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09-09 投稿



Vistula 发音

英:[[?v?stjul?,-t?u-]]  美:[[?v?st??l?, -t??-]]

英:  美:

Vistula 中文意思翻译



Vistula 短语词组

1、Vistula River ─── [网络] 维斯瓦河;维斯杜拉河;维斯图拉河

2、Vistula Lagoon ─── 维斯图拉湖

Vistula 相似词语短语

1、vistal ─── 维沙

2、vista ─── n.远景,狭长的街景;展望;回顾;n.(Vista)人名;(意)维斯塔;(西)比斯塔

3、fistulas ─── n.[医]瘘管(fistula的复数形式)

4、Vistula ─── n.维斯瓦河

5、fistulae ─── n.管状器官

6、fistulate ─── 瘘管

7、fistula ─── n.[医]瘘管;[昆]细管(尤指鳞翅目昆虫)

8、situla ─── n.虚梁三

9、fistular ─── 空管的;[昆]管状的

Vistula 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、a city of northern Poland near the mouth of the Vistula. ─── 波兰北部一城市,位于维斯杜拉河入海口。

2、He got the land by the River Vistula .There he set up a city .He called it Warsaw . ─── 他得到了尼斯图拉河畔的土地,建立了一座城市,起名叫华沙(瓦尔斯+莎娃).

3、A river of western European U.S.S.R. rising in the southwest Ukraine and flowing about 772 km (480 mi) through Poland to the Vistula River near Warsaw. ─── 布格河西欧的一条河流,位于苏联乌克兰西南部,全长772公里(480英里),流径波兰流入华沙附近的维斯杜拉河

4、The capital of Poland, in the east-central part of the country on the Vistula River. ─── 华沙:波兰首都,位于该国中西部,维斯杜拉河畔。

5、an industrial city in south Poland on the Vistula ─── 波兰南部的一个工业城市,位于维斯杜拉河沿岸

6、Eurasia, for example, could easily conquer the British Isles, which are geographically part of Europe, or on the other hand it would be possible for Oceania to push its frontiers to the Rhine or even to the Vistula. ─── 例如,欧亚国完全可以轻易地征服英伦三岛,后者在地理上是欧洲的一部分,另一方面,大洋国也可以把它的疆界推到莱菌河,甚至到维斯杜拉河。

7、any of the western Balts inhabiting the region between the Vistula and Neman rivers in ancient times ─── 古时居住在维斯瓦和涅漫河之间的西波罗的海居民

8、“Such demands as to retire beyond the Oder and the Vistula may be made to a prince of Baden, but not to me,” Napoleon almost screamed, quite to his own surprise. ─── “像撤过奥德河和维斯纳河之类的建议,可以向巴登斯基亲王提出,而不要向我提出,”拿破仑几乎是大叫一声,完全出乎他自己的意料。

9、an industrial city in S Poland on the Vistula. ─── 波兰南部的一个工业城市,位于维斯杜拉河沿岸。

10、a city of northern Poland near the mouth of the Vistula ─── 波兰北部一城市,位于维斯杜拉河入海口

11、Another small group of SS men tried to capture a key bridge over the Vistula River, only to be repulsed with the loss of 26 dead. ─── 另外一支党卫队小分队试图占领维斯瓦河上的一座重要桥梁。但是却以被打死26人而告失败。

12、Two Polish divisions were pushed back along the western bank of the River Vistula, further isolating the Polish capital. ─── 两个波兰师沿着维斯瓦河的西岸开始撤退,使得波兰首都更加孤立无援。

13、It moved to the northwest of the city and formed part of the southern flank of the German force investing the fortress city of Modlin, on the banks of the Vistula. ─── 它向城市的西北方前进,作为德军的南翼包围了维斯瓦河上的莫德林要塞。

14、If Napoleon had not taken offence at the request to withdraw beyond the Vistula, and had not commanded his troops to advance, there would have been no war. ─── 如果拿破仑不因人们要求他撤回到维斯拉后而感到受侮辱,不命令军队进攻,就不会有战争;

15、They can have occupied the territory between the Danube, Rhine, Vistula, and the northern seas only a few centuries before our era; ─── 他们只是在公元前数世纪,才有可能占据了多瑙河、莱茵河、维斯瓦河和北海之间的地区;

16、Farther north Zhukov's armies crossed the Vistula north and south of Warsaw, which fell on January 17. ─── 在北面,朱可夫率领的军队在华沙南北跨过维斯杜拉河,华沙在1月17日陷落。

17、Five Russian armies in the central sector rolled into Poland, reached the Vistula River in late July. ─── 在中部战场,五支俄军滚滚涌进波兰,于7月末到达维斯杜拉河。

18、The castle was built by Teutonic knights at a strategic location beside the Vistula River and was the scene of many battles. ─── 城堡位于维斯图拉河旁,由日耳曼武士建造,是兵家必争的战略要地,在此曾发生过无数次激战。

19、Vistula River ─── n. 维斯瓦河

20、A city of northern Poland near the mouth of the vistula. ─── 波兰北部一城市,位于维斯·杜拉河入海口。

21、Another small group of SS men tried to capture a key bridge over the Vistula River, only to be repulsed with the loss of 26 dead. ─── 另外一支党卫队小分队试图占领维斯瓦河上的一座重要桥梁。但是却以被打死26人而告失败。

22、The European heart is beating here on the Vistula and the Baltic Sea. ─── 欧洲的心脏在维斯瓦河和波罗的海跳动着。

23、On January 12, 1945, Konev's Russian army group broke out of its bridgehead at Baranov on the upper Vistula south of Warsaw and headed for Silesia ─── 1945年1月12日,科涅夫率领的俄国集团军群从华沙南面维斯杜拉河上游的巴拉诺夫桥头堡出击,向西里西亚推进。

24、A city of southern Poland on the Vistula River south-southeast of Warsaw. Founded in the eighth centurya.d. , it was the national capital from 1305 to 1595. Population, 740,300. ─── 克拉科:波兰南部的一个城市,位于华沙东南偏南部,维斯杜拉河沿岸。它建于公元8世纪,在1305年到1595年期间为该国的首都。人口740,300

25、A city of southern Poland on the Vistula River south-southeast of Warsaw. Founded in the eighth century a.d. , it was the national capital from 305 to 595. Population, 740,300. ─── 克拉科:波兰南部的一个城市,位于华沙东南偏南部,维斯杜拉河沿岸。它建于公元8世纪,在305年到595年期间为该国的首都。人口740,300

26、His brief tenure as commander of Army Group Vistula had seen thousands of German soldiers die in hopeless counteroffensives . ─── 他短暂指挥维斯瓦集团军群时,曾把数千名德军士兵投入到绝望的反击中。

27、A city of southern Poland on the Vistula River south-southeast of Warsaw. Founded in the eighth centurya.d. it was the national capital from 1305 to 1595. Population 740300. ─── 克拉科:波兰南部的一个城市,位于华沙东南偏南部,维斯杜拉河沿岸。它建于公元8世纪,在1305年到1595年期间为该国的首都。人口740300

28、Other major rivers, which are important to commerce, are the Vistula, Warta, and Bug. ─── 其它一些河流如维斯瓦河,瓦尔塔河和布格河也对波兰的经济发展起了重要的作用。

29、His brief tenure as commander of Army Group Vistula had seen thousands of German soldiers die in hopeless counteroffensives. ─── 他短暂指挥维斯瓦集团军群时,曾把数千名德军士兵投入到绝望的反击中。

30、The great Vistula rolled its yellowish , sombre vastness around low sandy islands . ─── 维斯瓦河奔腾向前,黄浊阴沉的巨流绕过低平的沙洲。

31、but two months ago I was required in the same way to withdraw beyond the Oder and the Vistula, and in spite of that you agree to enter into negotiations. ─── 但两月前同样要求我撤过奥德河和维斯纳河,你们就同意进行谈判。”

32、Warsaw,the capital of Poland, in the east-central part of the country on the Vistula River.Population, 1,600,000. is an ancient city. ─── 华沙位于维斯瓦河中东段两岸,市区人口160余万,是一座古老的城市。

33、It receives the Vistula and Oder rivers and many other rivers. ─── 波罗的海从四周河流注入大量淡水,最长的河流为维斯杜拉河和奥得河。

34、KRAKAU : A city of southern Poland on the Vistula River south-southeast of Warsaw.Founded in the eighth century a.d. ─── 克拉科波兰南部的一个城市,位于华沙东南偏南部,维斯杜拉河沿岸。

35、a city of northern Poland near the mouth of the Vistula. ─── 波兰北部一城市,位于维斯杜拉河入海口。

36、fort on the Vistula Lagoon was renamed Balga. ─── 维斯瓦泻湖上的堡垒在1239年改名为鲍尔高。

37、The great Vistula rolled its yellowish, sombre vastness around low sandy islands ─── 维斯瓦河奔腾向前,黄浊阴沉的巨流绕过低平的沙洲。

38、Five Russian armies in the central sector rolled into Poland, reached the Vistula River in late July. ─── 在中部战场,五支俄军滚滚涌进波兰,于7月末到达维斯杜拉河。

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