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09-09 投稿



frangibility 发音

英:[[?fr?nd??'b?l?t?]]  美:[[?fr?nd??'b?l?t?]]

英:  美:

frangibility 中文意思翻译



frangibility 短语词组

1、frangibility means ─── 脆弱性意味着

2、frangibility definition ─── 脆弱性定义

3、frangibility meaning ─── 脆弱性意义

frangibility 相似词语短语

1、fallibility ─── n.易误;不可靠;出错性

2、fungibility ─── n.可替代性;可互换

3、infrangibility ─── n.不可侵犯;不能破坏

4、diffrangibility ─── 可分散性

5、intangibility ─── n.无形;不能把握;不确定

6、feasibility ─── n.可行性;可能性

7、refrangibility ─── n.折射性;折射度

8、fragility ─── n.脆弱;[力]易碎性;虚弱

9、tangibility ─── n.可触知;有实质;确实性

frangibility 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The frangibility of ecology environment in western area determines the approaches to strengthen interactions between economy and ecology rather than polluting before administering. ─── 摘要西部地区生态环境的脆弱性决定了西部地区在工业化过程中不能走“先污染、后治理”的发展模式,而应该强化经济与生态环境的互动发展。

2、At the same time, because of the technical frangibility of network and many management risks, a lot of security problems of information system have appeared. ─── 信息系统所面临的各种信息安全问题,因网络本身存在的技术脆弱性与局限性以及管理风险的大量存在而日益凸现。

3、Keywords Yancheng;Seashore wet land;Ecological risk assessment;Vulnerable environment;Ecological index;Ecological frangibility degree index;Ecological loss degree index; ─── 盐城;海滨湿地;生态风险评价;生态指数;生态脆弱度指数;生态损失度指数;

4、Zoning study for the frangibility of agricultural drought in Hu'nan Province ─── 湖南农业干旱脆弱性分区研究

5、But at the same time, as the complexity of network environment, the levity and frangibility of information system, the issue of information security is emerging gradually. ─── 同时,由于网络环境的复杂性、多变性和信息系统的脆弱性,信息安全问题也逐步凸现。

6、Of cold blackland rare was short of gender, frangibility to decide to protect blackland land is cold blackland economy the fundamental; ─── 寒地黑土的稀缺性、脆弱性决定了保护黑土地是寒地黑土经济可持续发展的基础;

7、The frangibility, security and location ability of the two algorithms are all validated by computer simulations. ─── 这两种算法的懦弱性、安全性和定位才能都通过了盘算机试验给与验证。

8、while the current account is surplus, the risk also exists because of the economic frangibility. ─── 而在经常项目出现顺差时,由于一国经济的脆弱性,同样存在国际短期资本流动诱发金融危机的内在隐患。

9、Keywords karst ecological environment frangibility ecological facto ecological reestablishment; ─── 岩溶;生态环境;脆弱性;生态因子;生态重建;

10、Keywords fragile environment;evaluation of frangibility;ecological carrying capability;ecological resilience; ─── 关键词脆弱生态区;脆弱性评价;生态承载力;生态弹性力;

11、Visible, of land degrade the desert region harm that should compare extreme drought is more serious, frangibility is stronger, zoology environment is weak.. ─── 可见,土地的退化要比极端干旱的沙漠地带危害更为严重,脆弱性更强,生态环境脆弱...

12、agricultural drought frangibility ─── 农业干旱脆弱性

13、Keywords modification;frangibility;fitting-condition;UV paint of wooden floor; ─── 关键词改性;脆性;适宜条件;UV木地板涂料;

14、But this kind anabiosises have frangibility and uncertainty again. ─── 但这种复苏又具有脆弱性和不确定性。

15、frangibility of capital flow ─── 资本流动脆弱性

16、Evaluation of ecological environment frangibility is important for knowledge, preservation, reform of the ecological environment, and harmonious relation between man and nature. ─── 摘要生态环境脆弱性评价对认识、保护和改造生态环境,促进人与自然的和谐发展具有重要意义。

17、Determination of Index And Weight of Climatological Frangibility for Agricultural Production ─── 农业生产的气候脆弱性指标及权重的确定

18、Keywords Linxiang City;ecological frangibility;AHP;gray evaluation method; ─── 临湘;生态脆弱性;层次分析法;灰色评价法;

19、The environment of urban fringe has complexity and frangibility, with the economical development, the environment of urban fringe is facing a lot of problems and stress. ─── 城市边缘区生态环境具有脆弱性,伴随着经济的发展,边缘区生态环境正面临更多的问题和压力。

20、Keywords Frangibility of eco-environment;ASTER;Data fusion;Vegetation Index; ─── 生态环境脆弱性;ASTER;数据融合;植被指数;

21、Keywords ecological environment;frangibility analysis;environmental system; ─── 生态环境;脆弱性分析;环境系统;

22、Regional water-soil ecological system frangibility and protection and harnessing of desertization ─── 区域水土生态系统脆弱性与荒漠化防治

23、Ecological Environment Classification and Frangibility Analysis of South Polar Region ─── 南极生态环境分类及其脆弱性分析

24、In a general sense, financial frangibility is risk accumulation in all financial areas. ─── 金融脆弱性泛指一切融资领域中的风险积聚。

25、The frangibility of the cantonal groundwater in Cangzhou was estimated utilizing the frangibility of the water layer. ─── 分析并确定了沧州市地下水资源评价方法,进行了评价类型区的划分。

26、The result of experiment show that this algorithm has good robust against JPEG,and frangibility against the familiar attacks,and beseem to selective authentication for image. ─── 实验结果表明,该方法对JPEG压缩具有很好的鲁棒性,同时对滤波和加噪等处理具有很好的易碎性,适合于图像的内容认证。

27、Chapter 2 mainly carries on a definition to the concept of financial frangibility and puts forward the contrary theory that our country's financial system is frangibility but stability. ─── 第三章从内生和外在影响因素两方面阐释了我国金融脆弱性的生成机制和其特殊性。

28、The paper discusses the major causes of the frangibility in Fuxin city. ─── 最后探讨阜新市社会脆弱性的主要影响因素。

29、the geological environment has relatively strong frangibility; ─── 地质地貌环境具有较强烈的生态脆弱性;

30、While, the characteristics such as frangibility and absence of hot spring tourism resources, request that we must keep to the conception of sustainable development when exploiting hot spring tourism. ─── 但是,温泉旅游资源的脆弱性、稀缺性等特点,要求在开发温泉旅游的时候,必须遵循可持续发展的理念。

31、An Analysis on the Ecological frangibility of the Area along the Great Wall of China and Its Ecological Protection ─── 中国长城沿线生态脆弱性分析及生态保护对策

32、Compare with other industry posture, insurance has a few immanent frangibility, expression plays occurrence trouble without apparently augural circumstance to often be in, produce the crisis even. ─── 和其他行业相比,保险业具有一些内 在的脆弱性,表现为往往在没有明显前兆 的情况下出现故障,甚至发生危机。

33、Keywords urban environmental geology;divisional risk factor evaluation;geological background;geological hazards risk;geochemical frangibility; ─── 城市地质环境;风险性分区评价;地质环境条件基础性;地质灾害危险性;地球化学脆弱性;

34、The environmental challenge of Great Western Region Development in China is the aggravation of ecological frangibility and the quickness of environmental pollut ion going in a westward direction. ─── 西部大开发面临的环境挑战主要是生态脆弱性的加重和环境污染西迁速度的加快。

35、frangibility analysis ─── 脆弱性分析

36、The frangibility of eco-environment is the main research of Global environment change and Climate change.And also one of the focus problem in native and foreign research recently. ─── 生态环境脆弱性是全球环境变化、气候变化的重要研究内容,也是当前国内外研究的焦点问题之一。

37、Keywords opencast mine area;ecological risk assessment;vulnerable environment;ecological index;ecological frangibility degree index;ecological loss degree index; ─── 露天煤矿区;生态风险评价;脆弱环境;生态指数;生态脆弱度指数;生态损失度指数;

38、The land degradation was basis on the frangibility of eco environment in the western semi arid area of Northeast Plain. ─── 东北平原西部半干旱地区土地退化的形成是由其生态环境的脆弱性决定的。

39、Unmerited artificial action and frangibility of karst mountain area brought out many environment problems, such as soil leanness, absence of water resources and grave desertification. ─── 由于岩溶山区本身的脆弱性和人为作用,导致土地贫瘠、水源缺乏,水土流失严重,石漠化现象日益加剧。

40、Assessment on the frangibility of ecosystem plays an important role in ecosystem management. ─── 摘要生态系统的脆弱性评价对于生态系统管理具有重要作用。

41、Financial frangibility ─── 金融脆弱性

42、The cause of black soil ecological system frangibility and its rehabilitate ─── 黑土生态系统脆弱性成因与修复

43、In this article, we will talk about how to find the frangibility of WEP, and how to use a tool to check if a WLAN is fragility, at the end of this, we talk how to fence the WLAN. ─── 本文主要描述了怎样找寻WEP算法内在的脆弱性,以及如何使用软件检测一个WLAN是否脆弱,最后讲述如何最好地防护WLAN以防止恶意入侵。

44、Owing to the limited distribution area, habitat frangibility and small population size, the oceanic island populations are suffering from much higher risk of extinction than mainland populations. ─── 但是,岛屿种群由于分布范围局限、生境脆弱且种群规模较小,岛屿种群较陆地种群具有更高的灭绝风险。

45、ecological frangibility area ─── 人为作用

46、eco-environmental frangibility ─── 生态环境脆弱性

47、Diagnostic analysis of frangibility and draught in regional agricultural production ─── 区域农业生产脆弱性及干旱诊断分析

48、In a general sense, financial frangibility is risk accumulation in all financial areas. ─── 摘要金融脆弱性泛指一切融资领域中的风险积聚。

49、The harmness of the hydrogen frangibility is discussed,and then the appropriate conditions of vacuum anneal are gained. ─── 对氢脆的危害进行了探讨,得出了适宜的真空退火条件。

50、environment frangibility ─── 环境脆弱度

51、Oil field region is a complex ecological system of industry and nature with the characteristic of opening, frangibility and complexity. ─── 油田区域是工业和自然的复合生态系统,类型比较复杂,并具有开放性,脆弱性和复合型的特点。


53、All countries and economist all strengthened the research toward the financial crisis and then put forward the concept of financial frangibility. ─── 各国和经济学界都加强了对金融危机的研究,进而提出了金融脆弱性的概念。

54、Frangibility blind digital watermark ─── 脆弱性盲数字水印

55、Longfeng Marsh locate in the city zone,ecosystem frangibility,should strengthen protect. ─── 龙凤湿地位于城区内,生态脆弱性明显,应加强保护。

56、ecological frangibility assessment ─── 生态脆弱性评价

57、ESB supply enlarging the services conveniently, it removes the frangibility and the huge cost of compiling the P2P, hard-coding implement ions. ─── ESB允许方便的扩展服务,消除了专门编写的点对点、硬编码实现的脆弱性,以及带来的昂贵代价。

58、YAN J H.Studies on water-heat processes and frangibility of the dominating ecosystems in Dinghushan[D].Beijing:Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,2001:128-134. ─── [12]闫俊华.鼎湖山主要生态系统的水热过程研究及脆弱性初探[D].北京:中国科学院研究生院,2001:128-134.

59、Keywords system fluctuations;ecological frangibility;controlling countermeasures; ─── 系统波动性;生态脆弱性;消除对策;

60、However, face detection is a most challenging task because of the complicated pattern and the frangibility of human face. ─── 但是,人脸检测又是一个很有挑战性的课题。

61、frangibility assessment ─── 脆弱性评价

62、Keywords Karst;Ecological frangibility;Assessment;Index; ─── 喀斯特;环境脆弱性;评价;指标;

63、Keywords Karst ecosystem;Frangibility;Assessment index; ─── 岩溶;生态系统;脆弱性;评价指标;

64、The Tangshan earthquake in 1976 made me realize the frangibility of a human being. ─── 1976年唐山地震使我意识到人的生命如此脆弱,珍贵的生命和亲情,完美幸福的家庭瞬间可以化为乌有。

65、However,because of the frangibility of grassland ecosystem,the development of grassland tourism is also fragile,the development of grassland tourism needs strict programming and management. ─── 但是,由于草原生态系统的脆弱性,决定了草原旅游发展存在脆弱性,因此,在开发中需要更加严格的科学规划和管理。

66、To stock market bubble, debt consumption reachs what foreign capital flows into to depend on the certain characteristic that also mirrorred this economy prosperity and frangibility. ─── 对股市泡沫、债务消费及国外资金流入的依赖也反映了此次经济繁荣的某些特点和脆弱性。

67、An initial discussion of application of catastrophe theory in analyzing and assessing frangibility of mountain eco-environment ─── 突变理论在山地生态环境脆弱性分析评价中的应用初探

68、The novel probe tip reaches the resolution of metallic nano-particle probe, but overcomes the shortcomings of frangibility and unsteadiness. ─── 新型光纤探针分辨能力和以往带金尖光纤探针相当,但克服了其易损坏,不稳定的缺点。

69、As for tablets, the parameters to be controlled finally are: weight, hardness, frangibility, disintegration and stripping. ─── 就片剂而言,最终控制的几个主要参数为:片重、硬度、脆碎度、崩解、溶出等。

70、there is a negative correlativity between the growth of population and the environmental frangibility. ─── 人口的增长与生态环境的脆弱度之间存在着一定的负相关关系。

71、With the further analysis,it can be found that the method essentially is amethod to evaluate the frangibility of the agricultural drought. ─── 对此关系函数进行进一步分析可以看出,该方法实质亦为区域农业干旱脆弱性评价的一种间接方法。

72、And also validates the frangibility of watermark algorithm via locally modifying and saving as the picture embedded in watermark. ─── 再分别进行局部修改和做另存为处理后提取水印图像,从而验证了该水印算法的脆弱性。

73、And there is a negative correlativity between frangibility and ego resilience, crisis coping method, and social support. ─── 自我压弹能力、危机处理方式、社会支持与危机脆弱性具有显著的相关关系。

74、In this article we will find out the fran-gibility of technology of Intrusion Detection and analyze the frangibility. ─── 本文主要通过对入侵检测技术的研究,分析其脆弱性。

75、The cause of black soil ecological system frangibility was interacted by natural and artificial factors. ─── 黑土生态系统脆弱性成因自然因素和人为因素共同作用的结果;

76、This paper brings forward a frangibility blind digital watermark algorithm based on mark strong watermark.It selects three luminance DCT coefficients at random,then embeds watermark information. ─── 从基于标识性鲁棒水印出发,提出了一种脆弱性防篡改盲数字水印算法,即任意选择3个亮度DCT系数嵌入水印信息。

77、A primary analysis of tourist resources and environment frangibility of Three Parallel Rivers of Yunnan Protected Areas ─── 三江并流世界自然遗产地旅游资源及其环境脆弱性分析

78、Keywords Hexi region;environment frangibility;environment construction;eco economic; ─── 河西地区;生态环境脆弱度;生态环境建设;生态经济;

79、The novel probe tip reaches the resolution of metallic nano-particle probe, but overcomes the shortcomings of frangibility and unsteadiness. ─── 新型光纤探针分辨能力和以往带金尖光纤探针相当,但克服了其易损坏,不稳定的缺点。

80、A comparative analysis of the static evaluation and dynamic evaluation of ecological environment frangibility is made. ─── 脆弱性静态评价只是对脆弱性的空间定性描述,不能满足人们认识、改善和利用生态环境的客观需求;

81、This paper analyzes the statistical characteristics and finds the differences of the stego-text and natural lingual text by modeling the latter,which shows frangibility of the traditional algorithm. ─── 该文通过对自然文本进行建模,分析隐密文本与自然文本的统计特征,得到其中的差异,证明了字典隐藏法存在一定的脆弱性。

82、ecological frangibility ─── 生态脆弱性

83、Evaluation and Countermeasures of Agricultural Eco-environment Frangibility in the Irrigation Districts of the Downstream of Yellow River ─── 黄河下游引黄灌区农业生态环境脆弱性评价及对策

84、Keywords Tongyu;land-use;frangibility;fuzzy synthetical evaluated method;grey model;Gompertz curve;factors analytical method;driving force; ─── 通榆县;土地利用;脆弱性;模糊综合评价;灰色预测;龚帕兹曲线;因子分析法;驱动力;

85、In goods economy times, of the bond of frangibility need society that favor type trades will make up for the day after tomorrow. ─── 在商品经济时代,人情式交易的脆弱性需要社会契约的后天弥补。

86、And there is a negative correlativity between frangibility and ego resilience, crisis coping method, and social support. ─── 自我压弹能力、危机处理方式、社会支持与危机脆弱性具有显著的相关关系。

87、Nomadic economy of the Mongolian people bears some characteristics, such as mobility, balance, decentralization and frangibility. ─── 蒙古族游牧经济具有游动性、均衡性、分散性、脆弱性等特征。

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