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09-09 投稿



indiscrimination 发音


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indiscrimination 中文意思翻译



indiscrimination 词性/词形变化,indiscrimination变形

形容词: indiscriminative |

indiscrimination 相似词语短语

1、indiscriminating ─── adj.不区别的;无差别的

2、discriminations ─── n.歧视(discrimination的复数);鉴别

3、end discrimination ─── 结束歧视

4、indiscriminately ─── adv.不加选择地;任意地

5、indiscriminative ─── adj.不加区别的;不加选择的

6、discrimination ─── n.歧视;区别,辨别;识别力

7、indiscriminate ─── adj.任意的;无差别的;不分皂白的

8、nondiscrimination ─── n.不歧视;非歧视原则

9、incrimination ─── n.控告;连累

indiscrimination 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、China citizens can apply for the tax negotiation if he/she thinks that the contract counterpart has violated the tax agreement of Indiscrimination Treatment and caused discrimination. ─── 二、 中国国民认为缔约对方违背了税收协定无差别待遇条款的规定,对其可能 或已经形成歧视待遇时,可以申请启动相互协商程式。

2、However, the process of feeling needs sedulous control.It will turn into indiscrimination when one goes to extremes, keeping seeing and hearing more and more. ─── 近年来,西部的景色一直深深地吸引着我,这是因为西部景色中那种寂寞和苍凉与我性格中的某些部分恰好吻合。

3、3 Buddhism stresses equality and indiscrimination. ─── 佛家讲平等心、无分别心;

4、11.A practitioner of Giving ought to give whatever is available to whoevermay come, for a giving based on indiscrimination is true givingparamita. ─── 夫行施者不应分别,随其所有来即与之,是即名为檀波罗蜜。

5、In the cross-culture communication, the concept of indiscrimination and friendliness should run through the whole process when we face all kinds of situations and relationships in the life. ─── 在跨文化交际中,面对生活中的各种情况和各种关系时,平等友善的理念应贯穿交际行为的全过程。

6、7. A true giving is based on compassion and indiscrimination. ─── 以大悲心无所分别,等施一切,名真施也。

8、collection; combination; connection; convergence; indiscrimination; kinship; marriage; mixture; relevance; ─── 血缘关系;无差别;收集;结婚;适当;混合

9、6. these are right knowledge, indiscrimination, verbal delusion, sleep and memory. ─── 它们分别是正知,谬误、幻想、睡眠和记忆。

10、8. indiscrimination is false knowledge not established in real nature. ─── 谬误是没有建立在一个东西真正天性基础上的错误的知识。

11、 双语使用场景


In the feminist movement of the United States, women's liberation can be measured by certain social standards: namely, the political right to participate in the political power, the right to vote, the right to be elected and the right to manage the country; To enjoy the full equality of rights and obligations with men in law. Economically, there are opportunities for full employment and broad avenues for employment, and the right of possession, use, disposal and inheritance of personal and family means of livelihood. Universal access to compulsory education, access to education in line with their own ability to develop, so that the role of intelligence to be given full play, fully recognized by the community. Marriage is based on love, equality between husband and wife within the family, and modernization and socialization of housework. The gender discrimination of male superiority and female inferiority should be completely eliminated in the ideology, and a good social custom of respecting women should be established.

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