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palliative 发音

英:[?p?li?t?v]  美:[?p?li?t?v]

英:  美:

palliative 中文意思翻译




palliative 网络释义

n. 辩解;缓和剂;暂时姑息的手段adj. 缓和的;掩饰的;可斟酌的

palliative 短语词组

1、palliative operation ─── [医] 姑息手术, 治标手术

2、palliative medicine ─── 姑息医学

3、palliative chemotherapy ─── 姑息性化疗

4、palliative therapy ─── 姑息性治疗

5、palliative care ─── 姑息治疗;安宁疗护

6、palliative treatment ─── [医] 矫形疗法

7、annals of palliative medicine ─── 姑息医学年鉴

8、dust palliative ─── [化] 吸尘油

9、palliative measures ─── 姑息措施

10、palliative sedation ─── 姑息性镇静

palliative 常用词组

palliative treatment ─── 姑息疗法,舒减疗法

palliative 词性/词形变化,palliative变形


palliative 相似词语短语

1、alleviative ─── adj.减轻的,缓解的

2、vellicative ─── 实用的

3、allative ─── n.向格;adj.向格的

4、palliatives ─── n.缓和剂;姑息治疗;保守疗法;权宜之计;adj.治标的;减轻痛苦的;缓解的

5、colligative ─── adj.取决于分子的;依数的

6、palliatively ─── 减轻的;治标的;掩饰的

7、palliation ─── n.(痛苦的)减轻;缓和;辩解

8、palliating ─── v.减轻,缓和(症状);掩饰(palliate的现在分词)

9、palliate ─── vt.减轻;掩饰;辩解

palliative 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、On Medical Students for Humanism and Hospice and Palliative Care Course ─── 宁养医学课程与医学生人文关怀

2、Palliative chemotherapy is a way to reduce the severity of symptoms for patients with advanced cancer. ─── 姑息化疗可以减轻晚期肿瘤患者的严重症状。

3、As hospice and palliative care courses can increase medical students' knowledge that be used to care for dying patients and improve viewpoints of humanism, so it should be a required course of medical students. ─── 在此基础上,提出了宁养医学课程有助于在医学生中普及照顾不可治愈病人的原则和知识,培养人文关怀的理念,因此建议将其列为必修课。

4、A natural question is "how long will the palliative chemo (gemcitabine+tarceva) continue to work, holding my tumors basically stable in size? ─── 一个自然的问题是:"姑息化疗(剑泽合并爱罗替尼)能使肿瘤基本稳定多久?

5、The outcomes of treatment in the literature review suggest that cingulotomy may be effective and safe for intractable cancer pain control especially in the setting of hospice palliative care. ─── 多数文献中都指出扣带回烧灼术对于癌症疼痛控制是有效而且安全。

6、Radiotherapy alone or radiation combined surgery, chemotherapy for patients with advanced, recurrent and inoperable diseases may get palliative outcomes. ─── 因病期过晚、复发和无法手术的患者可以单独应用放疗,也可与手术,化疗联合应用,以达到减瘤和延长生存期的姑息性疗效。

7、The goals of total care in hospice palliative care include relief of pain and suffering. ─── 安宁缓和疗护的全人照顾目标,包括病人疼痛与其他痛苦的缓解。

8、Treatment of hilar cholangiocarcinoma by palliative diversion of bile in 26 cases ─── 姑息性胆汁转流治疗肝门胆管癌(附26例临床分析)

9、This article mainly introduced the connotations, objectives, principles and basic contents of palliative care. ─── 主要介绍了姑息护理的内涵、目标、原则及基本内容。

10、At the clinical center, candidates for palliative care are first assessed to see how the sum of all the symptoms and suffering impinges on their quality of life. ─── 临床中心会先评估那些可能适合缓和医疗的患者,以确定其症状与受苦程度如何影响生活品质。

11、Research progress on palliative care both at home and in abroad ─── 国内外姑息护理的研究进展

12、Since all but a few cancers are incurable once metastasis has occurred, most therapy is actually palliative and not curative. ─── 因为一旦发现癌细胞转移,几乎所有的癌症都是不能治愈的。大多数疗法实际上是治标不治本,没有治愈作用。

13、In our series, palliative resection for disseminated lesions with or without additional chemotherapy resulted in long-term survival. ─── 在我们研究系列发现不管有无接受化学治疗,姑息性切除散布病灶能够延长病人寿命。

14、Keywords Gynaecological neoplasm;Rectal obstruction;Stent;Palliative; ─── 妇科肿瘤;直肠梗阻;支架;姑息性;

15、Pausch began palliative chemotherapy to give him some extra time. ─── 一旦人学会了怎样去死,也就学会了怎样去活,就不会迷于名利之中,很多为此而付出时间和精力的事就不再显得那么重要了,也许 会让出空间来满足精神上的需求。

16、Clinical observation of palliative treatment in improving the quality of life for the patients with advanced cancer ─── 姑息治疗提高晚期癌症患者生活质量

17、Current situation of palliative care and the consideration of it ─── 姑息护理的发展现状与思考

18、Botulinum toxin for palliative treatment of epiphora in a patient with canalicular obstruction ─── 伴有泪小管阻塞的溢泪患者的肉毒杆菌毒素姑息治疗1例

19、Therefore, small bowel metastasis may reflect a terminal event of lung cancer.To recognize these abnormalities is important for appropriate palliative therapy. ─── 因此,小肠转移的诊断可反应肺癌病人极差的预后,应为这些病人选择合适的缓和治疗。

20、Keywords hospice care;advanced cancer;palliative treatment and care;review literature; ─── 临终关怀医疗;晚期癌症;舒缓疗护;综述文献;

21、Palliative surgery should be a part of multidisciplinary therapy for selective patients with advanced NSCLC. ─── 在经过选择的晚期非小细胞肺癌患者,减状性手术应为综合治疗的一部分。

22、We are proud to see that our products help to improve so many of the patients' lives by curative or palliative treatment. ─── 我们非常高兴地看到,我们的产品帮助了许多肿瘤病人摆脱病患或减轻了痛苦。

23、In our study,there were 2 cases with pneumonectomy plus carina resection,8 carina resection and reconstruction without lobectomy,1 palliative resection and 1 exploration. ─── 一侧全肺加隆突切除2例,右肺上叶加隆突切除重建2例,不切肺叶单行隆突切除重建8例,姑息切除1例,手术探查1例。

24、Although most patients understand the concept of palliative care, few have detailed knowledge. ─── 听过安宁缓和医疗的人很多,但真正瞭解的却极为少数。

25、Patients diagnosed with NSCLC that is too advanced to be cured can be given palliative therapies to ease pain and discomfort, including radiation. ─── 医生们通常会给那些病情发展到晚期、无法治愈的非小细胞肺癌患者实施包括放射疗法在内的治疗,以减轻癌症带来的疼痛和不适。

26、Improvement of palliative management of the complications in 26 patients with advanced prostate cancer. ─── 26例老年晚期前列腺癌患者并发症的处理。

27、In cases of hepatic duct transection, one patient received palliative percutaneous biliary drainage to relieve the sepsis, while the other died of sepsis after operation. ─── 在二位肝管横切的病人中,一位接受保守性的经皮穿肝胆道引流术来舒解败血症,另一位则于外科手术后因败血症死亡;

28、Ten patients underwent palliative procedures with 2 mortalities. ─── 姑息手术10例,死亡2例。

29、But this is a temporary palliative. ─── 但是这是一个暂时的缓和措。

30、Such schemes, like the various other relief measures announced in the annual policy address a couple of weeks ago, will provide some palliative, and perhaps some stimulus, during hard times. ─── 与两三个星期前施政报告公布的其他改善经济措施一样,这些计划将能在艰难时期略为纾缓一下经济困难,甚至也许能有一些刺激作用。

31、Coronary revascularization for CAV is only palliative, with no long-term survival benefit. ─── 冠状动脉重建术对CAV而言仅仅是姑息治疗,对长期生存无益处。

32、End of life care: Are the concepts of palliative care in conflict with what the Buddhists think? ─── 临终照顾:安宁缓和医疗的观念与佛教徒的想法是否有冲突?

33、From 1970 to 1992, 56 limited resections for lung cancer were performed as palliative operation on 27 patients and as curative procedure on 29 with T1N0M0 peripheral carcinom. ─── 从1970年至1992年对肺癌病人共行局限性肺切除56例,其中27例为姑息性切除,29例T_1N_0M_0周围型肺癌行根治性切除。

34、When the palliative chemo started working and we had some breathing room, I mentioned this to Jai, and she told me she wanted to do it. ─── 姑息化疗有效后,我们缓了一口气。我跟洁谈起此事,她告诉我她愿意。

35、Bidirectional superior cavopulmonary anastomosis(BCPA)is a palliative method used in the single ventricular repair. It mainly includes bidirectional Glenn shunt and hemi-Fontan operation. ─── 双向上腔静脉肺动脉吻合术 (bidirectional superior cavopulmonary anastomosis,BCPA)是应用于单心室纠治中的姑息术式 ,主要形式有双向 Glenn分流术和半 Fontan手术。

36、The government resources has been of great help in the development of hospice palliative care, and more service needs are identified. ─── 安宁疗护住院及居家的评鉴工作由台湾安宁缓和医学学会开始运行,同时,2001年第一批的安宁缓和医疗专科医师诞生了。

37、All patients in need of pain relief could be helped if current knowledge about pain control and palliative care were applied. ─── 如果应用目前关于疼痛控制和姑息治疗的知识,可帮助需要缓解疼痛的所有患者。

38、As the feeble struggle to roll over their debt, the banks with the most to lose from their demise are reaching for a palliative. ─── 几家可能会在停业中蒙受最多损失的银行正寻求特效药,作为扭转债务的虚弱挣扎。

39、palliative lobectomy of lung ─── 姑息性肺叶切除术

40、The loan was a palliative, not a cure, for ever-increasing financial troubles. ─── 贷款对于日益增长的财政困难是一种权宜而非根治。

41、It also included 670 radical and 79 palliative operations with 83.7% via thoracoabdominal incision and 89.7% for proximal gastrectomy. ─── 共行670例根治性手术,79例姑息性手术,其中83.7%为胸腹联合入路,89.7%为近端胃大部切除术。

42、Such a party is not given casually.It is a specific intervention, one that Berger instituted when she founded the palliative care service here. ─── 但这种派对不是随意举行的,它是一种特殊的介入方式,是柏格在这儿成立缓和医疗中心时所建立的。

43、In large parts of Africa, cancer is only diagnosed in the late stages, pain relief is lacking, and palliative care is in its infancy. ─── 在大部分非洲国家,癌症仅在晚期才能诊断,不能有效减缓患者疼痛,甚至婴幼儿肿瘤患者亦采取姑息性治疗。

44、If Berger had any doubts about the course of her career, they were laid to rest three days after her NIH palliative care appointment in August 2000. ─── 如果说,柏格对她的职业生涯有任何的怀疑,那也在2000年8月她接下NIH缓和医学事务职位的三天后,就已不复存在了。

45、Palliative care: Where have we come from and where are we going? ─── 姑息性关心:我们从哪里来要到哪里去?

46、The mode of total care in palliative medicine should be an important modality in managing patients with CNCP. ─── 因此,缓和医学中的整体性照顾,应该是处理这种病人的重要方式。

47、Of 65 patients, 59 patients, were performed with umpleted resection, I patient with palliative resection, 3 patients with seminoma extracted and combrned lobectomy or decortication and 2 patients with open thoracic exploration. ─── 单纯完全摘除肿瘤59例;姑息性切除1例;肿瘤摘除联合肺叶切除或胸膜纤维板剥脱术3例;开胸探查2例。

48、Palliative care is a brand-new nursing model came from and developed with the activities of hospitalpice. ─── 姑息护理是随着临终关怀活动而逐渐产生和发展起来的一种全新的护理方式。

49、She founded and leads an NIH working group that is trying to set up palliative medicine programs from coast to coast. ─── 她在NIH成立了一个工作团队并负责领导,试图在各地建立缓和医学计画。

50、Routine check-ups, Drugs and Dressings prescribed for management of the condition, Hospital accommodation, nursing, surgery and Palliative Treatment for Chronic conditions. ─── 与慢性疾病相关的例行检查、用于控制病情的处方药和敷料、医院病床、看护、手术和舒缓性治疗。

51、Of 48 cases,21 received radical resection,25 palliative resection and 2 by pass operation. ─── 48例中21例根治性切除,25例姑息性切除,2例旁路手术。

52、Palliative debridement of esteotomy ─── 姑息性扩创截骨术

53、Benefit of palliative surgery for bowel obstruction in recurrent ovarian carcinoma ─── 复发性卵巢癌合并肠梗阻行姑息性手术的临床分析

54、The 1-year survival rate of those treated with palliative resection. choledochojejunostomy and stent placement were 40%, 0 and 33.3%, respectively. ─── 姑息性切除、胆肠吻合和胆道支架直入的1年生存率分别为40%。0和33.3%。

55、Effect of Palliative Care on the Quality of Life of the Elderly Advanced Lung Cancer Patients ─── 姑息护理对老年晚期肺癌患者生存质量的影响

56、The symptomatic treatment of individuals with deteriorating conditionssuch as in the area of palliative care or degenerative neurologicaldisorders to improve the quality of life. ─── 为了改善那些健康不断恶化的个体(如采取姑息治疗和变性的神经系统的疾病的病人)的生活质量而使用对症治疗。

57、Indian Journal of Palliative Care ─── 印度减轻护理杂志

58、Keywords Congenital heart disease;Valved homograft conduit;Cryopreserve;Palliative operation;Corrective operation; ─── 先天性心脏病;同种带瓣管道;超低温保存;姑息手术;根治手术;

59、Fifly-five cases underwent pancreatoduodenectomy, 5 cases received local resection, and the remaining 4 cases were treated by palliative surgery. ─── 55例行胰十二指肠切除术,5例行十二指肠乳头局部切除术,4例行姑息性胆肠吻合术。

60、Because of her work, Cooney knew to ask for palliative care when she was diagnosed with advanced ovarian cancer nearly three years ago. ─── 三年前,库尼被诊断出得了晚期卵巢癌。她因为工作的原因,知道主动要求接受姑息疗法。

61、After undergoing a palliative resection of the tumor and various regimens of adjuvant chemotherapy, he sustained hydrocephalus associated with brain metastasis 15 months later. ─── 在接受姑息性肿瘤切除及多种处方的辅助性化学治疗后,他在十五个月后有脑转移合并水脑。

62、Accreditation of in-patient and home care units was initiated from 2000. first group of Specialist Palliative Medicine was also qualified in 2001. ─── 在台湾安宁运动的现况是相当积极的也是极有潜力的。

63、During the whole period from admission to discharge, each step of palliative care may be involved in various legal issues. ─── 在病人入院至出院或死亡的全过程中,在姑息照护的每一个环节上,均有可能涉及到各种各样的潜在的法律问题。

64、Keywords Pancreatic neoplasms;Cryosurgery;Palliative treatment; ─── 关键词胰腺肿瘤;冷冻;手术;姑息治疗;

65、Palliative Treatment with Self-expandable Metallic Stent in Malignant obstruction of Inferior Vena Cava ─── 下腔静脉恶性梗阻的姑息性内支架治疗

66、Palliative operation and surgery for perforated gastric carcinoma will prolong survival period of the patient with AGC. ─── 姑息性胃癌切除术和胃癌穿孔的积极手术治疗,可以延长患者的生存期。

67、Close attention is also given to hospice programs, terminal care, and ethical dilemmas in palliative and end-of-life care. ─── 密切的注意也被对招待所计画,末端小心和用减轻剂和临终的小心的伦理两难给。

68、palliative radiation therapy ─── 姑息性放射治疗

69、For many years I worked in palliative care. ─── 多年来我一直在缓和医疗中心工作。

70、For extremely severe or prolonged attacks, palliative operations on sensory nerves, roots or their central connections have been resorted to with differing success. ─── 对于极其严重的,或时间拖得很长的神经痛发作的病例,对感觉神经、神经根及其中枢连接体施行姑息手术,可获得不同程度的疗效。

71、Low-dose radiation can be considered for the palliative treatment of pleural and pulmonary EMH. ─── 对于肋膜或肺部的髓外造血所引起的症状,放射治疗为一可考虑的治疗方式。

72、Only a form of palliative treatment is usually offered to those unfortunate woman. ─── 只有一种形式的姑息性治疗通常是提供给那些不幸的女人。

73、Similarly to other women, a diabetic woman can receive palliative treatment for her menopausal symptoms. ─── 同样为其他妇女,一名患糖尿病的妇女可以得到她的更年期症状的姑息治疗。

74、Quill exposes readers to an internally consistent and practical way of thinking by simultaneously embracing the potential of palliative care, and also acknowledging that it has limitations. ─── 博士主轴透过同时包括姑息治疗的潜能把读者暴露在一种内部一贯和实际的思惟模式中, 以及承认它有限制。

75、Soluble morphine costs only a few cents a dose and Africa gets big money for AIDS victims. A little could be diverted to palliative care. ─── 可溶性的吗啡一剂只需几分钱,且非洲为艾滋病人接收大量资金援助,完全可以将其中的一小部分挪用至缓解痛苦治疗。

76、Therefore, 483 patients from their system were randomized to receive consultative care from either an inpatient palliative care team or usual care from a hospital-based physician or hospitalist. ─── 因此,将该医疗中心里的483位患者,以随机的方式作分配,一为住院缓和医疗组,一为传统医疗的对照组;

77、Local resection is a good treatment method for benign ampullary tumors, and local resection of malignant ampullary tumors is an effective palliative treatment for patients unfit for the Whipple procedure. ─── 对于壶腹部良性肿瘤局部切除是首选的方式而对于壶腹部恶性肿瘤应采用Whipple手术,局部切除适合于难以耐受手术者。

78、All patients underwent reoperation including curative surgery for 38 patients and palliative operation for 22 patients. ─── 全组患者均再次行手术治疗,其中根治性切除38例,姑息性切除22例。

79、Among them, 36 patients underwent radical operation, 13 patients had palliative resection and 3 patients were treated by enterostomy. ─── 36例再行根治性手术,13例行姑息性切除手术,3例行肠造口术。

80、Percutaneous Biliary Inserting Stent for the Treatment of Malignant Obstructive Jaundice After Palliative Operation ─── 外科姑息性手术后经皮胆道内支架置入术治疗恶性梗阻性黄疸

81、Of the 64 patients, 35cases underwent tumor resection (radical resection in 16cases, palliative resection in 19cases), and 29 patients underwent bile duct drainage operations (internal drainage in 16cases and external drainage in 13cases). ─── 其中35例行手术切除,包括根治性切除16例,姑息性切除19例; 29例行胆管引流术,包括胆肠内引流术16例,胆管外引流术13例。

82、The 1-year survival rate of those treated with palliative resection, choledochojejunostomy and stent placement was 20%, 0%, and 31%, respectively. ─── 姑息性切除、胆肠吻合和胆道支架置入组1年生存率分别为20%,0%和31%。

83、In 1992 she volunteered to found the palliative care service at Yale, and within three months she was invited to join the faculty. ─── 1992年,她自愿在耶鲁成立缓和医疗中心,之后不到三个月就受邀加入教职员行列。

84、Keywords palliative care;hospice care;hospice care plan;China;United States;policy;comparative study; ─── 姑息护理;临终关怀;临终关怀计划;中国;美国;政策;比较研究;

85、In large parts of Africa, cancer is only diagnosed in the late stages, pain relief is lacking, and palliative care is in its infancy. ─── 在大部分非洲国家,癌症仅在晚期才能诊断,不能有效减缓患者疼痛,甚至婴幼儿肿瘤患者亦采取姑息性治疗。

86、Background: Approximately thirty thousand cancer deaths occur annually in Taiwan, and only 20% of terminal patients receive hospice palliative care. ─── 台湾每年将近三万人死于癌症,但只有约20%的末期病人接受到安宁缓和医疗服务。

87、Yet for all its successes, the hospice movement faces challenges that will far outstrip the resources now dedicated to palliative care, even in the richest countries. ─── 但临终关怀运动仍面临挑战,使得目前用于缓痛护理上的资源投入大量流失,即便是在发达国家,此种情况也有发生。

88、palliative surgical treatment ─── 姑息性手术疗法

89、It introduced the status quo, applying fields, nursing measures of palliative nursing care of non-malignant diseases.And it introduced research and training of palliative nursing care as well. ─── 介绍了非恶性病病人姑息护理现状、应用领域、护理措施以及姑息护理研究与培训。

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