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09-09 投稿



enginery 发音

英:[?end??nri]  美:[?end??nri]

英:  美:

enginery 中文意思翻译



enginery 词性/词形变化,enginery变形


enginery 相似词语短语

1、engine bay ─── n.引擎室;发动机舱

2、penguinery ─── 企鹅产地

3、engines ─── n.[动力]发动机,[动力]引擎(engine的复数形式);火车头

4、engineers ─── n.[经管]工程师;机械师(engineer的复数);v.设计(engineer的单三形式);建造

5、enginers ─── 发动机

6、engine ─── n.引擎,发动机;机车,火车头;工具

7、engineered ─── v.设计;改变(生物体)的遗传性状;精心安排(engineer的过去式及过去分词)

8、engineer ─── n.工程师;工兵;火车司机;vt.设计;策划;精明地处理;vi.设计;建造

9、enginer ─── n.(Enginer)人名;(土)恩吉内尔

enginery 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The Inference enginery that is designed in the paper has four characteristics: non-recursive deep first search strategy; ─── 所设计的推理机包括四个方面的内容:非递归的深度优先搜索策略;

2、Numerical control practical teaching is an important practical part of enginery specialties.Taking flexible teaching methods and artistic expression is helpful to improve practical teaching results. ─── 数控实训教学是机械类专业重要的实践环节,综合灵活地运用启发式、关联式、讨论式等教学方法,并辅以艺术性的表达,可提高实训教学效果。

3、This is an old class, be just as knight, princess and king, let us associate to cold enginery times. ─── 这是一个古老的阶级,如同骑士、公主和国王,让我们联想到冷兵器时代。

4、He is now working on his comic book of the Enginery Genii's Generation and post them monthly in a local model hobby magazine named "MODEL KIT WORLD". ─── 在网上的模型讨论区经常有人慕名向他查询制作精要或心得。

5、The primary aim of motivity system is to promote enterprise's continuable growth by the way of improving enginery of enterprise's life and strengthening the ability of enterprise to confront risk. ─── 企业生命周期动力系统的根本目的是通过不断改善企业生命的机能,加强企业对抗风险的能力,促进企业生命的可持续增长。

6、enginery of heart and veil ─── 心血管机能

7、Speedy comfort balance skin PH, shrink pore, availability intercede skin enginery . ─── 可迅速舒缓平衡肌肤PH值,收缩毛孔,有效调解肌肤机能。

8、body enginery and diathesis ─── 身体机能与素质

9、Following with the development of society of our country, medicinal facility will be more perfect and the enginery of Hospital will be also transformed along with them. ─── 我国随着社会的进步,医疗设备的不断完善,医院机能也将随之演变和发展。

10、Enginery Orientation ─── 机能定位

11、one, presswork, pack, bound, enginery produces manufacturer, management company, if your of all kinds product is imprinting,reveal, avoid hire and offer sale channel. ─── 一、印刷、包装、装订、机械类生产厂家,经营公司,如您的各类产品在印包器材城存放和展示,免租金并提供销售渠道。

12、1.college degree or above ,with major in enginery or equivalent; ─── 大专以上学历,机械类相关全日制专业毕业;

13、Discussing how to select suitable materials of enginery hardware ─── 机械零件选材的探讨

14、This article analyzed the condition of domestic teaching reform of new machinery specialty, and put forward a new experimental teaching system form of enginery specialty facing to advanced manufacturing mode. ─── 摘要分析了培养面向新型制造业模式人才的意义、国内机械类新专业教学改革现状,提出了机械类专业面向新型制造模式的实验教学体系形式。

15、principle of machinery is mostly course of enginery profession. ─── 机械原理是机械类专业的一门主要干课程。

16、"95 " during, industrial system should form enginery to be given priority to with car, much breed of mechanical, photoelectricity, chemical industry develops civilian bureau of character and morals. ─── “九五”期间,兵器工业系统要形成以车辆为主,机械、光电、化工多品种发展的民品格局。


18、Shanghai Resun Enginery Technology Co., Ltd. ─── 上海仁创机械科技有限公司。

19、Speedy comfort balance skin PH, shrink pore, availability intercede skin enginery . ─── 可迅速舒缓平衡肌肤PH值,收缩毛孔,有效调解肌肤机能。

20、Enginery experiment ─── 机能实验室

21、Renewing the enginery of fat metabolism and cutting off root of rebounding so as to make pet having statuesque &perfect figure. ─── 恢复脂肪代谢机能,切断反弹根源使爱宠瘦胖均衡体形优美。

22、Renewing the enginery of fat metabolism and cutting off root of rebounding so as to make pet having statuesque &perfect figure. ─── 恢复脂肪代谢机能,切断反弹根源使爱宠瘦胖均衡体形优美。

23、enginery specialty ─── 机械专业

24、Design and Development of Cardiovascular Enginery Testing and Evaluation Soft for Adults ─── 成年人心血管机能测评软件的设计与开发

25、The Machine manufacturing Engineering is mostly course of enginery profession to link practice. ─── 本课程是机械类专业的一门与生产实践紧密结合的主要专业课。

26、According to the analysis of the mechanism manufacturing development status nowadays, the necessity of float numerical control technology curriculum teaching in the enginery specialty is known. ─── 摘要通过对当前机械制造业发展状况的分析,说明机械类专业开设数控技术课程教学的必要性。

27、According to the analysis of the mechanism manufacturing development status nowadays,the necessity of float numerical control technology curriculum teaching in the enginery specialty is known. ─── 通过对当前机械制造业发展状况的分析,说明机械类专业开设数控技术课程教学的必要性。

28、this enginery is automatic to run. ─── 这机器是自动运转的。

29、Experience of the new product (Escalator and moving pavement),good skill in design nonstandard and whole enginery for optimize . ─── 原工作中负责新产品(自动扶梯及人行道)的非标设计与产品整体性能优化。

30、Abstract: Chongqing, the old industry base of China, whose main economic support is mass manufacturing that make up of traditional industries such as mechanism, enginery and metallurgy. ─── 文章摘要: 重庆是中国的老工业基地,由机械、兵工、冶金等传统产业为主构成的制造业是该市经济的主要支柱。

31、monitoring body enginery ─── 身体监控

32、air attack enginery ─── 空袭兵器

33、Analysis on the Current Situation of the Enginery Specialized Curriculum Provision in Secondary Vocational Education ─── 浙江省中职机械类专业课程设置现状分析

34、Biochemical Evaluation of Chinese Excellent Male Lifters'Motion Load and Enginery during Highland Training Phase ─── 对我国优秀男子举重运动员高原训练期运动负荷及机能状态的生化评定

35、Differences of civil society and enginery of criminal law between China and the West ─── 市民社会与刑法机能的中西差异

36、It contains aloe, Vitamin c and whitening element, can improve dermal renewal enginery and equilibrize the water and oil of dermal horniness. ─── 使用步骤:每次清洁面部及颈部后,取适量于所需部位,用指尖轻轻打圈按摩至吸收。注意:密封保存,置阴凉处存放;

37、Does PSP3000 have no brush enginery playing with the ISO game? ─── 您的位置:我的知道>游戏>网游>PSP3000没刷机能玩ISO的游戏么?

38、compare with that, I am just absorbed in your good Jian and stone, this word should be posted in stone enginery. I still like this Jian. ─── 对比起,只顾看您的好剑和石头,这句话本该贴到石头兵器后面的。小弟还是喜欢这把剑。

39、Cardiovascular enginery level can affect development condition of one's body, level of people's health and man's physique state strong or not. ─── 心血管机能水平能反映出一个人的身体生长发育状况、康水平和体质强弱。

40、This is an old class, be just as knight, princess and king, let us associate to cold enginery times. ─── 这是一个古老的阶级,如同骑士、公主和国王,让我们联想到冷兵器时代。

41、Far in the Bronze Age, the production that the production of enginery is the same as farm tool, tool is completely consistent. ─── 远在青铜时代,兵器的生产同农具、工具的生产是完全一致的。

42、established in 1988 , multiples enginery co . , ltd . specializes in the design and manufacture of injection molding machines. ─── 创立于1988年的百塑企业股份有限公司,专业射出成型机之研发与制造厂。

43、Efficacy: 1. Many kinds of Chinese medicine are good for every enginery of eyes. ─── 通过透皮给药,使眼部血液循环加速,达到视神经末梢,眼睛亮泽、有神。

44、Meanwhile we also produce the test equipments of kid handcarts : the automatic equipments such as durable test enginery , impact test enginery , barrier-across test enginery ,drop test enginery and so on . ─── 同时我们尚生产儿童推车的试验设备:耐久性试验机、冲击试验机、跨越障碍试验机、跌落试验机等自动化设备,欢迎选购。

45、Setting Medical Enginery Synthetical Experiment to Improve of Teaching Qulity ─── 开设医学机能综合实验,提高实验教学质量

46、Degree on bachelor or above, electronics, enginery background is preferred ─── 本科以上学历,拥有电子学,工程学背景者优先

47、Analysis on Yi ErLi Oral Medicine Affecting Players 'Enginery and Sports Capability ─── 益尔力口服液对运动员机能状态及运动能力影响的研究

48、the enginery fixing position ─── 定位

49、Training that base on voice enginery and singing styles is necessary for performing this procedure. ─── 在此过程中,既要进行嗓音的机能训练,又要运用嗓音进行音乐风格的表现的能力训练。

50、Road asphaltum、 cement、rolled steel、 enginery lease out operation. ─── 道路沥青、水泥、钢材及机具租赁业务。

51、Keywords Ubenimex Nasopharynx carcinoma Radiotherapy Immunity enginery; ─── 乌苯美司;鼻咽癌;放射治疗;免疫机能;

52、wetting enginery ─── 湿化器

53、3-4 relevant working experience in manufacturing and enginery; ─── 3.3-4年制造业,机械类工作经验;

54、Speedy comfort balance skin PH, shrink pore, availability intercede skin enginery . ─── 可迅速舒缓平衡肌肤PH值,收缩毛孔,有效调解肌肤机能。 收藏。

55、Enginery and the job concern with enginery. ─── 机械类相关工作。

56、Here is having hard and labyrinthian enginery phylogeny. ─── 这里有着艰难曲折的兵器发展史。

57、On Enginery Specialized Curriculum Development and Its Curriculum Scheme Characteristics ─── 机械类专业课程开发与课程方案特点

58、The technology can be applied to the multifarious moulds and cores which can be hardened by heat enginery. ─── 该工艺可用于各类烘焙硬化和气体硬化型芯的硬化。

59、The Machine manufacturing Engineering is mostly course of enginery profession to link practice. ─── 本课程是机械类专业的一门与生产实践紧密结合的主要专业课。

60、This article analysised tennis energy metabolism, enginery state and nutritional supplement through the angle of biochemistry with the literature review, by which offering reference for tennis training, teaching and body-building. ─── 摘要应用文献综述的方法,从生物化学的角度分析了网球运动的能量代谢特点、机能状态的判断以及营养补充,为科学地进行网球运动训练、教学、健身提供参考依据。

61、The products not only are sold well in domestic market , but exported abroad as well .Furthermore ,Wushu apparatus and 18 kinds of enginery are appreciated by home and abroad merchants . ─── 浙江龙泉市亚中刀剑厂是专业生产龙泉刀剑、武术器械的厂家,本厂多年艰苦创业、现已发展成为铸剑行业中的知名企业。

62、This research tries toacquire some proofs on Qigong's Action in regulating the balance of body enginery,especially some direct experimental proofs on adjusting the Yin-yang Balance. ─── 本研究旨在从中医心理学和情志医学的角度,通过中医五态性格测验观察气功调节人体机能平衡,尤其是调整机体阴阳平衡的实验依据。

63、Anion chips are set in the cotton net form of sanitary napkin, when using it can project condense anion, physical course can adjust enginery, enhance immunity, remove toxin and anti germs, control odor, without any side effects. ─── 卫生巾棉网膜中镶有负离子芯片,在使用中可发射出高浓度的负离子,用纯物理过程实现调节机能,增强免疫力,消毒抗菌,消除异味等功效,无任何副作用。

64、The mould design is a professional optional course of enginery profession.It is a course that basic theory and ABC knits together practicality applying. ─── 模具设计是一门机械类专业的专业选修课,它是将模具设计的有关基本理论、基本知识与实际应用紧密结合的一门课程。

65、It also can cure the chronic decay of vein enginery, reduce the probability of the diabetes mellitus, lighten and soften the skin, prevent the sun-burn, and also be effective for the pollinosis . ─── 降低糖尿病的发病危险;增强皮肤弹性和柔滑性;预防太阳光线对皮肤的辐射损伤;对枯草热(花粉过敏)非常有效;

66、The Testing of Enginery and Characteristic in DTI Board ─── 数字传输接口板的机能与特性测试

67、The human head imitation portrait robotic system that possesses facial expression and recognition enginery on human expressions was designed and developed. ─── 设计并研制了具有面部表情和对人类表情识别机能的仿人头像机器人系统。

68、Junior college or above and enginery related major , at least 5 years work experience in production management at large foreign enterprise. ─── 大专或以上学历,机械工程及其相关专业毕业。至少5年或以上大中型外资企业生产管理经验。

69、Hong, we started towards to the toy business with our own design - The Enginery Genii's Generation. ─── 于2006年,在创办人的带领下,创杰工作室迈向玩具市场,一偿渴望以久的心愿 - 建立自己的玩具王国!

70、Design of USB Device Driver of Critter Enginery Analyzer ─── 生物机能分析仪USB接口驱动程序的设计

71、Country of the Qin Dynasty and Zhao country (the one part of age Shi Jinguo) have national puddling job, enginery is picked, dead stock is enough, country situation very fill. ─── 秦国和赵国(春秋时晋国的一部分)有发达的炼铁业,兵器精锐,农具充足,国势很盛。

72、Vital energy theory is not only an important sect of TCM theory and also the theory tools of expounding the whole enginery changes in normal or diseased body.It can be well explained some physiol... ─── 气化学说是中医学基础理论的重要组成部分,是对人体正常或病态的整体机能变化进行阐述的理论工具。

73、Abstract: This paper carries on a experimental research on 220 female students in Chengdu area of their SCL-90, CSAI -2 , configuration, enginery, body quality and body composition. ─── 文章摘要: 对西南地区在校师范女大学生220人进行了SCL-90症状自评量表、CSAI-2量表测试和形态、机能、身体素质、身体成分测试。

74、From the corner of legislation, the enginery of regulating and restricting of criminal law has provided a standard about depth for fathering bribe related with business; ─── 从立法背景分析,商业贿赂犯罪化的刑法规制机能为治理商业贿赂提供了深度标准;

75、Research on body enginery of excellent marathon athletes During the altiplano training ─── 优秀马拉松运动员高原训练期间身体机能监控的研究

76、Established in 1988, Multiplas Enginery Co., Ltd. specializes in the design and manufacture of injection molding machines. ─── 创立于1988年的百塑企业股份有限公司,专业射出成型机之研发与制造厂。

77、And the internal relation between body's enginery information and structural information is expatiated in this paper. ─── 论述了人体红外辐射的生物机理和物理机理,并阐述了人体机能信息和结构信息的内在联系。

78、body enginery ─── 生理机能

79、Barometric pressure of main enginery working ─── 主机运行气压

80、Keywords Enginery Experiment;Teaching Reform;Practice; ─── 机能实验;教学改革;实践;

81、This type of massage can facilitate the lymph system to expel endotoxin and help to balance physical enginery, relax nerves, remove fatigue, and enhance healthiness. ─── 促进淋巴系统排除体内毒素。平衡生理机能,松弛神经,消除疲劳,增进健康。

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