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09-09 投稿


derivative 发音

英:[d??r?v?t?v]  美:[d??r?v?t?v]

英:  美:

derivative 中文意思翻译




derivative 短语词组

1、acyl derivative ─── [建] 酰基衍生物

2、derivative control imput ─── [电] 微分控制输入

3、derivative block ─── [计] 导数块

4、derivative control ouput ─── [电] 微分控制输出

5、derivative action time ─── [计] 微商作用时间

6、acrbonic acid derivative ─── [建] 碳酸衍生物

7、derivative call ─── [计] 导数调用

8、cyano derivative ─── [建] 氰基衍生物

9、derivative con-trol ─── [电] 导出控制

10、derivative circuIation ─── [医] 动静脉吻合(动静脉血不经过毛细管而流通)

11、derivative ac-tion ─── [电] 导出作用

12、derivative accounting convention ─── [经] 引伸出来的会计惯例

13、derivative acquisition ─── [法] 传来取得, 继承取得

14、derivative chronopotentiometry ─── [化] 导数计时电位法

15、chemical derivative ─── [化] 化学衍生物

16、alkyl derivative ─── [机] 烷基衍生物, 烃基衍生物

17、derivative control ─── [计] 微商控制

18、derivative action ─── [计] 微商作用

19、derivative control error ─── [电] 微分控制错误

derivative 词性/词形变化,derivative变形

复数--derivatives;比较级--more derivative;最高级--most derivative。

derivative 反义词


derivative 同义词


derivative 常用词组

second derivative ─── 二次导数

financial derivative ─── 金融衍生产品;金融衍生物

partial derivative ─── 偏导数;偏微商

derivative 相似词语短语

1、deprivative ─── 剥夺的

2、derivatively ─── adv.衍生地

3、derivatives ─── 派生物

4、derivatize ─── v.衍生

5、derivatise ─── 导数

6、derivatises ─── 导数

7、derivatizes ─── 衍生产品

8、derivatised ─── 衍生品

9、derivatized ─── 衍生的

derivative 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、They spoke a derivative of the Malay language. ─── 他们说一种从马来语派生的语言。

2、His paintings are really quite derivative. ─── 他的画实在没有创意。

3、The function (f')is usually written simply f" and is called the second derivative. ─── 函数(f’)通常简写成f”,并称之为f的二阶导数。

4、Gold is not a living thing, just a door stop throwing off nada, a derivative of our weakening dollar. ─── 黄金并不是个活物,它只是弱势美元的衍生结果。

5、The tritones are bracketed, and the derivative pentatonic scale written alongside. ─── 三全音被括弧起来和衍生的六音阶也加在旁边。

6、Enriched with a vitamin C derivative, MAP, to gently cleanse the face and control melanin formation. ─── 含粉状维他命C衍生物MAP,温和洁净肌肤,有效淡化及预防黑色素形成。

7、On this basis, the article discusses the derivative products accounting information disclosure. ─── 在此基础上,论述了衍生金融工具的会计信息披露。

8、Spectral Properties of a Novel Soluble Quinacridone Derivative Langmuir-blodgett Films[J]. ─── 引用该论文 刘云龙,高学喜,李淑红,王文军,柳仁民,张爱梅.

9、Its derivative, may enable the seed also to germinate under the low temperature. ─── 其衍生物,可使种子在较低温度下也能发芽。

10、On this base,suggestions are also made for the developmenl of derivative products of epoxy ethane in Maoming region. ─── 在此基础上,对茂名地区环氧乙烷衍生物产品的开发提出一些建议。

11、We will replace the partial derivative by an ordinary derivative. ─── 我们可用普通微商代替偏微商。

12、The derivative problems seem to have accelerated, though Buffett is probably doing better this quarter with the stock index derivatives. ─── 尽管巴菲特本季在股指衍生性商品上可能操作较佳,但衍生性商品的问题看来已经加重。

13、A knowledge of financial markets and derivative products. A working knowledge of excel. ─── 具有金融市场和金融衍生品的知识。

14、Benzene, dodecylphenoxy-, disulfo deriv.;dodecylphenoxy-benzen disulfo deriv. ─── 名称 十二烷基苯氧苯二磺化衍生物;

15、The term levirate is a derivative of the Latin word levir, meaning 'husband's brother. ─── 如果舅家有女儿,外甥在求偶时违背惯习要向别姓氏的丈人种求亲,必须事先向舅家送礼,征得舅家的同意方可。

16、Study on the Luminous Properties of Blue Organic Electroluminescent Diodes with Distyrylarylenes Derivative[J]. ─── 引用该论文 朱文清,郑新友,蒋雪茵,张志林,许少鸿.

17、Dyeing test of the domestic distyrene derivative liquid dye on the case board has been carried out . ─── 优化比较了几种液体直接染料用于牛皮箱纸板染色时的作用效果。

18、Fig 3 Excitation and emission spectra of indoles and its derivative in DMSO. ─── 图3吲哚及其衍生物的DMSO溶液的激发和发射光谱。

19、To determinate Vitamin E (VE) in liposomes,we compared first derivative UV spectrophotometry with fluorophotometry. ─── 为测定包裹维生素E(VE)的脂质体中VE的含量,比较了荧光法、一阶导数紫外光谱法这两种方法。

20、No Derivative Works . You may not alter, transform, or build upon this work. ─── 为再使用或散布本著作,您必须向他人清楚说明本著作所适用的授权条款。

21、Fluckiger A.Long-term therapy of a metastasizing pancreatic vipoma using the somatostatin derivative octreotide. ─── Schwei Med Wochenschr 奥曲肽,治疗,消化,内分泌,肿瘤,进展,医学,论文,药学,论文,1992;

22、The standardized nature of XML has given rise to a number of derivative cross-platform, cross-language parsers and derivative technologies. ─── XML的标准化特性导致了一些跨平台、跨语言的解析器和派生技术的诞生。

23、SLD: Does that make it harder to scale a platform into derivative systems? ─── SLD: 这样做是否会使平台扩展为衍生系统变得困难?

24、FOR connoisseurs of derivative film-making, the next few months will be a joy. ─── 对于续拍电影的鉴赏家们来说,接下来的几个月尽可以大饱眼福了。

25、Let's sneak in one more derivative here, which is to take the derivative of the derivative. ─── 我们再求一次导数,也就是对导数求导。

26、This sentence is likely to appear in an article about financial derivative or insurance. ─── 对消/对冲/撤销这些(合同/交易)相对便宜,原因在于对每一个风险项目的远期覆盖通常只有两到三周。

27、Happiness' is a derivative of 'happy'. ─── happiness是happy的派生词。

28、Research and teaching: Asset Pricing, Empirical Finance, Econometric Methods, and Derivative Markets. ─── 主要研究和教学领域:资产定价,实证金融,计量经济学方法,金融衍生产品市场。

29、Notice that we had to use squiggly brackets to make the derivative. ─── 必须使用花括号来表示微分。

30、From the second level to the ninth level, each level is a derivative of the level before it. ─── 从第二层到第九层,每一层都从它前面的一层继承过来。

31、Pressure integral is able to improve inaccuracy of derivative to a great extent and to avoid its dispersity. ─── 压力的积分可以在很大程度上改善导数的不准确性,也可避免导数的分散性。

32、An amino - acid derivative of galactose. ─── 半乳糖胺半乳糖的一种氨基酸衍生物

33、Ozone is formed in the reaction, and a nitro derivative of the olefin. ─── 在反应中形成臭氧及烯烃的硝基衍生物。

34、UDP stands for Uridine-diphosphate, a phosphorilated derivative of the nucleotide Uridine found in RNA (not DNA). ─── UDP对尿苷二磷酸的立场,磷酸化核苷衍生物。在RNA(不是DNA)中发现尿苷。

35、The Higher Derivative Formula of a Compound Function and its Application. ─── 一类复合函数的高阶导数公式及其应用。

36、In linguistics, rock is a derivative word. ─── 在语言学中,“石头”属于派生词。

37、Instead, Eldred was producing derivative works from these public domain works. ─── 他她们并不认为霍桑比以前更有意思。

38、On the other hand, "Needham Problems "with derivative effect. ─── 另一方面,“李约瑟难题”具有衍生效应。

39、Recall that a derivative work is one based on a pre-existing work, yet is also considered to be a new work. ─── 回忆一下,派生作品是基于预先存在的作品的作品,但是仍然被认为是新作品。

40、HMW-GS analysis by electrophoresis showed that 81.25% of the derivative lines had the good subunits combination 7+8. ─── HMW-GS电泳分析显示,含有7+8优质亚基、亚基总评分为8分的小麦-冰草异源衍生系占81.25%。

41、The end result of the analysis can be derivative information, interpolated information or prioritized information. ─── 分析的结束结果可能是被窜改数据或优先数据的引出的数据。

42、Say that the derivative financial instruments. ─── 再说说衍生金融工具。

43、I was unshaven , so perhaps I looked like an extremely derivative criminal. ─── 全句译为:“我因没刮胡子可能由此我看来像个极端的罪犯。“

44、Too high a degree polynomial produces lower residuals, but at the expense of smoothness in the derivative. ─── 一个很高次数的多项式会产生较低的残差,但却要破坏导数的光滑性。

45、What she means is that there is something inorganic, derivative and inauthentic about a lot of mobile communication. ─── 她所说的是我们对过多的移动通话产生了某种无缘无故就衍生出来的虚假自我感。

46、It needs neither iterative process nor getting derivative of the intersection point. ─── 同时不需要迭代,也不需要交点的导数信息。

47、That is, you may not produce a derivative work from a HOWTO and impose additional restrictions on its distribution. ─── 也就是说,一旦参用了HOWTO的内容,就不能对你的产品附加任何发行的权限 。

48、The name Cambridge is a derivative of the name of the River 'Cam'. ─── ‘cambridge’这个名字是‘cam’河的派生词。

49、The accurate content of benzimidazole derivative could be obtained by the traditional chemical titration method. ─── 初步确定影响分析结果的杂质为未完全反应的原料之一邻苯二胺。

50、Allantoin is one of the important urea derivative products. ─── 尿囊素是一种重要的尿素衍生产品。

51、The derivative is good enough to drink, although I have heard some derogatory comments about the taste. ─── 尽管我听到有人对提纯水的味道颇有微词,但它喝起来还相当不错。

52、Chitosan is the N-deacetylated derivative of chitin. ─── 壳聚糖是几丁质的脱乙酰基衍生物。

53、The major combining form of their derivative are two: free roots and affix; bound roots and affix. ─── 其派生词的组合方式主要有非独用词根与词缀组合、独用词根与词缀组合等形式。

54、Its derivative technology was adopted by newly-developed CAAD sofeware. ─── 它所衍生的技术在最新的计算机辅助设计软件中均有体现。

55、The second derivative of LNA, DHA is the most prevalent fat in the brain and nervous system. ─── DHA是由LNA转化的另一种衍生物,人体脑部和神经系统都含大量DHA。

56、If the value is steady, whatever the offset, then derivative action does not occur. ─── 如果,这个值是稳定的那么,无论误差多大,微分动作是不发生的。

57、Not standing alone; derivative or dependent. ─── 从属的,不独立的不独立存在的;衍生性的或依赖性的

58、And we obtain the temperature derivative of the KTP. ─── 利用这种方法得到了KTP晶体折射率的温度系数。

59、Second-0rder Nonlinear Optical Property of Ferrocenyl Derivative[J]. ─── 引用该论文 钱鹰,刘举正,吴建耀,李富铭.

60、A triangular element, similar to or derivative of a Grecian pediment, used widely in architecture and decoration. ─── 三角楣饰广泛用于建筑物和装饰物上的一种类似或衍生于古希腊山形墙的三角形物

61、CMC Markets is one of the world's leading financial derivative trading companies. ─── CMC Markets是世界领先的金融衍生品交易商。

62、Most earlier interpretations said a program was not considered derivative if it { interfaced to} a compiled version of the application. ─── 大部分的最初解释是一个基于编译版的应用程序接口开发的程序是不会被认可的。

63、Other Europeans wrongly thought them migrant Egyptians, hence the derivative Gypsy. ─── 其他欧洲人错误地认为他们是移民埃及人,因此衍生了吉普赛人。

64、The equity floor was a financial juggernaut and the derivative desk was at the center of it all. ─── 股票交易场地是金融海洋的漩涡,而衍生品交易席位则是漩涡的最中心。

65、A derivative is defined by a limiting process. ─── 导数是通过一个极限过程加以规定的。

66、Using a cheap derivative fuel, they launched an abortive effort to reach the stars themselves. ─── 因为使用了一种廉价的衍生燃料,他们靠自己的力量去接触星辰的努力全都白费了...

67、Crack is a highly potent and addictive derivative of cocaine. ─── 强效纯可卡因是一种药效极强、容易使人上瘾的可卡因制剂。

68、Study on coumarin derivative lasing dyes[J]. ─── 引用该论文 何斌,程铸生.

69、When an object is next owner no-modify, that permissions setting is interpreted as 'no one can create derivative works. ─── 如果物品是不能被下一个拥有者编辑,授权设置可理解为“没人能再进行后续工作”。

70、Ingredients: Active Pearl Extract,Amino Acid,Vitamin C Derivative,Green Tea Extract , Mild Cleanser Elements. ─── 成份:珍珠活性精华、氨基酸、维生素C衍生物、绿茶萃取精华、温和清洁元素。

71、Peakon solutions have discontinuous first derivative on the peaks and can be described by Dirac function. ─── Peakon解在波峰处一阶导数不连续,但可用D irac广义函数表示.

72、The second time derivative is the constant acceleration. ─── 它的二阶导数就是这个恒加速度。

73、"Crack" is often described as a derivative of cocaine. ─── 一般认为“crack”是“cocaine”的派生词。

74、"Electricity" is a derivative of "electric". ─── “Electricity”是“electric”的派生词。

75、It is interesting for him to study the derivative of a vector. ─── 对他来说,研究矢量的导数是很有趣的事。

76、For severe acne, dermatologists can prescribe isotretinoin(a vitamin A derivative). ─── 对于情况严重的粉刺,皮肤科医生可能会开出异维A酸作为药方。

77、The RPP pump is suitable for the strong alkali and the common acid alkali salts and the derivative. ─── RPP泵适用于强碱及一般酸碱盐类及其衍生物等。

78、Aesthetic Foundation of Confucian Ethics: A Viewpoint from "Is the Ritual derivative? ─── 从"礼后乎"看儒家伦理的美学基础?

79、Eplerenon, a derivative of spironolactone, is the first selective aldosterone receptor antagonist. ─── 依普利酮是一种螺内酯的衍生物,并且是第一种具有选择性的醛固酮受体拮抗剂。

80、It is unscholarly and derivative, and raises a lot of unanswered questions. ─── 它不象学者所写而且是摹仿的,并且提出很多不能解答的问题。

81、After the second management shakeup of my tenure, Mark was named to run the equity derivative trading operation. ─── 入司后,我经历了第二次管理层大换血,马克成为股票衍生品交易团队的负责人。

82、An affix, such as dis - in disbelieve, put before a word to produce a derivative word or an inflected form. ─── 前缀词缀,如disbelieve中的dis-,加在一个词前面以产生一个派生词或词尾变化形式

83、An affix,such as dis - in disbelieve,put before a word to produce a derivative word or an inflected form. ─── 前缀词缀,如

84、Therefore,developing financial derivative deal and expanding financial derivative market are urgent. ─── 因此,开展金融衍生产品交易,发展我国金融衍生产品市场已经时不我待。

85、The Derivative of a Map between Vector Spaces. ─── 向量空间之间映射的微分。

86、The GPL is clear in requiring that all derivative works of GPLed code must themselves be GPLed. ─── GPL对GPL作品的演绎作品在GPL下发布规定很明确。

87、Chlorophyllin is a water soluble derivative,which is obtained by hydrolyzing chlorophyll to remove phytyl alcohol. ─── 叶绿酸是通过水解叶绿素去除疏水性叶绿植醇侧链而获得的一种水溶性的衍生物。

88、He traded derivative contracts, using the bank's money, based on securities included in ETFs, according to people familiar with the matter. ─── 知情人士说,他利用瑞银的资金买卖衍生品合约,合约所基于的证券包含在ETF内。

89、Every function whose derivative is linear is a quadratic function. ─── 任意一个导数为线性函数的函数都是二次函数。








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