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09-09 投稿



depot 发音

英:['dep??]  美:['dipo]

英:  美:

depot 中文意思翻译





depot 网络释义

n. 仓库;停车场;航空站vt. 把…存放在储藏处adj. 药性持久的n. (Depot)人名;(刚(布))德波特

depot 短语词组

1、depot fat ─── [医] 储脂

2、depot penicillin ─── [医] 贮存青霉素

3、free depot ─── [经] 空闭的(自由)仓库(车站,航空站)

4、depot spare ─── [计] 库存备件

5、container depot ─── [经] 货柜箱装卸站

6、bus depot ─── 公共汽车停车场

7、Hemburger's depot reaction ─── [医] 海伯格氏贮存处反应(皮下结核菌素试验)

8、customs free depot ─── [经] 海关免税仓库

9、depot tooling equipment ─── [计] 库存工具设备

10、fuel depot ─── [化] 燃料仓库

11、blood depot ─── [医] 血液贮存处(循环血液暂时滞留的场所)

12、depot insulin ─── [医] 贮存胰岛素(商品名,精蛋白锌胰岛素悬液)

13、clearance depot ─── [经] 出港(结关)货场

14、base depot ─── [机] 基地堆栈, 基地仓库

15、Office Depot ─── 办公用品(公司总部设于美国)

16、depot reaction ─── [医] 贮存处反应(皮内结核菌素试验)

17、equipment depot ─── [化] 设备仓库

18、depot and warehouse sites ─── [经] 仓库和栈房用地

19、fat depot ─── 脂肪库, ─── 脂肪蓄积

depot 反义词


depot 词性/词形变化,depot变形

动词过去分词: deposited |动词第三人称单数: deposits |动词现在分词: depositing |名词: depositor |动词过去式: deposited |

depot 同义词

repository | lay | down payment | bank | dregs | fix |pledge | lay down | consignment | leave | put down | stake | guarantee | residue | sediment | store | posit | lodge | wedge | situate | accumulate | put in | deposition | put | stick | installment | bank deposit | pay in | depository | pawn | alluviation | credit | seat | sedimentation | gage | leave behind | remainder | down | locate | security | place | depositary | payment

depot 相似词语短语

1、depict ─── vt.描述;描画

2、depots ─── n.[建][经]仓库;堆场(depot的复数形式);n.(Depots)人名;(法)德波

3、deport ─── vt.驱逐出境;举止;放逐;n.(Deport)人名;(捷)德波特;(法)德波尔

4、dept ─── abbr.部;科(department);处

5、devot ─── n.德威特(公司名)

6、depart ─── vi.离开;出发,起程;违反;去世;adj.逝世的

7、deports ─── vt.驱逐出境;举止;放逐;n.(Deport)人名;(捷)德波特;(法)德波尔

8、deposit ─── n.存款;押金;订金;保证金;沉淀物;vt.使沉积;存放;vi.沉淀

9、repot ─── v.将(植物)移栽至更大的容器

depot 习惯用语

1、service depot ─── 服务站, 修理站; 后勤兵站, 后勤仓库

depot 特殊用法

1、rolling stock depot ─── 车辆段

2、refuelling depot ─── 加燃料站; 加油站

3、timber depot ─── 贮木场, 集材场

4、intermediate depot ─── 中间站(库)

5、car repair depot ─── 车辆修理所

6、turn-around depot ─── 机车折返段

7、general depot ─── 【军】补给总库

8、parts depot ─── 备件仓库

9、brake inspection depot ─── 制动检查所

10、loop depot ─── 环形车站

11、petroleum storage depot ─── 油库

12、home depot ─── 机务本段, (机车)基本段

13、passenger depot ─── 客运站

14、signal maintenance depot ─── 信号检修所

15、blood depot ─── 血库

16、roundsman depot ─── 商品推销站

17、ammunition depot ─── 【军】弹药库

18、locomotive depot ─── 机务段

19、pier-to-inland depot ─── 码头到内地仓库

20、logging depot ─── 采运管理处

21、wagon control depot ─── 【计】货车控制站

22、freight depot ─── 货站

23、reclamation depot ─── 废品回收站

24、tank car steam cleaning depot ─── 罐车蒸洗站

25、terminal depot ─── (集装箱)终点货运站

26、base depot ─── 基地堆栈; 基地仓库

27、mechanical transport depot ─── 机械运输器材库

28、open depot ─── 露天货场

29、inland depot ─── 内地货运站, 内地仓库

30、salvage depot ─── 修理部

31、servicing depot ─── 检修厂

32、parcel depot ─── 承运包裹的车站

33、transit depot ─── 中转站

34、container depot ─── 集装箱装卸站

35、oil-fuel depot ─── 油燃料仓库

36、maintenance depot ─── 养路(机械)修配厂

depot 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The Home Depot is a major retailer and the largest user of Less-than-Truck-Load (LTL) shipping in North America. ─── 如今,零担费用的两倍左右的费用,一辆货车(热释光)航运,因此有一种强烈的刺激,以填补拖车。

2、"I instantly called the depot, but they told me that it had already been thrown into the incinerator, " he said. ─── 他立即打电话到垃圾处理站,可是那堆塑料板已经被焚烧干净了。

3、XF181 was approaching Chai Wan Depot although it had two different route numbers. ─── XF181拥有两个不同号码的路线指示,而目的地则是柴车厂。

4、Loyang was a depot in the growing smuggling trade, and its commerce could hide industrial depression. ─── 但在初来乍到的人看来,衰退并不显眼,作为日益蓬勃的走私业的大货栈,洛阳的商业繁荣足以掩盖其工业的颓败。

5、The Lai oily sale with this annual before grain depot only many jins 10, and now the sale nearby of a month this number. ─── 以前该粮库每年的莱油销售量仅10多万斤,而现在一个月的销售量就近这个数字。

6、He was greatly agitated lest at the first station across the border or at the depot in New York there should be waiting for him an officer of the law. ─── 他焦虑万分,生怕在越过国境线的第一站,或者是在纽约火车站,会有一个执法官在等着他。

7、Go down to the depot as early as you can; because it is the early bird that catches the worm,and if you get there after ten o'clock the best of the stuff has been sold. ─── 你要尽可能去仓库,捷足先登嘛。要是你10点钟之后才赶到,好东西可就都卖完了。

8、The system combine C/S and B/S system structure and realize the operation flow of the grain depot. ─── 在局域网内使用C/S结构,完成相应的业务操作,实现实时数据备份和恢复;

9、Sol Axelrod, 37, the manager of the Home Depot here, fittingly learned to fix his own car as a teenager, even changing the brakes. ─── 37岁的索尔·阿克塞尔罗德是这里家得宝的经理,他十几岁时就学会了自己修车,甚至还学会了更换刹车。

10、Position: Repair Center Manager Reports To: Director, APJ Depot Staging and Internal Repair Services Organisation: ... ─── 公司性质:外商独资公司规模:1000-9999人经验要求:3-5年最低学历:本科/学士及同等学历职位月薪:8000-15000元/月

11、You mustn't smoke near the oil depot. ─── 你不许在油库附近吸烟。

12、State Grain Reserves Ningxiang Depot has given its work force an all-rounded training for the knowledge of inspection, warehousing, and computers, etc. ─── 中央储备粮宁乡直属库对职工进行了全面的检验知识、仓储知识、计算机知识等内容的培训。

13、Paul Turner, a tanker driver who had arrived for work at the depot, said the blast lifted him off his feet. ─── 油罐车驾驶员保罗·特纳(PaulTurner)当时已到油库上班,他说爆炸将他掀离地面。

14、Major facilities affected include the Field Patrol Detachment's Headquarters Depot,Queen's Hill Camp Recreation Centre and 140 Junior Police Officers'Married Quarters. ─── 主要受影响的设施包括,野外巡逻支队总部、皇后山军营的康乐中心和140个员佐级已婚警察宿舍单位。

15、The word “depot” was borrowed from French. ─── “depot”一词是从法语借用来的。

16、I thought Home Depot has signs everywhere in their parking lot said "No Night market parking"? ─── 不知道那里不能停车呀!白天都能停,这大晚上的,而且夜市里面根本不让进呀,很多人都停在那里呀!真是冤枉呀!

17、"Tilling Stevens" 'Express K5LA7' bus was enjoyed a shower in Chai Wan Depot. ─── 中巴是本港首家保存古老巴士的专利巴士公司,车房工人正忙于清洗巴士。

18、Arriving at the Home Depot Center for training on Monday, Beckham was there to greet the Chelsea team coach, and with his international colleagues. ─── 在周一到达家乡车站的练习中,贝克汉姆来问候了切尔西队的教练,并看看他的国家队队友们。

19、Tianjin State Grain Depot and Badalin Grain depot are located in the grain consuming zone as in Beijing area . ─── 天津直属库、八达岭直属库地处我国天津、北京粮食主要消费区,具有建库条件。

20、Specialize in : Sewage Treatment Plant, Steel Bridge For Shell Depot, Penstock Valves, Steel Mill Equipment. ─── 中文):污水处理工程,铁制仓库,水阀门、机械工程及铸造品等。

21、Recycle your car oil at a recycling depot or petrol station; it contains lead, nickel and cadmium. ─── 到回收站或加油站回收利用你的汽车废油;它含有铅、镍和镉。

22、"Michigan Central depot, " he said, standing up and speaking so low that Carrie could not hear, "as fast as you can go. " ─── “去密执安中心火车站,”他站起身来说道,声音压得很低,以免嘉莉听见。“越快越好。”

23、A city of south-central Indiana south-southeast of Indianapolis. It was a supply depot for Union troops during the Civil War. Population, 31,802. ─── 哥伦布:美国印地安那州中南部城市,位于印地安纳波利斯的东南偏南,内战时是北方联军的供应点。人口31,802

24、The depot, from which only a half hour before he had stepped down, was so small and dull. ─── 半小时前下车的那个车站,那么小,那么死气沉沉。

25、The lorry driver loaded up at the depot. ─── 卡车司机在库房装车。

26、Home Depot and Lowes rent steam carpet cleaners.I forgot the name, but it is easy to find it if you ask the personnel. ─── 地毯需要彻底清洗,不知道哪里有出租强力的能够清洗地毯的机器的?还有这机器英文是什么?多谢.

27、Keep the depot clear and natty, the product settle orderly. ─── 勤打扫,勤整理,确保仓库的整洁和货物的摆放有序。

28、As she rounded the corner of the Atlanta Hotel and came in full view of the depot and the tracks, she halted appalled. ─── 她走过亚特兰大饭店,已经看得见整个车站和前面的铁路,她这时猛地站住,完全给吓坏了。

29、He wanted to keep his job at the Navy depot in Mechanicsburg and live in my parents' house. ─── 他回到米凯尼克斯伯格的那家海军机械库继续工作,住我父母的房子。

30、Ashley, let me go to the depot with you. ─── 亚士利,让我送你去火车站吧.

31、Among them, harrah recreation and Office Depot all won the award of well-known company value that CIO magazine issues. ─── 其中,Harrah娱乐和Office Depot均获得了CIO杂志颁发的著名企业价值奖。

32、The bigger the depot, the bigger the fleet that can be hold. ─── 因此,补给站越到,能维持住的驻扎舰队也就更大。

33、The machinery used in the construction of arch roof truss of grain reserve depot in Xianyang as well as operation key points are introduced. ─── 介绍了咸阳市粮食储备库拱板屋架的施工机具设备以及操作要点,探讨了拱板在屋面预制施工中的关键环节,并提出了操作要点,保证了工程的施工质量。

34、In June he announced the sale of some 70 Kmart stores -- 5 percent of the base -- to Sears and Home Depot for more than $900 million. ─── 2004年6月,他宣布以9亿多美元的价格把大约70家凯马特商店(占总量的5%)卖给西尔斯和家得宝。

35、scene inside the Home Depot on Weyman Avenue here would give the old-time American craftsman pause. ─── 大道家得宝内的场景会让这位美国老派工匠驻足。

36、The Permit Holder shall provide cover to the refuelling, maintenance and chemical waste storage areas during operation of the temporary bus depot. ─── 在临时巴士车厂营运期间,许可证持有人须在加油、维修及存放化学废物的地方加设上盖。

37、After Reader's Digest contacted Office Depot, the company notified Madsen that it had resolved the matter and would be sending the rebate. ─── 经过读者文摘联络办公室仓库,该公司通知马德森,它解决了这个问题,将发出退税。

38、Dane Madsen loves a bargain, so when he spotted a $100 rebate offer on $699 Lenovo laptops at Office Depot, he bought two. ─── 丹麦马德森爱便宜,所以当他发现了一个100美元的退税报价699美元,联想的笔记本电脑在办公用品,他买了。

39、No matter male or female in MS group it was decreased in adipose tissue serious depot than in light depot (P < 0.05). ─── 单纯肥胖组男性重度脂肪堆积低于男性轻度脂肪堆积者(P

40、For example, during the search of the North Point bus depot, CMB management had assigned a lawyer to be present throughout. ─── 但在调查过程中,他们遇上重重阻力,例如:搜查北角车厂时,中巴安排律师到场处理。

41、After Reader's Digest contacted Office Depot, the company notified Madsen that it had resolved the matter and would be sending the rebate. ─── ”经过读者文摘联络办公室仓库,该公司通知马德森,它解决了这个问题,将发出退税。

42、At 10 a.m. on 30 July 1904, the first tramcar left the depot for the official opening. ─── 于1904年7月30日上午10时首辆电车由电车车厂出发,随即正式开始投入服务。

43、Carrie began to think it was a little bit curious--this going to a depot--but said nothing. ─── 嘉莉开始觉得这事有点蹊跷--这样来到一个火车站--但是没有说话。

44、After visiting the depot, we walked along the track to see other steam engines and luckily we were invited to ride on a JS Steam loco for a distance. ─── 参观车库后,我们沿铁路走,去找寻其它的蒸汽机。幸运地,我们被邀请乘搭建设型蒸汽机车走了一段路。

45、Had the initiative been Israel's, the Air Force would have spent the first 48 hours or so attacking airfields and taking out the ammunition depot. ─── 如果以色列人占主动,其空军就会在一开始的48小时内袭击机场和捣毁弹药库。

46、"Give me 1643," he called to Central, after looking up the Michigan Central depot number. ─── “请接1643,"他查到了密执安中心火车站的号码后,对总机说。

47、Three class are: The Railway Ministry, the Railway Bureau, Electric Business , the Communication and Signal Depot. ─── 四层为:铁道部电务监测中心、铁路局电务监测中心、电务段监测中心、车站监测网。

48、In box 5, AVL represents an Army Supply Depot. ─── 在方框5上的AVL表了一个军队补给仓库。

49、Is the bus depot at the corner of the Waldorf Hotel? ─── 公车站牌是在瓦德饭店的转角处吗?

50、The Home Depot surpasses Lowe's to become the top seller in the home improvement industry. ─── 同时,公司超越劳福士成为在家居行业,客户最信赖的公司。

51、Driving a 20 tonne camion into a narrow truck depot, pickin... ─── 你要想办法驾驶一个20 吨重的货车开进狭窄的停车场,装上货物。

52、Rule #9: Good places to shop for men include Home Depot, John Deere, Goodyear Tire, and Napa Auto Parts. ─── 准则9:给男性朋友们买礼物的好地方包括:家得宝, 约翰迪尔, 固特异轮胎 和 纳帕汽车配件行。

53、Good relationship with Shanghai port authority, The Custom, terminals, MSA(Maritime Safety Administration) ,depot etc. ─── 与上海港口当局,海关,码头,堆场等都保持著长期良好的关系。

54、His Sharpie deal makes sure he can sign all the No. 23 merchandise their kids bring to the Home Depot Center. ─── 他精明的交易确保了这些孩子带到“家库体育中心”(洛杉矶银河队的球场)的所有23号商品都能得到他的签名。

55、The intelligentized management of information for rear-area ammunition depot is essential in all parts of the informatization construction of troops. ─── 在军队信息化建设的众多环节中,后方仓库弹药信息的智能管理是必不可少的。

56、From there, Jimmy went to work at the Navy depot in Mechanicsburg, where my father found him a job unloading color-coded boxes. ─── 在 那之后,吉姆去了一家位于米凯尼克斯伯格的海军机械库工作,在那里我父亲给他找了一份卸载色码箱的工作。

57、The Home Depot in Watchung, N. J. , sold every snow blower and shovel it had in stock after customers lined up out the door. ─── 在店门外排队等候的消费者使新泽西州家得宝(HomeDepot)卖光了所有库存的吹雪机和铲雪机。

58、Finally the lunchroom manager at a Texas railroad depot said the black GIs could go on around black to the kitchen for a sandwich and coffee. ─── 在德克萨斯某火车站,餐厅经理坚决要求黑人美国士兵绕去后面厨房吃面包、喝咖啡。

59、Please send the sample with TNT for me to pay on arrival to South Africa.at their depot in Durban. ─── 如果我寄快递的话,客户说是到付的,大家帮我看一下有没有风险,他会不会不付,没有给我快递帐号,我是新手,谢谢大家帮忙,

60、The world's third largest depot in the public Monday that the auto market by the downturn, the depot in sales last month showed a declining trend. ─── 全球第三大车厂大众在星期一表示,受到汽车市场不景气的影响,车厂在上个月的销售量呈现下滑趋势。

61、Sam was at the depot, and said she just had a little spell, and got all right soon after they telegraphed. ─── 在火车站山姆说她只是有点儿晕眩,他们给我发了电报后她很快就没事了。

62、To construct and operate a temporary bus depot at Area 85, TKO. ─── 在将军澳85区建造及营办临时巴士车厂。

63、After his recent trip to Iceland, the old train depot that is now his studio was abuzz. ─── 在他最近一趟冰岛行之后,昔日火车仓库,如今成为他工作室的地点,人声鼎沸。

64、A city of south-central Indiana south-southeast of Indianapolis. It was a supply depot for Union troops during the Civil War. Population, 3,802. ─── 哥伦布:美国印地安那州中南部城市,位于印地安纳波利斯的东南偏南,内战时是北方联军的供应点。人口3,802

65、With a bouquet of fresh-picked daisies in hand, he left for the train depot. ─── 他采来一束新鲜的雏菊,拿在手里,前往火车站迎接心上人的到来。

66、He retraced his steps along Central Avenue to the depot and found himself quickly before the walls of the very large concern he was seeking. ─── 他沿着中央路朝火车站往回走,不多时来到他正要找的那家很大的工厂的墙外。

67、It is mainly used for water proofing in kitchen, avatory basenent, balciny, border, house top,cistern,natatorium,depot,workshop,the first grand floor and so on. ─── 主要用于厨房、卫生间、地下室墙面、阳台、花坛、屋顶、水池、游泳池的防水,以及仓库、车间、底楼的地面防潮、防水。

68、The Permit Holder shall install proper site drainage system and petrol interceptor on the Project site before operation of the temporary bus depot. ─── 在临时巴士车厂营运之前,许可证持有人须在工程地点装妥下水道系统和燃油隔滤装置。

69、Major facilities affected include the Field Patrol Detachment's Headquarters Depot, Queen's Hill Camp Recreation Centre and 140 Junior Police Officers' Married Quarters. ─── 主要受影响的设施包括野外巡逻支队总部、皇后山军营的康乐中心和140个员佐级已婚警察宿舍单位。

70、In the glacier, Amundsen makes his depot very carefully because it is very important to find it again ,next summer . ─── 在冰河里,使他站亚孟森非常仔细,因为它是非常重要的发现,再次,明年夏天。

71、To understand the market trend of Checker Depot. ─── 了解格仔铺之市场定位及未来方向.

72、The Terrans are alerted to this threat when an SCV starts building a supply depot by the rocks. ─── 人族一个在岩石屏障附近修建补给站的SCV发出了警报。

73、This outraged many shareholders, notably those seeking improvements in Home Depot's governance. ─── 他的这种行为使很多股东怒不可遏,特别是那些寻求改善家得宝管理的股东。

74、He would have asked more, but it did not seem wise, so he decided to inquire at the depot. ─── 他原想多问几句,但又觉得不大明智,便决定到车站上去问。

75、They leased the building as a depot. ─── 他们租用这栋大楼作仓库。

76、Before the train had come to a standstill under the arched roof of the Bonneville depot , it was all but taken by assault. ─── 列车还没有在波恩维尔车站那拱形屋顶下停下来,人们就简直一窝峰似的扑上车去。

77、A city of south-central Indiana south-southeast of Indianapolis. It was a supply depot for Union troops during the Civil War. Population,31, 802. ─── 哥伦布美国印地安那州中南部城市,位于印地安纳波利斯的东南偏南,内战时是北方联军的供应点。人口31,802

78、The depot is only a few blocks from here. ─── 公共汽车站离这儿只有几个街区。

79、Oh, Scarlett,I, I`d rather remember you as you are now...not shivering at the depot. ─── 噢,斯佳丽,我,我宁愿记着你的样子...而不是在火车站那里发抖的样子.

80、I am in charge of the depot, only i. People will hold me responsible but not you. ─── 只有我一个人负责管理这个仓库,出了事情别人找我,找不到你。

81、The intersection opposite to Hua ENG Wire & Cable Co. Ltd. is the route of entering Zuoying Depot. ─── 华荣电缆公司前对应之路口即为基地入口路线。

82、Two lanes will be provided for traffic coming from the N7 and heading for the city and the Luas depot. ─── 为从N7来往市里和轻轨车站开的车辆提供两条车道。

83、The amount that the MULE gathers is subject to balance, but it will be more than the cost of a supply depot by a generous amount. ─── 一次召唤电驴可以采集多少资源,是一个仍然需要平衡的问题,不过相比使用增加人口的技能而言,召唤电驴带来收入会更多点。

84、Dave made a U-turn on North Main and drove back to Depot Street. ─── 戴夫在北干道掉头,把车开回了第伯街。

85、If subway,passenger depot, train station, hospital, dining room, guesthousepublic seat bedpan. ─── 如地铁、客运站、火车站、医院、餐厅、宾馆的公共坐便器。

86、The training session in the Home Depot Center football stadium was the second of the day following on from a morning one at the regular UCLA campus. ─── 在家乡车站中心足球场的训练课是一天以来的第二次,在早上在UCLA校园里举行了一场常规的训练。

87、In addition, immune stimulation can induce lipolysis of fat depot around lymph node. ─── 免疫刺激还会作用于淋巴结周围的脂肪组织,引起这些脂肪细胞发生脂解作用.

88、Subway station and airline depot at the back. Convienent Communication to all directions. ─── 交通便捷,四通八达。前临高架,背靠地铁,都市航空站。

89、He turned, tickets in hand, and escorted her to a seat inside the depot on the smooth wooden benches with their curved backs and arms. ─── 他转过身,手里拿着票,护送她进站,坐到椅子上--光滑的木椅,有弯曲的靠背和扶手。





















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