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09-09 投稿


granulose 发音

英:[?ɡr?nj??lo?s]  美:[?ɡr?nj??l??s]

英:  美:

granulose 中文意思翻译



granulose 网络释义

adj. 粒状的;淀粉粒质的n. 淀粉粒质

granulose 短语词组

1、granulose layer ─── 颗粒层

2、granulose delusion ─── 颗粒性妄想

3、granulose inflammation ─── 颗粒性炎症

4、granulose tissue ─── 颗粒组织

5、granulose structure ─── 麻粒构造

6、granulose clostridium ─── 颗粒梭状芽孢杆菌

7、granulose wall ─── 颗粒壁

8、granulose cellular cancer ─── 颗粒细胞癌

granulose 相似词语短语

1、granuloma ─── n.肉芽肿瘤

2、granulous ─── 粒状的;颗粒状的

3、granulate ─── v.(使)成为粒状;(物质)成粒状;(伤口或伤痕在愈合过程中)形成肉芽;(使)表面粗糙

4、granulosis ─── 颗粒体病

5、granules ─── n.粒斑,颗粒(granule的复数);颗粒剂

6、grandiose ─── adj.宏伟的;堂皇的;浮夸的;宏大的

7、ramulose ─── adj.多小枝的

8、granule ─── n.颗粒

9、granulite ─── n.[岩]麻粒岩;粒变岩

granulose 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、disc narrowly ovate to oblong-lanceolate, usually granulose, rarely smooth or keeled, with fine spiny emergences along center line; ─── 通常,花盘狭卵形到长圆状披针形,很少龙骨状的平滑或,沿着中线的具细具刺出现;

2、luteal cells were linked hy gap-junction and tight junction. ─── 黄体细胞间以缝隙连接和紧密连接相联系。

3、Keywords Polycystic ovarian syndrome;Ovarian luteinizing granulose cells;Insulin receptor substrates;Luteinizing hormone; ─── 多囊卵巢综合征;黄素化颗粒细胞;胰岛素受体底物;黄体生成激素;

4、Corolla lobes oblong to ovate, ca. 2 mm, reflexed, glabrous except for densely glandular granulose margin, apex obtuse. ─── 花冠裂片长圆形到卵形,约2毫米,反折,无毛除了浓密具腺的粒状边缘,先端钝。

5、Keywords hypericum perforatum L.;dedifferentiation;callus;chloroplast;granulose; ─── 贯叶连翘;脱分化;愈伤组织;叶绿体;淀粉粒;

6、Branchlets hirtellous and glandular granulose, sometimes glabrous; ─── 小枝具微糙硬毛和腺粒状,有时无毛;

7、Study on the Effects of GnRHa on the Secrete Function of the Luteinized Granulose Cell in Vitro ─── GnRHa对体外培养的卵巢黄素化颗粒细胞分泌功能的影响

8、Style surpassing nutlets by 0.5 mm.Nutlets ovoid, ca. 2.5 mm, densely granulose, disc with 3 or 4 short glochids along center line; ─── 0.5毫米胜过小坚果的花柱卵球形的小坚果,约毫米,浓密粒状,沿着中线的花盘具3或4短钩毛;

9、Petals oblong or ovate, ca. 3 mm, united to 1/3 their length, punctate, glandular granulose inside and along margin. ─── 花瓣长圆形或卵形,约3毫米,结合在其长度,内部的具点,具腺粒状和沿边缘。

10、Ultrastructure Studies on the Granulose Cell of Bovine Preantral Follicles Cultured in vitro ─── 体外培养牛腔前卵泡颗粒细胞的超微结构研究

11、Keywords PCOS;immature oocyte;in vitro maturation;insulin resistant;leptin;granulosa cells;oocyte;ultrastructure;cell matrix;granulose cell; ─── 多囊卵巢综合征;未成熟卵;体外成熟;胰岛素抵抗;瘦素;颗粒细胞;卵母细胞;体外成熟卵母细胞;超微结构;细胞质;

12、Cumulus cells represent this unique subpopulation of granulose cells that surrounds the oocyte, providing nutrient, metabolic precursors and signals that regulate its development and maturation. ─── 卵丘细胞作为围绕在卵母细胞周围的颗粒细胞亚群,对于卵母细胞减数分裂阻滞、减数分裂的恢复、卵母细胞的成熟和受精都起着重要的作用。

13、Petals nearly free or rarely united to 1/2 their length, usually ciliate, glandular granulose, punctate. ─── 花瓣近离生去1/2其长度,通常具缘毛,具腺粒状的或很少合生,。

14、Effect of FSH and Insulin on Bovine Granulose Cells in a Long Serum-culture ─── FSH和胰岛素对牛卵泡颗粒细胞长期培养的影响

15、In the process of dedifferentiation by different kinds of medium, granulose expanded at different periods;the shape of granulose and chloroplast changed differently; ─── 发现两种培养基在诱导愈伤组织过程中在淀粉粒出现膨大的时间、淀粉粒变化趋势、叶绿体外形变化以及出愈伤时间上有不同之处。

16、Bracts ovate, glabrous, margin sparsely glandular granulose, apex obtuse. ─── 苞片卵形,无毛,边缘疏生具腺的粒状,先端钝。

17、Keywords apoptosis;apoptotic body;cumulus granulose cells(CGCs);oocyte;in vitro fertilization(IVF); ─── 凋亡;凋亡小体;卵丘颗粒细胞;卵子;体外受精;

18、cumulus granulose cells(CGCs) ─── 卵丘颗粒细胞

19、Leaf blade margin undulate, or crenulate, rarely distantly serrulate; sepals longer than wide; petals yellow glandular granulose adaxially at base. ─── 叶片边缘波状,或,很少远房有细锯齿;萼片长于宽;正面的花瓣黄色具腺的粒状是在基部。(49

20、During logarithmic phase of cultivated ovary granulose cell, experiments were carried out to investigate the genetically procreation toxicity of F-2 toxin and the detoxification of V-E. ─── 培养的方法,在卵巢颗粒细胞对数生长期,对f - 2毒素的繁殖遗传毒性和V - E对其的解毒作用进行了研究。

21、Keywords Ginseng polysacharide;Cold stress;Oocyte;Granulose cell; ─── 人参多糖;低温应激;颗粒细胞;卵母细胞;

22、Petals nearly free, broadly ovate, densely black punctate, sparsely glandular granulose adaxially at base, margin entire, apex acute. ─── 花瓣近离生,宽卵形,浓密变黑,疏生腺体粒状正面在基部,边缘全缘,先端锐尖。

23、Keywords ovarian granulose cell;insulin resistance;dexmethasone;reproduction;traditional Chinese medicine; ─── 卵巢颗粒细胞;胰岛素抵抗;地塞米松;生殖;中药;

24、granulose layer ─── (颗)粒层(卵泡)

25、Keywords cytomorphology;marrow specimen;quality;nucleated cell;megalokaryocyte;marrow granulose; ─── 细胞形态学;骨髓标本;质量;有核细胞;巨核细胞;骨髓小粒;

26、The effect of ginseng polysugar on oocyte and rat granulose cell in vitro under lower temperature cold stress ─── 人参多糖对低温应激大鼠颗粒细胞与卵母细胞的调节

27、Bracts broadly ovate, margin sparsely glandular granulose, apex obtuse. ─── 苞片宽卵形,边缘疏生具腺,先端钝。

28、Study on Apoptosis of Mouse Granulose Cells Induced by Cadmium ─── 镉对小鼠卵巢颗粒细胞凋亡的影响研究

29、Granulose theca cell tumor of ovary ─── 卵巢颗粒泡膜细胞瘤

30、Young branchlet and leaf densely yellowish or reddish brown stellate hairy; berry ca. 4 mm, granulose, not verrucose. ─── 浓密的幼嫩小枝和叶淡黄或红棕色星状毛;浆果约4毫米,粒状,不瘤状。

31、lobes ovate.Style surpassing nutlets, 1-1.5 mm.Fruit ovoid, ca. 2.5 mm;nutlets triangular-ovoid, adaxially granulose; ─── 裂片卵形花柱超过小坚果,1-1.5毫米果卵球形,约2.5毫米;

32、Keywords tonifying kidney formula;granulose cell;immunohistochemical method;cell apoptosis; ─── 补肾复方;颗粒细胞;免疫组化;细胞凋亡;

33、Keywords polycystic ovary syndrome(PCOS);ultrastructure;basal lamina;granulose cell; ─── 关键词多囊卵巢综合征;超微结构;卵泡;基底膜;颗粒细胞;

34、Results The main difference was found in the change of chloroplast and granulose. ─── 结果不同点主要集中于叶绿体及淀粉粒的变化。

35、Shrubs scandent, glandular granulose on branchlets, bracts, sepals bases, and petals inside. ─── 攀缘灌木,具腺在小枝上,苞片,萼片基部,以及在里面花瓣。

36、Flowers white, 3.5-5 mm.Pedicel 2.5-3.5 mm, glandular granulose, glabrescent. ─── 花白色,2.5-3.5毫米的3.5张-5毫米花梗,具腺粒状,。

37、The results showed that:(1)Whether the follicle was healthy or atresic,the percentage of G_1 phase of granulose cells was more than 90%,about 2%-6% granulosa cells were in G_2 phase,and the percentage of S phase was the lowest; ─── 结果表明:(1)无论是健康卵泡还是闭锁卵泡,颗粒细胞90%以上均处于G1期,2%~6%处于G2期,S期比例最小;

38、Branchlets glandular granulose, early glabrescent, shallowly canaliculate when young, cylindric with ridges at maturity; ─── 小枝腺粒状,早期的后脱落,幼时浅具沟,成熟时与脊圆筒状;

39、Fruit broadly ovoid, 4-4.5 in diam., nutlets homomorphic along lower part of inflorescences, wingless, narrowly ovoid, 4-4.5 mm, densely granulose; ─── 果宽卵形,直径4-4.5点,沿着开花的下半部分同形,无翼的小坚果,狭卵球形,4-4.5毫米,浓密粒状;

40、Keywords immuno-electron microscopy;immuno-labelled;pre-embedding;ovary;granulose cell; ─── 免疫电镜;免疫标记;包埋前;卵巢;颗粒细胞;

41、Glass will be broken into granulose, not manufacturing. ─── 安全玻璃破碎后将变成粒状,而非片状。

42、Corolla lobes oblong to ovate, ca. 2 mm, reflexed, glabrous except for densely glandular granulose margin, apex obtuse. ─── 花冠裂片长圆形到卵形,约2毫米,反折,无毛除了浓密具腺的粒状边缘,先端钝。

43、Keywords follicle-stimulating-hormone receptor;granulose cell;ovarian response;in vitro fertilization; ─── 卵泡刺激素受体;颗粒细胞;卵巢反应;体外授精;

44、granulose cell ─── 粒层细胞

45、Fukui Y.Ono H Effects of sera,hormones and granulose cells added to culture medium for in vitro maturation,fertilization,cleavage and development of bovine oocytes 1989 ─── 周颂成.细井美彦.内海恭三.入谷明成熟培养基中添加卵泡液对牛体外受精卵发育的影响[期刊论文]-中国草食动物1993(6

46、Keywords cadmium;ovary;granulose cells;apoptosis;influence factor; ─── 镉;卵巢;颗粒细胞;细胞凋亡;影响因素;

47、Keywords cadmium;ovary;granulose cell;apoptosis;genes expression;mice; ─── 镉;卵巢;颗粒细胞;细胞凋亡;基因表达;小鼠;

48、Induce capacitation of two different mouse granulose cell conditional media ─── 小鼠卵巢颗粒细胞条件培养液中蛋白质和激素水平

49、ovarian granulose cell ─── 卵巢颗粒细胞

50、Keywords pregnancy associated plasma protein-A (PAPP-A);follicle stimulating hormone;granulose cell;follicle; ─── 妊娠相关血浆蛋白-A(PAPP-A);促卵泡激素;颗粒细胞;卵泡;

51、disc lanceolate, sparsely finely white granulose; ─── 花盘披针形,疏生好白色;

52、Bracts ovate, glabrous, margin sparsely glandular granulose, apex obtuse. ─── 苞片卵形,无毛,边缘疏生具腺的粒状,先端钝。

53、Results The main difference was found in the change of chloroplast and granulose . ─── 结果不同点主要集中于叶绿体及淀粉粒的变化。

54、The Large expanse of granulose grows, does not have the inflammation, but very difficult to retreat. ─── 成片小粒生长,无炎症,但很难退去。

55、Granulose luteal cells were linked hy gap-junction and tight junction. ─── 黄体细胞间以缝隙连接和紧密连接相联系。

56、Results: As the decreasing score of the oocyte, the maturation rate, fertilization rate, cleavage rate and the quality of embryos decreased, meanwhile the apoptosis rate of granulose cells increased. ─── 结果:随着卵母细胞评分的降低,卵子的成熟率、受精率、卵裂率及优质胚胎率均下降,而颗粒细胞的凋亡率升高。

57、Petals free or united at base, glandular granulose inside and often along margin. ─── 免费花瓣或在基础结合,具腺在里面和经常沿边缘。

58、Keywords TRAIL;Granulose cell;Apoptosis;Polycystic ovarian syndrome;Rat; ─── 颗粒细胞;凋亡;多囊卵巢综合征;大鼠;

59、disc narrowly ovate, granulose; ─── 花盘狭卵形,粒状;

60、granulose structure ─── 麻粒构造

61、Petals united ca. 1/3 their length, elliptic or ovate, 2-2.2 mm, glandular granulose inside and along margin, sparsely punctate, tube glabrous. ─── 花瓣合生约1/3其长度,椭圆形或卵形,2-2.2毫米,内部的具腺粒状和沿边缘,具点的疏生,无毛的筒部。

62、Effects of cryopreservation on oocytes and granulose cells in mouse ovarian tissue after vitrification ─── 玻璃化冷冻对小鼠卵母细胞和颗粒细胞的影响

63、Ovarian luteinizing granulose cells ─── 黄素化颗粒细胞

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