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stocking 发音

英:[?stɑ?k??]  美:[?st?k??]

英:  美:

stocking 中文意思翻译




stocking 网络释义

n. 长袜n. (Stocking)人名;(英)斯托金

stocking 短语词组

1、blue-stocking n. =bluestocking; ─── 参看该词条; 女学者; 装做有学问的女人

2、mob stocking ─── [网络] 暴徒放养

3、silk stocking n. ─── 穿着华丽的人, 丝袜

4、stocking mask ( ─── 罪犯等使用的)尼龙蒙面套

5、nylon stocking ─── [医]尼龙袜

6、shoe-and-stocking position ─── [医] 交腿位

7、de-stocking (de-stock ─── 的现在分词) vt. 缩减储量;从…转移牲畜

8、elastic stocking ─── [医] 弹性袜

9、stocking filler n. ( ─── 放在圣诞袜里的)圣诞节小礼物

10、christmas stocking n. ─── 圣诞袜

11、re-stocking (re-stock ─── 的现在分词) vt. 重新进货;再储存 vi. 补充货源;补足

12、rayon stocking ─── [网络] 人造丝袜

13、stocking agent ─── [经] 存货代理人

14、silk-stocking a. ─── 穿绸袜的, 贵族一般的, 奢华的

15、over-stocking (over-stock ─── 的现在分词) 存货过剩

16、stocking cap ─── 绒线帽

17、body stocking n. ─── 上下相连的紧身衣裤

18、plaster of paris stocking ─── [医] 石膏靴

19、silk stocking disease ─── [医] 丝袜病, 小腿绀红皮病

stocking 词性/词形变化,stocking变形


stocking 常用词组

stock market ─── 股票市场;证券市场;股票交易

in stock ─── 有存货;现有

stock exchange ─── 证券交易所

stocking 习惯用语

1、blue stocking ─── 好卖弄学问的女人; 女学者, 才女

2、silk stocking ─── 穿着华丽的人 ─── 富翁; 贵族 ─── [美]【史】联帮党人, 辉格党人

3、in one's stockings ─── [stocking-feet] 只穿袜子不穿鞋

4、wear yellow stockings ─── 妒忌, 吃醋

stocking 相似词语短语

1、stockings ─── n.长袜,球袜;丝袜

2、tocking ─── 托克

3、stacking ─── n.(待着陆飞机的)分层定高盘旋;v.堆叠,堆积(stack的现在分词)

4、stonking ─── adj.庞大的;绝妙的;(非正式)引人注目的;adv.极端地,极其地;v.猛烈炮轰(stonk的现在分词)

5、stoking ─── n.[冶]连续烧结;添煤;生火;v.拨旺火;煽起;大吃一顿(stoke的ing形式);adj.生火的;加煤的

6、shocking ─── adj.令人震惊的;可怕的,令人厌恶的;糟糕的;v.感到震惊;震动;冲突(shock的ing形式)

7、stooking ─── n.禾束堆;v.把(禾谷)整理成堆

8、smocking ─── n.装饰用衣褶

9、socking ─── adv.非常;极其;v.重击(sock的ing形式)

stocking 特殊用法

1、body stocking ─── 雕像套服; 一件式紧身女内衣

2、irregular stocking ─── 散生, 非规正立木度

3、silk stocking ─── 丝袜

4、stocking of mould ─── 霉菌侵染, 长霉

5、proper stocking ─── 适度放牧量, 适度栽培量

stocking 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I had a ladder in my stocking. ─── 我的长筒袜有抽丝了。

2、Something likes stocking is on the ground. ─── 地上有象袜子一样的东西。

3、Bill took stock of the situation after Christine cheated on him. ─── 在克丽丝汀欺骗了他后,比尔评估一下现状。

4、The salesmen are doing their best, but the stock simply will not sell at that price. ─── 售货员竭尽全力,但存货完全不会按这样的价格出售。

5、A suspender strap with a fastener attached to a girdle or belt to hold up a woman's stocking. ─── 吊袜带有系结物的一种吊带,连于腰带之上用来撑起女子的长统袜

6、The shop is having a sale to clear old stock. ─── 为出售存货商店正在减价甩卖。

7、She's a blue stocking and all she talks about is books when we go out together. ─── 她是一位女学者,我们一起出去时,她所谈论的总是书。

8、She's made a killing on the stock market. ─── 她在股票市场上大发了一笔财。

9、You have a run in your stocking. ─── 你的丝袜跳线了。

10、He paced the room in his stocking feet. ─── 他穿着袜子在房间走动。

11、He strangled his victim with a nylon stocking. ─── 他用尼龙长筒袜勒死了受害者。

12、At the stock market your broker will inquire of other broker if they know of anyone who would like to sell the stock that you want to purchase. ─── 你的经纪人将在股票交易所向别的经纪人打听他们是否知道有人要抛出你想买进的股票。

13、That demand spike -- China was stocking up in case it needed backup fuel -- played a role in oil's climb to its record of $145 a barrel. ─── 此前中国一直囤积柴油以备不时之需,于是柴油需求激增,这是导致油价向每桶145美元的纪录水平挺进的原因之一。

14、Bill take stock of the situation after Christine cheat on him. ─── 在克丽丝汀欺骗了他後,比尔评估一下现状。

15、Don't risk any money on oil stock. ─── 不要在石油股票上冒险。

16、They came over to me and felt my stocking: nothing. ─── 她们走到我跟前,摸了摸我的袜子:什么也没有。

17、As you know, we have been in urgent need of these items as we have only a few in stock. ─── 如您所知,由于本公司存货已不多,所以对此项货物的需求极为迫切。

18、A speculative monopoly of a stock or commodity created by purchasing all or most of the available supply in order to raise its price. ─── 垄断通过购买所有的或大部分的可获得的供应品以期提高其价格,而对股票或商品的一种投机的控制

19、Storage is10% of value, so we scrapped the stock. ─── 因仓储费是货物价值的10%, 所以我们就废弃了这批存货。

20、The slump on wall street set up a chain reaction in stock market around the world. ─── 华尔街金融滑坡引起世界股票市场的连锁反应。

21、Have you any grey pullovers in stock? ─── 你们有灰色套头毛衣的现货吗?

22、He cleaned up in the stock market last year. ─── 去年他在股票市场大捞一笔。

23、He strangled her with a nylon stocking. ─── 他用尼龙长筒袜勒死了她。

24、He sprang from peasant stock. ─── 他是农民出身。

25、Wall Street made Friday's running on the international stock exchange. ─── 在国际股票交易中,华尔街星期五率先确定了走势行情。

26、I wonder if you stock any Penguin jacket? ─── 不知你们是否有企鹅牌茄克衫?

27、The Christmas stocking bulged with goodies. ─── 圣诞节袜子里塞满了好吃的东西。

28、It is no use keeping this odd stocking. ─── 单只的袜子留着没什么用。

29、They put great stock in your opinion. ─── 他们对你的意见极为看重。

30、I put the stocking here. ─── 我把长袜放在这儿。

31、Rubbing smartly in turn each welt against her stocking calf. ─── 于是轮流抬起脚来,用靴子的贴边灵巧地往袜筒上蹭。

32、They put small presents in each other's stocking. ─── 他们互相把小礼物放在对方的长统袜里。

33、As a matter of fact, we have run out of stock for a few weeks. ─── 事实上我们的货已脱销几个星期了。

34、After a year in the job, she decided it was time to take stock (of her situation). ─── 她从事此工作一年之後,决定(对自己的情况)检讨一番。

35、An option to buy or sell a stock, including put, call, spread, and straddle. ─── 优先购买权买卖股票的选择权,包括投资、交货、买卖差额和买空卖空

36、You're never too old to enjoy a Christmas stocking. ─── 你绝对不会老得不能获得圣诞长袜带来的快乐。

37、His clever manipulation of the stock market make him lots of money. ─── 他在股票交易中买卖精明,赚了很多钱。

38、She is tired of her husband's stock jokes. ─── 她听厌了她丈夫那些陈腐的笑话。

39、They eyed every change in the stock market. ─── 他们密切注视股票市场的每一个变化。

40、She ripped her stocking on a sharp nail. ─── 她的袜子被一根锐利的钉子挂破。

41、His big toe was poking through his stocking. ─── 他的大脚趾从袜子伸了出来。

42、My stocking is broken. ─── 我的长袜破了。

43、They intended to close out all their stock. ─── 他们打算卖光所有的存货。

44、Clive lost a fortune on the stock market, but he went into it with his eyes open and remains quite philosophical about it. ─── 克莱夫在股票市场赔了一笔钱,但是他明知后果如此却仍要投入并且表现非常达观。

45、You have to take stock of your position. ─── 你必须估计一下你的处境。

46、If you do that, you will make yourself a laughing stock. ─── 你要是这样做,就会成为笑柄了。

47、Alice's mom put a pair of fluffy mittens and a lovely doll into the stocking when Alice played outside. ─── 当艾丽丝在外面玩耍的时候,她的妈妈在长袜里放了毛手套和洋娃娃。

48、As soon as they heard about possible food shortages, they began to stock up. ─── 他们一听说食物可能短缺,就立即储备起来。

49、The book you want is out of print but you might find shop that still has a copy in stock. ─── 你要的书这里没有卖了,但你也许还能在某家书店找到一本。

50、There no stocking or sock on her splotchy, blueveined legs. ─── 她连双袜子都没穿,污迹斑斑、青筋凸暴的双腿裸露在外。

51、He must have purchased that railroad stock with his eyes shut; for it is well-night worthless. ─── 他买那种铁路股票时一定是糊涂了; 因为那种股票一钱不值。

52、Trading was brisk on the Stock Exchangetoday. ─── 今日证券交易所交投活跃。

53、Shipper is anxious about stock disposal as demand falling. ─── 因需求下降,货主急于知道如何处理库存货物。

54、An attempt to seize control of a company, as by acquiring a majority of its stock. ─── 侵吞获得对某公司支配权的努力,如通过获得该公司的大部分股票

55、Failure to receive the proceeds of a transaction, as in the sale of stock or securities, by a specified date. ─── 交割失信在股票或抵押品售出后,未能在规定日期内办理交接手续

56、He went heels over head into buying mining stock. ─── 他购买了矿业股票,做事真鲁莽。

57、He took a running jump at stock exchange and make no money on it. ─── 他急急地去炒股票,一点钱也没赚到。

58、News of the disaster hit the Stock Exchange around noon. ─── 大约中午时分,发生灾祸的消息引起了股票市场的动荡。

59、Gasping, Cathy spun around to see a young man in a trench coat and a stocking cap. ─── Cathy喘息着转过身来,看到一个穿着风衣戴着一顶鸭舌帽的年轻人。

60、A downward tendency, as in the price of a stock. ─── 下降趋势如股票价格等的下降趋势

61、I thought Rodney 's feet initially had too much of a stocking feel, like the shoes that Robin Hood would wear. ─── 起初,我认为罗德尼的双脚有太多的长筒袜的感觉,就像罗宾汉穿的鞋子一样。

62、He took a beating in the stock market. ─── 他在股市上遭受惨重的损失。

63、There ought to be something to fill your stocking with. ─── 你的袜子应该有一些礼物来填充。

64、The breeding of animals or growing of plants, especially to produce improved stock. ─── 养殖对动物的饲养或植物的种植,尤指为了产生改良品种

65、I ripped my stocking on a nail. ─── 一个钉子挂破了我的袜子。

66、They stock all sizes. ─── 他们各种尺码齐备。

67、She ran her silk stocking on a nail last night. ─── 她昨天夜晚丝袜被钉子钩住,抽了丝。

68、One stocking leg might be red, the other blue. ─── 也许一只长袜红色,而另一只长袜蓝色。

69、She slipped into her stocking and skirt,and went out. ─── 她利索地穿上了长筒袜和裙子出去了。

70、In an advertisement in the evening paper, he calls public attention to his new stock of goods. ─── 在晚报的一则广告里,他促请大家注意他新进的货物。

71、Several out- of- stock items have been on order for week. ─── 几个星期以来一直有人订购几种脱销的产品。

72、Incurred substantial losses during the stock market crash. ─── 在股票市场剧跌时蒙受了巨大的物质损失

73、He sterangled his victim with a nylon stocking. ─── 他以尼龙长筒袜勒毙他的受害者。

74、She lose all her money in stock exchange speculation. ─── 她将所有的钱赔进了股票投机生意。

75、Her stocking had a ladder in it. ─── 她的长袜有一道抽丝痕。

76、He valued the stock at$25,000. ─── 他将存货估价为25,000美元。

77、She ran her stocking on a splinter. ─── 在裂片上划了袜子而使之脱丝

78、Did you see the paragraph about the stock market? ─── 你有没有看到有关股票市场的那则短讯?

79、Their favorite cat clawed a hole in my stocking. ─── 他们家宠爱的猫在我的袜子上抓破了个洞。

80、Made a killing on the stock market. ─── 在股票市场中获取暴利

81、After the annual stocking, the pond was alive with trout. ─── 在一年的放养后,池塘满满的都是鳟鱼。

82、Mr Sharp ceded his stock holdings to his children. ─── 夏普先生将他的股票过户给他的子女。

83、They were both wearing stocking their faces. ─── 他们都用长筒袜子把脸蒙上了。

84、It's no use keeping this odd stocking. ─── 单只的袜子留著没什么用。

85、The London Stock Exchange is in turmoil today. ─── 今天伦敦证券市场一片混乱。

86、Do you require a stocking order? ─── 你是否有长袜的订单?

87、She stands six feet in her stocking. ─── 她不穿鞋时身高六英尺。

88、He ceded his stock holdings to his children. ─── 他将股票让给了他的子女。

89、The middle of the square has been converted into a tent city, complete with winding pathways, food stocking centers, and a hairdresser. ─── 广场的中心地带已被改造成一个帐篷城,有蜿蜒的通道,食品贮存中心,还有一个理发师。

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