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09-09 投稿



eightfold 发音

英:[?e?t?fo?ld]  美:[?e?t?f??ld]

英:  美:

eightfold 中文意思翻译




eightfold 网络释义

adv. 八倍地;八层地adj. 八倍的;八层的

eightfold 短语词组

1、eightfold mirror ─── 八倍镜

2、eightfold way ─── 八重法

3、Eightfold Way (physics) ─── 八倍方法(物理)

eightfold 相似词语短语

1、eighthly ─── adv.第八地

2、eightsome ─── n.八人里尔舞(轻快活泼的苏格兰民间舞蹈)

3、eightfoils ─── 八油

4、eightvo ─── n.八开的纸;八开本的书;adj.八开本的;八开的

5、Lightfoot ─── 莱特福特(人名)

6、eightvos ─── 八个

7、eightball ─── n.撞球中有8记号之黑球

8、eightfoot ─── 八足

9、eightfoil ─── 八油

eightfold 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、By contrast, foreign direct investment has more than doubled in this period in the Philippines, quintu-pled in India and soared more than eightfold in Vietnam. ─── 同时期,外商在菲律宾直接投资额增加一倍以上,在印度增加三倍,在越南则飙涨了八倍以上。

2、On bed top with gentleness " bed curtain " adornment is eightfold; ─── 床顶上以轻柔的“床幔”装饰为第八层;

3、Installed wind-power capacity is set to grow eightfold to 100GW until 2020, according to the National Energy Administration. ─── 国家能源局表示,到2020年,中国的风力发电装机容量将增长8倍,至1亿千瓦。

4、The Blessed One said, "Now what, monks, is the Noble Eightfold Path? Right view, right resolve, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, right concentration. ─── 世尊说曰:“诸比丘!云何为八支圣道耶?谓:正见、正思惟、正语、正业、正命、正精进、正念、正定是。”

5、eightfold path ─── 八正道

6、the Eightfold Maze ─── 八阵图

7、Precisely this Noble Eightfold Path: right view, right resolve, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, right concentration. ─── 正是此八圣道:正见、正志、正语、正业、正命、正精进、正念、正定。

8、This means is the Noble Eightfold Path which, as an integrated system of spiritual training, cannot be found outside the dispensation of a Fully Enlightened One. ─── 这就是八圣道,它作为一个综合系统,在一位彻底觉悟者的教说之外是不存在的。

9、It won an eightfold increase in its lands in 2003 after a campaign of occupations, arson and clashes with the police. ─── 特姆库库在2003年经过一场土地要求运动,送货以及同警方的冲突之后得到了比以前面积多八倍的土地。

10、This same Noble Eightfold Path is the method for the cessation of feelings such as Right View ... re ... ─── 此名为受,由触之集而有受之集,由触之灭而受之灭。

11、Some 5m foreigners have multiplied Spain's immigrant population eightfold in a decade. ─── 西班牙的移民人口增加了五百万,相对于十年前翻了八倍。

12、(The Noble Eightfold Path Way to the end of suffering by Bhikkhu Bodhi. ─── 注四:引自斯里兰卡佛教出版社菩提比丘所著“八正道”一书第101页。

13、Now, Subhadda, in this Dhamma and discipline the noble Eightfold Path is found, and in it are to be found ascetics of the first, second, third and fourth grade. ─── 世尊重覆询问第二次、第三次,诸比丘们皆默然。

14、4. the way to end desire is to follow the Middle path(or Eightfold path). ─── 4.道谛:消除私欲的方法是照着八正道说的做。

15、And for the first time Spain faces recession with a big immigrant population, which has risen eightfold in a decade, to just over 5m. ─── 西班牙在经历衰退的同时遭遇移民潮,这在历史上还是头一次。十年间移民增长了8倍,已经超过500万。

16、last year, Facebook has grown eightfold, to eight million users, in Brazil, where Orkut has 28 million. ─── 去年,Facebook在巴西增长了八倍,用户数达到了800万,Or kut则是2800万。

17、Of all the paths the Eightfold Path is the best; ─── 于诸道之中,八圣道最胜;

18、The Blessed One said, "I will teach &analyze for you the Noble Eightfold Path. Listen &pay close attention. I will speak." ─── “诸比丘!我为汝等分别说示八支圣道,谛听,当善思念之,我宣说。”

19、The eightfold path, like the Ten Commandments, is as useful a guide for living a moral life as any on earth. ─── 八正道跟十诫一样,是指引地球上任何人道德生活的一种有用的帮助。

20、18. The Eightfold Noble Path and the Eight Worldly Winds are inter-related, like two roads overlapping, not two different fields. ─── 八正道与世间八法是一对的,这两条道路相互重叠,而非分属不同领域。

21、It is simply the Noble Eightfold Path, namely, right view, right thought, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, right concentration. ─── 实现了,即使对从来没见过的事物,心中也生出洞察力,知识、智能、科学、光明。

22、The Sutra of Eightfold Enlightenment ─── 八大人觉经

23、The power curve indicates that doubling the wind speed will lead to an eightfold increase in power. ─── 功率曲线显示风速加倍将使功率增加8倍。

24、Sales of Audi's flagship, the A8, have jumped eightfold since being redesigned a year ago. ─── 奥迪的旗舰车型A8在一年前经重新设计后,销量已增长8倍。

25、The ACP expects its annual transfers to the state to triple between 2005 and 2015 and perhaps to rise eightfold, to over $4 billion, by 2025. ─── 运河管理局预计到2015年,其转移上缴国库的年收益将是2005年的三倍。而到2025年,这个数字可能会是2005年的8倍,超过40亿美元。

26、Hu Yujun plaints, "Whole China, venture capital investment is so hot, when you go buying a company, VC is filled with to decuple and eightfold city rate, you should give 15 times possibly. ─── 胡煜君感叹,“整个中国,风险投资这么热,你去买企业的时候,VC都给十倍八倍的市盈率,你可能要给15倍。”

27、The way leading to the cessation of being is just this Noble Eightfold Path; ─── 其八支圣道,是达有灭之道。

28、Various delays meant the deal could not be completed until recently - since when the SDB share price has climbed nearly eightfold. ─── 此后的各种耽搁使得这项交易到近期才可能完成,而此时深发展的股价已攀升了近八倍。

29、Of paths the Eightfold Path is the best; of truths the Four Words(Noble Truths);Detachment is the best of states and of bipeds the Seeing One(the Man of Vision). ─── 所有道路中,八正道是最好的;所有真理中,四圣谛(苦、集、灭、道)是最好的;所有境界中,离弃是最好的;所有两足动物中,能观察的是最好的。

30、The Buddha taught many things, but the basic concepts in Buddhism can be summed up by the Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path. ─── 佛陀对人们有很多的教导,但基本的教义可以概括为四圣谛与八圣道。第一个圣谛(苦谛)是什么?

31、Over the past century, average income has risen about eightfold. ─── 在过去的一个多世纪里,人均收入已经增长了约八倍之多。

32、Drinking very hot tea (at least 70 C) was associated with an eightfold increased risk compared with warm or lukewarm tea. ─── 而饮用很热的茶(茶温至少70℃)的人对比饮用温和或者冷茶的,其患病的几率则更是达八倍增长之多。

33、Multiplied by eight; eightfold. ─── 八倍的乘以八的; 八倍的

34、Facilities equipment is excellent, eightfold office building towers aloft northward " Harbin glacial a city " center. ─── 设施装备上乘,八层办公大楼耸立北方“冰城哈尔滨”中心。

35、You can gain an eightfold increase in capacity, to 128M bit/sec, by dividing the network into eight token-ring segments and connecting each one to a DTR concentrator port. ─── 把此网分成8个令牌环段,并每个都接到DTR集中器的端口上,您就把网的能力提高了8倍,达到128M位/秒。

36、Currently, these foresee an approximate eightfold expansion within just nine years. ─── 核电项目在九年内会比目前的数量翻八倍之多。

37、“Eightfold Shell Filling in a Double-Wall Carbon Nanotube Quantum Dot” is published in Physical Review Letters and details the electrical transport properties of such a device. ─── 而且,同传统收音机相比,纳米收音机具有显著的特点。

38、Please ordain me a Bhikkhu so that I can develop the Noble Eightfold Path. ─── 请给我授戒让我成为比丘,这样我就能够修行八正道。

39、As for the objective condition surrounding you, you have to close to the good people and follow the correct eightfold path which Buddha said in his scriptures. ─── 在客观条件上,则须行佛经上说的八正道,亲近善知识等。

40、eightfold tracks ─── 八线

41、Since taking over the helm at Generale des Eaux/Vivendi in 1996, Messier has increased the firm's market capitalisation eightfold ─── 自1996年米歇尔掌管水利总公司之后,他将遍地撒网的公司业务集中归为两大类:一类是公用事业,包括水、电和公共交通

42、"Mounting the celestial chariot (the Noble Eightfold path, and driving) along the passion-free high road, (Sopaka, now a monk), reached the Brahma realm having given up sense desires. ─── “他己登上神车,进入圣洁的大道,摒弃爱欲和贪求,走向梵界,出身并不阻碍他在梵界获得再生。

43、With the increase rate first quarter is compared this year, it exceeds fully eightfold! ─── 与今年第一季度的增长率相比,它足足超过八倍!

44、7.The power curve indicates that doubling the wind speed will lead to an eightfold increase in power. ─── 利用两根并排着的传输不同信号的电缆,使信道通信能力加倍的方法。

45、Of paths the Eightfold Path is the best; of truths the Four Words(Noble Truths); ─── 所有道路中,八正道是最好的;所有真理中,四圣谛(苦、集、灭、道)是最好的;

46、eightfold way ─── 八维法八重法

47、Since taking over the helm at Generale des Eaux/Vivendi in 1996, Messier has increased the firm's market capitalisation eightfold. ─── 自1996年米歇尔掌管水利总公司之后,他将遍地撒网的公司业务集中归为两大类:一类是公用事业,包括水、电和公共交通;

48、With a long-term, 12-years goal, they finally took down the #1 spot in the Shanghai tourism industry, multiplying their size eightfold within 3 years! ─── 下长棋十二年,终于拿下海外旅游市场的老大地位,获利三年内成长八倍!

49、Exposure to erythromycin at age 3 to 13 days was associated with a nearly eightfold increased risk of pyloric stenosis (adjusted incident rate ratio, 7.88; ─── 出生后3至13天内服用红黴素与幽门狭窄的危险率增加大约8倍有关(矫正后的事件危险率比为7.88;

50、But, in motion of any pendulous of need left and right sides, resemble making tennis, ski, dance etc, of feminine genu ministry get hurt what odds is as high as the male however is eightfold. ─── 但是,在任何需要左右摇摆的运动中,像打网球、滑雪、跳舞等,女人膝部的受伤几率却高达男性的八倍。

51、The number of bears in the state had risen eightfold in the past 20 years, making them often more numerous near cities than in the wild. ─── 该州熊的数目在过去20年增加了8倍,使得城市附近熊的数量时常比野外还多。

52、China's trade surplus, which increased eightfold between 2004 and 2007, has been widely forecast to stabilise this year amid signs of economic slowdown and weakening demand in the US and Europe. ─── 2004年至2007年间,中国贸易顺差增长了8倍。由于有迹象表明美国和欧洲经济增长放缓,需求不断减弱,市场普遍预计今年中国的贸易顺差将持稳。

53、Eightfold metope shop installs processing to prevent wall craze, get damp; ─── 八层墙面铺装处理防止墙壁开裂、返潮;

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