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09-11 投稿



filibustering 发音

英:[?f?l?b?st?r??]  美:[?f?l?b?st?r??]

英:  美:

filibustering 中文意思翻译




filibustering 短语词组

1、filibustering raid ─── 阻挠议事的突袭

2、legislative filibustering ─── [法] 阻挠立法

3、filibustering apush ─── 阻挠议事

4、filibustering uk ─── 阻挠议事的英国

5、filibustering definition ─── 阻挠议事的定义

6、filibustering supreme court nominees ─── 阻挠最高法院提名的人

7、filibustering means ─── 阻挠手段

8、filibustering definition 1800s ─── 阻挠议事的定义19世纪

9、filibustering 1800s ─── 阻挠19世纪

filibustering 词性/词形变化,filibustering变形

动词过去式: filibustered |名词: filibusterer |动词过去分词: filibustered |动词第三人称单数: filibusters |动词现在分词: filibustering |

filibustering 相似词语短语

1、filibusterers ─── n.(美)阻挠议事的议员;暴民;海盗

2、filibusterism ─── n.海盗;暴兵,掠夺兵;阻挠议事的议员;阻挠议事的行动(filibuster的变形)

3、flustering ─── v.(使)忙乱,紧张;(使)心烦意乱;n.慌乱,紧张;激动

4、filibusterer ─── n.(美)阻挠议事的议员;暴民;海盗

5、filibuster ─── n.海盗;暴兵,掠夺兵;阻挠议事的议员;阻挠议事的行动;vt.阻碍议案通过;vi.掠夺;阻饶议事

6、filibusterous ─── 阻挠的

7、filibusters ─── n.海盗;暴兵,掠夺兵;阻挠议事的议员;阻挠议事的行动;vt.阻碍议案通过;vi.掠夺;阻饶议事

8、blistering ─── adj.猛烈的;极热的,极快的;n.[涂料]起泡;发疱;v.起水疱;起气泡;使受暴晒(blister的ing形式)

9、filibustered ─── n.海盗;暴兵,掠夺兵;阻挠议事的议员;阻挠议事的行动;vt.阻碍议案通过;vi.掠夺;阻饶议事

filibustering 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、1.The Senate has just voted to waive its “pay-as-you-go” rule, which requires tax cuts to be offset by other revenue, thanks to filibustering by the Republican contingent. ─── 参议院曾经为取消“预扣所得税”法案进行投票,这个法案要求减税并通过其它的财政收入来填补,由于受到来自共和党的阻碍而未能通过。

2、Having faced filibustering in Congress, Mr Arias wants a referendum to ratify DR-CAFTA. ─── 面对议会的阻挠,阿里亚斯想要靠全民公决来通过DR - CAFTA。

3、Oshima and Taiwan signed a Hangzhou, Ka, Lake region agent contract, which sells fabrics shrink machine, post-mortem cloth, for filibustering, bonders. ─── 与台湾欧西玛签定了杭、嘉、湖地区总代理合同,主要销售面料缩水机、验布机、拉布机、粘合机。

4、If you were in the United States Senate you would be accused of filibustering. ─── 如果你是一名美国参议院的议员,你肯定会被人们指责为暴民。

5、Especially senior bed modular CD, has been supporting in Taiwan, Japan, the United States, Germany and other regions and countries in the production of filibustering. ─── 特别是高级组合式裁床,已配套于台湾、日本、美国、德国等地区和国家生产的拉布机。

6、Together, the two pleaded to the Senate for intervention, only to see their request stalemated by Trade Federation filibustering. ─── 他们俩一起请求议会干涉,不料目睹了在贸易联盟的阻挠下,他们的请求陷入僵局。

7、Should Democrats reach that number, the party could prevent Republicans from filibustering bills they oppose, and the GOP would be unable to block legislation they are against from going through. ─── 如果民主党议员达到这一数字,那么,民主党将阻止共和党的反对议案,GOP也难以阻止他们反对的法律获得通过。

8、you wouldn't be faced with civil-rights filibustering in Washington, D. ─── 在华盛顿,你就不会面临公民权利的暴兵问题。

9、filibustering tactics ─── 藉冗长演说来拖延的战术

10、you wouldn't be faced with civil-rights filibustering in Washington D.C. right now. They don't have to pass civil-rights legislation to make a Polack an American. ─── 在华盛顿,你就不会面临公民权利的暴兵问题。此刻,他们不会通过公民权利法律的制定来使波兰人成为美国人。

11、but restore the requirement that filibustering senators actually take to the floor and talk until the majority gives up. ─── 但是恢复要求阻挠议案的参议员要上台演讲、辩论,直到多数议员放弃。

12、Apps for America yielded a number of great user-generated projects including call Congress Firefox plug-in and a site that tracks filibustering. ─── 美国应用”产生了一系列性能不凡的用户生成项目,包括一个呼叫国会议员的火狐插件以及追踪拖延式演说的网站。

13、But restore the requirement that filibustering senators actually take to the floor and talk until the majority gives up. ─── 但是恢复要求阻挠议案的参议员要上台演讲、辩论,直到多数议员放弃。

14、legislative filibustering ─── [法] 阻挠立法

15、you wouldn't be faced with civil-rights filibustering in Washington, D. ─── 在华盛顿,你就不会面临公民权利的暴兵问题。

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