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09-09 投稿


apodal 发音


英:  美:

apodal 中文意思翻译



apodal 词性/词形变化,apodal变形

异体字: apodous |

apodal 相似词语短语

1、anodal ─── adj.[电]阳极的

2、podal ─── 通过

3、apode ─── 顶点

4、apogeal ─── 末日的

5、antipodal ─── adj.正相反的;对跖的

6、apodemal ─── 末日的

7、acnodal ─── 弧点的

8、apodes ─── n.[动]无足类;无鳍目(等于Anguilliformes)

9、apods ─── adj.无腹鳍的;无足的;n.无足动物;无腹鳍的鱼

apodal 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、So when you load the current APOD,it is still, most probably, a new picture. ─── 所以当你下载最近的APOD,绝大部分可能是一张新图。

2、"Little" Louie Vega, Kenny "Dope" Gonzales, Todd Terry, Roger Sanchez apod. ─── Nejzn谩m臎j拧铆mi producenty jsou nap艡.

3、If all goes well, one of Phoenix's first images from Mars will appear on APOD tomorrow. ─── 如果一切顺利,从凤凰号传来的第一张火星照片将会出现在明天的每日一图上。

4、Q17: If you guys weren't so modest, what would you tell us about APOD? ─── 假如你们这些家伙不够谦虚,你们会告诉我们什么?

5、Q8: Can I use APOD pictures in my classroom? ─── 我怎么在我的教室里使用APOD图片?

6、Q2: How can I easily see yesterday's APOD? ─── 我怎么能比较容易的看到昨日的APOD图?

7、Q4: Have some APOD pictures been run more than once? ─── 有些APOD图是不是出现过多次?

8、This is found by clicking "archive" on the link line, or even by clicking "Discover the Cosmos" near the top of recent APOD pages. ─── 在链接行可以点击“存档”链接就可以发现,甚至可以点击最近的页面顶部附近的“发现宇宙”。

9、Q6: Can I use an APOD picture for my computer-screen background? ─── 我能否用一张APOD图来做我的保屏?

10、In general, our rerun policy currently is to only rerun APODs more than one year old to keep the pictures relatively "new" to new APOD viewers. ─── 通常,我们的再现原则是只再现超过一年的APOD图,对于新APOD读者来说保持相对的“新鲜”。

11、APOD creates an operating statementfor the first year. ─── APOD为第一年创建一个运行声明。

12、Q13: What if I used to be a millionaire but then I believed something I read on APOD and now own only a single dented bucket? ─── 过去我曾是百万富翁但我相信当我读了APOD什么的时候自己仅拥有一张破水桶?

13、 双语使用场景

14、Twelve Astronomy Pictures of the Year (APOY) are highlighted below in the order they appeared on APOD. ─── 12张“年度天文图片”(APOY)依发布时间顺序在此呈现。

15、A7: APOD does not sell posters. Some pictures originating from NASA can be purchased in poster form following the information on this approved NASA page. ─── APOD不出售海报.一些源自于NASA的图片可以从经核准的NASA主页信息上获取并以海报的形式购买.

16、Q3: How can I see an APOD that ran long ago? ─── 我怎样才能看到很早以前的一张APOD图。

17、In the meantime, happy April Fool's Day from the folks at APOD! ─── APOD同仁祝愚人节快乐。

18、APOD readers, who have previously shown an impressive ability to pool their collective intelligence to create a better understanding of photographed sky anomalies, are invited to discuss this online. ─── 如今邀请每日一图的读者们在网上讨论这一奇怪的现象,过去也曾利用集体的智慧更好地了解照片中的异常天象。

19、Q7: How can I get a nice poster of a particular APOD? ─── 我能否获得一张特别的APOD海报?

20、L ooking back over the past year, the editors of the Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD) have decided to list 12 of the more memorable images posted to APOD in 2007. ─── 回望过去的一年,“每日天文一图”(APOD)的编辑们决定在2007年APOD所展示的图片中选出更值得留念的12张图片。

21、A13: There are no guarantees. Use APOD information at your own risk. ─── 没准.使用APOD的信息由自己负责使用.

22、That early beginning, along with a nearly unchanging format, has allowed APOD to be a consistent and familiar site on a web frequently filled with change. ─── 虽然许多人不知道,现今APOD每天会被翻译成许多其它主要语言。

23、To see any past APOD, access the archive page. ─── 要想看任何一张过去的APOD图,进入存档页。

24、A2: Click the

25、Q15: Won't APOD soon run out of pictures? ─── APOD会不会立刻用完图片?

26、So although the picture might be old, some of the text and links of each APOD will be new. ─── 所以虽然图片是老的,但每个APOD的某些文字和链接是最新的。

27、How many APOD images can you identify? ─── 你能识别出多少张APOD图像?

28、Blank copies of this form are available by writing my company Robert Allen Real Estate, 5072 North 300 West, Provo, UT 84604.Ask for information about APOD forms. ─── 如果您需要这个表格,可以写信到我的公司。

29、Some of these images are featured in the above spectacular collage of a fantasy sky above Mars submitted by an enthusiastic APOD reader skilled in digital image manipulation. ─── 一些图像在上面这张壮观的火星绚丽天空拼接图中找到,该图片是一位善于数字图像处理的APOD热情读者提交的。

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