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09-15 投稿



fumigant 发音


英:  美:

fumigant 中文意思翻译



fumigant 词性/词形变化,fumigant变形


fumigant 短语词组

1、fumigant strip ─── 熏蒸条

2、fumigant types ─── 熏蒸剂类型

3、fumigant mean ─── 熏蒸剂

4、fumigant wiki ─── 熏蒸剂

5、fumigant epa ─── 熏蒸剂epa

fumigant 相似词语短语

1、fumigates ─── vt.熏制;香薰;用烟熏消毒

2、luminant ─── adj.发光的;发亮的;n.发光体

3、fumigating ─── n.熏蒸(fumigate进行式)

4、fumigated ─── vt.熏制;香薰;用烟熏消毒

5、fumigants ─── 熏剂;[农药]熏蒸剂(fumigant的复数)

6、fumigate ─── vt.熏制;香薰;用烟熏消毒

7、fumigator ─── n.熏蒸消毒器;烟熏器

8、humiliant ─── 丢人的

9、ruminant ─── n.反刍动物;沉思默想的人;adj.反刍动物的;沉思默想的

fumigant 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Comparation of the disinfection effect on breeding eggs with spray and fumigant ─── 百毒杀喷雾与福尔马林熏蒸对种蛋消毒效果的比较

2、This is particularly so when fumigating commodities which absorb large amounts of fumigant and for treatments conducted at low temperatures. ─── 在被熏蒸的物品能够吸附大量熏蒸剂以及在低温下熏蒸时,尤其应该这样。

3、for storage pest control and quarantine of imports and exports points. Especially for termites. ─── 用于仓库害虫防治和口岸进出口货物检疫,对杀灭白蚁有特效。

4、Conclusion Sitz bath with fumigant can speed up the heal of cuts after mixed hemorrhoid operation.shorten the treatment duration and prevent complications. ─── 结论:术后薰洗方能明显减轻混合痔患者术后疼痛、水肿、改善术后恢复中出现的各种不适,促进创面愈合,且无明显副作用,是治疗混合痔术后的有效方剂。

5、Weeds Control on Seed-bed for Nicotiana Tabacum Using Different Soil Fumigant ─── 不同土壤消毒剂防除烟草苗床杂草试验

6、Keywords Girald Daphne Bark fumigant;Daphnetin;TLC-UV Spectrophotometry;Content determination; ─── 祖师麻熏洗液;祖师麻甲素;薄层色谱-紫外分光光度法;含量测定;

7、system of common duct installed inside of a middle size silo making circumfluent fumigation and ventilation to kill pest inset and to cool grain as well as to make using of remainder fumigant. ─── 立筒仓粮堆在储藏期间感染害虫和不正常升温,是安全储粮的难题,本试验在立筒仓内安装了一套共用管道系统,兼有熏蒸杀虫,通风降温和熏蒸残余气体利用的功能。

8、Theoretically, one would expect the distribution of a fumigant to be more rapid at lower soil water contents. ─── 在理论上,预计熏蒸剂的分配在土壤水分含量较低时会更迅速。

9、D-D soil fumigant ─── 滴滴混剂

10、Common fumigant ─── 常用熏蒸药物

11、fumigant insecticide ─── 熏杀剂

12、The container must be packed to provide air space for circulation of the fumigant. ─── 集装箱内必须留有一定的空间以便熏蒸剂循环。

13、The fumigant must BE introduced into the container as a hot gas. To achieve this, vapourisers of suitable heating capacity must BE used. ─── 熏蒸剂必须以热气体状态输入集装箱内。为了达到这种效果,必须采用具有合适加热能力的气化器。

14、Keywords fumigant formulation;greenhouse whitefly;field efficacy; ─── 烟剂;温室白粉虱;田间药效;

15、A Clinical studay of Fumigant washing treatment with Chinese herbs on Verruca Plana ─── 中草药薰洗在治疗扁平疣中的疗效观察

16、A heavy,colorless,toxic liquid,CHCl: CCl2,used to degrease metals,as an extraction solvent for oils and waxes,as a refrigerant,in dry cleaning,and as a fumigant. ─── 三氯乙烯一种比重大、无色、有毒的液体CHCl:CCl2,用作金属的去油剂、油类和蜡的萃取溶济、冷却剂和熏剂,也用于干洗中。

17、Keywords Umbelliferae herbal medicine;Culex pipiens pallens;insecticidal action;fumigant action; ─── 伞形科中草药;淡色库蚊;毒杀作用;熏蒸作用;

18、A Clinical Observation on 44 Cases of Treating Heel Ache with Acupoint Massage and Tougucao Fumigant ─── 穴位推拿配合透骨草熏洗剂治疗足跟痛44例临床观察

19、Effect of sitz bath with Chinese herbal fumigant on patients with proctologic surgery ─── 肛肠病患者术后应用薰洗剂坐浴的疗效观察

20、Keywords Qinzhou harbor;atmospheric dispersion models;parameters;coastline fumigant dispersion models; ─── 关键词钦州港;大气扩散模式;参数;海岸线熏烟模式;

21、ProFume fumigant with broad-spectrum anti-virus, the proliferation of permeability, and low-toxic residue, is the logistics, commerce, forestry and other related industries use more ideal fumigant. ─── 摘要熏蒸剂硫酰氟具有杀毒广谱,扩散渗透性强,毒性残留低等特性,是物流、商业、林业等相关行业使用的较为理想的熏蒸剂。

22、Dazomet is an agricultural fumigant, and kills the brown root rot fungus effectively in the laboratory and field test. ─── 利用农用熏蒸剂-迈隆可有效率地杀死病区褐根腐病菌。

23、The Progress on Study of Phosphine Fumigant Gas ─── 磷化氢熏蒸剂的研究进展

24、Keywords middle size silo;common duct;fumigate to kill pest insect;ventilate to cool grain;fumigant liquid heater.; ─── 中型立筒仓;共用管道;熏蒸杀虫;通风降温;液态熏蒸剂气化器;

25、Phosphine (PH3) is one of the best fumigant, widely recognized as the performance control stored product insects. ─── 磷化氢(PH3)是目前公认的防治储藏物害虫性能最优良的熏蒸剂之一。

26、Compound Fumigant ─── 复配熏蒸剂

27、formaldehyde fumigant ─── 毒消散

28、By our second century, the Romans were burning crude oil as a fumigant against caterpillars. ─── 在我们的第二个世纪,罗马人用燃烧石油的办法来驱赶毛毛虫。

29、Keywords Post-operation of mixed hemorrhoid;fumigant;sitz bath;Clinical observation; ─── 关键词混合痔术后;术后薰洗方;坐浴;临床观察;

30、Keywords phosphine;semiconductor industry;dopant;fumigant; ─── 磷化氢;半导体工业;掺杂剂;熏蒸剂;

31、Plastic mulches create a barrier preventing fumigant gases from escaping to the atmosphere, thereby increasing their effectiveness. ─── 塑料薄膜覆盖可以形成防止烟熏气体逸散到大气的屏障,所以提高烟熏气体的杀虫效果。

32、soil fumigant ─── 土壤烟熏剂

33、An axial type fan with a capacity of at least 71 m3/min (2500CFM) must be used to circulate the fumigant. ─── 必须用风量大于71立方米每分钟的轴流型风机进行熏蒸剂循环。

34、Sanitary fumigant, poisonless and smokeless, can clean and refresh air effectively. ─── 卫生熏香,无毒、无烟,清新空气有特效。

35、;In the first phase of this study empirical soil-order-based TTFs were developed for modeling vadose-zone DBCP (a soil fumigant) transport for a simulated data set in Fresno County (California). ─── 在第一阶段,本研究实证土壤秩序为基础的专题信托基金开发了建模渗流区二溴氯丙烷(土壤熏蒸剂)运输的模拟数据集在弗雷斯诺县(加利福尼亚州)。

36、Fumigant: For storage pest control and quarantine of imports and exports points. Especially for termites. ─── 杀虫熏蒸剂。用于仓库害虫防治和口岸进出口货物检疫,对杀灭白蚁有特效。

37、Theoretically, one would expect the distribution of a fumigant to be more rapid at lower soil water contents ─── 在理论上,预计熏蒸剂的分配在土壤水分含量较低时会更迅速。

38、pre-planting soil fumigant ─── 播前土壤熏蒸剂

39、Keywords fumigant;disinfection incense;air disinfection;Staphylococcus albus; ─── 烟熏剂;消毒香;空气消毒;白色葡萄球菌;

40、Headaches, mild depression, as a fumigant when infections illness is around, nervous tension, insect repellent. ─── 偏头痛,舒解压力,抗菌,亢奋情绪,驱虫。

41、Research on environment pollution in the course of fumigation of cultural heritage and the applicability of fumigant ─── 文物熏蒸剂的环境影响与适用性探讨

42、plastic mulches create a barrier preventing fumigant gases from escaping to the atmosphere , thereby increasing their effectiveness. ─── 塑料薄膜覆盖可以形成防止烟熏气体逸散到大气的屏障,所以提高烟熏气体的杀虫效果。

43、Objective: To observe the effect of sitz bath with fumigant on patients with mixed hemorrhoid surgery. ─── 目的:观察混合痔患者应用术后薰洗方坐浴的治疗效果。

44、Theoretically, one would expect the distribution of a fumigant to be more rapid at lower soil water contents. ─── 在理论上,预计熏蒸剂的分配在土壤水分含量较低时会更迅速。

45、The fumigant must be introduced into the container as a hot gas. To achieve this, vapourisers of suitable heating capacity must be used. ─── 熏蒸剂必须以热气体状态输入集装箱内。为了达到这种效果,必须采用具有合适加热能力的气化器。

46、Grandox fumigant ─── 土菌灵

47、fumigant poisoning ─── 熏蒸剂中毒

48、A heavy, colorless, toxic liquid, CHCl: CCl2, used to degrease metals, as an extraction solvent for oils and waxes, as a refrigerant, in dry cleaning, and as a fumigant. ─── 三氯乙烯一种比重大、无色、有毒的液体chcl:ccl2,用作金属的去油剂、油类和蜡的萃取溶济、冷却剂和熏剂,也用于干洗中

49、Keywords Fumigant;Sulfonyl Fluoride;Headspace gas chromatography; ─── 硫酰氟;熏蒸剂;气相色谱;

50、Keywords Ion selective electrode;Fumigant;Sulfonyl fluoride;Determination; ─── 离子选择电极;熏蒸剂;硫酰氟;测定;

51、Application and study development of sulfuryl fluoride as fumigant for food ─── 硫酰氟在食品熏蒸中的应用与研究进展

52、Methyl bromide is the most commonly used fumigant in quarantine treatment. ─── 溴甲烷是检疫处理上最常用的一种薰蒸剂。

53、Keywords phosphine;carbon dioxide;cylinder fumigant;fumigate; ─── 磷化氢;二氧化碳;混合钢瓶剂型;熏蒸;

54、The Experiment in Chemical Efficiency of the Fumigant on the Control of Weeds in Tobacco Nursery ─── 不同土壤熏蒸剂防除烟草苗床杂草的药效试验

55、Sulfuryl fluoride is used extensively in the U. S. as a fumigant to control insect pests of timber. ─── 硫酰氟在美国广泛用于薰蒸木材上的害虫。

56、Keywords Sumilex Fumigant Safety type; ─── 速克灵;烟剂;安全型;

57、2.In both cases the fumigant is applied through delivery tubes attached at the back of tractor-mounted chisel-tooth injection shanks or disks spaced at variable widths. ─── 2、 可译作:通过连接在连接口凿齿背后的导管使用熏蒸剂的两种方案是:要么注射进昆虫胫节内要么注射进昆虫的吸附盘内。


59、Response Surface Model of Proper Dosage and Exposure Time of a Broad Spectrum Fumigant, Sulfuryl Fluoride ─── 硫酰氟熏蒸除鼠的投药剂量与作用时间的响应面模型研究

60、ethylene dibromide(fumigant) ─── 二溴化乙稀

61、Objective: To observe the effect of sitz bath with continence Chinese herbal fumigant on patients with mixed hemorrhoid surgery. ─── 目的:观察混合痔患者应用术后薰洗方坐浴的治疗效果。

62、fumigant activity ─── 熏蒸活性

63、Girald Daphne Bark fumigant ─── 祖师麻熏洗液

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