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09-09 投稿



garish 发音

英:['ge?r??]  美:['ɡ?r??]

英:  美:

garish 中文意思翻译



garish 网络释义

adj. 炫耀的;过分装饰的;过分鲜艳的

garish 词性/词形变化,garish变形

名词: garishness |副词: garishly |

garish 相似词语短语

1、marish ─── n.沼泽;adj.沼泽的

2、garishly ─── adv.华丽地;过分装饰地

3、barish ─── adj.部分裸露的;n.(Barish)(美、俄、乌克兰、英、加拿大、印度)巴里什(姓氏);(美、印度、英、俄、挪威、澳)巴里什(名)

4、parish ─── n.教区;地方行政区

5、garfish ─── n.长嘴硬鳞鱼;雀鳝(等于gar)

6、harish ─── n.(Harish)人名;(以、尼、印、斐、毛里求)哈里什

7、guarish ─── 瓜里什,

8、garnish ─── v.装饰(尤指食物);(为合法扣押属于债务人或被告的钱财)传讯(第三方);n.(为增加色香味而添加的)配菜,装饰品;n.(Garnish)(美、英)加尼什(人名)

9、arish ─── 雅利安人

garish 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Explanation: Menacing flying forms and garish colors are a mark of the Halloween season. ─── 解释:神秘的飞翔形态和奇怪的颜色是万圣节的象征。

2、It's some freakish garish beauty pageant that has nothing, frankly to do with health and welfare. ─── 它是某种奇特扎眼的选美,坦率地说与健康和福利毫无关系。”

3、You can still traverse vast sections of Beijing without noticing that it is the Christmas season, but many higher-end locales have decorations, most of them garish and overblown. ─── 在北京很多地方你仍感受不到圣诞气息,不过许多比较高级的场所都已扮上了“圣诞妆”,虽然大多有些艳俗。

4、And she told me that he said that he would like it if I wore something a little less garish, a little smaller, and more "American. ─── 并且她告诉我,他说他更愿意我戴一对更素一点,更小一点,更美帼化的耳环。

5、As for the future of garments, I think fashion will become garish. ─── 至于未来的衣服,我认为时尚会变得过分装饰的。

6、Use design features judiciously your graphics should enhance your marketing message make your resume look professional, not garish. ─── 图表是用来提升你的价值,使你的简历看起来很专业,而不是令其华而不实。

7、They must look queer in their garish frames on the walls of the peasant's house. ─── 它们镶着很讲究的金框子,挂在一家村舍的墙上是多么不伦不类呀。

8、But Paris city hall, alarmed that the garish knick-knacks are damaging Paris's "cultural landscape", has launched a battle to protect the literary soul of the banks of the Seine. ─── 但是,为谨防这些花哨的小玩意儿破坏巴黎的“文化气息”,巴黎市政厅发起了一场保护塞纳河岸文学灵魂的战役。

9、Garish colors or colors that don't match can distract the reader and may detract from your message. ─── 过分鲜艳的颜色或不相配的颜色会使读者感觉杂乱并可能分散对消息的注意。

10、garish makeup. ─── 艳丽的化妆。

11、This colour is bright but not garish. ─── 这颜色艳而不俗。

12、They climbed the garish, purple-carpeted stairs. ─── 他们登上了那些铺着耀眼紫色地毯的楼梯。

13、I don't want to use garish means like philosophy and whatnot to pull people in. ─── 我不想用一个很花哨的手段比如哲学把别人引进来。

14、Despite the timing, they will not be tourists in garish shorts. ─── 别看是这种时候,他们可不是穿着花短裤去旅游观光的。

15、It had a garish dust jacket and I remember being embarrassed by the violence, bad taste and slippery look of it. ─── 外面套着一张花哨的护封,我记得那咄咄逼人、俗气不堪和滑溜溜的外观曾使我感到别扭。

16、The thin strip of LEDs serves to give the front end of the car a more modern look without spoiling the car's reserved lines with a garish grille or extra-large intakes. ─── 在薄带的发光二极管提供给前端的汽车更现代的外观没有破坏汽车的预留线,花哨格栅或特大型摄入量。

17、All your life you think you have to hold back your craziness, but when you're sick you can let it go in all its garish colors. ─── 你一辈子都认为应该遏制住你的狂热想法,但是当你病了,你不妨让它绽放出耀眼的光彩。

18、Though many creatures of the soil layer are a drab grey-brown or pale and colourless, there is no reason why a few can't be bright and garish. ─── 尽管土层中的许多生物要么是单调的灰褐色,要么体色苍白暗淡,但仍有一些色泽艳丽,甚至是色彩夺目。

19、She want to buy a handbag not too garish but durable. ─── 她想买一个手提包不要花哨,而要耐用。

20、But don't you think that orange is a bit garish? ─── 可是你不认为桔红色太鲜艳了吗?

21、Soon we were assailed By the garish lights of New York. ─── 不久我们驶入纽约红红绿绿的灯光中。

22、an art movement based on expressionism; developed in 1980s in Europe and US; crudely drawn garish paintings. ─── 表现派基础上的一场艺术运动;发展于二十世纪八十年代的欧洲和美国;绘画粗杂、装饰过重。

23、Indeed, the "luxury" of China's real estate industry has become one of the most seditious of the word, is frequently in the garish Loushu, one boasted that he was a sales. ─── 确实,“豪宅”已经成为中国房地产业最具煽动力的字眼之一,频频现于花哨的楼书中,被众多销售员争相自诩。

24、"Hide me from Day's garish eye" (John Milton) ─── “把我藏起来,离开白天耀眼的太阳”(约翰·米尔顿)

25、It was like garish noon rising to the dignity of sunset in a couple of seconds. ─── 那好象晶明当空的午日,在两秒钟之间变成灿烂庄严的夕阳一般。

26、in a tastelessly garish manner. ─── 以没有品位的、俗气的方式。

27、The guy was sitting there in a garish bathrobe, at a big shiny desk, going over some sort of ledger. ─── 一个穿着俗气的睡衣的男人,坐在一把很大的闪着光的椅子上,正在仔细地检查着一些帐目。

28、I am still fond of "strange tales of a lonely studio" and garish fashion magazines from Paris to this day, simply for the sake of all those appealing words. ─── 直到现在,我仍然爱看《聊斋志异》与俗气的巴黎时装报告,便是为了这种有吸引力的字眼。

29、Many sport garish cola advertisements and unlikely menus offering macaroni and "franch fries". ─── 几乎所有客栈的老闆不是穆斯林就是外来者。

30、As for the future of garments, I think fashion will become garish . ─── 至于未来的衣服,我认为时尚会变得过分装饰的。

31、“I had a problem with makeup for over 20 years. It looked phony and garish,” she says. ─── 她说:“我被化妆品问题困扰了20年,原来我涂上化妆品后整个人看起来筒直有些失真,而且矫饰

32、It was garish, a mangled mess. ─── 它们俗艳,一团糟糕。

33、Beijing is gray, but there is an eerily colorful combination of old-fashioned neon lights that start to glow as the day dies and the garish, outdated Olympic propaganda banners. ─── 北京:我来中国希望找到西方媒体多年来一直提到的情景:令人窒息的政治气氛,更令人窒息的污染和无法形容的贫穷。

34、"a garish barrage of show-biz glitz" (Peter G. Davis) ─── “娱乐业花花绿绿的潮流”(彼得G.戴维斯)

35、garish colors ─── 俗丽的色彩

36、The colored lights from its revolving sign pulsed against the screen, splashing garish colors over the victim's body. ─── 信号彩光脉冲在屏幕上跳动,在死者尸体上洒下眼里炫目的光彩。

37、Their sharp voices cried about him on all sides: their many forms closed round him, the garish sunshine bleaching the honey of his illdyed head ─── 他们的尖嗓门从四面八方朝他喊叫,众多身姿把把团团包围住,刺目的阳光将他那没有染好的蜂蜜色头发晒得发白了。

38、Mill tender eggplant eggplant skin is worn away, garish nail bamboo, soak in salt water, juice squeezed out after the water under the sauce with a variety of spices in pickled. ─── 磨茄是将嫩茄外皮磨掉,用竹钉扎眼,放在盐水中浸泡,挤出水汁后置于配上各种调料的酱汁中腌制。

39、a garish barrage of show - biz glitz(Peter G.Davis) ─── 娱乐业花花绿绿的潮流(彼得G.戴维斯)

40、But in an attempt to liven up the Baja, it ladled on plastic body cladding and painted early models a garish silver and yellow. ─── 不过它车身的塑料镀层太多,而且早期车型喷涂的银色加黄色的车漆搭配也太乍眼了。

41、Hide me from Day's garish eye(John Milton) ─── 把我藏起来,离开白天耀眼的太阳(约翰 米尔顿)

42、As a whole, women rather like garish colours than men. ─── 从整体来看,女人比男人更喜欢鲜艳的颜色。

43、a flash car; a flashy ring; garish colors; a gaudy costume; loud sport shirts; a meretricious yet stylish book; tawdry ornaments ─── 廉价而华丽的小车;庸俗的颜色;华而不实的服装;廉价的运动衫;华丽庸俗但很时髦的书;俗丽的装饰物

44、garish makeup ─── 艳丽的化妆

45、I myself would call her a collection of blobs, the one representing her face decorated with garish make-up. ─── 我自己把她称作是一团堆积物,脸上涂了层厚厚的妆。

46、the garish falling of television program ─── 电视剧媚俗化

47、1.vulgar; garish; gaudy; tawdry; meretricious; philistine 2.in bad (or poor) taste ─── 俗气

48、This could make the difference between an area surrounded by a warm bath of lit charm and safety and an overly expensive, garish display filled with safety hazards. ─── 这样能使一个被温暖的有魅力和安全围合的环境,与被填充了“安全”的危害源的过度装饰与炫耀的昂贵的环境区别开来。

49、The girl was short and thin and her clothes were garish. ─── 那女孩个子很矮,身材消瘦,她穿的衣服未免过于艳丽。

50、garish clothes/colours/lights ─── 花里胡哨的衣服;过于鲜艳的颜色;炫目的灯光

51、garish clothes,colours, lights ─── 花里胡哨的衣服、 颜色、 彩灯.

52、Among the satellites thus serviced is TerraSAR-X, which sounds like a garish robot dinosaur but is in fact a high-resolution radar system. ─── 其中一颗卫星名为TerraSAR-X,这名字听起来像是个俗艳的机器恐龙,实际上却是一个高分辨率的雷达系统。

53、Tastelessly showy or bright; garish. ─── 俗丽的无品味地炫耀的或艳丽的;华丽而俗气的

54、It's just a store in a garish shopping center. ─── 这不过是一家俗气的购物中心旁边的一家小店。

55、Taliesin Associated Architects, the inheritors of Wright’s practice, put up a garish addition behind the museum; ─── 从此以后,古根海姆成了每一座在充满自信设计博物馆的鼻祖。

56、You reject everything that is garish and trite. ─── 你拒绝夸饰与陈腐。

57、Garish or showy brilliance; gaudiness. ─── 耀眼,俗丽耀眼或炫耀的光辉;俗气,华而不实

58、It's the spelt pasta alternative to digi-noise's garish E-number fix... ─── 意大利面食替代品?欧洲食品添加剂代码E?

59、Their torches lit the macabre proceedings in a pallid light that danced over their garish rune-covered robes. ─── 他们穿的长袍上绘着繁复而华丽的符文,折射着火炬那苍白的光线。

60、However, the inherent pitfalls of the market economy inexorably slide it into a garish one, which made the elite culture loss its share in civilian's life. ─── 但是市场经济固有的趋利性却无情地将其滑向媚俗,使当今的精英文化处于准失语状态。

61、In fact the beach has been reclaimed and turned into a concrete waterfront, lined with blocks of flats and garish hotels. ─── 但是现在这个海滩已经被移山填海,改造成滨水区,一排排公寓大楼和装饰气派的饭店拔地而起。

62、He saw these other scenes through drifting vapors and swirls of sullen fog dissolving before shafts of red and garish light. ─── 他穿过流荡的烟云和旋卷的雾震观看着这些画面。

63、nothing garish, commercial, or extreme -- and it is immensely popular. ─── 体现了宁静、和谐、创新、有趣、非常受到欢迎。

64、The garish yard, filled with the flowers of poverty, was uglier by far than in winter. ─── 满院花花绿绿,开着穷恶的花,比冬天要更丑陋着好几倍。

65、The colored lights from its revolving sign pulsed against the screen, splashing garish colors over the victim's body. ─── 信号彩光脉冲在屏幕上跳动,在死者尸体上洒下眼里炫目的光彩。

66、Will not aim at interface garish extent, and to focus on the achievement of game data for the accurate positioning and accelerate query efficiency, Finally, use your support and express our heartfelt gratitude. ─── 将不把目标放在界面的花哨程度上,而把重点放在实现游戏数据查询的准确定位和加快查询效率上,最后对您的使用和支持表示衷心的感谢。

67、All around you there seemed to be something glaring, garish, rattling ─── 在你周围好像有些东西又扎眼,又晃眼,又刺耳。

68、6. a flash car; a flashy ring; garish colors; a gaudy costume; loud sport shirts; a meretricious yet stylish book; tawdry ornaments. ─── 廉价而华丽的小车;庸俗的颜色;华而不实的服装;廉价的运动衫;华丽庸俗但很时髦的书;俗丽的装饰物。收藏指正

69、Big colorful controls may look really cool to newcomers, but they seem garish after a couple of weeks of daily use. ─── 大块的色彩斑斓的操作部件可能在首次使用的人看来非常酷。 但每天使用过了数周之后,就显得俗气了。

70、garish colors; ─── 艳丽的颜色;

71、So in this design we get rid of all the garish decoration and exaggerated form, but only give it a sense of light quality and professional as it should be. ─── 此设计摒弃了所有浮华的装饰与花哨的造型,强调此类仪器应有的专业感与品质感。

72、garish clothes ─── 过于艳丽的衣服

73、Over the last decade the square, with its garish neon and heavy traffic, has seen a revival, with many of the grubbier shops closing down. ─── 在过去的十年里,时代广场看到了复兴的希望,广场上充满着令人眼花缭乱的霓虹灯,交通十分拥挤,许多脏乱的店铺也纷纷关门。

74、Turn your face away from the garish light of day ─── 轻过面庞,不再看白日刺眼的光芒

75、in gaudy [garish] colours ─── 色彩浓艳

76、"harsh" used increasingly strange garish site marketing tools; ─── “辣”曰,越来越新奇花哨的现场促销手段;

77、garish makeup.See Synonyms at gaudy ─── 艳丽的化妆参见

78、a garish barrage of show - biz glitz(bPeter G.Davis) ─── 娱乐业花花绿绿的潮流(b彼得G.戴维斯)

79、a flash car; a flashy ring; garish colors; a gaudy costume; loud sport shirts; a meretricious yet stylish book; tawdry ornaments. ─── 廉价而华丽的小车;庸俗的颜色;华而不实的服装;廉价的运动衫;华丽庸俗但很时髦的书;俗丽的装饰物。

80、She wants a handbag which is not so garish but durable. ─── 她想买一个手提包不要花俏,而要耐用。

81、Amazingly, this means that not only can't the site be too cutting edge, clever or slick, it also can't be too horrible, garish or amateurish. ─── 令人惊异的是,这意味着网站不仅不能太先锋、乖巧或者平实,也不能太不友好、花哨或者不专业。

82、We put on silly hats and drape trees with sparkly lights and wrap gifts in garish paper and that's good for us. ─── 我们戴上傻傻的帽子,用闪闪亮亮的灯装点圣诞树,用花里胡哨的包装纸包装礼物,这对我们是有好处的。

83、The upside to cat ownership is proximity to a sense of dignity, intelligence and lack of garish behavior. ─── 对猫咪的主人来说,她拥有一种近乎高贵,睿智又不失低调的感觉。

84、Over the last decade the square, with its garish neon and heavy traffic, has seen a revival, with many of the grubbier shops closing down. ─── 在过去的十年里,时代广场看到了复兴的希望,广场上充满着令人眼花缭乱的霓虹灯,交通十分拥挤,许多脏乱的店铺也纷纷关门。

85、The darkskinned sorceress turned her fiery gaze on a massive chest positioned in one corner of the garish tent. ─── 深色皮肤的女法师把炽热的目光投向置于这花哨帐篷一角的巨大箱子。

86、Traditionally dyed a garish yellow nowadays increasingly eaten undyed. ─── 传统染色利黄色如今越来越多地食用未染色。

87、Others lure younger guests with garish decor and discounts. ─── 另外一些则以花哨的装饰品和低廉的折扣吸引年轻人。

88、Here and there they carry old-fashioned round shields decorated with garish face-like designs. ─── 与遍地都是的太阳军旗不同,中国人的旗帜和徽章设计得各式各样。

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