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09-09 投稿



dissolvent 发音

英:[[d?'z?lv?nt]]  美:[[d?'z?lv?nt]]

英:  美:

dissolvent 中文意思翻译



dissolvent 词性/词形变化,dissolvent变形

动词现在分词: dissolving |动词第三人称单数: dissolves |动词过去分词: dissolved |名词: dissolver |动词过去式: dissolved |形容词: dissolvable |

dissolvent 同义词

suspend | dispel | fade out | disappear | unfreeze | cease | disband | close | break up | resolve | run | dismiss | end |melt | liquefy | away | rust | evaporate | fade | fuse | fade away | pass | pass away | soften | dissipate | thaw | liberate | adjourn | melt away | unthaw

dissolvent 反义词


dissolvent 相似词语短语

1、dissilient ─── adj.[植]爆裂的;裂开性的

2、insolvent ─── adj.无力偿还债务的,破产的;有关破产的;n.无力偿还债务者,破产者

3、dissolves ─── v.溶解;分解(dissolve的单三式);溶接

4、dissolving ─── adj.消溶的;毁灭性的;v.使溶解(dissolve的现在分词)

5、dissolver ─── n.溶解装置;溶解器

6、dissolvents ─── n.溶剂;adj.有溶解力的

7、dissolve into ─── (使)溶化成;(使)溶入;隐入;被感动

8、dissolve ─── vt.使溶解;使分解;使液化;vi.溶解;解散;消失;n.叠化画面;画面的溶暗

9、dissolved ─── adj.溶解的,溶化的;v.使溶解,使溶化;解散;解除(婚姻关系或业务协议);使消失(dissolve的过去式和过去分词)

dissolvent 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In this article, the nucleation process of hexadecly hydrogen maleate (HHM) crystals in supersaturated solution were studied and toluene was used as dissolvent. ─── 本文研究了马来酸氢十六酯(HHM)在以甲苯为溶剂的过饱和溶液中的成核过程。

2、On industry, hydrogenous bromic acid is the good dissolvent with a few mineral metals, alkyl the activator; ─── 在工业上,氢溴酸是一些金属矿物的良好溶剂、烷氧基和苯氧基化合物的催化剂;

3、Keywords Air toxic substance;Isopropyl alcohol;Butyl alcohol;Amyl alcohol;TWA concentration;Activated charcoal tube;Dissolvent desorption;Gas chromatography; ─── 空气有毒物质;异丙醇;丁醇;异戊醇;TWA浓度;活性炭管;溶剂解吸;气相色谱;

4、Methods By changing dissolvent,filtrating and heating to determine it. ─── 方法通过更换溶剂、过滤、加热等途径进行测定。

5、Methods: Absolute alcohol was used as dissolvent and determined at wavelength 242 nm, 305 nm. ─── 方法:以无水乙醇为溶剂,在波长242、 305 nm处进行测定。

6、"3 benzene " is the admirable dissolvent of chloroprene rubber, and the price is low. ─── 三苯"是氯丁橡胶的优良溶剂,且价格低廉。

7、But with the same dissolvent, the extracts of fresh wheat germs had better reducing power, followed by the extracts of freeze dried wheat germs and hot air dried wheat germs. ─── 若皆以相同溶剂萃取时,以新鲜小麦胚芽萃取液之还原能力较佳,其次分别为冷冻乾燥与热风乾燥处理之小麦胚芽萃取液。

8、3, user safety problem: After saying coating is dry commonly, its dissolvent basically can volatilize, but this should have a process, especially the coating of cold curing. ─── 3、用户安全问题:一般说来涂料干燥以后,它的溶剂基本上可挥发掉,但这要有一个过程,非凡是室温固化的涂料。

9、At present main cellulose fiber of the whole world is: Fiber sticking gum, acetic acid fiber, cupreous ammonia fiber and in recent years the NMMO dissolvent fiber of new development. ─── 目前全球的主要纤维素纤维是:粘胶纤维、醋酸纤维、铜氨纤维以及近年新开发的NMMO溶剂纤维。

10、Presswork printing ink product is the former put oneself in another's position of even mixture chemical industry that comprises with all sorts of additive by painty, polymer, dissolvent. ─── 印刷油墨产品是由颜料、聚合物、溶剂和各种添加剂组成的均匀混合化工原体。

11、Method: The extractive yield and total flavonoids were used to screen the extracting dissolvent. ─── 方法: 以提取物得率及提取物中总黄酮含量为检测指标,对提取溶剂进行筛选;

12、Those who press attenuant dissolvent is different, can divide lacquer of ability in swimming and oily lacquer; ─── 按稀释溶剂的不同,可分水性漆和油性漆;

13、It is showed that dissolvability of methanol with diesel oil is difficult,but it is easy with the help of the dissolvent. ─── 温度对助溶剂的作用效果有着明显的影响,温度越高,助溶效率越高,反之亦然;

14、Everybody's hep benzene, methanol is poisonous dissolvent. ─── 大家熟知的苯、甲醇便是有毒的溶剂。

15、The influence of temperature on effect of the dissolvent is obvious. Higher temperature has better efficiency of solution, vice versa. ─── 温度对助溶剂的作用效果有着明显的影响,温度越高,助溶效率越高,反之亦然;

16、At room temperature, the effects of different dissolvent on the miscibility of diesel with industrial methanol and in dustrial ethanol are researched respectively. ─── 研究了在室温条件下通过不同助溶剂的作用,柴油与工业甲醇或工业乙醇的互溶性。

17、It can be presumed that the nucleation rate of HHM will increase with the rise of temperature and supersaturated ratio, when toluene used as dissolvent. ─── 指出HHM晶体在甲苯为溶剂的过饱和溶液中的成核速率随着温度和过饱和比的提高而增大。

18、But when using this kind of coating, use commonly contain the organic dissolvent such as toluene, xylene to come attenuant, also contain noxiousness consequently; ─── 但在使用这种涂料时,一般采用含有甲苯、二甲苯等有机溶剂来稀释,因而也含有毒性;

19、Abstract: Using paraffin amine as dissolvent and kerosene as diluent for the purification and defluorination of wet process phosphoric acid by solvent extraction was studied. ─── 摘 要: 为对湿法磷酸进行净化脱氟,用胺类溶剂作萃取剂,煤油作稀释剂,对湿法磷酸进行了溶剂萃取脱氟的工艺研究。

20、the property of dissolvent will change the nucleation rate. ─── 溶剂的性质也将改变成核速率的大小。

21、This article is mainly analysis N, N-dimethylformamide(DMF)as the dissolvent of electrolyte. ─── 本文主要对N,N-二甲基甲酰胺(DMF)作为溶剂的电解液作了研究与分析。

22、The dissolvent can be exposed to the air, for it has been added some additives for oxidation resistance. ─── 这种溶剂可以暴露在空气中,因为其中已经加入了抗氧化的添加剂。

23、Edison asked a question in reply : “Then what kind of container do you want to use to store such dissolvent?” ─── 一个年轻人碰见爱迪生,说:“我想要发明一种溶剂,这种溶剂可以溶解任何的物质。”

24、In putting the flower the organic solution such as person oil aether first, make the balmy material in leaf enters solvent, next repass distill, reclaim organic dissolvent, can get jasmine extract. ─── 先将鲜花放人石油醚等有机溶液中,使花瓣中的芳香物质进入溶剂,然后再通过蒸馏,回收掉有机溶剂,就可以得到茉莉浸膏。

25、Research on themilk powder package dissolvent? ─── 奶粉包装溶剂残留问题探源?

26、The dissolvent that issues a Qi Zhong at this moment can affect superstratum paint film, make its corrugate. ─── 这时下层漆中的溶剂会影响上层漆膜,使其起皱。

27、Conclusion The acid value and the saponification value of cera chinensis can be determined by the method of changing dissolvent,filtrating and heating. ─── 结论虫白蜡酸值、皂化值可通过更换溶剂、过滤、加热等途径测得。

28、dissolvent means ─── 溶剂法

29、heart strengthening dissolvent ─── 健心冲剂

30、Using paraffin amine as dissolvent and kerosene as diluent for the purification and defluorination of wet process phosphoric acid by solvent extraction was studied. ─── 为对湿法磷酸进行净化脱氟,用胺类溶剂作萃取剂,煤油作稀释剂,对湿法磷酸进行了溶剂萃取脱氟的工艺研究。

31、The aether of glycol kind also be a kind of virulent dissolvent, by strict taboo. ─── 乙二醇的醚类也是一类剧毒的溶剂,被严格禁止使用。

32、The Law and Prevention of Rock Dissolvent in Xishan Mine Area ─── 西山矿区构造导通岩溶水的规律及预防

33、Unfavorable and local bath, more avoid by all means is swabbed with the organic dissolvent such as benzine, lest fade with attaint carpet nap; ─── 不宜局部水洗,更切忌用汽油等有机溶剂擦洗,以免褪色和损坏地毯绒毛;

34、Will rise on August 1, our country decorates coating of the dissolvent in material carpentry, ceramic tile and concrete antifreeze to interior decoration 3 kinds of material undertake 3C attestation. ─── 8月1日起,我国对室内装饰装修材料中的溶剂型木器涂料、瓷砖和混凝土防冻剂三种材料进行3C认证。

35、Keywords Vaporizer mosquito liquid;Kerosene dissolvent;C14;Chromatography.; ─── 液体蚊香;煤油溶剂C14气相色谱法;

36、A single can of dissolvent pollute millions of litres of water. ─── 单单一铁罐的溶剂就可以污染数百万升的水.

37、This article discusses methanol and diesel oil's influence on effect of the dissolvent from three aspects such as dissolvability,temperature and different ways of mix. ─── 研究了在助溶剂作用下甲醇与柴油的互溶性、温度与不同混合方式对助溶剂作用效果的影响以及水分对甲醇-柴油-助溶剂体系的影响。

38、Keywords benzene;time-weighted average(TWA)concentration;activated charcoal tube;dissolvent desorption;gas chromatography; ─── 关键词苯系物;TWA浓度;活性炭管;溶剂解吸;气相色谱;

39、When swabbing bibcock, do not use dissolvent of soda acid sex. ─── 擦洗龙头时,不要用酸碱性溶剂。

40、This product had strong property of separation and recovery of organic dissolvent and vapour, such as ether,ketone, alcohol, THF,dichlorotetra, chlorolform, narkosid, carbon disulfide disulphide, carbon, benzol, gasoline oil,etc. ─── 对醚类、酮类、醇类、四氢呋喃、二氯四烷、三氯甲烷、三氯乙烯、二硫化碳、苯、甲苯、甲酰、汽油及含汞、含氟烃类有机溶剂和有机蒸气有很强的分离、回收性能。

41、Efficacy: The instant dissolvent fresh texture with special verbena enhances the oil control ability and lasts long. ─── 功效:一触即融的清新质地,特别加入马鞭草加强控油效果更持久;

42、The effects of dissolvent subsection - extraction of Cassia seed on reducing blood lipid were investigated. ─── 探讨决明子溶剂分部提取物对实验性高脂血症大鼠血脂的影响。

43、First economic product is with dissolving the nitrocellulose element at organic dissolvent is a foundation. ─── 首批实用产品是以溶解于有机溶剂的硝化纤维素为基础。

44、Via Tianjin sanitation epidemic prevention center detects, the safety that product of the dissolvent that this company produces, clear lotion reachs provision level does not have poisonous standard. ─── 经天津卫生防疫中心检测,这家公司生产的溶剂、清洗剂产品达到食品级的安全无毒标准。

45、METHODS Used diluted hydrochloric acid as dissolvent, to ensure the disturbance degree of accessories and proof the feasibility of testing method. ─── 方法试验采用稀盐酸做为溶出介质,依法确证辅料的干扰程度及含量测定方法的可行性。

46、Some new research and discussion were carried out on the basis of the predecessors and the multiple dissolvent of water-glycerin was put forward to separate DEM-ethanol solution. ─── 在总结国内外研究成果的基础上,通过进一步的探讨,选择了甘油和水混合溶液复合萃取分离DEM和乙醇。

47、New Intelligence Controller of Dissolvent Oxygen and Value of pH and Temperature ─── 一种新型的溶解氧、pH值、温度智能监控器

48、The generator that still can happen at contacting chemical dissolvent and organic chemistry to taste and spray paint are versed in; ─── 还可发生于接触化学溶剂和有机化学品的生产者和喷漆工;

49、The extracts of fresh wheat germs had the highest values of the ferrous ion chelating power, if extracted in the same dissolvent, followed by the hot air dried extracts and the freeze dried extracts. ─── 若以相同溶剂萃取时,以新鲜小麦胚芽样品之萃取液之亚铁离子螯合能力较佳,其次为热风与冷冻乾燥处理之小麦胚芽萃取液。

50、Dissolvent desorption ─── 溶剂解吸

51、Accordingly, if our commonly used a few dissolvent are toluene, xylene, fourth ester of ketone, acetic acid it is limitation, alcohol is not exceptional also. ─── 因此,我们常用的一些溶剂如甲苯、二甲苯、丁酮、醋酸酯等都在限制之列,乙醇也不例外。

52、The system of methanol-diesel oil- dissolvent can be destroyed just by a little water. ─── 少量水的存在会破坏甲醇-柴油-助溶剂体系。

53、coating of bought dissolvent carpentry should be restricted in the expiration period inside use, usually the expiration period is a year. ─── 购买的溶剂型木器涂料应在保质期限内使用,一般情况下保质期为一年。

54、Painter can be like coating because of contacting certain and organic dissolvent thinner, adhesive, scour reachs benzine to wait and generation is depended on. ─── 油漆工可因接触某些有机溶剂如涂料稀释剂、粘合剂、洗涤剂及汽油等而产生依赖。

55、Keywords HEPATITIS B/TCM - WM therapy;GANYAN QING/ther. use;CLEAR HEAT DISSOLV DAMPNESS;AUTOBLOOD ULTRAVIOLET RA DIATION THERAPY; ─── 肝炎;乙型/中西医结合疗法;肝炎清/治疗应用;清热祛湿;光量子自血疗法;

56、Methods Film coating technique was used to screen the film coating dissolvent with the dissolving time and anti-hygroscopic property as the criteria. ─── 方法采用薄膜包衣的生产工艺,选取3种包衣液处方,通过对溶化时间和防潮性能的比较筛选最佳的包衣材料。

57、When swabbing bibcock, do not use dissolvent of soda acid sex. ─── 擦洗龙头时,不要用酸碱性溶剂。

58、One, shoemaking enterprise is existing a variety of environments pollute the biggest pollution is organic dissolvent volatile. ─── 一、制鞋企业存在着多种环境污染第一大污染是有机溶剂挥发物。

59、This product had strong property of separation and recovery of organic dissolvent and vapour. ─── 这种产品对有机溶剂和有机蒸气有很强的分离、回收性能。

60、Remain dissolvent in the food package? ─── 食品包装残留溶剂知多少?

61、There are three methods mentioned in this paper: raise the temperature of the dissolvent,accelerate the change of the entropy and decrease the surface area to volume ratio. ─── 本文所采用的加速溶解的方法主要分为三种:升高溶剂温度、加速溶解熵变以及增大比表面积。

62、A comparion of free anthraquinone's content of polygonum multiflorm extract by different dissolvent produced ─── 不同溶剂所制何首乌浸膏中所含游离蒽醌的含量比较

63、A young man saw Edison, said : "I wanna develop a sort of all-purpose dissolvent , by which can dissolve all materials. " ─── 一个后生找到爱迪生,说:“我准备研制一种万能溶剂,它能溶解一切物质。”

64、4, coating of bought dissolvent carpentry should be restricted in the expiration period inside use, usually the expiration period is a year. ─── 4、购买的溶剂型木器涂料应在保质期限内使用,一般情况下保质期为一年。

65、Do not soak the product into the water or any dissolvent. ─── 不泡产品入水或任何溶剂。

66、The shoe that purpose understanding Fujian Province uses uses the noxiousness situation of glue and dissolvent. ─── 目的了解福建省使用的鞋用胶水和溶剂的毒性状况。

67、Use of organic coating materials and organic dissolvent will be controlled while water dissolvent coating materials and other substitute technology will be promoted. ─── 严格控制有机涂料和有机溶剂的使用,鼓励使用水溶性涂料和其它替代产品、工艺。

68、The creative characteristic is that it lowers the cost and reduces environment pollution by using water as dissolvent. ─── 目前该项目已被省科技厅立项,并申报大田试验,准备进入批量生产。

69、Application Effect Surveied Rock Dissolvent by Transient Electromagnetism ─── 瞬变电磁探测岩溶水的应用效果

70、Methods The effects of the extraction dissolvent,extraction times,molecular mass cut off on the yield,content,extraction rate of mogroside were investigated by single factor method. ─── 方法单因素考察提取溶剂、提取次数和膜截留相对分子质量对罗汉果甜苷的收率、含量和提取率的影响。

71、Glue of bitumen of cold bonding dissolvent (cold bitumen glue) be by petroleum pitch, inserts, dissolvent (benzine, kerosene) the bitumen adhesive that tone makes up. ─── 冷粘溶剂沥青胶(冷沥青胶)是由石油沥青、填充料、溶剂(汽油、煤油等)调配制成的沥青胶粘剂。

72、For this, need to choose new avirulent or low poisonous dissolvent to replace benzene and toluene, in order to solve the noxiousness problem of dissolvent of traditional chloric fourth adhesive. ─── 为此,需选择新的无毒或低毒溶剂代替苯和甲苯,以解决传统的氯丁胶粘剂溶剂的毒性问题。

73、The group dispenses of the mixture dissolvent that studied adhesive of graft of low poisonous dissolvent balata deserves to compare. ─── 研究了低毒溶剂型橡胶接枝胶粘剂的混合溶剂的组分与配比。

74、Keywords the Dregs of clay Naphtha fraction Dissolvent extraction Lubricant Recovery.; ─── 关键词白土渣;石脑油馏分;溶剂抽提;润滑油;回收;

75、Benzine is a kind of organic dissolvent, have sex of strong close fat. ─── 汽油是一种有机溶剂,具有强亲脂性。

76、Should build factory of two dissolvent extraction to handle caboodle steep, the electrodeposition plant that builds anew carries copper from the electrodeposition in extractive fluid. ─── 要建两个溶剂萃取厂来处理堆浸液,建一新的电积厂从萃取液中电积提铜。

77、Benzene basically comes from coating, paint to reach all sorts of organic dissolvent. ─── 苯主要来自涂料、油漆及各种有机溶剂。

78、Keywords Gas chromatograph;The air of workplace;Acrylonitrile;Methyl methacrylate;Styrene;Dissolvent desorption; ─── 气相色谱;工作场所;丙烯腈;甲基丙烯酸甲酯;苯乙烯;溶剂解吸;

79、Mellow fat, alcoholic acid kind if the organic dissolvent that lacquer uses is turpentine, loose the taste such as section water, benzine, acetone, ether is bad. ─── 醇脂、醇酸类漆使用的有机溶剂如松节油、松节水、汽油、丙酮、乙醚等气味难闻。

80、Example 2: Stage of some factory hair-oil fills outfit dissolvent benzine for one car tank car. ─── 事例2:某厂发油台为一汽车油槽车充装溶剂汽油。

81、The Shui Rong of transparent water white product each performance is better, but the organic dissolvent that contains certain amount. ─── 透明的水白色的水溶型产品各项性能较好,但含有一定量的有机溶剂。

82、However, the different ways of mix have no effect on efficiency of the dissolvent. ─── 而不同的混合方式却几乎不影响助溶剂的作用效果;

83、Oily coating should prevent sun point-blank, avoid to use poisonous dissolvent (if contain the dissolvent with benzene high volume) wash one's hands. ─── 油性涂料则应避免阳光直射,避免用有毒溶剂(如含苯量高的溶剂)洗手。

84、Do not make fingernail oily please, go cleaner of liquid of armour grease, drying, acetone, go lacquer agent or other dissolvent bring into contact with Yakeli the surface. ─── 请切勿让指甲油、去甲油水、干性液体清洁剂、丙酮、去漆剂或其它溶剂接触到亚克力表面。

85、The influence of temperature on effect of the dissolvent is obvious. ─── 而不同的混合方式却几乎不影响助溶剂的作用效果;

86、METHOD Extraction was conducted according to different dissolvent heteropolarity and different chemical components and screening conducted with hemostatic time in mice as the index. ─── 方法对生蒲黄、炒蒲黄、蒲黄炭按不同溶剂极性及不同化学成分类型提取,以小鼠的止血时间为筛选指标对各部位进行筛选。

87、Contrary, inferior adhesive product uses rough-wrought dissolvent normally, some makes solvent with industrial benzene even, colloid is cloudy. ─── 相反,劣质胶粘剂产品通常采用粗制溶剂,有的甚至用工业苯作溶剂,胶体浑浊。

88、A young man saw Edison, said : “I wanna(=want to ) develop a sort of all-purpose dissolvent, by which can dissolve(溶解) all materials. ─── 一个后生找到爱迪生,说:“我准备研制一种万能溶剂,它能溶解一切物质。”

89、Carpet is unfavorable and local bath, more avoid by all means is swabbed with the organic dissolvent such as benzine, lest fade with attaint carpet nap; ─── 地毯不宜局部水洗,更切忌用汽油等有机溶剂擦洗,以免褪色和损坏地毯绒毛;

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