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09-09 投稿



sympathies 发音

英:[?s?mp?θiz]  美:[?s?mp?θiz]

英:  美:

sympathies 中文意思翻译



sympathies 短语词组

1、political sympathies ─── [网络] 政治同情

sympathies 常用词组

sympathy for ─── 对…表示同情

sympathy with ─── 赞同;对…同情

in sympathy with ─── 同情;赞成

sympathies 反义词


sympathies 同义词

fellow feeling | condolence | understanding | favor | agreement | support |compassion | feeling | commiseration | grace | heart | charity | pity | kindness | harmony | sensitivity | tolerance | mercy | empathy | approval | clemency | warmth | backing | consideration

sympathies 词性/词形变化,sympathies变形

名词复数: sympathies |

sympathies 相似词语短语

1、sympathizer ─── n.同情者;支持者;交感患病的眼睛(等于sympathiser)

2、sympathised ─── vi.同情;吊唁;共鸣(等于sympathize)

3、sympathiser ─── 同情者;支持者

4、sympathizers ─── n.同情者;支持者;交感患病的眼睛(等于sympathiser)

5、sympathises ─── vi.同情;吊唁;共鸣(等于sympathize)

6、sympatries ─── n.[生态]分布区重叠;同域分布;共存性

7、dyspathies ─── 厌恶

8、sympathizes ─── vi.同情,怜悯;支持

9、sympathized ─── vi.同情,怜悯;支持

sympathies 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Bigotries quickly dissolved into sympathies ─── 偏见很快转化成了同情。

2、I were all very sorry to learn of the tragedy that has befallen you and wanted to express my sympathies for your loss. ─── 我都很难过,学习所遭受的这场悲剧的你,想表达我的同情你损失。

3、Fascism can triumph today because universal indignation at the infamies committed by the socialists and communists has obtained for it the sympathies of wide circles. ─── 公众对社会主义者和共产主义者卑劣行径的普遍愤慨,使法西斯主义赢得了广泛的同情。

4、republican sympathies ─── 对共和制的拥护.

5、"Our sympathies go out to this young boy's family and friends," Health Secretary Alfredo Vigil said in a statement. ─── “我们同情去这个小男孩的家人和朋友,”卫生部长阿尔弗雷多守夜在一份声明中说。

6、Likewise, we should extend a firmer hand of friendship and encouragement to them, not just sympathies and avoidance, in order that they would have a rightful place here. ─── 我们不应该只是同情他们,应该鼓励和向他们伸出友谊之手,让他们觉得他们也是社会的一分子。

7、Tom noticed this, and it strongly inclined his sympathies toward her in her perilous and unfriended situation. ─── 汤姆注意到了这一点,他对她这种在危难中而又没有朋友的处境深表同情。

8、a broad political stance; generous and broad sympathies; a liberal newspaper; tolerant of his opponent's opinions. ─── 宽大的政治姿态;慷慨、宽大的同情心;一家心胸宽广的报纸;对他的反对者的观点很宽容。

9、You have no claim on my sympathies. ─── 你无权要求我同情。

10、It seems important to stress at this point, that this is not in any way intended as an expression of sympathies towards Voldemort. ─── 伏地魔的目的之一似乎是要维持巫师种族,这种目标本身并没有不合伦理与常理。

11、Reading can influence a person both positively and negatively.It can enlarge our minds,improve our thinking and expand our love and sympathies which in turn facilitate our actions. ─── 不过你翻译的“它反过来推动(感觉“作用于”更好)我们的行为"我还是不懂,为什么可以这样说,为什么说行为?什么意思?那种行为??

12、You have my sympathies. ─── 我很同情你。

13、Miss Bhutto blamed senior army officers with Jihadist sympathies for that attack. ─── 因为那次袭击,布托还指责了高级军官们对圣战分子所持有的同情态度。

14、Friendship! No, that is an affection of earth, of vulgar habits and sordid sympathies. ─── 友谊,不,那不过是凡人的感情,不过反映了庸俗的习性和下贱的共鸣。

15、Their sympathies are not with the protesters. ─── 所以发展中国家并不会给予那些抗议者以同情。

16、"All you can do is send your prayers and sympathies to the family and try to continue what Hugh would want us to do, and that's try to win a gold medal. ─── 我们能做的就是祈祷和向他们表示同情,同时努力继续执行教练的意图,争取赢得金牌。

17、She was a young lady of some genius, exquisite sympathies, and considerable literary attainments, living, like many other genius, with relatives who could not comprehend her. ─── 她是一个有些才能的少女,多愁善感,还有相当好的文学修养,可也象其他许多天才一样,生活在一些不能了解她的亲属中间。

18、Her sense of humor should have mellowed, her outlook should have widened, her sympathies should have deepened. And all this should show. ─── 她的幽默感应该成熟起来了,见解也应该更为拓展,同情心应该加深了。而所有的这一切都会表现出来。

19、Readers are always kind enough to give her all of their understandings and sympathies. ─── 对于简爱的这种状况,读者总是给予充分的理解和同情。

20、Is there a rigid wall to be built around the species Homo sapiens, or should we talk about whether there are other species which are entitled to our humanistic sympathies? ─── 在智人这个物种周围有没有一圈刚性的墙壁?或者,我们应该讨论是否有其他物种有权享受我们的人道主义同情吗?

21、He is a man of ready sympathies. ─── 他是个富於同情心的人。

22、My sympathies are with you. ─── 你在写论文哇?

23、Knowing this man's sympathies,I figured the would agree to serve. ─── 我知道他富有同情心,料想他会同意加入。

24、For 40 years his left-liberal sympathies kept him in prison, under house arrest or in exile. ─── 40年的左翼政治生涯让他麻烦不断,不断入狱,被软禁或者流放。

25、The case of the poor, uneducated farmer also aroused public sympathies online, and on appeal, his sentence was suspended. ─── 这名家境贫困、没受过教育的农民的案件也在网络上引起了公众的同情。上诉后,他的判决被缓期。

26、"No," he'd snap back,"but I'm thinking of giving my wife a $79 present,unless another pretty mother starts playing on my sympathies." ─── “没有,”他会反驳说,“不过我正在考虑送一件价值79元的礼物给我的妻子,除非另一个美丽的母亲又想利用我的同情心。”

27、One's sympathies, of course, were all on the side of life. ─── 当然充满同情的观者是站在生命的一边。

28、Zhang Xing, Tanggu District, District Standing Committee, the District Government, District Political Consultative Conference expressed his sympathies to the builders and heartfelt thanks. ─── 张家星代表塘沽区委、区人大常委会、区政府、区政协向工程建设者表示亲切慰问和衷心感谢。

29、His sympathies had not been touched. ─── 他的同情心没有给激发。

30、Carrie trembled for her out of the fulness of her own sympathies and fear. ─── 嘉莉替她担忧,因为她自己心里充满了同情和恐惧。

31、He said he will not vote for someone who, instead of being impartial, allows their personal background, prejudice or sympathies to sway their decisions. ─── 他(塞申斯)说,他不会投票任命一位允许个人经历、偏见或同情心来影响其决策的法官。

32、We mourn for the members of the Armed Forces who have sacrificed their lives, and extend our deepest sympathies to their families. ─── 我们哀悼那些献出自己的生命的军人,并向他们的家属表达最深切的慰唁。

33、4.At the slightest impact of the outside world upon his consciousness, his thoughts, sympathies, and emotions leapt and played like lambent flame. ─── 外部世界对他的意识、思想、感受和情绪的最轻微的刺激也能使它像幽幽的火焰一样闪动起来。

34、But whatever our sympathies are, we cannot solve the problems of Europe. ─── 可是不论我们赞成什么,都不能解决欧洲的问题。

35、This captivating book is even better to look at in the company of another person with Parisian sympathies, so remembrances can be compared as contents are browsed. ─── 同样的事,在作者的笔下总有不同的呈现,如沈昌文公的“小聪明”、海子的青春和诗,甚至夏奈尔的成功原因,作者都有独特的观察视角,文字闪烁着思辨的火花,读来意兴盎然。

36、your political sympathies? ─── 你认同哪个政党?

37、Alienate the sympathies of the people ─── 失去民心

38、I would like to express my deepest sympathies for the loss of life and the destruction caused by this earthquake. ─── 我对四川汶川7.8级强地震专题报道">地震造成的死难和损失致以最深切的同情。

39、"No, " he'd snap back, "but I'm thinking of giving my wife a $79 present, unless another pretty mother starts playing on my sympathies." ─── "没有,"他会反驳说,"不过我正在考虑送一件价值79元的礼物给我的妻子,除非另一个美丽的母亲又想利用我的同情心。"

40、Her sympathies lie with the anti-abortion lobby. ─── 她支持反堕胎院外活动集团。

41、Concurrently, the events in the Middle East clarified the sympathies in the United States as not pro-Arab; ─── 与此同时,中东发生的种种事件使美国国内不同情阿拉伯的情绪更为明显。

42、She loved to modulate her voice after the conventional manner of the distressed heroine, and repeat such pathetic fragments as appealed most to her sympathies. ─── 她喜欢模仿传统的悲剧女主人公的声调,复述那些最令她感动的哀伤的片断。

43、He tried to play on our sympathies by telling a long tale of his hard luck. ─── 他想通过详细讲述他的不幸遭遇来利用我们的同情心。

44、May we offer our deepest sympathies on the death of your wife. ─── 我们谨对尊夫人去世表示最深切的慰唁。

45、Hence, behind the cruel death and wandering life, we can still feel the writer's humanistic sympathies to the sufferings and marries in life. ─── 但是,在残忍的暴戾的死亡和随意放逐生命的背后,我们仍然可以感受到作家悲悯人生苦难的人道主义情怀。

46、What are your political sympathies? ─── 你认同哪个政党?

47、The group were divided in their sympathies. ─── 在他们的体谅下对其进行了分组.。

48、You willingly involve yourself in matters which engage your sympathies ─── 你愿意去管那些让你感到同情的事情

49、I worked on his sympathies to get a loan. ─── 我试图打动他的同情心以便借到一些钱。

50、” “Let's stop and see Mr.Bauman again,” exclaimed Jennie, her natural sympathies restored by the hopeless note in her mother's voice. ─── “咱们再去看看包门先生吧,”珍妮大声地说,因为她那天生的同情心又被她母亲的绝望声音唤起了。

51、Her own danger disturbed her less than her concern for the two sisters, in whose behalf her womanly sympathies were now strongly enlisted. ─── 尽管她自己身处逆境,但她更为那两姐妹担心,姐妹俩深深地激起了她那女性的同情心。

52、deepen one's sympathies for sb. ─── 加深对某人的同情

53、Our household golden, Bjorn, raises his paw in a Teutonic salute so often, I fear he may have picked up Nazi sympathies from a reprobate gang of skinhead German pointers. ─── 我家的金色Bjorn金毛猎犬总会举起爪子做纳粹敬礼状,恐怕它是从一帮流氓光头德国指示犬那里找到的一些同情心。

54、I will not lose the child! Speak for me! Thou knowest- for thou hast sympathies which these men lack ─── 我不能失去这个孩子!替我说句话吧!你了解我--而且你还具有这些人所缺乏的同情心!

55、His speech worked on the sympathies of the audience. ─── 他的讲演激起了观众的同情心。

56、Her sympathies were ever with that under-world of toil from which she had so recently sprung, and which she best understood. ─── 她自己刚从那个苦海里跳出来,对此当然深有体会。

57、His novel is strewn with sympathies on the blind. ─── 他的小说里充满了对盲人的同情。

58、My own sympathies are clear : I believe that society benefits when creative artists , notably writers, engage in the issues of the day . ─── 我的同情是明确的:我认为社会福利时,有创意的艺术家,尤其是作家,从事日常问题的。

59、I was told that only Germans cheer for Germany except Chinese. Just as the Chinese won't root for underdog in sport, they won't sympathies with minority groups. ─── 我不止一次听到有人说只有德国人才会给德国队加油,但在中国是个例外。中国人不会为体育比赛中的失败者喝彩一样,也不会同情那些试图脱离大群体的少数民族。

60、He has risen far in the world financially,without,however,widening his interests or his sympathies. ─── 他已发迹,然而其关怀之心或同情之心却没有随他的财富一起增加。

61、"My sympathies are Left," he wrote."But not in my heart or my guts. ─── 他写道,“我对政治的忠诚不在我的心中,也不在我的整个躯体之内。”

62、I sent my sympathies on the death of Mr. Smith. ─── 我寄吊唁函哀悼史密斯先生的去世。

63、No artist desires to prove anything. Even things that are true can be proved. No artist has ethical sympathies. ─── 人的道德生活部分构成了艺术家的题材,而艺术的道德在于完美的运用不完美的手段。

64、My sympathies are with the workers in this dispute. ─── 在这场纠纷中, 我站在工人一方.

65、Godric is just a man, weak with his own fears and sympathies. ─── 哥德里克也是人,同样会感到害怕,同样会有恻隐之心。

66、I mean, that human affections and sympathies have a most powerful hold on you. ─── 我意思说,人类的爱和同情最强有力地控制着你。

67、After September 11 2001, he was the west's friend, telephoning Mr Bush with sympathies and backing US military bases in former Soviet central Asia to support the war in Afghanistan. ─── 2001 年9.11事件后,他成了西方的朋友,给布什先生打电话表示同情,同意美国在前苏联的中亚地区建立军事基地,以此支持阿富汗战争。

68、But of late, since the night of his vigil, all her sympathies towards him had been both softened and invigorated. ─── 但自从他那天晚上夜游以来,最近她对他的全部同情都变得又温柔又有力了。

69、for all virtues,sympathies,confidences will fail to move a man to tenderness and to him,so that he begins to wau>to tenderness and to him,so that he begins to walk,as it were,in a dream. ─── 对其他的美德而言--同情,自信,它们都不能使一个人变得温柔体贴,对他而言,他就要像在梦中的那样,开始漫步了。提问者对于答案的评价:太感谢了!

70、You have my deepest sympathies on the death of your wife. ─── 对於令夫人之去世, 谨向您表示最深切的慰问.

71、He tried to play on her sympathies . ─── 他想利用她的同情心。

72、His sympathies lie with his family. ─── 他的忠诚与他的家庭同在

73、We do not know what tender sympathies we possess until we try to dry the widow's tears, and soothe the orphan's grief. ─── 我们不知道自已有惠人的同情心,但到我们擦去寡妇的眼泪,解去孤儿的苦情时就知道了。

74、She never battled with the public, but submitted, uncomplainingly, to its worst usage; she made no claim upon it, in requital for what she suffered; she did not weigh upon its sympathies. ─── 她从来与世无争,只是毫无怨尤地屈从于社会的最不公平的待遇;她也没有因自己的不幸而希冀什么报偿;她同样不依重于人们的同情。

75、My own sympathies are clear: I believe that society benefits when creative artists, notably writers, engage in the issues of the day. ─── 我的同情是明确的:我认为社会福利时,有创意的艺术家,尤其是作家,从事日常问题的。

76、Clare's late enthusiasm for Tess had infected her through her maternal sympathies. ─── 克来上一次把苔丝夸得那样天花乱坠,把她作母亲的同情心都激起来了。

77、We sent our sympathies on the death of his mother. ─── 他母亲过世时我们去信吊唁。

78、I warn you, mothers, that my sympathies do not always make the usual philanthropic distinctions. ─── 我警告你们,母亲们,我的同情并不总是作出通常的那种爱人类的区别的。

79、Cite an example by way of explanation which condition the emperor is able to alienate the sympathies of the people under? ─── 您的位置:我也知道>文化/艺术>历史话题>举例说明哪些情况下皇帝会失去民心?

80、She didn't know they were playing on her sympathies. ─── 她不知道他们是在利用她的同情心。

81、Having received his hard knocks and endured his losses, there was that about him which touched and awakened the sympathies of the imaginative. ─── 他受过种种打击,吃过许多亏,因而外貌上带着一种神气,能够唤起那些富于想象的人的同情。

82、He could pass legislation thanks only to the leftish sympathies of most of Italy's seven (unelected) life senators. ─── 幸亏上议院里面7位有左派倾向的终身议员(不用选举产生)“垂青”普罗迪,他才可以进行立法等相关活动。

83、sympathies on the death of his mother. ─── 他母亲过世时我们去信吊唁。

84、A detective, also an Irish emigrant, is hired to infiltrate the group and report on its members.But on which side do his sympathies lie? ─── 为此,矿主秘密雇佣了一个侦探,他的任务是要赢得矿工们的信任,渗透在他们之中。

85、Oh, I'm dreadfully sorry to hear that. Please accept my deepest sympathies. ─── 听到这些我非常难过。请接受我最诚挚的慰问。

86、We offer our sympathies to the individuals and families affected by these unfortunate events. ─── 对于那些受到这些事件影响的个人和家庭,我们深表同情。

87、Even after my unfortunate own goal against Chelsea in the Champions League semi last April - where all our dreams were crushed - I felt the support and sympathies from you as real and important. ─── 即使我在对阵破车的时候不幸打入乌龙球,最后导致我们失足半决赛,但我还是能够感受到来自你们的支持与鼓舞。

88、Let me convey my deepest sympathies to you. ─── 允许我向您表示我最深切的同情。

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