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09-09 投稿


anteroom 发音

英:[??ntiru?m???ntir?m]  美:[??ntiru?m; ??ntir?m]

英:  美:

anteroom 中文意思翻译



anteroom 短语词组

1、anteroom of death ─── 死亡前厅

2、anteroom hotel ─── 前厅酒店

3、anteroom defined ─── 前厅已定义

4、anteroom tb ─── 前厅肺结核

5、anteroom kyoto ─── 京都前厅

6、anteroom naha ─── 前厅naha

7、anteroom define ─── 前厅定义

8、anteroom hotel korea ─── 韩国前厅酒店

9、anteroom to ─── 前厅到

10、anteroom cdc ─── 前厅疾控中心

11、anteroom definition ─── 前厅定义

anteroom 词性/词形变化,anteroom变形


anteroom 相似词语短语

1、changeroom ─── n.(由指运动场内的)更衣室

2、ante-room ─── n.前厅;接待室;候见室

3、kneeroom ─── n.座前档,容膝的空间

4、anterooms ─── n.前厅;接待室;候见室

5、stateroom ─── n.政府公寓;特等舱;包房

6、bathroom ─── n.浴室;厕所;盥洗室

7、antero- ─── n.(Antero)人名;(西、葡、芬、意)安特罗

8、antelope ─── n.羚羊;羚羊皮革

9、anterior ─── adj.前面的;先前的

anteroom 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Sir Uwaine, at a sign from his mother, went to the anteroom and called some servants, and meanwhile Madame went rippling sweetly along with her talk. ─── 攸文爵士一见母亲打了个手势,就跑到前厅,叫了些仆人来,同时太太还在继续说话,话语如同潺潺的流水一般,非常悦耳动听。

2、Henry emerged into the anteroom where lay his late redoubted foe. ─── 亨利出现在前厅里,那里躺着他的死敌。

3、At the beginning of April I in media interview two concubines loan whether time loose topic also talks about “says from the policy, two anteroom loan policy does not have any becoming less crowded. ─── 今年4月底我在一次媒体访谈二次房贷是否松动的话题时也谈到“从政策来讲,二套房贷政策是没有任何的松动。

4、Obviously, even if so gives preferential benefit, its 400 anteroom source presently difficult not to have asked the aspect. ─── 显然,即便如此优惠,其400套房源也未现“一房难求”局面。

5、In anteroom, can have a couch or sleeper, before putting on the dress, can have a break on sleeper. ─── 在休息室里,可以有一条长椅或卧铺,在穿上衣服之前,可以在卧铺上休息一会儿。

6、Some developers believed optimistically, Central Bank soon appears the second anteroom policy, possibly must be more loose than some Local authority present releasing policy. ─── 一些开发商乐观认为,央行即将出台的第二套房政策,可能比一些地方政府目前出台的政策还要宽松。

7、sound-insulating anteroom ─── 隔声前室

8、He cooled his heels for a full half-hour in the anteroom before the gentleman would see him. ─── 他在接待室里从冷板凳,足足等了半个钟头那位先生才肯接见他。

9、In an anteroom he hastily opened his briefcase ─── 在休息室里,他迅速地打开皮包。

10、In place of an anteroom, the patient may be placed in an airborne infection isolation room with portable entilation units and industrial-grade HEPA filters to enhance filtration of spores. ─── 病人可以安置在在空气感染隔离室,使用移动通气装置和工业HEPA过滤装置加强隔离效果。

11、“actually by slightly trades buys the second anteroom to calculate the improvement greatly ordinary from the housing Understood according to the wording that should calculate. ─── “以小换大买第二套房究竟算不算改善型普通自住房?按字面理解,就应该算。

12、"Take these flowers into the anteroom or dressing-room," said the viscount ─── “把这些花搬到前厅更衣室去,”子爵说。

13、But in this policy has not mentioned the second anteroom, the nature on has not involved to this loan main body. ─── 但此次政策中未提及第二套房,自然就没有涉及到这个贷款主体。

14、He had a bad habit of keeping worthies like Dr. Johnson cooling their heels for hours in an anteroom. ─── 他有让约翰逊博士等名士在接待室久等的坏习惯。

15、At present, the Jiaxing City bank is right the second anteroom the limits are, so long as has handled the mortgage loan in the bank, no matter loans whether to pay off, calculates the second set. ─── 目前,嘉兴市银行对“第二套房”的界定是,只要在银行办理过按揭贷款的,不管贷款是否还清,都算第二套。

16、The disco is held in the anteroom next to the bar. ─── 迪斯科舞在邻近酒吧的前厅举行。

17、What if buys is the third anteroom, the first payment proportion will enhance to 30%, interest rates does not enjoy the preferential benefit. ─── 如果买的是第三套房,首付款比例将提高到30%、利率不享受优惠。

18、Integrates the innovation concept and design, the vast anteroom space, the top acoustic equipment, lets you realize the dissimilar Kara world surely! ─── 融入创新的概念与设计,辽阔的套房空间,顶级的音响设备,,必定让您重新体会不一样的卡拉世界!

19、Which one of us has not sat in some anteroom and watched the inscrutable panels of a door that was full of meaning ? ─── 我们中谁没有在某个接待室里做过,眼睛盯着那扇含有各种各样可能性的莫测高深的门板?

20、It is reported that Fang before Dai the policy is right “the second anteroom” is across-the-board ruling, so long as loans has purchased homes, loans buys is the second set again. ─── 据介绍,之前的房贷政策对“第二套房”是一刀切,只要贷款买过房,再贷款买就都是第二套。

21、Often is several thousand anteroom source delivery, propagandized finally also can only manifest several hundred set “the deal”. ─── 往往是几千套房源投放,最终宣传上也只能体现几百套“成交”。

22、One day, when the Emperor had come to visit his uncle, theworthyCure, who was waiting in the anteroom, found himself present when His Majesty passed. ─── 一天,皇帝来看他的舅父,这位尊贵的本堂神甫正在前厅候见,皇上也恰巧走过。

23、Hofer came in from the anteroom carrying several files and a couple of rolled-up maps under his arm ─── 霍弗抱着几摞案卷,挟着两卷地图从接待室走了进来。

24、Appliance and artificial crystal should avoid to contact corneal endodermis in art, use stick endodermis of cornea of the protection that play an agent, avoid to rinse anteroom for long; ─── 术中应避免器械和人工晶体接触角膜内皮,使用粘弹剂保护角膜内皮,避免长时间冲洗前房;

25、Three persons, who had evidently found no room even in the passage, lay in the anteroom, close to the stinking and leaking tub. ─── 有三个人显然在走廊里也没有找到空地方,只得躺在门廊里,靠近一个从裂缝里渗出粪汁来的臭烘烘的便桶。

26、Install anteroom consequently (the garden of the ground or housetop) or the seat should make patient and meeting of family member nature are mixed chat. ─── 因而设置休息室(地面或屋顶的花园)或座位应能使病人及家属自然会面和交谈。

27、He had been patiently waiting in the anteroom for an hour. ─── 他已经在前厅耐心等待了一个小时。

28、the office furniture, the hotel furniture, the anteroom furniture, the floor, ─── 酒店家具,套房家具,地板,弯曲木,床母等连接

29、That evening at bedtime he was escorted to the anteroom. ─── 到了晚上,他被带到了外室。

30、If choroid new suture cut answers when breaking away from companion to have cut leakage, form anteroom; ─── 如果脉络膜脱离伴有切口渗漏时应重新缝合切口,形成前房;

31、But system of taxation of real estate of anteroom of our country eye is too outmoded, without the pace that catchs up with real estate develops. ─── 但我国目前房地产税制体系过于陈旧,没有跟上房地产业发展的步伐。适时改革我国的房地产税制体系,是我们面临的一项重要课题。

32、When the ministry that be like an eye contuses not carefully, also want to watch anteroom part, horn seeing a room has nondestructive to kill reach harm level. ─── 若眼部不小心挫伤时,也要观察前房角,看看房角有无损害及损害的程度。

33、Hofer came in from the anteroom carrying several files and a couple of rolled-up maps under his arm. ─── 霍弗抱着几摞案卷,挟着两卷地图从接待室走了进来。

34、20. Andrea reached the anteroom beyond the little drawing-room. ─── 安德烈离开第二间客厅,溜进候见室里。

35、Or inchoate make anteroom puncture, amine of acyl of nitrogen of vinegar of Yi Ke profess to convinced in order to reduce intraocular pressure. ─── 或早期作前房穿刺,亦可口服醋氮酰胺以降低眼压。

36、How then the present husband and wife do purchase homes respectively determine “this we must wait for the notice, did not have to say explicitly after all the second anteroom the policy changed. ─── 那么现在夫妻双方各自买房如何判定?“这个我们也还要等通知,毕竟没有明确说第二套房的政策改变了。”

37、The hotel has between the standard the single the luxuriousanteroom president the anteroom and so on altogether 118 between(set) conference room distinguished guest reception room four. ─── 酒店拥有标准间、单人间、豪华套房、总统套房等共118间(套),会议室、贵宾接待室四个。

38、After the adjustment mortgage loan possibly is, purchases the first anteroom, and is below 90 square meters, the head pays may lower to 20%, and enjoys the interest rate preferential benefit; ─── 调整后的按揭贷款可能是,购买第一套房且属90平方米以下的,首付可以低至20%,并享受利率优惠;

39、If I had seen him this anteroom, I would have told him about it. ─── 今天下午我要是见到他,我会告诉他那件事的。

40、Their conversation, the chat of the drawing-room, gossip of the anteroom, is like those chimneys which consume wood rapidly,they need a great amount of combustibles and their combustibles are furnished by their neighbors. ─── 他们的会话,客厅里的促膝谈心,候见室里的飞短流长都好象是那种费柴的壁炉,需要许多燃料,那燃料,便是他们四邻的人。

41、A lobby or an anteroom, as of a theater or hotel ─── 休息室,候客室如戏院或旅馆的休息室或接待室

42、He had been standing rounds of gin in the anteroom and was slightly boisterous. ─── 他在饭厅休息室里已经喝了几杯松子酒,有几分醉意。

43、If the physician is busy when patients arrive, the nurse asks them to wait in the anteroom. ─── 假日病人来的时候医生正忙着,护士会让他们在接待室等候。

44、Reporter looked at several anteroom sources carefully, discovered that the landlord hangs the price repeatedly to decline, and many hangs the price also to have certain counter-offer leeway. ─── 记者仔细看了几套房源,发现房东的挂价都一再下调,且不少挂价都还有一定的还价余地。

45、In the near future, each region will rescue the city measure to be unceasing, removes two anteroom loan restriction the call slight increase, is primary cause which the supply will wither. ─── 近期,各地救市措施不断,取消二套房贷限制的呼声高企,是供应量萎缩的主要原因。

46、in the anteroom , valentine met barrois , and looked despairingly at the old servant. ─── 在候见室里,瓦朗蒂娜遇到巴罗斯,她绝望地望着那个老仆人。

47、Suddenly the roar of a harsh voice was heard through the door, and the officer, with a white face and trembling lips, came out, and clutching at his head, crossed the anteroom. ─── 忽然从门后传来令人生厌的时断时续的说话声,这个军官脸色苍白,双唇颤抖着,从那里走了出来,抱住头从接待室走过去了。

48、But developer in small family innovation many diligently, not only reduced the single anteroom source total price, but also unearthed person's housing demand the acme. ─── 而开发商在小户型创新上的诸多努力,不仅降低了单套房源的总价,还把人的居住需求挖掘到了极致。

49、The quantity of anteroom account for over 10% of the total guest rooms; q. ─── 套房数量占客房总数的10%以上;

50、Ten thousand branch Hangzhou also announced immediately that will push more than 250 anteroom sources again on 4th. ─── 随即万科杭州又宣布,将于4日再推250多套房源。

51、Blinking away the brightness of the street outside, my eyes picked him out obscurely in the anteroom , talking to another man. ─── 我先眨眨眼驱散外面马路上的亮光,然后才在休息室里模模糊糊认出了他,他正在跟一个人说话。

52、The car sells an exhibition hall 600 square metre, repair shop works 1900 square metre, maintenance is recieved reach anteroom 225 square metre, park type parking lot 1000 square metre. ─── 汽车销售展厅600平方米,维修车间作业1900平方米,维修接待及休息室225平方米,公园式停车场1000平方米。

53、In an anteroom he hastily opened his briefcase. ─── 在休息室里,他迅速地打开皮包。

54、On the great hall East city will be 15th session of Fang Bo will finish later on the opening price meaning, has promoted the 10th building and so on altogether more than 260 anteroom sources. ─── 广宇上东城是第15届房博会结束后首个开盘的新盘,推出了10号楼等共260多套房源。

55、The metamorphic red blood cell inside vitreous antrum enters anteroom, block house part, further progress becomes glaucoma of hematic cell sex. ─── 玻璃腔内变性的红细胞进入前房,阻塞房角,进一步发展成血细胞性青光眼。

56、Blinking away the brightness of the street outside, my eyes picked him out obscurely in the anteroom , talking to another man. ─── 我先眨眨眼驱散外面马路上的亮光,然后才在休息室里模模糊糊认出了他,他正在跟一个人说话。

57、If degree is smaller, can wrap up through pressurization art eye, sometimes shallow anteroom can restore. ─── 如果程度较轻,可通过加压包扎术眼,有时浅前房可以恢复。

58、removes two anteroom loan restriction at present, regardless to the bank, the realtor or the consumers is the practical and feasible policy. ─── “目前来看,取消二套房贷限制无论对银行、地产商还是消费者都是切实可行的政策。”

59、As soon as both of us and the children discussed that hurried in here to decide an anteroom. ─── 我俩和儿女一商量,就赶紧在这里定了一套房。

60、Which one of us has not sat in some anteroom and watched the inscrutable panels of a door that was full of meaning? ─── 我们中谁没有在某个接待室里坐过,眼睛盯着那扇含有各种可能的莫测高森的门板?

61、The disco is held in the anteroom next to the bar . ─── 迪斯科舞会在毗邻酒吧间的前厅进行。

62、Pleasure boat hall Dining room Standard two person between Luxurious anteroom ─── 餐厅标准双人间豪华套房

63、There's an anteroom with photographs of children who perished, and then you come into a large space. ─── 通过一个挂满了死去儿童照片的前厅,你会来到一个开阔地带。

64、One day, when the Emperor had come to visit his uncle, the worthy Cure, who was waiting in the anteroom, found himself present when His Majesty passed ─── 一天,皇帝来看他的舅父,这位尊贵的本堂神甫正在前厅候见,皇上也恰巧走过。

65、Zhongshan Shangrila Hotel president anteroom, luxurious anteroom decoration project ─── 中山香格里拉大酒店总统套房、豪华套房装饰工程

66、The principle,material property process and application concerning of thermal expansion technology molding of CFRP are introduced briefly. This technology adapts to producing anteroom CFRP structure. ─── 简要叙述了热膨胀成型工艺的原理、材料及影响因素,并应用该工艺研制了碳纤维复合材料制件。该工艺适用于多腔体复合材料制件的整体共固化成型。

67、a lobby or an anteroom,as of a theater or hotel ─── 如戏院或旅馆的休息室或接待室

68、Leaving the elevator on the tenth floor, they stepped into the windowless anteroom ─── 走出十楼的电梯间,他们走进了那间没窗子的接待室。

69、Has president between the anteroom, the luxurious anteroom,the commercial anteroom, during the two person sign, the single thealtogether 165 sets. ─── 拥有总统套房、豪华套房、商务套房、双人标间、单人间共165套。

70、Albert found in his anteroom two guns, with all the accoutrements for hunting ─── 阿尔贝在他的小厅里找到两支枪,和其他一些打猎的工具。

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