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09-09 投稿



indorser 发音


英:  美:

indorser 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 背书人


indorser 短语词组

1、indorser, endorser ─── 内衬, ─── 内衬

indorser 相似词语短语

1、indorses ─── vt.背书(限指收款人自己背书);承认;赞成

2、dorser ─── 镀金

3、indorsor ─── 印多索

4、endorse ─── vt.背书;认可;签署;赞同;在背面签名

5、indorsee ─── n.票据的被背书人(等于endorsee)

6、endorser ─── n.背书人;转让人

7、indorsees ─── n.票据的被背书人(等于endorsee)

8、indorse ─── vt.背书(限指收款人自己背书);承认;赞成

9、indorsed ─── v.赞成,承认;(收款人自己)背书(indorse的过去式和过去分词)

indorser 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"where the drawer or indorser is bankrupt, the notice may be given either to the party himself or to his trustee or assignee;" ─── 如发票人或背书人破产,通知可发给当事人本人或其信托人或财产管理人;

2、indorser, endorser ─── 背书人,背签人

3、"the drawer or an indorser who has been compelled to pay the bill may recover from any party liable to him, the amount of the re-exchange, with interest thereon until the time of payment;" ─── 迫于支付汇票之发票人或背书人则可向任何须对其负责之当事人追讨再兑换之款额及其截至付款日止之利息,以代替前述之损害赔偿。

4、it must be written on the bill itself and be signed by the indorser . ─── 背书必须书于汇票本身,并由背书人签署。

5、such drawer or indorser is discharged from his liability on the bill. ─── 则上述发票人或背书人对汇票之责任,即告解除。

6、such drawer or indorser is discharged from his liability on the bill. ─── 则上述发票人或背书人对汇票之责任,即告解除。

7、indorser of a bill, by indorsing it engages that, on due presentment, it shall be accepted and paid according to its tenor. ─── 汇票背书人,于背书汇票后,即保证该汇票在正式提示时会按照其期限获承兑及支付。

8、"The drawer of a bill and any indorser may insert therein an express Stipulation negativing or limiting his own liability to the holder; waiving, as regards himself, some or all of the holder's duties." ─── 汇票发票人及任何背书人可在汇票明文加注规定:否定或规限其对执票人之责任;免除执票人对其所负之部分或全部责任。

9、"Where a person signs a bill as drawer, indorser, or acceptor, and adds words to his signature, indicating that he signs for or on behalf of a principal or in a representative character, he is not personally liable thereon;" ─── 任何人以发票人、背书人或承兑人名义在汇票上签名,并附加说明只代主事人签名或只属代表签名性质者,则不须个人负责;

10、"The simple signature of the indorser on the bill, without additional words, is sufficient." ─── 票上仅载背书人之签名而无附加文字者,亦足构成背书。

11、after the expiry of the bill accepted or endorsed the bill, on the acceptor, or indorser, shall pay and display on demand the bill. ─── 在汇票到期后承兑或背书之汇票,就该承兑人或背书人而言,即为凭票即付之汇票。

12、If the drawer or indorser is bankrupt, a refund may notice issued to the parties or the trustee himself. ─── 如出票人或背书人破产,退票通知得向当事人本人或受托人发出。

13、"the notice must be given by or on behalf of the holder or by or on behalf of an indorser who, at the time of giving it, is himself liable on the bill;" ─── 通知必须由执票人或其代表人发出,或由背书人或其代表人发出,而该背书人于通知发出时系须对汇票负责者;

14、"it operates as a prima facie authority to fill it up as a complete bill for any amount, using the signature for that of the drawer, or the acceptor, or an indorser;" ─── 则汇票占有人可视该发票人或承兑人或背书人之签名为表面授权而填上任何数目之款额,使成为完整之汇票;

15、but it shall not be necessary to note or protest any such bill in order to preserve the recourse against the drawer or indorser . ─── 但汇票不必经公证注明或作拒绝证书始可保留向发票人或背书人追偿之权利。

16、23."where, after the exercise of reasonable diligence, notice, as required by this Ordinance, cannot be given to or does not reach the drawer or indorser sought to be charged;" ─── 经合理努力仍未能根据本条例规定向须负责之发票人或背书人发出通知或使通知到达此等人士;

17、"An accommodation party to a bill is a person who has signed a bill as drawer, acceptor, or indorser, without receiving value therefor, and for the purpose of lending his name to some other person." ─── 汇票通融人为借出其姓名与他人而在汇票签名为发票人、承兑人或背书人,但本身并无收取代价者。

18、"the return of a dishonoured bill to the drawer or an indorser is, in point of form, deemed a sufficient notice of dishonour;" ─── 凡将不能兑现之汇票退回发票人或背书人,在形式上足以视为有效之不能兑现之通知

19、where the indorser is the person to whom the bill is presented for payment; ─── 背书人为汇票向其提示付款之人;

20、"The indorser of a bill, by indorsing it engages that, on due presentment, it shall be accepted and paid according to its tenor," ─── 汇票背书人,于背书汇票后,即保证该汇票在正式提示时会按照其期限获承兑及支付;

21、"if it is dishonoured he will compensate the holder or a subsequent indorser who is compelled to pay it, provided that the requisite proceedings on dishonour are duly taken;" ─── 倘汇票不能兑现,背书人须向执票人或迫于支付该汇票之其后背书人作出赔偿,惟以汇票不能兑现所必要采取之程序已正式办妥为限;

22、indorser of bill ─── 票据背书人

23、"In such case, any indorser who would have had a right of recourse against the party whose signature is cancelled is also discharged." ─── 在此情况下,任何本可对该签名被注销之当事人行使追偿权之背书人,其责任亦告解除。

24、it must be written on the bill itself and be signed by the indorser . ─── 背书必须书于汇票本身,并由背书人签署。

25、Presentment for payment is necessary in order to render the indorser of a note liable. ─── 为使本票之背书人负责,执票人必须作付款提示。

26、"When the drawer or indorser of a bill receives notice of a qualified acceptance, and does not within a reasonable time express his dissent to the holder, he shall be deemed to have assented thereto." ─── 如汇票发票人或背书人接获有限制承兑之通知,而未于合理期间内向执票人提出异议,即作同意该项承兑论。

27、The simple signature of the indorser on the bill, without additional words, is sufficient. ─── 票上仅载背书人之签名而无附加文字者,亦足构成背书。

28、I have the satisfaction to inform you that I have recovered the amount of this bill from the indorser. ─── 我非常满意地告知贵方,对上述汇票金额,我已向背书人索回。

29、"A restrictive indorsement gives the indorsee the right to receive payment of the bill and to sue any party thereto that his indorser could have sued," ─── 有限制背书赋予被背书人收取汇票款项及起诉其背书人所能起诉之任何一方之权利;

30、"if it is dishonoured he will compensate the holder or any indorser who is compelled to pay it, provided that the requisite proceedings on dishonour are duly taken;" ─── 倘汇票不能兑现,发票人须向执票人或任何迫于支付该汇票之背书人作出赔偿,惟以汇票不能兑现所必要采取之程序已正式执行为限;

31、and until you have surplus cash and owe no man, it is dishonest to give your name as an indorser to others. ─── 直到你不欠别人的钱有了剩余的现金,把自己作为一个给与者是不对的。

32、In such case, any indorser who would have had a right of recourse against the party whose signature is. cancelled is. also dis. harmed. ─── 在此情况下,任何本可对该签名被注销之当事人行使追偿权之背书人,其责任亦告解除。

33、"Subject to the provisions hereinafter contained, when a bill is paid by the drawer or an indorser it is not discharged;" ─── 除以下各条款另有规定外,凡汇票由发票人或背书人支付者,不作解除论

34、In this case, any sign of the party being wiped clean with a recourse liability of the indorser can be lifted. ─── 在此情况下,任何对被涂销签名之当事人具有追索权之背书人的责任即可解除。

35、"in the case of a bill which has been dishonoured abroad, in lieu of the above damages, the holder may recover from the drawer or an indorser," ─── 凡汇票于外地不能兑现,执票人可向发票人或背书人追讨,

36、"the return of a dishonoured bill to the drawer or an indorser is, in point of form, deemed a sufficient notice of dishonour;" ─── 凡将不能兑现之汇票退回发票人或背书人,在形式上足以视为有效之不能兑现之通知;

37、will be a refund of the money order returned to the drawer or indorser, in the form of refund is regarded as sufficient notice. ─── 将退票之汇票退回出票人或背书人,在形式上亦被认为是充分的退票通知。

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