组织病理学分类。

39、Abstract:Objective: To investigate the histogenesis and development of membranous basal cell adenoma in the salivary glands. ─── 摘 要:目的: 探讨涎腺膜性基底细胞腺瘤的组织发生和发展过程。

40、It seems to represent a benign adnexal neoplasm of uncertain histogenesis, both of pilosebaceous and eccrine origin have been suggested. ─── 皮肤淋巴腺瘤被认为是一种良性的皮肤附属器肿瘤,其组织发生来源仍然不明,目前被认为可能的来源有毛囊与皮脂腺或是汗腺。

41、Objective To appraise the histogenesis, clinical pathologic characteristics and management of vulval Paget s Disease. ─── 目的探讨外阴派杰病的组织发生、临床病理特点及处理方法。

42、Keywords Renal juxtaglomerular cell tumor/pathology;Immunohistochemistry;Histogenesis;Prognosis; ─── 肾球旁细胞瘤/病理学;免疫组织化学;组织发生;预后;

43、Objective To detect the expression of a disintegrin-like and metalloproteinase (ADAM) 8 and 12 gene in the giant cell lesions of jaw and to study their effects on the histogenesis of cells in these lesions. ─── 目的 检测解整合素样-金属蛋白酶(ADAM)8和12在颌骨巨细胞病变中的表达,探讨它们在颌骨巨细胞病变细胞发生中的作用。

44、Purpose To investigate the ultrastractural features, differential diagnosis and histogenesis of solid-pseudopapillary tumor of the pancreas (STPT). ─── 目的探讨胰腺实性-假乳头状肿瘤(SPTP)的超微病理特征、鉴别诊断及组织起源。

45、In this article, genetic and epigenetic alterations involved in the development and progression of gastric cancer are reviewed in relation to tumor histogenesis. ─── 在本文中,胃癌发生发展的遗传和后天改变已被看作与肿瘤组织发生相关。

46、Objective To investigate the difference between cerebellar medulloblastoma (MB) and primary cerebral small cell tumor in histogenesis, morphologic features and biological behavior. ─── 目的探讨小脑髓母细胞瘤(MB)和大脑原发性小细胞肿瘤的组织起源,形态特征及生物学行为的异同。


48、Purpose:To study the histogenesis, the differential diagnosis and the prognosis of melanotic schwannoma. ─── 目的:探讨黑色素性神经鞘瘤组织发生、鉴别诊断及预后。

49、Objective To investigate the clinical features, diagnosis, histogenesis features, treatment and prognosis of extraovarian peritoneal seaous papillary carcinoma (EPSPC). ─── 目的探讨卵巢外腹膜浆液性乳头状癌(EPSPC)的临床特点、诊断及鉴别诊断、组织学来源、治疗和预后。

50、Histogenesis and development of membranous basal cell adenoma of the salivary gland ─── 涎腺膜性基底细胞腺瘤的组织发生学研究

51、It was revealed, that the expression of ME and IDH loci was related with histogenesis of investigated organs. ─── 据透露,表达我和IDH基因是与组织学的研究机构。

52、Study of histogenesis of pulmonary benign metastasizing leiomyoma ─── 肺良性转移性平滑肌瘤的组织发生学研究

53、Histogenesis of the Optic Lobe in Alligator sinensis Embryos ─── 扬子鳄胚胎中脑视叶的组织发生

54、The histogenesis and development of cerebellar cortex in goat fetus ─── 山羊胚胎小脑皮质的形成和发育

55、Purpose To study the clinicopathological features,histogenesis and differential diagnosis of adamantinoma of long bone(ALB). ─── 目的探讨长骨造釉细胞瘤(adamantinoma of long bone,ALB)的临床病理特征、诊断和鉴别诊断及其组织发生。

56、Objective To assess the clinicopathological characteristics and histogenesis of round cell malignant tumor in the nasal cavitary. ─── 目的研究鼻腔圆形细胞恶性肿瘤的临床病理组织学特征。

57、Keywords dermatofibrosarcoma;myoid type;histogenesis; ─── 皮肤纤维肉瘤;肌样型;组织发生;

58、Objective:To investigate the histogenesis and development of membranous basal cell adenoma in the salivary glands. ─── 目的:探讨涎腺膜性基底细胞腺瘤的组织发生和发展过程。

59、Conclusion SSCC histogenesis perhaps comes from disseminated neurocrinated neurocrine cell and SSCC is a high malignant tumor.The prognosis is very poor. ─── 结论 胃小细胞癌组织发生可能来源于弥散的神经内分泌细胞,属高度恶性肿瘤,预后较差。

60、Objective: To study the histogenesis, clinical and pathological features, diagnosis and differentiation, and prognosis of Hyalinizing trabecular adenoma (HTA) of the thyroid gland. ─── 摘要目的:探讨甲状腺玻璃样小梁状腺瘤的组织发生、临床病理特征、诊断、鉴别诊断及预后。

61、Thiry-three patients with neck cystic hygromas were operated.The problems about histogenesis, clinical features and surgical procedures were discussed. ─── 本文总结了33例颈部囊状水瘤的手术治疗,对该瘤的临床特点、组织发生、外科手术问题进行了讨论。

62、The etiological factors,histogenesis,clinical chara cterizations,diagnosis and different diagnosis were discussed along with the re levant references. ─── 结合文献对本病的病因、发生、临床特点、诊断及鉴别诊断进行分析讨论。

63、In order to investigate the histogenesis of so called“sclerosing hemangioma of the lung”(SHL), six specimens were studied pathologically, including electron microscopic examination of two specimens. ─── 为探讨所谓“肺硬化性血管瘤”的组织发生,本文对6例标本进行病理形态学观察。

64、Keywords Mouse;Tooth development;Enamel organ;Histogenesis;Enamel knot; ─── 小鼠;牙齿发育;成釉器;釉结节;组织发生;

65、Pancreatic stem cell-like cells in histogenesis of pancreatic endocrine tumors ─── 胰腺干细胞样细胞在胰腺内分泌肿瘤组织发生中的作用

66、Keywords Stem-cell-like cells;Endocrine gland neoplasms;Pancreas;Histogenesis;Ultrastructure;Immunohistochemistry; ─── 关键词干细胞样细胞;内分泌腺肿瘤;胰腺;组织发生;超微结构;免疫组织化学;

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