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09-09 投稿



disrupt 发音

英:[d?s?r?pt]  美:[d?s?r?pt]

英:  美:

disrupt 中文意思翻译




disrupt 网络释义

vt. 破坏;使瓦解;使分裂;使中断;使陷于混乱adj. 分裂的,中断的;分散的

disrupt 词性/词形变化,disrupt变形


disrupt 短语词组

1、dunk low disrupt ─── 扣篮低中断

2、nike dunk low disrupt nike dunk low disrupt

3、disrupt dunk ─── 中断扣篮

4、disrupt furtively ─── 暗中破坏

5、low disrupt ─── 低中断

6、disrupt data ─── 中断数据

7、clyde court disrupt ─── 克莱德法院中断

disrupt 相似词语短语

1、disruptor ─── n.破坏者,分裂者

2、disrupted ─── 破坏;使瓦解;使分裂;使中断;使陷于混乱(disrupt的过去分词形式)

3、disrupting ─── 使混乱;扰乱(disrupt的现在分词)

4、disroot ─── vt.连根拔除;根除

5、irrupt ─── v.突然冲入,闯进;(鸟类等)大量迁移

6、disgust ─── n.厌恶,嫌恶;vt.使厌恶;使作呕

7、disrupter ─── n.破坏者;分裂者

8、disrupts ─── v.使…紊乱;使…瓦解(disrupt的单三形式)

9、discept ─── 有分歧

disrupt 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Other illegal operations that seriously disrupt market order. ─── 其他严重扰乱市场秩序的非法经营行为。

2、Would they roughhouse and punch and disrupt the class by yelling or fidgeting with their tails in the air? ─── 会不会打其他的同学?会不会把它的尾巴甩到空中,打扰同学们上课?

3、The Kashgar officials said ETIM had planned a series of attacks to disrupt or distract from the Olympics. ─── 喀什官方说计划在奥运会期间发起一系列袭击以转移人们对奥运会的关注。

4、All that He had created was "very good" but sin would disrupt this glorious harmony between God and His creation. ─── 他所有创造的事物都是完美的,但罪将扰乱神与他所造之物之间的美妙和谐。

5、Cut off the electricity, disrupt core of its system, and you thrust a dagger in capitalism's heart! ─── 如果切断了电力,破坏了这个制度的核心,你就给资本主义的心脏插进了一把尖刀。

6、He said he did not want to do it, because he did not want disrupt the team chemistry. ─── 他说他不想做新的交易,因为他不想破坏现在球队已经产生的化学反应。

7、This high melting point is the strong electrostatic attraction between the charged atoms, which makes it difficult to disrupt the crystalline lattice. ─── 具有这种较高熔点是因为带电原子之间的强烈的静电吸引,这使得破坏晶格很难。

8、They say illegal border crossers disrupt their work, damage their property and sometimes threaten their safety. ─── 他们表示非法越境者扰乱了他们的工作,破坏了他们的财产,有时甚至威胁到了他们的生命安全。

9、Unlike conventional drivetrain systems, there's no way for water or dirt to affect the drivetrain and disrupt or dirty the moving components. ─── 与常规动力驱动系统,有没有办法为水或泥土影响传动,扰乱或肮脏的运动部件。

10、They can disrupt experiments with the bacteria organisms they carry. ─── 他们可以通过携带的细菌来扰乱实验。

11、Crisis of Breath. You disrupt the subject's breathing. ─── 呼吸危机:中断受术者的呼吸。

12、The general goal is either to coerce the application into performing unauthorized operations or to disrupt its normal operation. ─── 通常的目的是强制应用程序执行未授权的操作或者破坏其正常操作。

13、To impedeor disrupt in movement or action. ─── 使不能或艰于移动或行动。

14、Molecules like bis-ANS act like a wedge to disrupt normal capsid construction, and could potentially be used in the clinical setting as antivirals. ─── bis-ANS类的分子象楔子一样破坏正常的外壳结构,有希望在临床上用于抗病毒。

15、The mutations seem to disrupt genes that are active in the developing brain and which are turned on and off in response to experience. ─── 些突变可能会破坏在大脑发育中表现活跃的基因,面对不同的外部体验,人体会选择是否让这些基因发挥作用。

16、A survey showed that 70% of Shanghai's residents with homes along the roads say honking horns disrupt their lives. ─── 一项调查显示,上海70%的公路沿线居民表示,汽车喇叭声干扰了他们的生活。

17、The wet field did not disrupt the Americans' crip (crisp) passing while the North Koreans displayed energy and speed. ─── 场地的潮湿并没有影响美国球员们干脆漂亮的传球和韩国球员过人的精力的速度。

18、Sleeping late on weekends can also disrupt your circadian rhythm. ─── 周末迟睡也会打乱人体的日夜周期。

19、But Honduras's Central American neighbours may be reluctant to disrupt their own economies by blocking trade. ─── 但洪都拉斯的中美洲邻国们大概不会太情愿限制贸易,因为这样做会使本国经济受损。

20、The new breed of netbooks, built on cellphone innards, threatens to disrupt that oligopoly. ─── 发源于手机芯片的新型上网本将给当前已经求过于供的传统电脑市场带来新的热点。

21、To impede or disrupt in movement or action. ─── 使不能或艰于移动或行动

22、Sun Weide, a spokesman for the Beijing Olympics on Monday criticized protesters who tried to disrupt the relay in London. ─── 北京奥组委发言人孙维德周一对试图扰乱火炬接力伦敦站活动的抗议者提出了指责。

23、Anti-war demonstrators disrupt the meeting and 50 people are arrested. ─── 反战示威者中断了此次会议并有50人被捕。

24、To share her father's agony, the marvelous beauty, Diao Chan proposes to take a scam to disrupt Dong and Zhou's strong alliance. ─── 为了替父亲分忧,貌若天仙的貂婵提议用计瓦解两人的强大联合。

25、But damming rivers may destroy or disrupt wildlife and other natural resources. ─── 但是,在河流上筑坝可能会破坏或扰乱野生动物生活和其它自然资源。

26、CNN said in a statement that it 'took preventative measures to filter traffic in response to attempts to disrupt our Web site. ─── 上周五,CNN网站曾出现用户难以访问的情况,看上去像是黑客发起的“拒绝服务”攻击。

27、The Islamic Jihad militant group says it fired rockets at the area to disrupt the Israeli election. ─── 伊斯兰圣战者激进组织声称,朝那个地区发射火箭是为了扰乱以色列的选举。

28、No one may make use of religion to engage in activities that disrupt public order, impair the health of citizens or interfere with the educational system of the state. ─── 任何人不得利用宗教进行破坏社会秩序、损害公民身体健康、妨碍国家教育制度的活动。

29、At this time, no plans have been made to modify, disrupt or cancel DI’s Global Finals next month in Knoxville, Tenn. ─── DI全球总裁麦思奇先生说道,“截至现在,美国防疫中心没有发布任何禁止团队出游和集体活动的通知。”

30、Damage to the cerebellum can disrupt motor activity in other ways. ─── 小脑损伤可能连带影响运动机能。

31、How likely a device is to disrupt your ICD depends on how long you’re exposed to it and how close it is to your ICD. ─── ICD受上述设备影响的程度取决于患者暴露与这些电磁场内的方式以及ICD本身与这些设备的距离。

32、Political breakdowns and weather problems will disrupt supplies he said, but he is keen to see more effort made to develop the farming sector. ─── 他说,政治障碍和气候问题会使得粮食供应短缺,但是他希望看到各界付出更多的努力来发展农业部门。

33、The gravity well projector was removed by a Rebel strike force assisting a Squib mission to disrupt the Ugor trash-hauling racket. ─── 后来这个发生器被一支反抗军的突击分队移走了,这个突击分队参与的正是袭扰尤果垃圾场的爆竹行动。

34、To inhibit, block, or disrupt the action of(an enzyme or other biological agent). ─── 使减活化抑制、阻碍或破坏(酶或其它生物剂)的活动

35、The 12th House is the area of life dealing with things that disrupt or cause disassociation with the personality. ─── 天称座:友爱的、宽容的、忧郁的、有美学鉴赏力的,寻求平衡、社交以及平静的。

36、A couple of armoured cars speeding out from your defensive line can be used to sucker units into you AT Screen or disrupt the attack. ─── 几辆在你防线内展开的装甲车可以用来吸引敌军进入你的反坦克视线内或者混乱敌方攻击。

37、If you disrupt routine operations, they try deadlier ones. ─── 如果你阻止了常规性袭击,他们会尝试更为致命的。

38、As the underpowered athlete adds strength, power, speed, and agility, he should test to ensure that the gains don't disrupt sport skill. ─── 在提高力量、爆发力、速度和灵敏训练时,应以确保不破坏运动技能为前提。

39、Yuke Squadron Small number of enemy escort planes. They should not disrupt our attack. ─── 几架敌军护卫机。攻击本不该被他们中断的。

40、A stroke can disrupt the supply of oxygen to the brain. ─── 中风可导致大脑供氧中断。

41、But a sudden influx of fresh water from melting ice could also disrupt the ocean currents that drive upwelling. ─── 但是,由于冰川的融化而导致大量淡水突如其来涌入海洋,这可能会破坏洋流的正常循环。”

42、Joe Cole has suffered a knee-ligament injury that could disrupt Chelsea's entire season. ─── 乔科尔在比赛中的膝盖韧带受伤可能要面临无法为蓝军战斗一个完整的赛季。

43、They didn’t yell or try to disrupt our events, although they still made my staff jumpy. ─── 他们并不大喊大叫或企图搅乱我们的大会,虽然他们仍使我的手下胆战心惊。

44、To inhibit,block,or disrupt the action of(an enzyme or other biological agent). ─── 使减活化抑制、阻碍或破坏(酶或其它生物剂)的活动。

45、Write down everything you can think of without judging or editing -- these activites will also disrupt the Mapping process. ─── 写下所有你能想到的东西,不必进行判断和编辑,否则也会破坏概念图的绘制进程。

46、Cars in Boston and Beijing are melting ice caps in the Arctic that disrupt weather patterns everywhere. ─── 在波士顿与北京的汽车正融化着北极圈的冰帽,以此打破了各地的气候常态。

47、To inhibit,block,or disrupt the action of(an enzyme or other biological agent. ─── 使减活化抑制、阻碍或破坏(酶或其它生物剂)的活动

48、Will International Rules on Subsidies Disrupt the World Trading System? ─── 关于补贴的国际规则是否会打乱世界贸易体系?

49、Pending settlement of the dispute, no party to the dispute may disrupt aquacultural production. ─── 在争议解决以前,任何一方不得破坏养殖生产。"

50、The Taliban had vowed to disrupt the election and retaliate against voters. ─── 塔利班曾扬言要扰乱选举,并报复参加投票的选民。

51、Insurgents still managed to disrupt the calm. ─── 叛乱者仍然设法打乱安静。

52、For now, Kremlin critics say, the government appears to be trying to disrupt opposition Internet postings, rather than block them. ─── 批评克林姆林宫的人士说,目前来看,俄罗斯政府似乎只是试图对反对派在网上发布消息进行干扰,而不是把他们屏蔽掉。

53、Furthermore,the use of some of our armed forces against the enemy's rear is particularly effective,because they can disrupt his supply lines and bases. ─── 再则使用若干兵力于敌人后方,其威力特别强大,因为捣乱了敌人的运输线和根据地。

54、Senna says he is not out to maim, just disrupt a game. ─── 塞纳说他并非为了使人受伤而犯规,她只是想中断比赛。

55、They didn't yell or try to disrupt our events, although they still made my staff jumpy. ─── 他们并不出声大叫或是妨碍我们的集会,尽管他们确实使我的工作人员紧张不安。

56、Cut off the electricity, disrupt the core of its system, and you thrust a dagger in capitalism's heart! ─── 如果切断电力,破坏掉这个制度的核心,你就给资本主义的心脏插进了一把尖刀。

57、Obama vowed to disrupt, dismantle and defeat Al-Qaeda there. ─── 奥巴马决心在那里分化、击溃并最终消灭基地组织。

58、The quarrels of the different political parties seemed likely to disrupt the state. ─── 各政党的争执可能导致国家分裂。

59、A stroke can disrupt the supply of oxygen to the brain. ─── 中风可导致大脑供氧中断。

60、Both teams showed that they could disrupt this binding by introducing mutations that would subtly alter the shape of the synaptotagmin receptor. ─── 两组都表示他们通过引入突变巧妙的改变突出结合蛋白的结构,从而使这种结合瓦解。

61、Footstep wanted to disrupt you much. ─── 多想打乱你的脚步。

62、China disrupt ties with Washington, that is good news. Now only if they stop trade. It would be the best news for our country. ─── 中国跟华盛顿关系破裂,这是好事。现在要是他们停止贸易该多好。那对我们国家是最好的消息了。

63、They say illegal border crossers disrupt their work, damage their property and sometimes threaten their safety.The U.S. ─── 他们说非法越境者常会扰乱他们的工作,破坏他们的财产,有时还会威胁到他们的人身安全。

64、The Taliban are vowing to disrupt Thursday's balloting. ─── 塔利班扬言要扰乱星期四的选举。

65、Peasants and rural governments are reluctant to come clean about anything that might disrupt local economies. ─── 农民和农村政府不愿将任何有碍地方经济发展的实情和盘托出。

66、China may yet undergo internal upheavals that could disrupt its economy. ─── 中国可能还不会酝酿导致经济崩溃的内部剧变。

67、A biologist at heart, Hillis viewed the mutating sorting test as a parasitic organism trying to disrupt the sorter. ─── 希利斯从生物学家的角度,把变化中的排序测试看作是一个试图扰乱排序程序的寄生虫有机体。

68、In addition, the ability of MSCs to make asparagine might be decreased by cancer drugs already known to disrupt MSC activity. ─── 另外那些已经知道的破坏骨髓间充质干细胞活性的肿瘤药物应该可以降低骨髓间充质干细胞产生天冬酰胺的能力。

69、Electronic warfare, the use of elctronic technology to thwart enemy weapons and disrupt communications, was employed during the Gulf War. ─── 在海湾战争中用过电子战,即使用电子技术来扰乱敌人的武器和通讯。

70、He says that the Iraqi Armed Forces will act decisively against anyone trying to disrupt order in Anbar province. ─── 他说,伊拉克武装部队将对任何试图干扰安巴尔省秩序的人采取果断措施。

71、Panic disorder does not need to disrupt your life in any way! ─── 不要让恐慌症以任何方式来打乱你的生活!

72、The Beijing Olympics is a godsend for these groups because it affords them the opportunity to disrupt the torch relay. ─── 北京奥运简直就是上天给这些团体送的礼物,因为他们可以借机干扰火炬传递。

73、Periods of apnea end with a brief partial arousal that may disrupt sleep up to hundreds of times a night. ─── 呼吸暂停周期以短暂局部觉醒结束,每晚可能干扰睡眠达数百次。

74、If we disrupt your ambition and your commitment, we disrupt your success. ─── 如果我们妨碍了你们的雄心和热情,我们就是在妨碍你们成功的道路。

75、Hospitalization and periods of outpatient treatment disrupt normal routines and patterns of living. ─── 住院治疗和反复的就诊扰乱了正常的生活秩序和方式。

76、Adversely affect the access available to a Member; impede the full utilization of such access; or disrupt trade under this Agreement. ─── 不得对一成员可获得的准入造成不利影响;不得阻碍充分利用此准入或干扰本协定项下的贸易。

77、Most of us will not want to disrupt our children's education by uprooting to another country. ─── 大多数人不会为了实现移居他国的理想,而中断孩子的学业。

78、It's easy to let something slip: from Internet problems to a sick kid, there are many issues that will disrupt a workday at home. ─── 让某些人离开不是一件难事,无论是由于网络问题还是因为家里有一个生病的孩子,有很多的事情会导致在家的工作被打断。

79、But it has been abruptly abandoned after an animal rights activist threatened to disrupt the latest tournament, organizers said. ─── 但一名保护动物人士威胁要扰乱最近的大赛后,这项活动突然停办,主办单位说。

80、Modifying a report server URL will disrupt the connection between the servers, affecting reports and models that are currently processing. ─── 修改报表服务器URL将会中断服务器之间的连接,这会使当前处理的报表和模型受到影响。

81、It may disrupt almost any part of the body: skin, joints, kidneys, heart, lungs, blood vessels or brain. ─── 光是在美国,就约有140万人为狼疮所苦,尤其是18~65岁间的非裔妇女,每250人中就有一人受此病所苦。

82、Some say it's because parents complained.Other say it would disrupt an already hectic school day. ─── 其他人表示,这可能会使学校本来就繁忙的一天更加混乱。

83、Research in animals has shown that alcohol can disrupt the development of new brain cells in adults. ─── 在动物身上进行的试验表明,酒精会损害成年动物脑细胞的发育。

84、They would like to disrupt us, damage morale and hurt us with the Americans. ─── 他们想扰乱我们的布署,挫伤我们的士气,损害我们与美国人的关系。

85、Indeed, a new study shows that in mice, high-fat diets seem to disrupt the body's natural day and night rhythms. ─── 事实上,一项新的研究表明高脂饮食打乱了小鼠体内正常的昼夜节律。

86、ALTER ASSEMBLY does not disrupt currently running sessions that are running code in the assembly being modified. ─── ALTER ASSEMBLY不中断当前正在运行的会话,这些会话正在运行所修改的程序集中的代码。

87、"President Obama has articulated a clear policy to disrupt, dismantle and defeat al-Qaida and its allies. ─── “奥巴马总统很明白地表达了分裂、瓦解和消灭基地组织及其党羽的清晰策略。

88、"Maybe people are looking for a chink in the armour," said Lampard. "They're looking to say things which will disrupt and unsettle us. ─── “或许人们在寻找我们盔甲上的小缺口,”兰帕德说道。“他们希望那些话能扰乱我们,使我们感到不安。”

89、But the attempt to smear Mr Serra threatens to disrupt his second term before it begins. ─── 但在这开始之前,抹黑塞拉的企图可能影响到他的连任。

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