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09-09 投稿



holing 发音

英:[?h??l??]  美:[?ho?l??]

英:  美:

holing 中文意思翻译



holing 词性/词形变化,holing变形


holing 同义词

sanctity |purity | sanctitude

holing 反义词


holing 短语词组

1、pot-holing ─── 大麻

holing 相似词语短语

1、tholing ─── n.桨架;钉桨架的钉;vt.忍耐;容许;vi.有耐心

2、Soling ─── n.船壳板叠接部分;护面砌石;索林级;鞋底胶;n.(Soling)人名;(瑞典)索林

3、holding ─── v.持有;召开;担任;握住(hold的现在分词);n.股份;私有财产;馆藏;租种的土地;n.(Holding)(美、英、加、澳)霍尔丁(人名)

4、-holing ─── n.[矿业]掏槽落煤法;[建]石板瓦钻孔;v.打眼;穿孔于…(hole的ing形式)

5、doling ─── n.(非正式)失业救济金;(食物、衣服或金钱等)慈善品;(诗、文)命运,定数;(诗、文)悲伤,忧伤;v.发放,施给(食物,钱等);按额发放;(给多人)提供建议;n.(Dole)(美)多尔(人名)

6、holking ─── 女孩

7、-oling ─── 奥林

8、howling ─── adj.咆哮的;极大的;哭哭啼啼的;n.啸鸣;v.咆哮(howl的ing形式)

9、haling ─── v.用力拖(或拉);强迫(hale的现在分词)

holing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The railway official punched a hole out of my ticket. ─── 列车员在我的票上压了一个孔。

2、He stopped the hole in the tire with a patch. ─── 他用胶水把车胎上的洞粘上了。

3、She tore a hole in her dress. ─── 她把衣服破了一个洞。

4、A hole dug in the ground to hold a fence post. ─── 埋桩子的洞在地上所挖的用来放置栅栏栏杆的洞

5、There is a hole in the thumb of his mitten. ─── 他的手套的姆指上有个洞。

6、Let's fill in the hole. ─── 咱们把这个洞堵上。

7、There was a hole in the sole of his shoe. ─── 他鞋底上有一个洞。

8、He stove the condensed milk from a hole on the tin. ─── 他在罐头上凿了个孔,往出倒炼乳。

9、But when holing in a certain height that the maximum mud height is less than the minimum mud height, take the cylinder to project the hole. ─── 当钻进到某一高程,桩孔中所要求的泥浆最大深度小于最小深度要求时,建议采取护筒护壁措施。

10、Using a drill, he bore a hole through the wood. ─── 他用钻孔机在木头上钻了一个孔。

11、A golf score of two strokes under par on a hole. ─── 低于标准杆两杆比每穴规定击球次数少击两棒的高尔夫成绩

12、The hole in your trousers is not noticeable. ─── 你裤子上的洞不明显。

13、He has torn a hole in his shirt. ─── 他的衬衫扯破了一个洞。

14、A cascade of blood spouted from the hole. ─── 伤口不断冒血。

15、Joe is in a devil of a hole. ─── 乔现在处境非常尴尬。

16、He chipped a hole in the ice. ─── 他在冰上凿了个洞。

17、A hole or pit, especially one in a road surface. ─── 坑洞尤指路面上的涡穴或坑洞

18、Having lost my money puts me in rather a hole. ─── 丢了钱使我陷于困境。

19、They've excavated a hole in the road. ─── 他们在路上挖了一个洞。

20、"What is it like down there?" shouted Marvin from the upper cave. "Like the Black Hole of Calcutta, but a lot wetter, " came the reply. ─── "下面怎么样?"马文在洞穴上方喊道。"像加尔各答城的小地牢,又闷又热,不过要潮湿得多。"下面回答道。

21、The prisoners had tunnelled a big hole in the wall. ─── 囚犯们已经在墙上凿了一个大洞。

22、He got a hole in one on that experiment. ─── 他做那项实验一次就成功了。

23、He is just like a square peg in a round hole. ─── 他根本就不合适。

24、As it was getting dark, the travellers began thinking about holing up for the night. ─── 天渐渐黑下来,那些旅行者开始想到要找个地方过夜。

25、He poked a hole in the wall with the stick. ─── 他用棍子在墙上戳了一个洞。

26、He wormed out through a hole in the fence . ─── 他扭动着身子从栅栏的破洞中钻出去。

27、The boy scraped out a hole in the sand . ─── 小个男孩在沙子里挖了个洞。

28、They sink the barge by make a hole in the bottom. ─── 他们在驳船底部打个洞把它弄沉了。

29、The missing man suddenly discovered that in reality did not give him pigeon-holing position. ─── 突然发现思念的那个人在现实中没有给他对号入座的位置。

30、He knocked a big hole in the wall. ─── 他把墙撞出了一个大洞。

31、They first dug a deep hole in the ground. ─── 他们先在地上挖了一个深洞。

32、He slipped down into the hole. ─── 他不慎滑入洞穴中。

33、The quarter has fallen through a hole in the pocket; I'll see if I can work it out. ─── 25美分的硬币从衣袋的洞里掉下去了,我看能否慢慢把它弄出来。

34、The conductor punched a hole out of my ticket. ─── 列车员在我的票上打了个洞。

35、The children found the cat in a hole because it left its tail sticking out. ─── 孩子们在一个洞里找到了那只猫,因为他的尾巴伸在外面。

36、Tom's strength in a crisis is an ace in the hole. ─── 临危不惧是汤姆的看家本领。

37、She poked her finger into the hole. ─── 她把手指插入孔中。

38、The hospital bill make a big hole in his savings. ─── 医疗费已用掉了他一大笔存款。

39、He inserted the wooden peg into the hole. ─── 他将木栓嵌入洞中。

40、There are no "real" pictures of a black hole. ─── 其实并没有真正的黑洞照片。

41、Their dog bit a hole in my trousers. ─── 他们的狗把我的裤子咬了个窟窿。

42、He broached out the drilled hole. ─── 他凿大钻孔。

43、Any of various Asian coins of small denomination, especially a copper and lead coin with a square hole in its center. ─── 亚洲小额货币一种小额的亚洲钱币,尤指中间有一个方孔的铜币和铅币

44、It was so dark Jack fell head over heels into a big hole in the ground. ─── 天太黑,杰克倒栽葱地摔进一个大坑里。

45、The explosion tore a hole in the wall. ─── 墙炸开一个洞。

46、There's a hole in your trouser leg. ─── 你的裤腿上有个洞。

47、If holing needle is found to be unable to align the center of pearl please make contact of specialized personnel to correct the machine. ─── 如果发现钻针不能对正珍珠中心,请联络专业人士校正机器。

48、It was so dark Bob fell head over heels into a big hole in the ground. ─── 天太黑,鲍勃一个跟斗跌到了一个大洞里。

49、His strength in a crisis is an ace in the hole. ─── 临危不惧是他的看家本领。

50、He got through the hole with a wriggle. ─── 他扭动着身子从洞口钻了出去。

51、The repairs men have dug a hole in the road. ─── 修路工人在路上挖了一个洞。

52、The hospital bills made a big hole in her savings. ─── 住院费花去了她一大笔存款。

53、He wore a sprig of lilac in his button hole. ─── 他在钮孔上面插了一小枝丁香。

54、Not stopped by a finger. Used of a string or hole of an instrument. ─── 不用手指按压的不用手指按住而通过弦或小孔结束的

55、Their favorite cat clawed a hole in my stocking. ─── 他们家宠爱的猫在我的袜子上抓破了个洞。

56、He burned a hole on the ironing board. ─── 他把熨衣板烧了一个洞。

57、He can never do the job well. He is just like a square peg in a round hole. ─── 他永远做不好这工作,他根本就不合适。

58、The child has picked a hole in his new jumper. ─── 孩子的新毛衣上勾了一个洞。

59、To produce a hole or worn spot in; corrode. ─── 侵蚀弄出洞或穿出斑点;侵蚀

60、He gave them to me to hold on to them because he didn't want the responsibility of holing them. ─── 他把戒指交给我保管,因为他不愿负保管戒指的责任。

61、He is writing his book and is holing up in his study. ─── 他正在写书并且将把他的学习继续下去。

62、The Ambassador's wife went on asking questions, when she suddenly noticed a big hole in her husband's hat. ─── 大使的妻子继续问了好多问题,突然她发现丈夫帽子上有个洞。

63、His sword did no more thru stick a hole in his enemy's shield. ─── 他的宝剑只是把敌人的盾刺了个洞。

64、He chiseled a hole in the door to fit a new lock. ─── 他在门上凿了个孔,以便装一把新锁。

65、He is the proverbial square peg in a round hole. ─── 他正是谚语中所说的那种方枘圆凿不得其所的人。

66、He bored a hole through a board with a drill. ─── 他用钻在板上钻了一个孔。

67、The litter boy forced the ball down a small hole. ─── 小男孩把球塞入洞里了。

68、She sighed when she saw the hole in her blouse. ─── 她看到罩衫上有个洞就叹了口气。

69、Just bung in some old bricks to fill up the hole. ─── 只要填些旧砖就可以补上这个洞。

70、He is writing his book and is holing up in his study. ─── 他正在写书并且将把他的学习继续下去。

71、He covered over the hole in the roof with a piece of asphalt felt. ─── 他用一块沥青油毡盖住了房顶的漏洞。

72、The hole in your sock shows above your shoe . ─── 你袜子上有个洞,正好露在鞋边上。

73、There is a hole in the heel of one of your socks. ─── 你一只袜子的後跟有个洞。

74、His refusal put us in a hole. ─── 他的拒绝使我们处於为难的境地。

75、He was holing the fence posts to take the crosspieces . ─── 他在栏板上打洞以便装上横档。

76、However, the competitor incurs no penalty for holing out with the original ball. ─── 不过,比赛者不会因为把原始球打进洞而受处罚。

77、They levered the rock into the hole. ─── 他们用杠子把大石撬进洞里。

78、Being an expert, he was able to pick a hole in our work off hand. ─── 作为一名专家,他一下子就能挑出我们工作中的毛病。

79、It clawed a hole in my stocking. ─── 它在我的袜子上抓破了个洞。

80、He made a small hole in the belt with a leather punch. ─── 他用打孔器在皮带上钻了一个孔。

81、Arrogance is the only hole in his coat. ─── 傲慢是他的惟一缺点。

82、The men in the hole sent up for more equipment. ─── 在洞穴中的人们向上面要求再给他们一些设备。

83、He scraped out a hole in the wall to put his money in. ─── 他在墙上挖了个洞把钱放了进去。

84、One day Little Piggy finds a hole in the corner. ─── 一天,小猪猪在墙角发现一个洞。

85、The earthquake started the rabbits from the hole. ─── 地震使兔子从洞里跳出来了。

86、He was holing the fence posts to take the crosspieces. ─── 他在栏柱上打洞以便装上横档。

87、Cave exploration, or pot-holing, as it has come to be known, is a relative new sport. ─── 洞穴勘查或洞穴勘探,正如人们所了解的那样,是一项比较新的体育活动。

88、For a week they struggled through one blizzard after another, holing up in their tents during the worst of the weather. ─── 他们在一场又一场暴风雪中挣扎了一个星期,在最恶劣的天气里躲在帐篷里。

89、An object, such as a cork or a wad of cloth, used to fill a hole tightly; a stopper. ─── 塞子; 栓子用来填紧洞孔的物体,如软木塞或一团布; 塞子

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