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09-09 投稿



chested 发音

英:[?t?est?d]  美:[?t?est?d]

英:  美:

chested 中文意思翻译



chested 词性/词形变化,chested变形

名词复数: chests of drawers |

chested 短语词组

1、flat-chested a. ( ─── 妇女)乳房小的, 平胸的

2、chested definition ─── 胸部定义

3、deep-chested a. ─── 胸部很厚的, 发自 ─── 胸内的

4、Maroon-chested Ground-Dove ─── 栗胸地面凹

5、narrow-chested ─── 狭胸的

6、barrel chested ─── 桶胸

7、hairy-chested a. ─── 粗壮的

8、barrel chested body type ─── 桶形胸体型

9、barrel chested dog ─── 桶状胸犬

10、bare-chested ─── 敞胸的 坦胸的

11、barrel-chested a. ─── 胸部发达的, ─── 胸围宽大的

12、chested posture meaning ─── 胸姿意

13、big-chested ─── [网络] 大胸

14、pigeon-chested adj. ─── 鸡胸的

15、chested define ─── 胸脯

16、chested heart failure ─── 胸闷心衰

17、barrel chested meaning ─── 桶状胸含义

18、flat chested ─── 平胸的

chested 相似词语短语

1、bested ─── adj.在……境遇的;v.超过;克服(best的过去分词)

2、crested ─── adj.有羽冠的;有顶饰的;有饰章的;v.在…上加顶饰(crest的过去分词);n.(Crested)人名;(英)克雷斯蒂德

3、cheskey ─── n.捷克语;捷克人的后裔

4、chesses ─── n.国际象棋,西洋棋;n.(Chess)人名;(英)切斯

5、cohosted ─── 联合主办的

6、casted ─── 浇注型;铸造的

7、chessel ─── n.制干酪的模子;干酪桶

8、-chested ─── adj.胸部……的,上身……的

9、chestier ─── adj.胸部丰满的;胸部大的;骄傲的(chesty的变形)

chested 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、His chest and back were filmed with perspiration. ─── 他的前胸和后背都是汗津津的。

2、He breathed deeply and expanded his chest. ─── 他边深呼吸边扩胸。

3、A giant bowling ball of a head that melted into absolutely no neck, as if his skull had been glued to a barrel-chested body. ─── 一个巨大的保龄球一样的脑袋绝对连脖子都看不到,好像他的头颅直接粘在一个胸肌发达水桶腰的身体上。

4、The doctor percussed the patient's chest. ─── 医生叩击病人的胸膛

5、Do you have a dull pain in your chest? ─── 你胸部是钝痛吗?

6、He had a bullet wound in his chest. ─── 他胸部有枪伤。

7、Abundant hair sprouted from his broad chest. ─── 他宽阔的胸膛上长出许多毛。

8、Has he ever had any chest pain before? ─── 以前他有过胸痛吗?

9、He had a dull pain in the chest. ─── 他胸部隐隐作痛。

10、He has a severe pain in the chest. ─── 他胸部痛得很厉害。

11、He stabbed a knife into the man's chest. ─── 他用刀刺入了那个人的胸膛。

12、The surgeon cut his chest open and took out the tumour. ─── 医生给他打开胸膛并取出肿瘤。

13、You'd better have your chest X-rayed. ─── 你最透视一下胸部。

14、She plimmed her chest towards them. ─── 她向他们挺起她的胸脯。

15、She gasped for breath, her chest heaving. ─── 她喘着气,胸部不停地起伏。

16、He dragged the heavy chest across the floor. ─── 他在地板上拉著沉重的箱子。

17、His chest heaved after the race. ─── 在赛跑之后,他的胸部不停地起伏。

18、The knife had penetrated his chest. ─── 刀子刺入了他的胸膛。

19、Can you expand your chest by inspiration? ─── 你能吸气扩张你的胸部吗?

20、He puffed out his chest with pride. ─── 他骄傲地挺起了胸。

21、His weak chest predisposes him to winter illnesses. ─── 他的胸腔有毛病,冬天易于得病。

22、Tell him that his hairy chest is manly or that you love his smile. ─── 告诉他其多毛的胸部有阳刚之气或你喜欢他的微笑。

23、He has an ache in his/the chest. ─── 他胸部疼痛。

24、He sat with his arms across the chest. ─── 他双臂交叉于胸前的坐在那里。

25、He found the chest to contain silver coins. ─── 他发现那囗箱子装着银币。

26、He tucked his chin into his chest. ─── 他把下巴缩到胸前

27、He gave me a chest X-ray and took my blood pressure. ─── 他给我做了X光胸透并量了血压。

28、He was feeling chest pain and went to the hospital. ─── 他感到胸口痛,就去了医院。

29、A heart was tattooed on his chest. ─── 他的胸膛上刺的花纹是一颗心。

30、Ronnie shook his head and chested up to the kid. "Fight back or it'll get worse, " he ordered. ─── 罗尼摇了摇头,挺着胸脯走到小子面前,命令道:“要么还击,要么敬酒不吃吃罚酒。”

31、But there was a little baby suckling on her chest. ─── 但她怀中有个还在襁褓的婴儿,那婴儿还算健康。

32、He put some food into the ice chest. ─── 他把一些食物放进冰箱里。

33、A barrel-chested young man entered the bedroom. ─── 一位胸部厚实发达的年轻男子走进了卧室。

34、His chin rested almost on his chest. ─── 他的下巴几乎触到了胸口。

35、He hugged her and she nestled against his chest. ─── 他拥抱着她,她则依偎在他的怀里。

36、He complained of having a tight chest. ─── 他主诉胸部憋闷。

37、There may be excruciating chest pain. ─── 可能有极其剧烈的胸痛。

38、His broad chest heaves with pleasure. ─── 他那宽阔的胸膛,由于满腔欢乐,所以起伏不止。

39、He hugged the hot-water bottle to his chest. ─── 他把热水袋紧捂在胸口。

40、He walked up and down his room, chin sunk on chest. ─── 他低垂着脑袋,在屋子里走来走去。

41、He swelled his chest outimportantly. ─── 他神气地挺起胸膛。

42、His weak chest predisposes him to illness. ─── 他的肺很虚弱,使他易于感染疾病。

43、His hair hung to his shoulders, a full beard obscured half of his face; his massive arms and chest were covered with tattoos. ─── 他的头发一直垂到肩膀,浓密的胡子几乎遮住了半张脸。在他粗壮的胳膊和厚实的胸膛上刺着文身。

44、He has a slight wheeze in his chest. ─── 他呼吸时胸部发出轻微的响声。

45、Do you have a pain in both side of chest? ─── 你胸部两边感到疼痛吗?

46、A: I have a sore throat and my chest hurts. ─── 医生,我喉咙痛

47、Tell people how our chest bump got started. ─── 告诉大家我们怎么会开始撞胸的。

48、There's a self-portrait and one of me bare-chested. ─── 有一幅他的自画像和一幅画我的裸上身人像。

49、The victim was knifed in the chest. ─── 受害者胸部被刺了一刀。

50、Using a pair of giant clippers, the bare-chested Chinese man lunges into one of many wire cages on a truck and pins down a yelping dog. ─── 一个赤裸着胸膛的中国男人用一对大夹子戳进卡车上很多铁丝笼中的一个,夹住一只呜咽的狗。

51、Diesel has a bare-chested man with his head on a woman's lap, begging for a glass of water. ─── 在Diesel的一张海报上,一个裸露着胸膛的男子将头放在一个女子的大腿上,乞求一杯水。

52、They were all pale, flabby, sunken-eyed, hollow-chested, with eyes that glinted and shone and lips that were a sickly red by contrast. ─── 他们全都面色苍白、皮肉松弛,眼眶凹陷、胸脯扁平,但眼睛却闪闪发亮,而且相形之下,嘴唇红得像是在发烧。

53、The victim had been knifed (in the chest). ─── 受害人(於胸部)中刀.

54、He received several stabs in the chest. ─── 他胸部被刺了几刀。

55、If something's bothering you, get if off your chest. ─── 假如你有什么不通快的事,把它说出来吧。

56、He has a complaint in the chest. ─── 他胸口有

57、His weak chest was a legacy of a childhood illness. ─── 他那瘦弱的胸脯是儿时患病的后遗症。

58、You'll feel good to get things off your chest. ─── 你把心里话说出来,就会感觉好受的。

59、Have another drink. It'll put hairs on your chest. ─── 再来一杯,它会使你有男子汉气魄。

60、A rash had erupted all over his chest and arms. ─── 他的胸部和手臂上突然出满疹子。

61、He is playing his cards close to his chest. ─── 他正在他的胸前玩牌。

62、He soon scraped down the pine chest. ─── 他很快就把松木箱的表面砂光了。

63、The knife penetrated his chest. ─── 刀子穿过他的胸腔。

64、The doctor gave him an examination to see if he had chest trouble. ─── 医生给他做了检查,看他是否有肺病。

65、His beard fell to his chest. ─── 他的胡须垂到胸前。

66、His chest swelled proudly, his eyes glowed. ─── 他的胸膛傲然挺起,目光炯炯。

67、A large timber had fallen across her chest. ─── 一根大木头倒下,横压在她的胸部。

68、He got jab bed in the lower part of his chest. ─── 他的下胸部被刺。

69、He had the word 'Cool' blazoned across his chest. ─── 他的胸前饰有 Cool 的字样。

70、Your muscular shoulder and chest impress me deeply. ─── 你肩膀和胸部肌肉发达,这给我留下很深的印象。

71、A bullet entered into his chest. ─── 一颗子弹射进了他的胸膛。

72、Have you ever had any chest pain before? ─── 你以前胸痛过吗?

73、He gave me a chest X-ray and then took my blood pressure. ─── 他给我作了X光胸透并量了血压。

74、His chest heaves with every breath. ─── 他的胸部随着呼吸而起伏。

75、His chest heaved and his body seemed to droop. ─── 他的胸脯上下起伏,身子也好象衰颓了。

76、The burning within his chest subsided. ─── 他胸腔中的烧炙感慢慢消失了。

77、This bra will take flat-chested girls and give them exactly what they want. ─── 这种胸罩受平胸女孩青睐,并且给她们完全想要的。

78、You'd better get the annoyance off your chest. ─── 你最好把心里的烦恼说出来。

79、His chest was covered in tattoos. ─── 他的胸部刺满了花纹。

80、You're obviously worried about something; why not get it off your chest? ─── 你显然有心事,何不一吐为快?

81、He couldn't breathe. His chest was on fire. ─── 他无法呼吸。他的胸部火辣辣地疼痛。

82、And on top of all that, the most recent picture of a bare-chested Putin on horseback has me worried. ─── 使我最为不安的原因,应该是最近发布的一张普京的照片:他赤裸胸膛,骑在马背驰骋——这真使人不安。

83、He took a blow (ie. The blow hit him) on the chest. ─── 他胸部挨了一击。

84、He neatly fended off a jab at his chest. ─── 他利落地挡开了当胸的一击。

85、He had to have his chest X-rayed. ─── 他得进行胸部 X 光检查。

86、His eyes were back on the faint pulsing movement in the chest. ─── 他再度注意着胸部轻微的起伏动作。

87、He stabbed his finger angrily at my chest. ─── 他气呼呼地用指头戳我的胸脯。

88、"I chested the ball down and just decided to hit it. ─── “在我用胸部卸下球后只想着来一脚射门。

89、He has a feeling of tightness in the chest or a. ─── 他是干咳,没有痰。

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