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09-09 投稿



individualized 发音

英:[??nd??v?d?u?la?zd]  美:[??nd??v?d?u?la?zd]

英:  美:

individualized 中文意思翻译



individualized 短语词组

1、individualized treatment ─── [医]个体化治疗,个别治疗

2、individualized application of law ─── [法] 法律分别情况的适用

3、individualized assessment ─── 个性化评估

4、individualized concentration ─── 个体化浓度

5、individualized criminal ─── 个别罪犯

6、Individualized Learning System ─── 个性化学习系统

7、individualized therapy ─── 个体化治疗

8、individualized contract ─── 个性化合同

9、individualized approach to teaching ─── 个性化的教学方法

10、Individualized Education and Traini ─── 个性化教育和Traini

11、Individualized Education and Training Plan ─── 个性化教育培训计划

individualized 同义词

personality | identity | difference | uniqueness | individuation | nature | self | independence | personal identity | individualism | eccentricity | distinctiveness | thing | originality

individualized 反义词


individualized 词性/词形变化,individualized变形

动词第三人称单数: individualizes |动词过去式: individualized |名词: individualization |动词过去分词: individualized |动词现在分词: individualizing |

individualized 相似词语短语

1、individualised ─── adj.针对个人的,个性化的;v.使个性化;使适应个别需要;使表现出区别(individualise的过去式及过去分词,individualise等于individualize)

2、individualiser ─── 个人主义者

3、individualizes ─── v.(使)个性化;(使)适应个别需要;(使)表现出区别;adj.表现出区别的

4、individualise ─── v.赋予个性;使表现出区别;使适应个别需要(等于individualize)

5、individualises ─── v.赋予个性;使表现出区别;使适应个别需要(等于individualize)

6、individualize ─── v.(使)个性化;(使)适应个别需要;(使)表现出区别;adj.表现出区别的

7、individualizing ─── v.(使)个性化;(使)适应个别需要;(使)表现出区别;adj.表现出区别的

8、individualizer ─── 个性化

9、individualities ─── n.个性;个人;个人特征;个人的嗜好(通常复数)

individualized 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、individualized information service ─── 个性化信息服务

2、Tianwang Fame system provides individualized information retrieval service according to the required information which users submitted. ─── 天网知名度系统是根据用户预定信息提供个性化检索的信息服务系统。

3、From the point of view of technological progress, operator"s future development trend of the firm network is totalization, digitization, broad band, intelligent, individualized. ─── 从技术进步角度看,固网运营商未来发展趋势是综合化、数字化、宽带化、智能化、个性化。

4、The housing policy exemplifies the shift from collective to individualized welfare provision. ─── 住房政策举例说明了从集体福利向个人福利的转移。

5、Individualized: More than ten special activities are arranged appropriate to their personality and needs according to their characters and skills. ─── 个性化:根据孩子的个性特点和技能发展特长,开设多种适合孩子个性和特长需求的十几项特色活动。

6、DNA microarrays have shown great promise in clinical medicine by paving the way toward such effective individualized drug regimens. ─── DNA微阵列为个性化药物的开发铺平了道路,为临床药学带来了福音。

7、Within the limited space, a fully functional, tasteful, extraordinarily stylish, individualized and comfortable inhabitation environment is created. ─── 在有限的空间内帮您创造一个功能齐全、口味高雅、格调非凡、富有个性和舒适的居住环境。

8、Individualized Consumption and Module Production ─── 个性化消费与模块化生产

9、Drake's president promised some sort of new approach, based on study abroad and individualized online instruction. ─── 该校校长承诺,今后的外语教学将在海外学习和个性化在线教学的基础上,采用一些新的教学措施。

10、Moreover, the prefaces symbolize the tendency of writing in an individualized fashion. ─── 同时,他于题序的制作,也标志著词之一体朝向个人化写作的趋势。

11、Since each HD patient has his or her own preferred ways of effectively relieving pruritic problems, we should provide comprehensive assessment for each patient and individualized care. ─── 因而可瞭解本研究之病患使用上述处理方法有其个别性需求,故建议护理人员照顾血液透析患者之皮肤痒,应给予病患完整性的评估,尊重其个别需求,给予不同的照护。

12、Library's individualized information environment emerges as the times demand along with library's individualized information service. ─── 图书馆个性化信息环境是随着图书馆个性化信息服务应运而生的。

13、"A more individualized approach seems to work, " she added. ─── “更为个性化的方法似乎很有效,”波普补充道。

14、As an individualized knowledge management system,blog is attracting concerns from educators and is being used to teaching. ─── 作为个性化的个人知识管理器,博客越来越受到教育工作者的关注并被逐步应用到教学领域中。

15、Multimedia Individualized Instruction ─── 多方式单兵教练

16、Swear Planning is always endeavoring to provide every customer with a whole package of individualized service solution. ─── 丝语策划致力于为每一对新人提供全方位的婚礼解决方案,始终坚持服务的专业性。

17、This trend towards a more individualized school management system attests to the decentralization of Taiwans educational system. ─── 学校本位管理已是不可挡的趋势,是分权化的例证之一。

18、For individualized diet planning, please seek advice from dietitian. ─── 如欲接受切合个人需要的饮食指导,请向营养师查询。

19、Individualized tissue-engineered bone ─── 个体化组织工程骨

20、The use of individualized nicknames was known to occur on the battlefield, but the Kaminoans disparaged the asymmetry it introduced among their creations. ─── 在战场上使用暱称的情况时有耳闻,不过卡米诺人十分轻视这种在他们创作上使用的不对称。

21、An individualized, digital work environment. ─── 个人和数字化的工作环境。

22、Individualized quatative healthy education ─── 个体量化健康教育

23、Individualized Forms of Doors in Quebec area,Canada ─── 加拿大魁北克地区户门个性化设计的形式要素

24、The idea of individualized penalty came into being long ago time in criminological history of the West and had an important effect on criminal legislation of many countries in the world. ─── 刑罚个别化思想在西方犯罪学史上由来已久,并且对世界各国的刑事立法产生了重要影响。

25、They may receive individualized assistance in a community-based agency, an educational institution, or a one-stop career center. ─── 另外,他们还会得到社区组织、教育机构或者一站式职业中心个性化的帮助。

26、Compared with linear teaching, nonlinear teaching is characterized by perception of life, construction of sense, circular regress, correlation and individualized response. ─── 与线性教学相比,非线性教学具有生命体验、意义建构、回环往复、互联关系和个性化反应等特性。

27、The author also pointed out that the establishment of such a system should be developed in the directions of professionalized service, individualized service and high-tech service. ─── 同时指出这一体系的建构应沿着服务专业化、个性化、高科技的方向发展。

28、The formation of creative personality requires the rendering of relaxed environment for autonomous learning and individualized education. ─── 创造性人格的形成需要宽松自主的学习环境与个性化教育。

29、Second, when it comes to talk about individualized documentation, this bothers me a little bit. ─── 第二,当我们谈到,个性化的文件时,我有一个疑问。

30、Following the becoming riper and arrival of individualized era of automobile consumption and automobile culture, automobile culture demonstrates diversified situation more and more. ─── 伴随着汽车文化的日趋成熟以及汽车消费个性化时代的到来,汽车文化越来越表现出多样化的态势。

31、There is abnormalism of calcium and magnesium metabolism in patient with pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome,which may improved after treatment with magnesium sulfate,but the dosage of which should be individualized. ─── 妊高征患者存在明显的钙、镁代谢异常,硫酸镁治疗可以改善这种异常,但给药剂量应考虑个体化。

32、It would also be infeasible to base admission on an individualized determination of whether the applicant was likely to have a full working career. ─── 不管申请者将来是否有较大可能以全职工作为事业,而是基于因人而异的决心来准予其入学,此方法同样是行不通的。

33、By individualized Personalized Courses, you can overcome weaknesses and experience the beauty of the language. ─── 个性化的分类课程,加长您的短板,让您体验英语思维与文化同步的真正美感。

34、Functional demand、sustainable development of the individualized and human settlements environment. ─── 功能定位、个性化及人居环境的可持续发展。

35、On Individualized Learning and Distance Education ─── 个别化学习与远程教育

36、In their renditions, the northerners enhanced the animal's special features to create highly individualized images. ─── 在北方人的演绎中,这些动物的某些特征被强化而由此产生了高度个性化的形象。

37、Since the Second World War, under the influence of the humanistic psychology, individualized teaching has sprung up. ─── 二战以后,在人本主义心理学的影响下,教育界兴起了对个别化教学的研究。

38、TPN therapy should be individualized in elderly patients.Besides, ccrnplications especially catheter-related sepsis shluld be prevented. ─── 在老年患者TPN治疗时应注意个体化,同时还应预防并发症,尤其是导管败血症的发生。

39、ICLE application has effectively realized collaborative learning of the students in the distributed environment, and individualized learning of single student. ─── ICLE应用实现了分布环境中学生之间的协同学习以及个体学生的个性化学习。

40、The advanced technology of RENO is meeting the current specification requirement constantly, and proposes the individualized solution on this basis so as to ensure they are suitable for each field. ─── RENO先进的技术不断满足现行技术要求,并在此基础上提出个性化解决方案,以保证它们适用于各个领域。

41、One pure and pollution-free city, full of vigor and vitality, richly endowed by nature and full of individualized character glamour. This is the impression of Haikou. ─── 一个纯净而无污染、充满生命力的城市,这就是海口印象,得天独厚而又充满个性魅力。

42、Doctors feel that a more individualized approach to patients should now be adopted. ─── 医生们认为现在应该对病人们采用一种更加个人化的治疗方案。

43、From Pharmacogenetics to Individualized Medicine ─── 从药物遗传学到个体化医学

44、CTS is high-tech nanometer spray plating substituting traditional electroplating ,with individualized colored drawing,digital positioning water transfer printing technology. ─── CTS高科技纳米喷镀技术替代了传统电镀,具有个性化彩绘,数位无版定位水转印技术 。

45、The theory of individualized moral education extends and concretizes the theory of individualized education. ─── 个性化道德教育理论是对个性化教育理论的延伸和具体化。

46、In the worldwide market, the realization of the individualized marketing, basing on the consumer needs, has become an aim of modern marketing concept. ─── 在世界市场的范围内,实现以消费者为主导的个体化营销,是现代营销思想的宗旨。

47、Individualized reading instruction ─── 个性化阅读教学

48、At the same time, they warned that the guidelines must be flexible enough to allow for individualized care, and that the guidelines must be substantiated by prospective, randomized trials. ─── 同时,他们注重到指导原则必须具有足够的灵活性以满足个体化治疗,并且指导原则必须通过前瞻性随机研究证实。

49、The diversified configurations not only cater to the need of market development,but meet the users on their individualized requirements. ─── 在数控车床上配置多种形式的卡盘,既适应了市场的发展要求,又满足了用户的个性化需求。

50、With the development of their productivity, and the evolvement of the taboo itself, many taboos have become faded, unconstrained, and even disappeared.Some taboos have become individualized. ─── 佤族禁忌随着生产力的发展而不断演变,许多传统禁忌逐渐淡化、松驰乃至消退,同时也经历了从群体行为到个体行为的嬗变。

51、In my work, I have striven to find solutions that enable utilisation of modern computer-assisted technology in order to reach individualized results. ─── 在我的作品中,我还努力寻找一种可以使用现代电脑科技辅助的解决方案,这样就可以实现作品的个性化效果。

52、At the same time, the diet of PD patients should be individualized and balanced with sufficient total energy. ─── 同时,PD患者的饮食应遵循个体化原则,立足于补充总热量,合理搭配膳食。

53、Taking the operating concept of "quality oriented and market first" our company will be a manufacturing and serving enterprise advocating the "individualized decoration culture". ─── 公司秉承“品质为本,市场为先”的经营理念,成长为倡导“个性装饰文化”的制造与服务型企业。

54、Strategy based on taking people as a dominant factor: Taking into full consideration the needs of every Olympic participant so as to meet his individualized need. ─── 以人为本策略: 充分考虑每一个奥运参与者的需求,满足个性化的需要。

55、Drug therapy of polycystic ovarysyndrome should be individualized, treatment should take into account the patient s desire for fertility and symptom. ─── 多囊卵巢综合征的药物治疗应根据病人的生育要求和病情采取不同的用药方案。

56、Individualized Creativity: We always adhere to the principle of insistence on science and responsibility to the customers as well as to the relevant, original and earthshaking creativity. ─── 创意个性化:在设计速度化、同质化的时代,我们始终坚持科学和为客户负责的朴素原则,我们始终坚持创意的关联性、原创性、震撼性。

57、The whole says, the teachers' consciousness to individualized instruction reveals is being higher than the implementation situation. 4. ─── 4.教师表示在班级教学中,无法实施个别化教学之原因,最主要的有五项;

58、The tutorial system, free class-selection system and individualized education mode are adopted to find the base point of each kid in their development and lead them towards success. ─── 基础扎实:学校采用了导师制、走班制和个性化教育的方式,找到每个孩子发展的基点,引导孩子走向成功。

59、It had the superior ities of unity of individu... ─── 具有个性和共性的统一,及质量层次的可调性、适用性和可操作性。

60、Individualized Education and Creative Education ─── 个性化教育与创新教育

61、This is partly because the individualized approach allows learners to skip material they already know and understand and move onto the issues they need training on. ─── 其中的部分原因在于个性化的学习方法可以让学习者跳过他们已经明白和理解的内容,并转移到他们需要学习的问题上。

62、Individualized aftercare is given to each patient. ─── 每位病人都能在康复期内得到特别护理。

63、Dunn,J.M.Special physical education:Adapted,individualized,developmental[M].Boston,MA:WCB Mcgraw-Hill,1997:18-26. ─── 孙飙.高等体育院校开展残疾人运动教育的可行性[J].中国临床康复,2003,7(27):3788.

64、You'll think it was quaint that if you had a curiosity about a subject you weren't able to reach out and explore that subject in a very individualized fashion. ─── 你将会认为它是古雅的是否你有了有关一个主题的一种好奇心你不能够到达出而且探究一种非常个别化的流行那个主题。

65、This paper introduces an individualized information retrieval system based on meta-search engine, and advances the method for the design of individualized information retrieval system. ─── 介绍了一种基于元搜索引擎的个性化信息检索系统,提出了个性化信息检索系统的设计方法。

66、Individualized dietetic prescription ─── 个体化饮食处方

67、With individualized writing, students can freely express their true feelings and have a real self-display. ─── 个性化写作使学生能自由地表达自己真实的感情,展示自我。

68、Individualized Health Education Cards ─── 个性化健康教育

69、dominant factor: Taking into full consideration the needs of every Olympic participant so as to meet his individualized need. ─── 以人为本策略:充分考虑每一个奥运参与者的需求,满足个性化的需要。

70、Individualized Education and Training Plan ─── 个别教育与训练计划

71、individualized approach to teaching ─── 个体化教学方法

72、principle of individualized instruction ─── 因材施教原则

73、Fu : Your experience leads you into a being with a special individualized one.What is your features and quality, and what do you contribute uniquely to this common society? ─── 付晓东 :你的经历导致你是一个特别个体化的经验,你的特质,你对这个共同的社会所提供的独特的贡献是什么呢?

74、The individualized information service is one of the services that can satisfy users' individualized information demand. ─── 个性化信息服务是能够满足用户个体信息需求的一种服务。

75、In a time of serious homogenization of emcees, one important factor that prolongs emcee's vitality is his individualized characteristics. ─── 在主持人同质化严重的今天,影响主持人生命力的一个重要因素是主持人的个性化特征。

76、We expect to better serve you with a tailored sponsorship plan come up with your individualized requirements if the current plans do not totally satisfy you. ─── 如果您觉得以上方案不能满足您的要求,请与我们取得联系,探讨更适合您的方案。

77、The consulting fee includes individualized session preparation, on-site consultation for up to two members of your management team and three months of follow-up feedback. ─── 咨询培训费用包括个性化课程准备,两位高层管理人员的现场咨询以及三个月的反馈跟踪。

78、In a time of serious homogenization of emcees,one important factor that prolongs emcee's vitality is his individualized characteristics. ─── 在主持人同质化严重的今天,影响主持人生命力的一个重要因素是主持人的个性化特征。

79、Richman, who plans to create an individualized major in military history. ─── 他打算主修军事历史,这门课程可以依据学生的具体情况进行定制。

80、Professional marcel, dyeing and cutting and professional designers provide you with an individualized hair style, which is fashionable and of high quality. ─── 专业烫、染、剪,专业的设计师,为您打造一个属于个人的发型,时尚、流行且注重服务品质。

81、The product strategy of "standardized, serialized and generic mechanical parameter, individualized electric parameter" has helped us maximize these merits. ─── 中源电气推行的“机械参数的标准化、系列化、通用化,电气参数的个性化”的产品策略,更是将这些优点发挥到了极致。

82、Individualized car rental service for VIP members ─── 会员制VIP个性化租车服务

83、Individualized Space of Free Politics ─── 个人化自由政治空间

84、Arming with people-oriented philosophy, we unite and coordinate, explore and innovate, and pursue excellence in a professional translation team, providing individualized resolutions. ─── 以人为本团结协作开拓创新追求卓越专业的翻译团队,个性化的解决方案。

85、Based on such theories as agent and artificial psychology, an individualized learning-map with ISM (interpretive structural model) multi-levels structure is constructed. ─── 以Agent技术和人工心理理论为基础,构建了ISM多层级结构化Learning-Map,在此基础上实现个性化的Learning-Map。

86、They also know that one key to proper treatment is the ability to make an individualized diagnosis of the source of illness. ─── 他们也明白,能否治疗成功的其中一个关键是:医生能否针对疾病的原因做个别诊断。

87、Individualized drug administration ─── 个体化给药

88、Individualized Education and Creative Ability ─── 个性化教育与创新能力的培养

89、This paper introduces the concept and service types of individualized service, and discusses the process and key technology of the individualized service of digital library. ─── 介绍了个性化服务的概念和服务类型,讨论了数字图书馆个性化信息服务的过程及关键技术。

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