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09-09 投稿



ferrying 发音

英:[?feri??]  美:[?feri??]

英:  美:

ferrying 中文意思翻译



ferrying 词性/词形变化,ferrying变形

动词过去分词: ferried |动词第三人称单数: ferries |动词过去式: ferried |动词现在分词: ferrying |名词复数: ferries |

ferrying 短语词组

1、ferrying control officer ─── 渡轮控制官

2、ferrying squadron ─── 渡船中队

3、ferrying planes ─── 摆渡机

4、ferrying define ─── 渡船定义

5、ferrying aircraft ─── 摆渡飞机

6、ferrying meaning ─── 渡船意义

7、ferrying means ─── 渡船工具

8、ferrying def ─── 运送def

9、ferrying darkroom ─── 摆渡暗室

10、ferrying pilot ─── 渡轮驾驶员

11、ferrying synonym ─── 渡口同义词

ferrying 常用词组

ferry terminal ─── 渡轮码头;车船联运港;客轮码头

ferry service ─── 轮渡服务

ferrying 相似词语短语

1、flurrying ─── n.慌张;疾风;飓风;骚动;一阵忙乱(或激动、兴奋等);小阵雪(或雨等);(尤指衣服)窸窣;(同时出现的)一系列事物;一阵混乱;v.使恐慌;使激动;慌张;激动;(雪或树叶)微飘;(人)快速行动

2、ferruling ─── n.套圈;金属箍;金属包头;vt.给…装金属箍

3、berrying ─── n.浆果(葡萄,番茄等);vi.采集浆果;n.(Berry)人名;(法、英、德、意、葡)贝里;(匈)拜里

4、ferreting ─── n.雪貂;白鼬;(尤指在封闭或狭小空间中的)搜寻,查找;搜寻者;v.(翻箱倒柜地)搜寻,寻找;搜出,查获某物;用雪貂猎鼠(猎兔);不断地烦扰、纠缠;担心;n.(Ferret)(法、美、西、英、巴)费里特(人名)

5、wherrying ─── n.平底货船;小舟,摆渡船;vt.用平底货船运输

6、herrying ─── v.(不断)烦扰;不断袭击(等于harry);n.(Herry)(印)赫里(人名)

7、ferlying ─── 狂热的

8、serrying ─── v.拥挤,密集;(使)(军队行列等)靠拢;n.(Serry)(美)塞里(人名)

9、carrying ─── v.运送,输送;携带;传染,传播;能记住;承重;承担责任;具有(品质或特点);带来;获得支持或通过;登载;销售;怀孕;进位(carry的现在分词)

ferrying 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I spent the first day in Nanjing strolling about with some friends at their invitation, and was ferrying across the Yangtse River to Pukou the next morning and thence taking a train for Beijing on the afternoon of the same day. ─── 到南京时,有朋友约去游逛,逗留了一日;第二日上午便须渡江到浦口,下午上车北去。

2、These middlemen have their own distribution networks, and take on much of the work of ferrying cash around the country. ─── 这些中间人都有自己的配送网络,他们的工作就是在全国范围内运送现金。

3、a franchise or legal right to operate a ferrying service for a fee. ─── 为获取服务费而经营摆渡业的特权或合法权利.

4、Last week, the authorities in Liangshan said they had detained several people for recruiting children and illegally ferrying them off to factories. ─── 上周,凉山当局称他们已经把数名试图招童工的人扣留,然后非法地遣送他们回到工厂。

5、liquor ferri subsulfatis ─── [医] 亚硫酸铁溶液

6、Among them: a new presidential limousine already seen ferrying the Obama family around town, with the license plate number "44. ─── 在这些可以通行的车辆中包括新总统的豪华轿车,这辆车牌为44的轿车已经载着奥巴马的家人在华盛顿各处行走。

7、Just then I heard someone saying to me, “Thank you for ferrying me over.I shall be reborn tonight to the family of A at Village B. ─── 可在这时,听到有人跟我说:“感谢你为我渡化,我今晚要去某某村某某人的家里投生。”

8、Yet the party flopped in London (a failure Mr Griffin attributes to Labour activists “ferrying Africans who can't even speak English” to polling stations). ─── 但是该党在伦敦栽了跟头(党魁格里芬认为投票站里支持工党的积极分子是些“偷渡来的非洲佬,英语都不会说”)。

9、I want to go from this side of the shore to the other, ferrying over, ferrying back, and all the boys and girls bathing in the village, will look at me with surprise. ─── 我要自此岸至彼岸,渡过来,渡过去,所有村中正在那儿沐浴的男孩女孩,都要诧异地望着我。

10、ferri oxide ─── [电] 三氧化二铁

11、Calculation of Wave-making Resistance for Raft Ferrying Based on Potential Flow Theory ─── 基于势流理论的门桥兴波阻力计算

12、Women's Auxiliary Ferrying Squadron ─── 妇女辅助运输中队

13、A helicopter ferrying a patient with a medical emergency collided into another chopper carrying a patient near the hospital, leaving 7 people dead. ─── 当日,美国两架医疗直升机在弗拉格斯塔夫医疗中心附近的上空相撞,造成至少7人死亡,另有3人重伤。

14、At its zenith it had 4,600 employees and 1,500 trucks ferrying euro500m a day across the country. ─── 在其巅峰时刻,公司拥有4千6百名员工,1千5百辆卡车,在全德境内的现金运输总额达5亿欧元。

15、special security check, boarding channels、special bus for ferrying and special leading,all of these make the guests enjoy a respectful and easy journey. ─── 专用安检和登机通道、专车摆渡、专人引导,让乘机的您“尽显尊贵轻松成行”。

16、liquor ferri et ammonii acetatis ─── [医] 醋酸胺铁溶液

17、elixir ferri quininae et strychninae ─── [医] 铁奎宁士的宁酏

18、He took off his motorcycle helmet, signed out his yellow miner's hat and boarded a rail cart ferrying workers underground. ─── 他来到矿井后摘下摩托车头盔,签名领取了黄色安全帽,然后乘上一辆运送矿工下井的缆车。

19、While ferrying workers back and forth from our offshore oil rig, the helicopter I was on lost power and went down. ─── 当将工人们海上石油钻井平台的运输上下时,我坐的直升飞机失去动力,落了下来。

20、ferri fluoride ─── n. 铁氟化物

21、liquor ferri persulfatis ─── [医] 硫酸铁溶液

22、You could say he made a good end. A shell-burst caught him as he was ferrying the wounded across the river. ─── 他可以说他死得很勇敢。他是在划船送伤员过河时被弹片击中的。

23、85 Gnome merchants need protection while ferrying their goods down a dangerous river. ─── 85侏儒商人在运送他们的货物渡过一条危险河流的时候需要保护。

24、ferri ion ─── (三价)铁离子

25、Even Bryant, who made 12 of 20 field goals, scoring 36 points and somehow ferrying the Lakers to safety, missed seven of his 18 free throws. ─── 即使是科比,20投12中砍下36分,在一定程度上让湖人保持住了领先优势,也罚失了18个罚球中的7个。

26、bistecca di manzo ai ferri ─── n. T骨牛排

27、Ferrying Control Officer ─── 摆渡指挥官

28、Ferri, with gorgeous feet, was elegant, but passionate, her dancing full of sweeping moves. ─── 很机灵啊:不怎么玩得转球,反而显得稚拙可爱。

29、The pregnant woman at this time many lacks the iron anemia, if must supplement the iron, should take orally the ferri the blood tonic. ─── 孕妇这个时候多是缺铁性贫血,如果要补充铁,应该口服含铁的补血剂。

30、The third technology involves cargo spaceships ferrying supplies to a space lab. ─── 第三种技术包括了补加技术,将研制一艘货运飞船,为空间实验室进行补给。

31、liquor ferri hypophosphitis ─── [医] 次磷酸铁溶液

32、Often eats ferri archery target food skin gloss ruddy willowy, needs the sufficient blood supplies. ─── 常吃含铁质的食物皮肤光泽红润有弹性,需要充足的血液供给。

33、mistura ferri composita ─── [医] 复方铁合剂

34、She helped Skywalker when the young Rebel was caught in an Imperial trap, by ferrying him off the system in an automated drone barge. ─── 那名年轻的起义者陷入帝国的圈套后,她出手相助,用一艘自动化无人驾驶驳船把卢克送出星系。

35、The domestic big or media-sized cities cargo loads the transportation (ferri road and aviation); ─── 国内大中城市货物配载运输(含铁公路及航空);

36、liquor ferri citrici oxidati ─── [医] 枸橼酸铁溶液

37、aerugo ferri ─── [医] 铁锈

38、liquor ferri albuminati ─── [医] 铁蛋白溶液

39、This cap, says the company, is now collecting more than 10, 000 barrels of oil a day, ferrying it up to a tanker on the surface. ─── 公司说,这个盖帽现在每天可收集超过10,000桶原油,然后运送到海面上的一艘油轮。

40、ferri halloysite ─── 多水铁高岭土

41、The gloomy prospect of ferrying around strangers every day makes taxi-drivers laugh less than any other profession, according to the survey of 4,000 workers. ─── 对四千名劳工进行的民调发现,每天要载陌生人趴趴走的沉闷工作,让计程车驾驶笑得比其他行业的人都少。

42、elixir ferri quininae et strychninae phosphatum ─── [医] 铁奎宁磷酸士的宁酏

43、gargarisma ferri perchloridi ─── [医] 氯化铁漱液

44、mistura ferri aromatica ─── [医] 芳香铁合剂

45、liquor ferri chloridi ─── [医] 氯化铁溶液

46、Ideas on Not Ferrying Vehicles for Road Ferry near the Bridge ─── 已建桥的公路渡口不应继续渡运车辆之管见

47、Analyzed the conductivity of PSFA and the morphogenetic contribution of ferri and silicon, and introduced its coagulation mechanism. ─── 分析了PSFA混凝剂的电导率及铁和硅的形态分布,提出了PSFA混凝剂的混凝机理。

48、Caption :With dozens of aircraft ferrying troops out from various bases, officers said the operation was the biggest airlift by the Marines since Vietnam. ─── 描述:美军动用数十架飞机从多个基地调兵遣将,官方称这是海军陆战队自越战以来规模最大的空运行动。

49、And across the reservoir lake, boats ferrying the wounded back for medical help. These people have been stranded for 4 days, cut off by landslides. ─── 在水库对面,多艘小船运送伤者回来接受治疗。这些人已经被滑坡围困了4天。

50、They were among the lucky, finding passage on a ship ferrying people out of the city. ─── 他们是幸运的,最终得以登上一艘运载民众离开米苏拉塔的船。

51、Takes in danger which excessive possibly exists: The research indicated: In the blood the ferri will be excessively many will cause the heart. ─── 摄入过量可能存在的危险:注意那些钙强化食品和钙强化巧克力。

52、Likewise, a landing craft whose primary mission is ferrying personnel or equipment to and from shore is a maritime unit and is represented in the sea surface dimension. ─── 同样,登陆艇的主要任务区域是从海岸或望海岸运送人员或装备,是一个海上部队,会被表示成为海面战役。

53、???Simultaneously should also pay attention to ferri food intaking, because the iron is the constitution hemoglobin core ingredient. ─── 同时还应注意含铁食品的摄入,因为铁是构成血红蛋白的核心成分。

54、The soldiers who reached Wenchuan County, the epicenter of the 7.9-magnitude quake that struck China on Monday, began ferrying survivors across rivers on plastic skiffs. ─── 士兵们到达中国周一遭受的7.9级地震的震中汶川,开始用塑胶小船渡生还者过江。

55、mistura ferri et ammonii acetatis ─── [医] 醋酸铁铵合剂

56、Panama Ferrying Command ─── 巴拿马渡运司令部

57、liquor ferri trichloridi ─── [医] 三氯化铁溶液

58、liquor ferri peptonati et mangani ─── [医] 胨化铁锰溶液

59、Files ferrying ─── 文件摆渡

60、In order to improve hydrodynamic performance of a ferrying raft, two hydrofoils are set in the raft's wetted hull, which will control the flow field near the wall surface. ─── 摘要为了改善门桥的水动力性能,增设了对近壁面流场进行流动控制的水翼。

61、A man was ferrying across a rive when his sword fell into the river. ─── 一个人在乘摆渡过河时把剑掉在河里。

62、I worried about that the ferryboats would stop ferrying so I hurried to the ferry.When I reached there I knew that the ferryboats disembogue days and nights. ─── 担心渡船收渡,急匆匆向渡口赶去,才听说轮渡全天24小时开航。

63、Ferri rich food has the animal liver, the kelp, the lean meat and so on. ─── 含铁丰富的食物有动物肝、海带、瘦肉等。

64、That indelibly etched on my mind is the necks of ducks from hanzhengstreet and the conditions of people going to work and ferrying changjiang river every morning. ─── 对此一直心向往之,希望有朝一日能见识一下。

65、liquor ferri phosphatis ─── [医] 磷酸铁溶液

66、Ancient Chinese saying “ ferrying together for two men is a chance being looked for hundred years” , according to this, it should be a chance for us looking for thousand of years. ─── 按照我们中国的古话“百年修得同船渡”,像这样来自不同国家、不同行业的人欢聚一堂,应该说是我们千年所修的缘分了。

67、Serginho kicked off the first of many derbies that will take place this week, with Leonardo being coach of the Rossoneri and Riccardo Ferri in charge of the Nerazzurri. ─── 塞尔吉尼奥的开球打响了本周许多德比战中的第一场,莱昂纳多作为红黑军团的主帅,里卡多.费里则指导蓝黑军。

68、This was one of Bocca’s last performances as Romeo, and it surely one of Ferri’s final performances as Juliet. ─── 其实是个国标啊!怪我,只顾低头敲字,抬头看的那几眼,愣没看出来是国标!

69、Gnome merchants need protection while ferrying their goods down a dangerous river. ─── 侏儒商人在运送他们的货物渡过一条危险河流的时候需要保护。

70、ferri filum ─── [医] 铁丝

71、I'm spending much of my day ferrying my son Fin to camp. ─── 我正在度过乘船渡过我的儿子鳍露营的许多的我的日子。

72、NASA prefers landing shuttles at the same place where it launches them, to avoid the several days and estimated $1 million in ferrying the spacecraft atop a modified jumbo jet back from the West Coast. ─── NASA倾向于让航天飞机在原来的发射场着陆,因为这样可以不用花几天时间把航天飞机放在一架改装过的巨型喷气式飞机上从西海岸运回,免去了大约100万美元的运输费用。

73、data ferrying ─── 数据摆渡

74、International aid was visible, with helicopters from Brazil, Argentina and Venezuela ferrying in supplies. Donations from the United States were used to set up shelters. ─── 国际救助显而易见---有来自巴西、阿根廷和委内瑞拉送来补给品的直升飞机。来自美国的捐助被用作搭建帐篷。

75、Study of ferri nutrient of piglets ─── 仔猪铁营养的研究

76、limatura ferri ─── [医] 铁屑

77、A large share of health spending is spent ferrying patients to clinics. ─── 医疗支出的很大一部分都花在运送病人到诊所的旅费上了。

78、a franchise or legal right to operate a ferrying service for a fee ─── 摆渡权,为获取服务费而经营摆渡业的特权或合法权利

79、Reached by phone on Monday morning, hospital officials in Zibo said the injured began arriving around 5 a.m., with about 100 ambulances ferrying the injured to local hospitals. ─── 在周一凌晨接到求救电话后,淄博的医院于5点左右接到了第一批伤者,随后当地医院共派出大约100辆救护车前往救助。

80、Women's Auxiliary Ferrying Service ─── 妇女辅助渡运队

81、I spent the first day in Nanjing strolling about with some friends at their invitation, and was ferrying across the Yangtze River to Pukou the same day. ─── 我们过了江,进了车站。我买票,他忙着照看行李。行李太多了,得向脚夫行些小费,才可过去。

82、a cura di Clara Ferri. ─── 作者声明: Tommaso Campanella ;

83、Once, there was a leaf of bamboo raft ferrying between today and yestreen, but it now vanished with only a broken rope and pole left. ─── 一叶竹筏往来于今朝与昨夜之间,而今却已索断杆折,不知去向。

84、glyceritum ferri ─── [医] 磷酸士的宁奎宁铁甘油剂

85、sirupus ferri jodati ─── [医] 状态, 病态, 病

86、In 1997,100 of the 780 launches and ferries were operated by three major ferry companies providing scheduled services for ferrying more than 80 million passengers between urban areas and outlying islands. ─── 一九九七年,在780艘小轮和渡轮中,有100艘由3家主要的渡轮公司营运,提供定时航班服务,行走市区与离岛之间,运载乘客超逾8000万人次。

87、You could say he made a good end. A shell-burst caught him as he was ferrying the wounded across the river. ─── 他可以说他死得很勇敢。他是在划船送伤员过河时被弹片击中的。

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