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09-09 投稿


watermark 发音

英:[?w??t?rmɑ?rk]  美:[?w??t?mɑ?k]

英:  美:

watermark 中文意思翻译




watermark 网络释义

n. 水印;水位标志vt. 在…上印水印(图案)

watermark 词性/词形变化,watermark变形


watermark 短语词组

1、watermark properties ─── 水印属性

2、watermark map ─── 水印贴图

3、no watermark ─── 适合当壁纸

4、watermark ballots ─── 水印选票

5、watermark adder ─── 水印加法器

6、watermark hotel ─── 水印酒店

7、ballot watermark ─── 选票水印

8、add watermark ─── 添加水印

9、watermark ink ─── 水印墨 ─── 水

10、watermark image ─── 图像水印

11、watermark studio ─── 水印工作室

12、watermark sample ─── 水印示例

13、watermark insights ─── 水印洞察

14、watermark two ─── 水印二

15、watermark camera ─── 水印摄像头

16、high watermark ─── 高水位

17、watermark is gone ─── 水印已消失

18、watermark homes ─── 水印住宅

19、watermark image pro ─── 水印图像专业版

watermark 常用词组

embed watermark ─── 嵌入水印;嵌入水印滤镜

watermark 相似词语短语

1、water arum ─── 水芋

2、watermarks ─── n.[印刷]水印(watermark的复数);水中印记

3、to watermark ─── 添加水印

4、water back ─── 贮水器;加热水池

5、watermarking ─── n.[印刷]水印;数字水印;浮水印;v.把…水印;在(纸)上印水印图案(watermark的ing形式)

6、waterwork ─── n.水厂;水道设备

7、watermarked ─── adj.有水印的;v.在(纸)上印水印(watermark的过去分词)

8、chattermark ─── n.颤动擦痕

9、waterman ─── n.船工;划手;运水人;n.(Waterman)人名;(英)沃特曼

watermark 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、And they burned paper grave money for use in the afterlife, the bills bearing a watermark that said, "The Bank of Heaven Co. , Ltd. " ─── 他们把冥币烧给死去的亲人,供他们在那个世界里享用,这些冥币上具有“天堂银行有限公司”的标记。

2、The publication of reference watermark does not compromise the embedding one. ─── 参考水印的信息公开不会降低嵌入水印的安全性。

3、Enya didn't receive much notice,but Enya and the Ryans'second effort,Watermark,became a surprise hit upon its release in 1988. ─── 恩雅并没有得到人们太多的注意,但他们三人第二次合作的成果--《水

4、Experimental results show that the proposed techniques can survive various attacks and make watermark more imperceptive. ─── 在小波域内的鲁棒性水印算法的研究也有了一些成果。

5、In the process of embedding, the HVS is combined and the watermark is embedded adaptively according to the character of the image. ─── 同时本算法分别在低频、中频小波系数中嵌入水印信息,并且在嵌入时结合人类视觉特征,根据该嵌入位置的纹理强度自适应的进行嵌入。

6、The watermark is detected resorting to FICA.The experimental results demonstrate its good unification between the robustness and invisibility. ─── 实验结果表明,该水印方案对各种攻击具有很好的鲁棒性,较好地实现了水印的鲁棒性与不可见性的统一。

7、As previously shown my watermark was defined with a background of 100% Green this will be the color we search for and replace with transparency. ─── 就像前面展示的,我的水印被定义为100%绿色背景,我们将搜到这个颜色,然后取代为透明。

8、However, it is a type of one bit watermark approach and cannot be used to localize the image tampering. ─── 不过,这是一种微量水印处理方法,而且不能用于本地化形象窜改。

9、For example, if you are writing Visual Basic code to programmatically populate a report and you want to know more about adding a background picture or watermark to the report. ─── 例如,编写 Visual Basic 代码以程序方式填充报表,并且想了解如何向报表添加背景图片或水印。

10、The integrality authentication is carried out in the decode time and the original video is not needed for extracting the watermark. ─── 在视频解码阶段进行认证,水印提取不需要原视频作参考。

11、To create a watermark that appears on every page in a document, insert a drawing object in a header or footer. ─── 如果要创建在文档中每一页上都能显示的水印,可在页眉或页脚中插入图形对象。

12、The Sent Items folder high watermark cannot equal zero. ─── “已发送邮件”文件夹高水位线不能等于零。

13、In MailGod, all of the operations are recorded in system log, and digital watermark technology is used to ensure authoritativeness, accountability and integrity. ─── MailGod服务器系统严格记录各种操作日志,并且采用数字水印技术保证日志的权威性、不可否认性和完整性。

14、If using G1, just don't watermark your full sized images, so when you migrate, G2 can work with a clean copy of your images. ─── 如果使用G1的话,请不要为全尺寸图片添加水印效果,这样当你进行迁移的时候,G2就能够拷贝出一套干净不带水印效果的图片了。

15、The chaos map is introduced to improve the watermark imperceptibility.The experiment result shows that it has a good HVS and is robust. ─── 实验结果证明:算法具有良好的视觉效果和鲁棒性,能够抵抗种类的攻击。

16、HVS is adopted to determine the watermark power constraint.Capacities of an image are then computed.Locations with larger capacity values are selected to embed the watermark. ─── 人类视知觉系统用来计算浮水印强度,之后计算影像浮水印容量,浮水印被选择加在容量大的地方。

17、The result of experiment validates the feasibility of watermark algorithm via distilling the watermark picture directly from the picture embedded in watermark. ─── 在试验结果里,通过对嵌入水印后的图像进行直接提取水印图像,从而验证了水印算法的可行性。

18、The original image is transformed by wavelet transforming, and the watermark is embedded in the selected detail subband according to neighboring symbols average value. ─── 原始载体图像经小波变换后,根据邻近特徵平均值将水印嵌入到小波域中所选择的细节子带上。

19、A useful watermark scheme should be visually imperceptible and must be robust to resist various attacks: such as JPEG compression. ─── 一种有用的水印设计应该让人视觉上毫无察觉,而且必须有够强鲁棒性去抵抗各种攻击,例如:JPEG压缩。

20、In this paper, a query-verifying scheme of outsourced database based on fragile watermark was proposed. ─── 提出一种基于脆弱型数字水印对外包数据库查询的真实性进行验证的解决方案。

21、About the digital watermark processing delphi algorithm, to studies the digital watermark to have the very good instruction function. ─── 一个关于数字水印处理的delphi算法,对研究数字水印有很好的指导作用。

22、Experimental results have showed that the proposed algorithms can ensure watermark visibility and the loss in host image become less. ─── 实验结果表明,该算法在保证水印具有较好可见性的同时,载体图像内容得到了保持。

23、In currency, a watermark is visible when you hold a bill up to the light. ─── 当您将纸币对着光时即可看到货币中的水印。

24、Often when placing photographic images on a website it is necessary to permanently overlay a watermark and/ or Copyright statement on top of that image. ─── 常常在网站上放一张照片的时候,就需要放上一个持久的水印和/或版权声明在图片顶部。

25、Watermark established Enya as an international star and launched a successful career that lasted well into the'90s. ─── 《水印》确立了恩雅的国际明星地位,此后直至90年代,她的事业一直十分成功。

26、The embedded watermark can resist time cropping, noise attack and normal audio transform algorithm. ─── 嵌入的水印信号能够抵抗时域的切割、加噪攻击和一般的音频变换算法。

27、A Multiplicative Watermark Detection Algorithm for Digital Images in the DCT Domains[J].Journal of Software,2005,16(10):1 798-1 804. ─── DCT变换域乘嵌入图像水印的检测算法[J].软件学报,2005,16(10):1 798-1 804.

28、To impress(a pattern or design) as a watermark. ─── 压成水印作为水印而压制(某种形式或图案)

29、It don't need to add any ideograph or watermark in the digital images,the authentication only depend on the characteristics of the images. ─── 它事先不需要往图像数据中添加任何签名或水印信息,仅仅依靠图像自身的特性进行认证。

30、The multiresolution of DWT resembles human visual perception system.The watermark is embedded into the host images based on the characteristics of host image's pixels. ─── 小波变换的多分辨率特性更适宜于人类视觉感知系统,不同分辨率层次的水印图像像素根据对应宿主图像像素的特征嵌入到宿主图像中。

31、The simulation results show that the algorithm enhances the security of watermark and has very strong robustness and transparency. ─── 实验结果表明,该算法增强了水印信息的安全性,同时具有很好的透明性和鲁棒性。

32、Sequences, including their high watermark. ─── 序列,包括它们的高水位标志。

33、Experimental results demonstrate that the watermark is invisible and robust against common image lossy compression and noise, and the Legendre array is better. ─── 实验结果表明 ,实现的水印具有不可见性 ,而且对于常见图像压缩和噪声干扰具有很好的健壮性 ,而采用Legendre阵列的算法效果更佳。

34、After presenting an introduction of digital watermark,this article put s emphasis on analysing exploiting techniques and virtues of spread spectrum technique in digital watermark. ─── 对数字水印技术原理作了一般概述,重点讨论了扩频技术应用到数字水印技术中的方法和优点.

35、Get-OpenXmlWatermark: Gets watermark text from a Wordprocessing document. ─── Get - OpenXmlWatermark:获取字处理文档中的水印文本。

36、For Text Watermark, you can set different font face, font size, bold, italic or underline with different color. ─── 对于文本水印,你可以设置不同的字体外观,字体大小,粗体,斜体或者带有不同颜色的下划线。

37、Encryption, digital signature and digital watermark are three popular methods to prevent a wide variety of multimedia products from illegal copy or subterfuge attacks. ─── 中文摘要数位影音多媒体产品,可以透过加密,使用数位签章,或加入浮水印等方法来防止不法盗取行为。

38、Numerical experiments show that the embedded watermark is robust to signal manipulations, such as superposing noise, cropping and filtering. ─── 对算法的测试结果表明:该水印算法具有很强的抗剪切、滤波攻击的能力,鲁棒性强。

39、So that, we propose a novel scheme to define the lattice structure of color space of host image for embedding watermark data. ─── 也就是我们提出一个新的方案,定义原始影像彩色空间的晶状结构来藏匿浮水印的资料。

40、Blending a watermark into your pictures on your homepage or your eBay auctions protect your property from thievery. ─── 共混水印到您的图片在您的首页或您的eBay拍卖保护您的财产免受thievery 。

41、The handle to a bitmap that serves as the watermark for Wizard 97 pages. ─── 充当Wizard 97页水印的位图的句柄。

42、The Sent Items folder watermark box cannot be empty. ─── 已发送项目文件夹的水位线文本框不能是空的。

43、As you drag the border for the table, row, column, or cell, the watermark displays the size of the element that you are resizing. ─── 拖动表、行、列或单元格的边框时,水印显示所调整的元素的大小。

44、In the quantization process of improved method,if the watermark point is key point,then use larger quantizing parameter Q to quantize wavelet coefficient,else use smaller Q . ─── 与常规RRW算法不同 ,算法使用关键点信息 ,在对小波系数进行特征量化时 ,对关键点取较小的Q值 ,对非关键点取较大的Q值 .

45、And also validates the frangibility of watermark algorithm via locally modifying and saving as the picture embedded in watermark. ─── 再分别进行局部修改和做另存为处理后提取水印图像,从而验证了该水印算法的脆弱性。

46、Spread spectrum was conducted first, and then it was embedded into watermark by means of integer modulo. ─── 嵌入水印时,先对水印信息进行扩频,再利用基于模运算的方法嵌入水印。

47、The specified file is not a valid watermark configuration file. Select a different file before continuing. ─── 指定文件不是有效的水印配置文件。选择其他文件,然后继续。

48、After watermark synchrony,correlation is used as judge criterion.Simulation result shows that the method is practicable with higher robustness as shearing and geometric attacks. ─── 实验表明,该方法可行,具有强的抗压缩、几何攻击性,不可见性,鲁棒性。

49、Receiver can extract watermark from a RTF text and detect whether the text is modified or not. ─── 另一方面对基于文本格式的水印研究得不多。

50、Watermark established Enya as an international star and launched a successful career that lasted well into the '90s. ─── 《水

51、Laid paper: Paper with watermark lines about 1mm apart crossed at 90 degrees by lines 25mm apart formed by a dandy roll on the paper making machine. ─── 帘纹纸:造纸时,由水印辊压上横直相同间线条的纸。横线约隔1毫米,直线约隔断5毫米,极像竹帘纹理。

52、A utilizable Digital watermark system should own good Robustness, security, transparency. ─── 一个有效的水印系统必须具备较强的鲁棒性、安全性和透明性。

53、The Sent Items folder low watermark value must be smaller than the high watermark value. ─── “已发送传真”文件夹的低水位线值必须小于高水位线值。

54、Click the slide that you want to add a watermark (watermark: A semi-transparent image often used for letters and business cards. ─── 单击要为其添加水印(水印:通常用于信函和名片的半透明图像。

55、Documents with this kind of watermark are difficult to duplicate. ─── 带有这种水印的文件很难被复制。

56、On these grounds, the wavelet domain optimal watermark imbedding algorithm is put forward based on the genetic algorithm. ─── 据此,提出了一种基于遗传算法的小波域优化水印嵌入算法。

57、At the same time it embed Fragile Watermark in image's high frequency part with the use of DCT so that Fragile Watermark can ... ─── 同时它利用离散余弦变换,在图像的高频部分嵌入脆弱水印,使脆弱水印在遭受攻击或篡改时更易被损坏.

58、The video recording material may real-time insert the multi- countries writing watermark and the time watermark. ─── 录像资料可实时嵌入多国文字水印和时间水印。

59、It is convenient for the owner of keys to extract watermark and impossible for the unaccredited to do so. ─── 合法用户能方便快捷地提取水印,而非法用户则不能提取正确水印。

60、It makes the embedded data associate with the embedded position, so the watermark is not easy to be attacked. ─── 这种随机序列方法,使嵌入到作品中的水印信息与嵌入位置相关联,不易被人为攻击。

61、I would never come here in summer, not even at gunpoint, ” he wrote in “Watermark.” ─── 我绝不会在夏天来这儿,你拿枪顶着我也不干。

62、Testing results show that this method meets the demand of invisibility and robustness of the digital watermark. ─── 测试结果表明该算法满足了数字水印的不可见性和鲁棒性要求。

63、Workaround: Don't watermark the thumbnails for now. A real fix is planned. ─── 变通方法:目前请勿为缩略图加上水印效果。已计划进行修复。

64、According to the calibration results, two regression equations were obtained between the soil moisture tension and the voltage of Watermark sensor. ─── 另一方面,本文于休耕水田进行蓄水实验,以量测蓄水过程之土壤水份张力值变化。

65、To be more robustness , we use (7,4) Hamming code to encode the watermark and also embed its parity pattern into the multiwavlet domain of an image . ─── 为了增加水印的稳健性 ,我们采用 (7,4 )汉明编码 (Hamming code)将水印的校验图也嵌入到多小波变换域中 .

66、Some modifications are proposed here to make it suitable to the computation of the maximum visibly tolerable watermark energy. ─── 我们做了一些修改以计算视觉上可容忍的最大水印能量。

67、You can variate the transparency level and easily position a watermark - absolute and relative positioning are supported. ─── 可以改变透明度和很轻易的将水印摆在适当的位置。

68、Microsoft Watermark: Verify the watermark by holding the paper up to the light to see an image of the Microsoft logo. ─── Microsoft水印:请将纸置于光下,检查是否具有Microsoft徽标的水印图像。

69、Watermark stone, I want an answer. ─── 卷纹石,我要一个答案。

70、Experimental results show that robust watermark is robust to many attacks, such as MP3 compression, low pass filtering, noise addition, requantization, resampling and so on. ─── 实验结果表明,鲁棒水印对MP3压缩、低通滤波、加噪、重量化、重采样等信号处理攻击具有很强的鲁棒性;

71、G1 and G2 are able to selectively watermark thumbnails, sized images and full images at the user's choice. ─── G1和G2都支持水印效果,它们都能够应用户的需要可选地为缩略图,设定尺寸的图片以及全尺寸图片添加水印效果。

72、Experimental result shows that this method is of better robustness and it takes the transparency of watermark into careful consideration. ─── 实验结果表明,该方法具有较好的鲁棒性及水印透明性。

73、To mark(paper) with a watermark. ─── 压制水印用水印给(纸)做标记

74、The Inbox low watermark value must be smaller than the high watermark value. ─── “收件箱”的低水位线值必须小于高水位线值。

75、Experimental results prove that the watermark is imperceptible and is robust enough to filtering, additive noise and JPEG compression. ─── 实验表明,该算法具有较好的不可见性,而且对于抵杭滤波、加性噪声及JPEG压缩具有较好的鲁棒性。

76、Click Picture watermark, and then click Select Picture. ─── 单击“图片水印”,然后单击“选择图片”。

77、Cut-to-register: Paper with a watermark in the same position on each cut sheet. ─── 对位裁切:开纸时,每一单张上的水印都要在相同位置裁切方式。

78、He used original colour compositions which evoke Slavonic popular art and which are similar to precious watermark works. ─── 他用原来的颜色组成的唤起斯拉夫流行艺术和它类似的珍贵水印作品。

79、In this algorithm,shuffle and error-correcting codes are used to strengthen the security and robust of watermark. ─── 在算法中,采用置乱的方法增强了水印的安全性,采用纠错编码的方法增强水印的鲁棒性。

80、CAJ digital watermark in information security applications. ─── CAJ数字水印在信息安全中的应用.

81、During the watermark detection procedure, We introduce the Hilbert scan that that can best preserve the local contiguity of points in space. ─── 在水印的检测过程引入Hilbert扫描序列,该序列能够最好地保持空间点的局部邻接性。

82、Results of experiments show that the watermark is perceptually invisible and robust... ─── 实验结果表明,水印具有较好的隐蔽性和鲁棒性,可以有效地保护文本版权。

83、The experiment results show that the embedded watermark is inaudible, and has good robustness against kinds of attacks such as white noise, low-pass filtering and resampling. ─── 实验结果证明所嵌入的水印具有很好的不可感知性,对加白噪声、低通滤波和重采样等各种攻击具有良好的鲁棒性。

84、In the diagram there is watermark - avatar of participant another forum. ─── 在图有水印-[具体化]参加者另一个论坛。

85、Enter text in the text box or WordArt that you want to appear in the watermark. ─── 在文本框或艺术字中输入希望显示在水印中的文字。

86、Microsoft Watermark: Verify the watermark by holding the paper up to the light to see an image of the Microsoft logo. ─── Microsoft水印:请将纸置于光下,检查是否具有Microsoft徽标的水印图像。

87、To insure the system's high robustness is the difficulty of the audio watermark technology,with satisfying the hearing transparency and low computation complexity. ─── 在音频水印技术中,满足听觉透明性和低计算复杂度要求的同时,要保证系统的高鲁棒性是音频水印技术中的难点。

88、The robustness of JND plays a key role in blind watermark detection. ─── JND阈值的鲁棒性对理想的盲检测结果至关重要。

89、Considering robustness of watermark, we choice low frequency Coefficients of DWT(Discrete Wavelet Transformation) to embed black and white watermark. ─── 出于鲁棒性考虑,我们对图像进行小波变换,选择在小波域的低频系数中嵌入二值水印。

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