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09-11 投稿



endogenesis 发音

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endogenesis 中文意思翻译



endogenesis 相似词语短语

1、ectogenesis ─── n.[胚]体外发育

2、androgenesis ─── n.雄性单性生殖;[胚]雄核发育

3、neogenesis ─── n.[计][组织]新生;再生

4、kenogenesis ─── n.新生变态

5、pedogenesis ─── n.[无脊椎]幼体生殖;成土作用;土壤发生

6、ontogenesis ─── n.个体发育;个体发生

7、noogenesis ─── 无核发生

8、oncogenesis ─── n.瘤形成

9、cenogenesis ─── n.新性发生;新生性变态

endogenesis 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、An Endogenesis Explanation of Enterprise Value-net Advantage: Knowledge Management ─── 企业价值网络竞争优势的内生性阐释:知识管理

2、A Study on Endogenesis Relationship between Regional Informationization Level and Economy Growth ─── 地区信息化水平与经济增长内生性关系研究

3、This is contrary to Western classical theory which concludes that "endogenesis source of financing is better than exogenous financing, while bond financing is better than equity financing. ─── 这有悖于西方经典理论得出的普遍一致结论即“内源融资优于外源融资,债权融资优于股权融资”。

4、and restrain blood platelet agglutination, decrease cell factor, active endogenesis fibrinolysin decrease Catecholamine chroma to improve cochlea microcirculation. ─── 同时也能有效抗血小板聚集,抑制其细胞因子释放,促进内在纤溶酶活性,亦降低血浆儿茶酚胺浓度作用,进一步改善耳蜗微循环。

5、Thirdly, it puts up with re-establish rural finance system from market and government mechanism, with the change of fashion from ectogenesis to endogenesis. ─── (3)本文在论述农村金融体系的重构中,提出要从市场和政府两个方面进行突破,以市场为主,以实现农村金融体系生成方式由外生到内生的转变。

6、After comprehensively harnessing, the endogenesis pollution may become main internal loading of nutrient in the lake. ─── 综合治理后内源污染可能成为湖泊营养物的主要负荷。

7、Women's NGOs in the local community presented the landscape of "from decentralized to centralized, from exogenesis to endogenesis, from loose to connected, from mixed to independent". ─── 在这些妇女NGO的促发下,本地农村妇女民间组织将呈现出“从分散到联合,从外力推动到内部自发,从松散到紧密,从混合到独立”的发展路径。

8、Keywords Strawberry;Salt stress;Calcium;Calmodulin antagonist;Putrescine;endogenesis hormone;Fatty acid; ─── 草莓;盐胁迫;钙;钙调素拮抗剂;腐胺;内源激素;脂肪酸;

9、Objective: To investigate the effect of enalaprilat preconditioning on myocardial endogenesis protect mechanism. ─── 目的:探讨依那普利预处理对心肌内源性保护机制的影响。

10、A Study on the Endogenesis and Exogenesis of Higher Education Quality ─── 高等教育质量的内生性与外源性

11、Audit risk modeling converts audit risk that is disordered and exogenous into an endogenesis variable that can be controlled by auditors. ─── 摘要审计风险模型化将外生的零散化的审计风险转化为易为审计师控制的内生变量,通过对内生变量的控制实现外生变量的目标。

12、Financial Function and its Character of Endogenesis ─── 论金融功能及其内生性

13、We hold that endogenesis and expansion should not be separated but combined to form an industry pattern with endogenesis as its core and expansion its general direction. ─── 在内生与扩散的博弈中逐步形成内生为核、扩散为体的产业格局。

14、After comprehensively harnessing, the endogenesis pollution may become main internal loading of nutrient in the lake. ─── 综合治理后内源污染可能成为湖泊营养物的主要负荷。

15、An Endogenesis Explanation of Enterprise Value-net Advantage: Knowledge Management ─── 企业价值网络竞争优势的内生性阐释:知识管理

16、Erythropoietin (EPO) is a kind of endogenesis cell factor which was excreted by the kidney. ─── 促红细胞生成素(EPO)是由肾脏分泌的内源性细胞因子。

17、endogenesis inhibitory substances ─── 内源抑制物质

18、endogenesis metal deposit ─── 内生金属矿床

19、Based on the existing literature and the development of clustering and observation on firms' behavior, we find and endogenesis imitation and competitive and cooperative mechanism. ─── 结合相关文献分析和对现实中集群发展历程及企业行为的观察,可以发现其中的内生性模仿机制和竞争性、合作性创新机制,从企业行为机制视角观察集群创新是如何启动的;

20、Determination technology assessment of endogenesis amino acid ─── 内源氨基酸测定技术评定

21、Keywords Shuang Long-lake;Water environment;Eutrophication;Restrict factor;Endogenesis pollute;Primary production; ─── 双龙湖;水环境;富营养化;限制性因素;内源污染;初级生产力;

22、Then it draws a conclusion that capital structure is the endogenesis factor to select corporation governance models. ─── 并通过对公司治理模式的再梳理,指出企业资本结构是影响公司治理模式选择的内生因素;

23、From the endogenesis population migration model, we also implement the empirical analysis of interprovincial human capital migration on economic growth effect. ─── 第三,以人口迁移为指标,基于内生人口迁移模型,对各省区省际人力资本迁移的增长效应进行了实证分析。

24、endogenesis increasing ─── 内生增长

25、Virtually the essential of the SOE's reform is that under all property being owned by public, how to endogenesis the property right basing nature person. ─── 摘要在一切公有的传统经济体制下,如何内生出以自然人为基础的产权主体,实际上就是国企产权改革的实质。

26、Effect of enalaprilatpreconditioning on myocardial endogenesis protect mechanism ─── 依那普利预处理对心肌内源性保护机制的影响

27、All of key contents in our vaccine belong to endogenesis and will avoid human race differences at treatment efficacy. ─── 我们所设计疫苗的所有关键内容物都属于内源性,这也将避免在疗效方面人类种族性的差异。

28、Then it draws a conclusion that capital structure is the endogenesis factor to select corporation governance models. ─── 并通过对公司治理模式的再梳理,指出企业资本结构是影响公司治理模式选择的内生因素;

29、endogenesis innovation ─── 自主创新

30、Huperzia crispata endogenesis fungus ─── 皱边石杉内生菌

31、endogenesis respiration ─── 内源呼吸

32、Free radicals are eliminated by beer for the endogenesis antioxydative activity to a certain extent. ─── 啤酒具有一定的内源性抗氧化能力可以清除自由基。

33、Determination technology assessment of endogenesis amino acid ─── 内源氨基酸测定技术评定

34、Phosphorous metabolize of animal and research of endogenesis phosphorous ─── 动物磷的代谢与内源磷的研究

35、Content changes of endogenesis hormone in apple root under drought press ─── 干旱胁迫下苹果根系内源激素含量的变化

36、Keywords Thesium chinense seeds;endogenesis inhibitory substances;extracts;inhibitory activity; ─── 百蕊草种子;内源抑制物质;粗提物;抑制活性;

37、(3) electronic money facilitate money multiplicator’s endogenesis and more instability; ─── (3)电子货币增大了货币乘数的同时,增强了货币乘数的内生性;

38、Abstract: It is important content for the study of animal nutrition and physiology by regulating endogenesis growth hormone of animal. ─── 摘 要: 通过调节动物内生荷尔蒙水平进行动物营养学和生理学研究是一项非常重要的内容,动物生长是一个复杂的生理和生物过程。

39、freedom endogenesis industrial cluster ─── 自主内生型产业集群

40、The butterfly-effect of risk-acceleration results from the endogenesis and exogenous causes. ─── 风险有类似蝴蝶效应的加速效应,是内因和外因作用的结果。

41、Keywords on line HDF;endogenesis exchange solution;dialyzers;rinsing; ─── 关键词联机血液透析滤过;内生式置换液;透析器;冲洗;

42、Keywords integral biomass separation membrane bioreactor;endogenesis respiration;sludge activity;biology phase; ─── 一体式膜生物反应器;内源呼吸;污泥活性;生物相;

43、The paper reported the studies on relation between content of endogenesis hormoneGA、ABA and stem growth of dentrobiums in huoshan. ─── 摘要本文研究了霍山三种石斛生长期的内源激素GA、ABA的变化与茎高生长的相互关系。

44、money supply endogenesis ─── 货币供给内生

45、Endogenesis Hormone Change in Different Developmental Stage Stipe of Volvariella volvacea ─── 草菇菌柄不同发育时期内源激素变化研究

46、The absence of official identity predicts that the enlightenment power of rural gentry is not the unilateral result of secret endowment of government or conscious Endogenesis of rural gentry. ─── 缺失官方身份决定了士绅教化权力的获取不是政府赋权或士绅自觉主动单方面的结果。

47、endogenesis pollutes ─── 内源污染

48、Endogenesis hormones ─── 内源激素

49、A study of the endogenesis culture in educational practice ─── 教育实践中的内源性文化探究

50、A Research on Endogenesis Instability of International Monetary System ─── 国际货币体系内生性不稳定研究

51、All of key contents in our vaccine belong to endogenesis and will avoid human race differences at treatment efficacy. ─── 我们所设计疫苗的所有关键内容物都属于内源性,这也将避免在疗效方面人类种族性的差异。


53、endogenesis from system ─── 体制内生

54、Endogenesis Hormone Change in Different Developmental Stage Stipe of Volvariella volvacea ─── 草菇菌柄不同发育时期内源激素变化研究

55、The two modes of hi-tech industry development, the endogenesis and expansion, have their differences in the aspects of locational factors, location choice, space scale, and functional layout. ─── 摘要高技术产业内生与扩散是两种不同的发展模式,它们在区位因子、区位选择、空间规模、功能布局等方面存在着差异,但也同样追求创新氛围的累积性发展。

56、Keywords Endogenesis surface modification;Anodic aging;Aging potential;Transpassivation;A.V. modulated passivation;Potential decline curve; ─── “内源”表面改性;阳极时效;时效电位;过钝化;载波钝化;电位衰减曲线;

57、Keywords endogenesis microorganism;activator;gas chromatographic analysis; ─── 本源微生物;激活剂;生物降解;原油;色谱分析;

58、Endogenesis of Ownership Structure ─── 股权结构内生性

59、Therefore, there is a mitigating endogenesis between energy consumption and economic growth through the analysis on fluctuation of the former factors. ─── 但从短期波动看出,由于技术进步、产业结构调整等因素的影响,二者之间的内生性有弱化的趋势。

60、Adrenomedullin(ADM) is a recently discovered endogenesis active peptide that has been detected in many tissues and is involved in many physiological and pathological process. ─── 肾上腺髓质素(ADM)是近年来发现的一种在人体内广泛分布的内源性血管活性肽,且具有广泛的生物学特性。

61、Keywords Shuanglong Lake;eutrophic;endogenesis pollutes;sediment;phosphorus releasing; ─── 双龙湖;富营养化;内源污染;底泥;释磷;

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