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09-09 投稿


ursine 发音

英:[???rsa?n]  美:[???sa?n]

英:  美:

ursine 中文意思翻译



ursine 网络释义

adj. [脊椎] 熊的;似熊的

ursine 短语词组

1、ursine dasyure ─── [网络] 尿液透气

2、ursine definition ─── 熊的定义

3、ursine ironhide raid ─── 熊铁皮突袭

4、ursine silver sword ─── 熊银剑

5、ursine audio ─── 熊音

6、ursine icecrusher ─── 熊果碎冰机

7、ursine school gear ursine ─── 校服

8、Ursine tree kangaroo ─── 小袋鼠

9、ursine crossbow ─── 熊弩

10、ursine vulpine ─── 彩虹

ursine 相似词语短语

1、cuisine ─── n.烹饪,烹调法;n.(Cuisine)人名;(法)屈西纳

2、cursing ─── v.诅咒;痛骂;念咒语诅咒(curse的现在分词)

3、pursing ─── n.(女士)手提袋;(国家、家庭、团体等的)财力;vt.(嘴巴)皱起,使缩拢;撅嘴

4、arsine ─── n.胂;三氢砷化;n.(Arsine)人名;(罗)阿尔西内

5、nursing ─── n.护理;看护;养育;v.看护;养育(nurse的ing形式)

6、arcsine ─── n.反正弦

7、unsinew ─── 不时髦的

8、cursive ─── adj.草书的;草书体的;n.草书;手写体(一种印刷字体)

9、versine ─── [数]正矢

ursine 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It is to use Huang Ni to make an ursine appearance, the color on reoccupy aquarelle, two its small eyes are the site that uses black two small macula. ─── 它是用黄泥做出一个熊样 子,再用水彩画上颜色,它的两 只小眼睛是用黑色的点了两个 小黑点。

2、A Sadi expresses, chinese sina, Sohu and Netease past walk along power plan likeness a few years, and can see, since these 3 stocks reached ursine 2002 city 2001 oneself, go situation is satisfactory. ─── 阿萨迪表示,中国新浪、搜狐和网易过去几年走势图相似,而且可以看出,这三只股票自2001年至2002年熊市以来,走势喜人。

3、Ursine bravery pink why is wild animal manages system according to the facts Fu Ming macaque, view and admire game of bird, wild fowl to wait. ─── 熊胆粉等何的则是野生动物治体如实伏明猕猴、观赏鸟、野禽野味等。

4、Flooey, that animal is not ursine as expected. ─── 糟了,那个动物果然不是熊。

5、Come up then a big fellow, the tiger carries ursine waist on the back, shave is worn board inch, showing thorn blueness. ─── 接着上来一位大汉,虎背熊腰,剃着板寸,露着刺青。见我拦着他,怒道:“干吗呢哥们儿?”

6、Inside the developing zone 27.The land access of 353 square kilometer is one-time sell one's own things gives ursine cereal group (Hong Kong) limited company is a delegate.. ─── 开发区内27.353平方公里的土地使用权一次性出让给以熊谷组(香港)有限公司为代表的...

7、Birdie butterfly bee is my good friend, monkey of ursine tiger hare is my good associate, I resemble a beautiful fairy simply, attracting lots and lots of person. ─── 小鸟蝶蜂是我的好朋友 ,熊虎兔猴是我的好伙伴 ,我简直象一个漂亮的仙女 ,吸引着许许多多的人。

8、Develop hare bravery now popular, its officinal value is high, pharmacodynamics function and ursine courage are similar. ─── 现开发兔胆热门,它的药用价值高,药理性能与熊胆相似。

9、pensis and testes of an ursine seal ─── 温纳脐

10、Ursine madam sees shape tongue-lashes: With respect to you that rebukes appearance, still dare bubble small honey (secret) ? ─── 熊太太见状大骂:就你那个熊样,还敢泡小蜜(秘)?

11、3, blush, body is hot, whether to have besides ursine bravery bolus other solve method or medicine? ─── 3,脸红,体热,是否除去熊胆丸有另外处理方法或者药?

12、While primarily herbivorous, the panda still retains decidedly ursine teeth, and will eat meat, fish, and eggs when available. ─── 而主要食草,大熊猫仍然保留果断的牙齿,要吃的肉,鱼,蛋当可用的。

13、Remove a healing counter from Ursine Fylgja: Prevent the next 1 damage that would be dealt to Ursine Fylgja this turn. 2W: Put a healing counter on Ursine Fylgja. ─── 从熊身守护灵上移去一个医疗指示物:于本回合中,防止接下来将对熊身守护灵造成的1点伤害。{二}{白}:在熊身守护灵上放置一个医疗指示物。

14、Keywords ursine gallbladder clear-eyed tablet;eye pressure;primary high eye pressure; ─── 熊胆开明片;大白兔;眼压;原发性高眼压;

15、Accordingly, hare bravery already became ursine bravery substitute. ─── 因此,兔胆已成为熊胆替代品。

16、"1 meter bend over bend over ursine, 35 yuan; ─── “1米的趴趴熊,35元;

17、Suspicion still feels after Little Bear listens, go asking ursine father. ─── 小熊听完之后还是感到怀疑,便去问熊爸爸。

18、But in Jiangyong people cries him rarely " rebuke director " , be used to however call him " ursine reporter " . ─── 但在江永人们很少叫他“熊局长” ,而是习惯叫他“熊记者”。

19、Experimental Study on Lowering Eye Pressure of Ursine Gallbladder Clear-Eyed Tablet ─── 熊胆开明片降眼压作用实验研究

20、The 3rd hunter went out a little while, run breathlessly: "Lay ursine a blind person to let you, I had brought it. ─── 第三个猎人出去了一会,气喘吁吁地跑回来:“为了让你们打到熊瞎子,我已经把它带来了。”

21、A few weeks later a better use of beer was discovered by an innocent ursine in the Pacific Northwest. ─── 几周后,美国西北太平洋岸有只无邪的熊,发现了善用啤酒的好方法。

22、And the base of a fruit resembling Ma is ursine toyshop of such manual wool cloth with soft nap, it is a kind of abroad's very popular mode. ─── 而像唛蒂熊这样的手工毛绒玩具店,是国外非常流行的一种模式。当选择了一个玩具,给她装上“心”,取了名,你就赋予了她生命和情感。

23、Regrettablly is, be in ursine city commonly prices when, investor can be far from these pannikin. ─── 可惜的是,一般在熊市行情的时候,投资者都会远离这些小盘股。

24、9 see joke: 3 people go together hunt is ursine, in pass the night of a hut, say oneself are a good hunter. ─── 9看笑话: 有三人一起去猎熊,在一间小屋过夜,都说自己是个好猎手。

25、"We cannot attack," Lron was grant-howling, "because the [here he made an ursine noise that didn't translate into the lingua franca the Sentinels used] is not correct! ─── “我们不能进攻,”勒荣大声的嚎叫,“因为[这里他使用了一个类熊人的词汇,无法被翻译成哨兵使用的通用语]不对!

26、Ursine mom: "Of course ah! ─── 熊妈妈:“当然呀!

27、Regrettablly is, be in ursine city commonly prices when, investor can be far from these pannikin. ─── 可惜的是,一般在熊市行情的时候,投资者都会远离这些小盘股。

28、Suspicion still feels after Little Bear listens, go asking ursine father. ─── 小熊:“爸爸,我真的是一只北极熊吗?”

29、Tiger situation, hu Wei, tiger eye, tiger bravery, the tiger carries ursine waist on the back, all put in its under one's name 's charge. ─── 虎势,虎威,虎目,虎胆,虎背熊腰,皆归它名下。

30、"How does one make a small fortune being a bear?" Answer: "Start with a large fortune." Things look grimmer than ever for ursine types. ─── 财富在城乡之间的转移只是造成中国贫富差距持续扩大的一个原因,另外一个原因是,财富在多数人和少数人之间的转移,或者说财富从社会不同阶层向官僚利益集团汇聚。

31、" in this poem, stand side by side ursine, cat, tiger, whether be to show moggy still has doubt, what somebody thinks here points to is a kind of ocelot. ─── 在这首诗里,把熊、猫、虎并列,是否系指家猫还有疑问,有人认为这里指的是一种豹猫。

32、In the design of Great Bear, be in 1 meter again bend over bend over on ursine foundation, very fast design makes 1.2 meters happy bear and 1.5 meters warm warm bear. ─── 在大熊的款式中,又在1米的趴趴熊基础上,很快设计制作出1.2米的开心熊和1.5米的暖暖熊。

33、ursine seal rs penis and teste ─── 海狗肾

34、fur seal;ursine seal ─── 海狗

35、And value can be underestimated apparently before the uncertainty that the firm with main powerful area is in ursine city and panic, and can rebound quickly again when economic situation improves. ─── 而基本面强劲的公司在熊市的不确定性和恐慌面前价值会被明显低估,而在经济形势好转时又会迅速反弹。

36、The 2nd hunter went out a little while, run breathlessly: "Lay ursine a blind person to let you, I had discovered its nest. ─── 第二个猎人出去了一会,气喘吁吁地跑回来:“为了让你们打到熊瞎子,我已经发现了它的窝。”

37、Accordingly, hare bravery already became ursine bravery substitute. ─── 因此,兔胆已成为熊胆替代品。

38、Last caboodle is establishing a brand: The offal of ursine head of a county. ─── 最后一堆立著一块牌子:熊县长的下水。

39、The first hunter went out a little while, run breathlessly: "Lay ursine a blind person to let you, I had discovered its footmark. ─── 第一个猎人出去了一会,气喘吁吁地跑回来:“为了让你们打到熊瞎子,我已经发现了它的脚印。”

40、larva ursine ─── 毛蠋

41、ursine a. ─── 似熊的;

42、Ursine father: "Foolish the child, you are of course! ─── 熊爸爸:“傻孩子,你当然是啦!

43、ursine seal ─── 海熊

44、With his ursine physique, mop of tousled blond hair and complicated private life, he seems at first an unlikely candidate for great popularity. ─── 形容词篷乱的(头发等),假如说你头发篷乱,那就是你的头发很淩乱,看起来好象没有梳过

45、Ursine Fylgja comes into play with four healing counters on it. ─── 熊身守护灵进场时上面有四个医疗指示物。

46、blush, body is hot, whether to have besides ursine bravery bolus other solve method or medicine? ─── 脸红,体热,是否除去熊胆丸有另外处理方法或者药?。

47、Many of the fallen powers still have followers 10,000 years later, such as the Furbolg who follow in the path of the long-dead ursine demigods Ursoc and Ursol. ─── 许多死去的永生者在数万年后依然有着为数众多的追随者:例如熊人们仍然追寻着死去已久的巨熊半神乌索克和乌索尔的脚步。

48、The investigation ursine forest that tall county science and technology promotes food on (one) go up tall it is one of counties of countrywide commodity grain base. ─── 上高县科技兴粮的调查熊森林(一)上高是全国商品粮基地县之一。

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